A/N I didn't kill someone off this time, I promise
Juliet's POV
The light from my laptop illuminated the room. It's a little after midnight. My eyes burned. I needed sleep, but this show is so good! One more episode, just one more...
I heard frantic knocking. I gripped the blankets on my bed and prepared to be brutally murdered by whoever was outside of my door.
"Jay! Let me in!" Joey called. Joey? What is Joey doing here?
I opened up the door and Joey ran in. He looked pretty upset. I got a little nervous. I've never seen him like this.
"Joey, what's going on?"
Alex burst into the room, "What is going- Joey? What are you doing here?" Joey rushed into Alex's arms and sobbed.
"Gerard is drinking again." I then understood why Joey was so upset. His father was a heavy alcoholic. It must have been really traumatizing for Joey to see his new father repeat the pattern.
Alex pulled away from the hug and looked Joey straight in the eye, "This happens with people with alcoholism. They're going to act up from time to time. Listen kiddo, you just got to stay strong. This is all going to pass soon, okay?"
"Here," I grabbed a tissue box from my dresser and handed it to Joey, "You're here with us now. You're safe, okay?"
Alex and I curled up on the floor and stayed with Joey until Lindsey came about an hour later. We didn't really say much, we just mostly hugged Joey as he cried.
Around 3 in the morning we all sat down at the kitchen table and had a talk.
"This happens a lot, Joey," Lindsey said, "Gerard can't help it. It's part of him. This will probably die down by tomorrow."
"He called me a brat," Joey said quietly, "And promised not to drink."
"I know hun. But like I said, he can't help it. But the worst thing you can do is return the negativity."
"And if you feel unsafe again, please don't hesitate to come over here," Alex chimed in.
"I didn't this time," Joey told him.
"Can't I just have a moment?" Alex protested, trying to lighten the mood.
"We should probably head back to our house and take care of G, and get you to bed," Lindsey said.
"I want to stay here," Joey snapped.
"Um, I guess that-" Lindsey started but Joey cut him off.
"I'm not ready to see Gerard just yet."
"You can stay here for now," I said and looked at Alex for permission. Alex nodded. He was okay with it.
Lindsey sighed, "I'll call you later today and let you know when he's completely sober, okay?"
"No," Joey said with a scowl, "I'll come over when I'm ready."
Alex's POV
"Joey can stay over for a few days," I said to Lindsey, "It's not a problem."
"Yeah!" Jay said, "I'd love to have Joey here."
"Okay," Lindsey said slowly, "Joey can stay here for a little while. Just a little bit."
Joey looked a little happier. This is good. After Lindsey left I realized exactly how late it was. It was almost 4 in the morning.
"Okay guys," I said to the kids, "You need to get to bed."
"Joey can have my room," Jay offered.
"Good idea," I told her, "And you can sleep in mine for tonight. I'll take the couch."
Jay nodded and led Joey upstairs, "Okay. Goodnight Alex."
I paced around the kitchen for a good 15 minutes trying to think about what to do about this. I love Joey and all, and I'm more than happy to have him stay here for a little bit, but I don't want him to think that running away is the answer to his problems. Thoughts started swirling in my head. The feeling was familiar, but that didn't make it any less terrifying. Dammit. Not here, not now. Fuck.
"Uh, are you okay?"
I turned around and saw Jay standing in the stairwell. Instantly, my anxiety lowered. I have Jay. I have responsibility now. She comes first, not me.
"What are you doing up?" I asked her.
"I was worried about Joey," Jay admitted. I smiled, she's opening up.
"Me too."
Jay sat down on the couch and I sat beside her.
"Everything's going to be okay, I assured her, "This is just a rough patch. It'll be over soon. I promise." Jay looked like she didn't exactly trust my words.
"Let me rephrase that," I said, "I can't promise you that things are always going to go exactly the way you want them to go in the future. I can't promise you that all you are ever going to feel is sunshine and rainbows and unicorns and all that bullshit. But what I can promise you is that you are strong enough to make it through."
She shrugged. I could tell that my words got through to her, but she didn't want to show it. Someday those walls are going to come down. They're already falling, slowly but surely, whether she realizes it or not.
"Thanks Alex," Jay mumbled and struggled to contain a yawn.
"Are you tired?" I asked her.
"Maybe a little bit."
"Then go to bed. I have a big day for us tomorrow. And no American Horror Story. I saw the laptop on your bed. Don't try to hide things from me. Alex knows, Alex will always know. Remember that."
Jay rolled her eyes, "You sound like a Mom. No, you sound like Rian."
"Sweetheart," I said gently, "Rian isn't a Mom. He's a cool Mom. I thought we established that. If you don't get your butt upstairs in two minutes I'm going to procrastinate even more and not call the TV dude to get the Netflix fixed. You wouldn't want that, would you?"
She shook her head vigorously, "No, I don't want that. 'Night Alex."
Sorry that this one is so short! I was going to be put with the next chapter, but that one got kind of long so I decided to separate it. Anyway, enjoy!
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