Jimin walked across the beach barefooted. He sighed and sniffed the salty beach air. The weather on the island was always the perfect temperature.
Never too hot and never too cold.
Today happened to be a beautiful sunny day. The clouds were big and fluffy up in the sky making various shapes. The water was this gorgeous clear blue shade that let you see everything underneath.
He kept walking as the breeze here and there tickled his ear. His hair was a little longer than usual. A private island meant little to no communication with the outside world.
So he had been cutting and styling his own hair. Seven years on the island had shown him how to do everything by himself. There were small places around where he could get food, but as far as cooking, cleaning and washing clothes he had to do it himself.
In all reality, Jimin didn't really mind that. It was a distraction because as beautiful as the island was being here without access to the whole internet or a car could get a little boring.
Although, over the last year it had been incredibly easy for him. He still called his mother every week except now he didn't send money. It's not that he didn't have any, because he certainly did.
Taehyung had left him set for life.
He just knew that sending money upset his mother. She hadn't asked questions about his life which made it easier. In a way it was upsetting to know he probably wouldn't see her again.
As the warm sand got in between his toes he suddenly thought of Jungkook and Hoseok. Their tragic love story reminded him of his own. He hoped that Jungkook was still doing good wherever he was. And he hoped that for Hoseok too of course.
Taehyung had kept his promise to not seek for him. At least as far as he knew. He hadn't spoken to him since that day they said their goodbyes.
He remembered it like it was yesterday. His brother Namjoon had been standing in the room as they said their goodbye. Although he never talked to Namjoon he could tell that he was lonely.
The life the brothers lived was no life at all.
They constantly had to keep living with the fear of not being safe or being attacked. He shook those thoughts away and hoped to never live through that again.
Finally, Jimin reached his destination and plopped in the middle of his not so little home. The sand and beach were his escape.
Then he laid back on the warm sand and looked up at the clouds. A smile formed his lips as the corner of his eye caught the most beautiful human to ever walk the earth.
Min Yoongi.
"Dog, what do you see?"
"An angel." He responded.
Jimin chuckled playfully, nudging him, "You didn't even look up at the clouds."
"I don't have to."
Jimin kept smiling and rested his head on his shoulder. Even living on the island he wore black. He sniffed his sweet scent and wrapped his hand around his arm.
"I'm really glad you gained your freedom." He said still trying to process the excitement.
Though Yoongi had showed up six months ago, it still blew his mind. At first everything felt too good to be true. It felt like Taehyung or someone would show up and bust their happy bubble.
So far nothing bad had happened and they had both decided to live in the moment. Being away from him for six years had been extremely difficult.
He learned to self heal and deal with the pain by not thinking of him as much. It's not that he forgot about Yoongi at all, it was just his way of coping.
However, the moment Yoongi showed up again all the feelings and love he once felt for him were revived. It was just as strong. Probably even stronger than before.
"You're getting old grandpa." He teased with a grin.
"Shut up brat. Would you like for me to remind you that you're in your thirties now?"
Jimin wrinkled his nose, shaking his head, "Ah! Shush."
Yoongi chuckled quietly as he kissed the top of his head. He leaned in closer to him and snuggled on him. Jimin melted into his touch like a puddle.
This was the life he had always dreamed of.
And though Jimin wasn't anywhere near heaven it sure felt like it with him.
Yoongi was his own heaven on earth.
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