"Hoseok?" Jungkook asked as he rubbed his sleepy eyes.
It was five fifty in the morning and he had barely fallen asleep. He had a late shift at the club so he was exhausted.
"Can I come in?" He asked.
"Yes. Sure." He mumbled opening the door for him.
Hoseok had a box at hand and took a seat on his couch before he spoke. Jungkook sat next to him and waited for him to start the conversation. It was an unusual time to visit.
"I'm so sorry to bother you at this time. I know you were sleeping." He apologized before continuing.
"It's fine. I understand. Is something wrong?" He asked yawning.
"I have a present for you." He said, handing him the box. It was plain black with no bow.
Jungkook raised his eyebrows and felt himself blush. "You didn't have to get me something. Is this because of the pair of shoes I got you? I didn't want you to think that—"
"No, no, I was going to give you this regardless. I just didn't know when to give it to you." He mumbled.
Hoseok has had this box for over two months. He got it before Christmas, but never had the courage to give it to him. Today, he woke up abruptly from his sleep and decided it was time.
Not giving it to him wouldn't solve the issue. And postponing would only hurt worse. He handed it to Jungkook and nodded for him to open it.
Jungkook timidly opened the box and his eyes widened as he stared at a credit card. He picked it up and looked at him startled.
"What's this?"
"It's some savings I want to give to you. Before you deny them can I at least explain myself?"
Jungkook sighed quietly and nodded. There was clear disapproval on his face. Every time he received money it made him feel dirty. Just like when Taehyung would give him money after their sexual encounter.
To have Hoseok give him the same treatment didn't feel good. In fact, it was a little annoying. He could feel his face redden and his eyebrows kept furrowing.
"I know how you feel about receiving money. I care so much about you, so fucking much. I have a lot of money. I'm not trying to brag about it, but it's the truth. I work everyday and get a day off maybe once or twice a month. I have no family or friends who need this. What's the point of making so much money if I'll probably die before I waste it all?"
Jungkook's expression softened. He knew Hoseok was involved in bad things. Though he didn't exactly know what it was, he knew it was forbidden to even talk about it.
That didn't change the way Jungkook felt about him because Hoseok was an angel. He was sweet, he was caring, and he was so selfless. No matter what bad things he'd done in the past that wouldn't change the way he felt about him. It never would.
"I want you to take this and start over. A new life, somewhere far away from here. You don't have to keep working where you do if it doesn't make you happy. You can move and do whatever you set your mind to. I honestly think if you stay in this town you won't ever get a chance at true happiness. This isn't a demand or anything like that. It's up to you in the end. I just wanted you to have a choice."
"But if I leave...I leave..." you and Taehyung behind. He stopped himself before he said that.
He didn't want to say it because it would be selfish of him.
He wanted them both.
"I know." He whispered back.
"Hoseok I—"
Before Jungkook could finish his sentence, Hoseok grabbed his face and kissed him without permission. This wasn't his type of behavior, and he would never do that in any other situation. But he wanted his touch before he made any decisions.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have," he breathed once he pulled away. Their faces were resting against each other and Hoseok felt his heart being full again.
Even though Jungkook's love didn't belong to him he didn't care. His lips, his touch, he craved it. He wanted it. At least tonight.
"And just so you know I didn't regret it. None of it. Even if we aren't meant to be you still are the best thing that happened to me."
Jimin sighed disappointedly as he looked down at the visible grass. The snow was melting. Chan stood behind him freezing like usual.
To Jimin, the cold weather felt nice. It gave him goosebumps to the point his skin ached. He'd rather feel that than fo feel numb. Empty.
It was useless to try to fill the void Yoongi left behind because there was no way he could. The only thing he could do was keep his mind occupied to distract himself from his harsh reality.
A sudden loud voice caught him off guard and he looked up. That voice belonged to Yoongi. It was loud and angry. He was immediately drawn to it and he ran across the yard to the other side of the house where the commotion had started.
"Sir! We—we shouldn't get involved—!" Chan said, grabbing his arm.
Jimin was quicker and he pulled away harshly as he ran faster. When he got to where he could see, he stopped and caught his breath.
Yoongi looked somewhat different. Not just physically. His demeanor was merciless and hard. In these two weeks he hadn't seen him so much had changed.
He was screaming at another man he'd never seen before. It must be a new guard because based on his posture and expression he looked petrified.
That's when he saw Sehun step up and intervene. Jimin knew there was history between them. Well, the only real problem was that Sehun didn't like Yoongi and Yoongi didn't really care.
In situations like that, Yoongi was always the calm one. The one who didn't pay attention to him and deflated his childish insults.
This time, Yoongi didn't step down or ignore him. They were at each other's faces and neither looked like they were planning to retrieve.
"Mind your fucking business." Yoongi said.
His voice was icy and cold to the point it felt worse than the weather. Jimin's knees buckled at his coldness. This wasn't Yoongi at all. It's like a different person took over him.
Although Sehun looked scared, he didn't break eye contact and said something nasty back to him. Before Jimin could process what he said, Yoongi had already swung at him.
Chan had been next to Jimin for minutes, it wasn't until he saw the tension increased that he decided to grab his arm.
"Let's go." He didn't ask this time. In fact, he was very authoritative which was so unlike him. He pulled him away before Yoongi noticed.
Jimin kept his head turned watching as he was dragged away by his new guard. When he was back inside his mind kept thinking of Yoongi.
Why was he so different now?
What had Sehun said?
"I need to go to the bathroom." He mumbled walking ahead.
Chan quickly followed behind, not leaving his side. This agitated Jimin more so he abruptly stopped walking and turned around to face him.
He brought his hand up which was shaking violently. "I need to be alone. Can you at least let me walk to the bathroom alone? I'm tired of being watched and followed like a criminal."
Maybe it was the broken sound of his voice or the fact that he was visibly angry, but Chan nodded. "I'll wait here." He whispered although he knew he could get in trouble.
Jimin sighed and kept walking until he found the nearest bathroom. He closed the door behind and exhaled loudly. His nose and cheeks were red. It was hard to tell if was because of the cold or because of his raging emotions.
He opened the sink and let the water run until it was warm. He cupped his hands to collect some water and then splashed it on his face. This made his skin burn from the contrast of the hot and cold.
When his face was warmer he finally turned it off and looked at himself again. The redness was still there and the self hatred too. No amount of water could ever wash that off.
Once he was finished, he walked out. Before he made it to the corner he stopped and looked back at the closing elevator. He couldn't tell who was in there, but he didn't want to go back to Chan.
He was a reminder that Yoongi no longer wanted him. He was handed off to the next guard like a disposable toy.
Within seconds, he ran across the room and stuck his hand before it completely closed. His heart leaped at his throat when he saw the man in the elevator.
Min Yoongi.
His cheek was red and his lip was cut. So Sehun had managed to throw a few punches. He debated whether he should get in or not.
In the end he did because even though he was deeply hurt, he still loved him. He wanted his presence. It had been weeks. So he stepped in and allowed the door to close.
His heart was stupidly beating against his rib cage like a rabbit on the run. Even after he broke him, not only mentally, but physically too he still belonged to him. Every part of him was Yoongi's though he didn't deserve it.
Yoongi was quiet and staring at the elevator buttons. As Jimin saw the floor button light up he felt himself panic. This was the closest they've been in almost two months.
Jimin quickly reached over to stop the elevator. Yoongi's eyes widened and his chest rose rapidly as he took deep breaths.
They didn't say a word, but Yoongi avoided his gaze at all costs. He was guilty and repulsed at himself for continuing to hurt Jimin.
Jimin lightly pressed his hand against his lips. He wiped off a drop of blood and Yoongi froze. "Does it hurt badly?" He whispered.
Yoongi didn't respond and as Jimin was reaching to wipe him again, Yoongi held his hand to stop him. His grip was firm but not harsh.
"Why're you without your guard?"
"If I remember correctly you are my guard. Chan is only temporary." He was extremely surprised at his calm tone. He thought his voice would break midway.
Yoongi let go and straightened up. Ready to push the button again, but this time Jimin was the one who stopped him.
"Stay with me," he whispered.
Yoongi's body tensed. The sharp pain in his heart spread all over him. It felt like a blow. A hard blow that ached and swallowed him whole.
Jimin gripped his hand tighter, "Even if you don't want me. I still want you here with me." He continued to whisper.
Yoongi felt like his throat was swollen so he cleared it twice before answering. "Please don't make this harder. Let me go so I can take you back to Chan."
Jimin's gripped loosen. Why did he keep going back to him even though it only hurt him? The sadness that flowed through him was suddenly replaced by anger. Had he imagined it all? Their love story? Was it all a dream and now he had woken up?
As he looked back at Yoongi he felt small compared to him. He had put up a wall that was so high, so thick, and so indestructible that even if Jimin was air himself he wouldn't be able to get through.
He refused to leave without some sort of satisfaction. Abruptly, he wrapped his arms around his tense body and pressed his lips against his neck.
The blush spreading on his face traveled all over his body leaving him warm inside. He hugged him so tight to the point his breathing hitched.
Then, he held his hand and intertwined it with his. Kissing it softly against his plumped lips. His hands were bruised and had dirt over them. Though these hands had spilled so much blood, done horrific things he felt so safe.
So safe in his arms.
The feeling only lasted a few seconds because Yoongi'/ body tensed even more. Finally, Jimin let go and stepped away. To be honest, he had been surprised that Yoongi had let him do this to begin with.
He pushed the button himself and walked out before Yoongi could scold him. He didn't need him to escort him to Chan like he was a lost puppy.
The door shut as he was walking down the hall. He wiped the tears that fell from his eyes and shook it off. These two months he hadn't been able to produce any tears.
He had been so broken, so numb that he physically couldn't cry and that was so much worse. He felt the emotion, but just couldn't let them out.
With his eyes now dry and red from tears he made his way to Chan. Pretending nothing ever even happened. Jimin was an expert at that anyway.
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