Yoongi patiently waited for Jimin to open the door. Impatience had never been a weakness of his, but since Jimin showed up that's all he could feel.
The house was empty—meaning of important people. Namjoon and Taehyung were away with their guards.
The others were guarding the bottom floor and the outside.
It was past noon and the urgency to see him was overwhelming. This morning he had to handle pending business and could not be with him during breakfast.
"Dog! You're back! Come here!" An enthusiastic Jimin screamed once he opened the door.
He grabbed his hand and pulled him towards his opened window. It was cold in his room from the breeze coming in.
It still felt surreal to hold Jimin's hand. It was so small and yet manly. Warm, soft, and delicate. Nothing compared to his harsh cold ones, but it seemed like he didn't mind the imperfections of his skin.
"It's snowing!" He admitted grinning.
Yoongi nodded, if he was honest he hadn't even realized it until now. He had been so caught up with paperwork and making sure everything was done he didn't even pay attention to the outside. It's not like he cared about the weather either way.
The yard was covered with a thin layer of white. The sky was gloomy and cloudy. Yoongi wasn't impressed with the cold snow hitting his face and melting onto his skin.
Jimin quietly giggled as he saw the snow blend into his skin. He was the only one standing out despite wearing all black. The darker color made his translucent skin glow. He was convinced that if Yoongi were to lay on the snow he'd fuse right with it.
"Come on. Isn't it pretty?"
"No." He frowned. It felt quite yucky to him.
Jimin sighed pulling him back inside. He closed the glass door and let go of his hand rubbing his own arms to warm up. Both of his hands were icy cold from being exposed that long.
Yet, Yoongi was unfazed even when only wearing a button up long sleeve shirt. He didn't shiver or showed any sign of discomfort.
As Jimin stared deeper, he saw that his arms were covered in goosebumps. He rushed to his bed and grabbed a small blanket handing it to him.
"You're cold."
"Of course. I'm not a robot." He commented taking the blanket and bringing it close to his body. He didn't throw it over himself eagerly like he was desperate for warmth.
"Cover up." He added.
"I'm okay really."
"How do you control yourself from not shivering? It's freezing outside."
"It's all in your mind. You just have to not think about it and breathe."
Jimin attempted to do that, but was unsuccessful. He felt his body involuntarily shiver to the point his skin and bones ached.
"I can't do that. You aren't human." He replied annoyed.
Yoongi chuckled at his response. When he got mad, a small little hole would form on the tip of his nose. His eyebrows furrowed in and a red tint appeared on the tips of his ears. It was very cute.
"You aren't going to use this right?" He asked, stretching his hand out towards the blanket.
Yoongi shook his head and handed it back to him. He watched as Jimin extended it out on the carpet by the glass door.
"What are you doing?" He wondered.
"Let's cloud watch." He smiled, laying down and patting the space beside him.
"Cloud watch? From here?"
Jimin nodded as he looked up through the glass door. Most of the sky was covered up, but enough was exposed that he could make images.
"Yes. We can't do it outside because we'll be exposed. No one will see us from here."
Yoongi debated whether he should do it or not. In the end, he could not resist it. He laid next to him on top of the soft warm blanket. Then, looked up at the sky and attempted to make shapes.
"All I see is a big blob." He admitted after staring for two minutes straight.
Jimin chuckled and scooted closer. Their arms were touching and he could feel the warmness spread through him. He wasn't sure if it was caused by a blush or because of his body heat. Either way it felt nice.
"I see a jar of peanut butter." Jimin said pointing up.
It was useless, everything blended together to Yoongi. So he just nodded. "Uh huh. Well, I see..." his voice trailed off examining the clouds deeper.
"Yeah? What do you see?" Jimin asked intrigued.
Yoongi turned his face towards him. Now Jimin was the one looking up. He lost track of time and space. Infatuation wasn't enough to describe what he felt for him.
"I see an angel." He finally said.
Jimin looked a little longer and finally, turned to him. He suddenly realized that he had been looking at him the whole time. His face got red as he thought about how foolish he must've looked.
"I wish I were an angel." He mumbled flustered.
"You are."
"I mean a real one," he began. His voice was still quiet and his heart thumped loudly in his ears. It was always so mind-blogging to talk to him with direct eye contact.
Yoongi melted him to the core. He became a mushy warm mess. Literal honey wrapped all over his body making him tingle.
"I would get me a house up there in a cloud somewhere," he continued once again pointing up.
"It would be just for you and I. Our piece of heaven." He whispered, slowly turning his gaze towards him.
"Yeah?" Yoongi whispered back.
Jimin nodded his head slowly. His heart never stopped racing. In fact, he was so overwhelmed with emotion it made him dizzy. Almost like his brain was forgetting to signal his lungs to carry oxygen all throughout his body.
"Yoongi?" He asked after a brief moment of intense staring.
"Can I kiss you again?"
The silence felt thick and cloudy. Jimin was bracing for the rejection that would come. Yoongi's face was blank, and yet there was a slight blush creeping up his neck.
Jimin could feel the emotion rushing over him. Unable to stop himself, he leaned closer to his body. Their noses were touching and as much as he collected his thoughts his fast breathing betrayed him.
Just before he closed the space between them, Yoongi spoke up. "Jimin..." he wanted to tell him this was wrong. That it was better for them to stay away from each other because the end would hurt worse.
It would only make things more difficult. They'd get attached more and fall for each other more than they already had.
How was possible to feel so many things in such a short amount of time?
In the end, he couldn't bring himself to let him go. As much as he fought it, his thoughts were unmanageable. He wanted Jimin and craved him more than anyone in the entire universe. He wanted to love him and take care of him forever.
"Do you not like me? Tell me the truth, yeah? Don't be cruel and keep leading me on. Sometimes I feel like you feel what I feel. You look at me like...like I'm loved. If you don't feel the same I need to know. I can—I can take it. I can handle the truth." He said, but as the words left his lips he closed his eyes.
If Yoongi were to decline his love he'd probably burst into tears. It was better to be in the dark and not see his pretty face. It would make the fall less painful.
Yoongi smiled defeatedly and stared at his face. Analyzing everything about him. His eyelashes, his brows, his nose, his rosy cheek, his lips. Oh, his lips.
Giving in to the inner battle with himself, he held his face with his hands. Jimin's breath hitched and he didn't dare to open his eyes. Yoongi's hands were cold, rough, and a little dry.
Jimin wouldn't trade it for any other pair of hands.
Yoongi pressed his lips against his. The rush of emotions pulsed through their body sending electric sparks everywhere.
It was magic.
It was sweet.
It was perfect.
Jimin didn't realize he had been so needy for him until he felt himself almost on top of Yoongi. It was an affection he had been trying to dominate for weeks and months.
If Yoongi hadn't pulled away from the kiss, Jimin was pretty sure he'd rip apart his shirt. When their eyes met, he felt his eyes build up with tears.
Jimin had been capable of being semi emotionless ever since the breakup with Yuta. Having such strong feelings for Yoongi had unbalanced him.
The brutal reality settled in him, making his stomach uneasy. Even if Yoongi felt the same they couldn't ever be together. Not with Taehyung in the picture. Not with Yoongi's devotion to him. Not with the way their paths were set.
"Why're you crying?" He asked softly as he caught a tear with his thumb before it spilled. His heart felt like it was being squeezed too hard.
He'd been physically hurt plenty of times. Stabbed, punched, kicked, hell he had even been shot. Yet nothing compared to this ache. The pain that came with seeing him cry was debilitating.
Jimin crying was the last thing he ever wanted to see.
"Yoongi, it hurts so much to love you in the dark."
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