Jungkook smiled as he stepped in the room. The man in front of his eyes was sitting on a chair. His leg was crossed over the other.
He was holding a glass of red wine. Red wine. That had always been his favorite. Jungkook wasn't a fan of alcohol, but loved to taste the wine on his lips.
He titled his head to the side with a mocking stare. Shit, the way he carried himself was so indescribably sexy. His aura screamed divine. This man was the literal definition of glorious.
Jungkook quickly bowed down attempting to keep a straight face. Overall, he needed to show respect. Though they had seen each other for nearly a year he was still the superior one.
"I'm sorry I was late."
The man stood up from the chair and approached him picking up his chin. "Don't apologize. How about you make it up to me?" He smirked taking another sip of the wine.
A bit of residue was left on his plumped pretty pink lips. Jungkook's mouth watered at the sight. All he wanted was to kiss him and show him how much he belonged to him.
Whatever he wanted, whatever he needed, and any time or any day. Jungkook was there like always. Even if it was simply for pleasure. He could deal with that as long as it made him happy.
Jungkook broke into a smile nodding obediently. "Why of course T—."
He clicked his tongue while moving his finger from side to side. "No, no. What have I told you to call me?" He asked grabbing him by the neck and pulling him closer. The action was a bit brusque and it made Jungkook's knees weaken.
"Sir," He whispered the breath knocked out of him.
"Good boy."
Jungkook closed his eyes as Taehyung pampered him with soft kissed. He had always had idiolozed art and been a lover of it.
That's why he worshiped Kim Taehyung.
"Why do you let him do that to you?" Jungkook asked looking over at his coworker who was attentively mixing concealers to get his shade.
Jimin turned to face him and raised both eyebrows in confusion. "Do what? What are we talking about exactly?"
"The marks. Doesn't it hurt?"
Jimin shrugged, "Nah. I'm used to it." He said blending in the concealer on his neck to hide the yellowish marks.
"Hmm." He said removing his shirt.
Jimin looked over at him and smirked. He had a purple hickey on his chest. "Why do you let him do that to you then?" He questioned in return.
Jungkook smiled timidly, "It's different. He's the only one that I let do this." He commented throwing on a hoodie.
"What's so different about him? Because he's super rich?" He asked trying to not sound too interested.
Deep down, it upset him how everyone else that worked here was involved with one of those men. Jimin had been here nearly two years and the furthest he had gotten was sleeping with a few semi wealthy guys.
"No. It's not that. I don't know...he's just different you know? When I'm with him...I feel really happy. Have you ever been in love? Being with him, makes me feel like it's love. I can't explain it."
"Love? No. What is that?" He sarcastically replied.
"Come on. You're telling me you've never fallen in love before?"
"No. Love is pointless and heartbreak is a bitch. Who will knowingly fall in love on purpose?" He chuckled bitterly.
It wasn't until the silence hit that Jimin looked at him. He was packing up his stuff avoiding eye contact. He could tell that his comment had in a way upset him.
Jimin then had to remind himself that he didn't have to make everyone around him miserable just because he was. Love wasn't pointless. He had once had it and it was the best thing he ever had.
Plus, Jungkook was the closest thing to a friend that he had. Sure he was a bit cruel, but not to the point he'd make his only friend sad on purpose.
"Actually, I was in love once," he said beginning to pack his clothes.
Jungkook looked up suddenly intrigued. Jimin wasn't the type to talk about his emotions. In fact, he was pretty cold towards everyone.
"Really?" He asked quietly.
Jimin nodded without turning to face him. If he took a look at his face he wouldn't be able to continue. Bottling up his thoughts was something he was very good at. He couldn't even remember the last time he had talked about his lover out loud.
"Yeah. We met when we were only kids. Started dating at fifteen and broke up eight years later."
"Oh, was she...or he...uhh...?" His voice trailed off. It occurred to him that he had never really known about Jimin's sexuality.
Yes, he worked as a dancer for a gay club. He slept with men, but that didn't label him. Jimin was just...Jimin. Flirty to both men and females. He didn't really fit a category per say.
"His name is Yuta. My ex is a he by the way. He's very sweet and super kind. The perfect package from head to toe." Jimin smirked. He could tell Jungkook was so nervous bringing it up.
"Oh. I—I didn't mean to out you out. I just wasn't sure."
"Nah it's okay."
"So, what happened? If you don't want to tell me that's totally fine. I understand."
Jimin swallowed hard and picked up his bag. He looked up and stared at him. "Right person wrong time."
"Oh. I'm sorry. Maybe one day you guys could..."
"No. I'm over it now. That was two years ago. It's fine. I don't want to get back together. I'm not looking for love either way. Uh, I'll see you tomorrow."
He nodded giving him a sympathetic smile while waving goodbye. Jimin was so good at hiding his pain that not even Jungkook could tell he was hurting.
He headed out and walked pass Jeongyeon's office which was closed. He didn't bother to knock to say goodbye. She was probably in the middle of something important.
And indeed she was. Jeongyeon was sitting behind her desk nervously smiling. "Yoongi, I didn't know you were still around."
"Mr. Kim wanted me to request you something."
"Oh, if this is about Jungkook's late arrival I—"
"It has nothing to do with Jungkook." He calmly responded.
Jeongyeon nodded and waited for him to continue. He pulled out a gun and placed it on the table with a sigh. "It bothers my hip sometimes." He commented quietly.
The gun on the table was making her hands sweat. Just being alone with such an intimidating man was scary.
"He wants a private dance with the guy who danced for him first."
"Jimin? Uh, but I thought Jungkook—"
"Ms. Yoo, do I need to repeat myself again? Mr. Kim made himself pretty clear. Whatever Mr. Kim wants he gets. There's no questioning here. Do I make myself clear? Or do you need me to remind you of the rules again?" He asked raising an eyebrow.
She gripped her hands together while shaking her head no. "No sir. I understand. I will get him a private dance with Jimin."
"Very well. We will be back Friday night. No comments about this." He told getting up from the seat. He grabbed the gun and put it on his side.
"Understood." She said while bowing to say bye.
Yoongi walked out not saying another word. He made his way to his vehicle. In the dark, he spotted a figure in the distance looking up to the sky. He continued walking without turning back.
Meanwhile, Jimin was staring at the stars. The cool air hit his face and he let out a shaky breath. The tears kept brimming his eyes and he stubbornly swallowed them back down. No matter how much his pain had him in a chokehold, he wouldn't let it come out.
Two years had gone by so slow. His days had all combined into one. The nights and days blended into the same sorrow.
He lied.
To Jungkook, to Yuta, and to himself.
Once again, he let out a deep breath and proceeded to unlock his vehicle. He had decided that love wasn't for him. It never would be. Because Yuta was his one true love. If he didn't have him then he didn't want anyone else.
And that's what he told himself the whole ride home.
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