Yoongi walked in Jimin's room as the ending of his day shift was approaching. Still no talking, barely eating, and little effort to getting out of bed.
He did have a change if clothes and his hair looked damped. It was a good signal to see him like this. It was the little progress that put his mind at ease.
Yoongi cleared his throat to get his attention. He was laying in bed staring at the wall with his back facing towards him. Although he didn't make the effort to feel faced by his presence he couldn't help to flinch.
"Jimin?" He called quietly.
He waited and waited for a response. Jimin didn't move from the bed. The only thing that was different was his heavy breathing. Finally, Yoongi spoke up again.
"It's not healthy for you to stay in this room. You don't even go out for breakfast anymore. It's been five days and you've completely shut down. If I'm the one that's making you feel like a hostage I will resign as your guard. Chan and Sehun would be your next options. Feel free to pick the one that makes you the most comfortable. I never apologized for my behavior and I apologize for that. It wasn't my place to raise my voice at you. I crossed the line that day of the first argument. Do not worry about the call or nothing else. Taehyung will never know about it. I hope you can move past this."
Yoongi turned around grabbing the doorknob easy to walk out. His heart felt heavy at resigning. It hadn't occurred to him how involved he was with Jimin until now.
In the meantime, Jimin moved catching his attention. He turned back around to face him who was now sitting up from bed.
"You're not going to kill me?" He whispered.
Those were the first six words he'd spoken since the last argument. Yoongi's heart stupidly thumped inside his chest like a rabbit on the run. Had he desperately been waiting to hear his voice subconsciously?
"If I wanted to kill you I would've done it already. Don't you think?" He asked.
Jimin took a soft breath. Of course he was still scared about everything that had happened. The first argument, the call, the arm shooting, and the second argument. However, not having Yoongi by his side was scarier.
It's like his inner self was at battle. A part of him wanted to stay away from Yoongi. Another part wanted him close.
Yoongi observed as he continued to get up. He wore a loose white shirt and black jeans. Barefooted and messy wet hair. Imperfectly perfect.
"I want to go downstairs to Taehyung's living room."
Jimin walked ahead not bothering to put on shoes. Yoongi would've usually made a comment and decided not to.
When they got there, Jimin immediately headed to the shelves that held all the liquor. He tapped his finger on the pretty glass bottles trying to make up his mind.
His life was too shitty right now to be sober. A moment of tipsiness was very needed. Yoongi stood by the entrance keeping his eyes on him like a hawk.
"What?" He asked as he grabbed a random bottle and a cup. Then rushed over to the couch taking a seat and pouring himself a drink.
"You didn't eat much while ago. The liquor will probably not set well with your stomach."
"I want to be tipsy and let go of everything. At least for a moment." He mumbled taking a big gulp of the cup until he finished it.
"Want some?" He asked extending the bottle.
Yoongi shook his head no. "I cannot drink when I'm working."
"Ahh. Of course." He said leaning back on the soft pillow. His eyes starting burning from looking at the ceiling too long without blinking.
"Yoongi?" He asked after a long moment of silence.
"I'm sorry too."
Yoongi gulped down a bit take back by his words. Jimin wasn't the type to apologize or talk with such vulnerability.
"You have nothing to apologize for. I crossed the line and I shouldn't have said what I did."
"It's true. Everything you said is true. I shut down because of the incident with that man. I'm scared. I'm really fucking scared," he admitted while gulping down the fear crawling from his throat.
"You don't need to be. I told you I won't say nothing about the call." He whispered afraid that the cameras would pick up what he was saying.
"It's not just that. I'm scared I'm going to lose myself forever. I look at myself in the mirror and don't recognize me anymore."
Silence surrounded them once again. Jimin got up after a moment and chuckled quietly pouring himself more liquor.
There it was again. Yoongi froze and didn't know what to say in situations like this. He'd probably say something that made it worse so he decided not to.
Nothing made Jimin feel lonelier that Yoongi's silence.
"One more." Jimin murmured getting up. He took two steps and stopped because it felt like the room was spinning horrifically.
Yoongi sighed, "Sit down brat. You're going to bust your face." He sighed approaching him.
Jimin didn't listen and continued walking. He was so unsteady that he tripped over his own bare feet and fell close to the small center table.
Yoongi immediately reached over to catch him, but froze the second the glass cup fell on the floor. It shattered and the glass splattered everywhere.
Seeing the broken glass on the floor and the ringing in his ears awoke something in him he didn't know existed.
It was almost like an epiphany.
The moment the cup shattered, Yoongi felt like the glass around his heart also shattered. It broke into a million fragments where every emotion he once hid was slowly escaping.
It overtook him like a haunting ghost not letting him breathe. How was it possible to feel so much in a split second?
Jimin on the floor.
Jimin on the floor. Holy fuck! Yoongi woke up from his memory train. He packed all those emotions inside once again.
He rushed to Jimin who was laughing hysterically on the floor. Without struggle, he picked him up in his arms.
"Woah. I'm still spinning." He mumbled unaware of how close they were.
"Are you hurt?" He wondered letting go and inspecting his body.
"No. I'm fine. I just need another—"
Yoongi put his arm out towards him. "There's broken glass all over the floor. You're going to cut your feet." He picked him up and put him on the side that didn't have any glass.
Jimin gasped a bit surprised from being lifted from the ground. The sickness was only getting worse. He gulped down the vomit that was slowly building up in the center of his stomach.
"I need another drink." He said slightly closing his eyes.
"I don't think so. You need to go upstairs, shower, and get to bed. It's getting close to midnight."
"I want another—"
He stopped and put his hand over his upset stomach. Maybe another drink wouldn't help the sickness he was experiencing.
"Okaythat'sfine." He slurred with his eyes slowly shutting.
Yoongi wrapped his arm around his waist and that was enough for Jimin to open his eyes big and wide. He didn't say a word because of the nausea, but smiled cheesy squinting his eyes. His cheeks were a rosy pink and the small sweat drops multiplied by having his body heat next to him.
They walked out of the room and slowly made their way to the elevator. Jimin kept the smile on his face. A nice mushy emotion was spreading over his chest warming the rest of his body up.
Why hadn't he drunk in so long?
This was the best fucking feeling in the world. There was no sadness, no pain, and no regrets. Yoongi was here and he was touching him without disgust.
It was fucking amazing.
Yoongi tried to ignore his smile from the corner of his eye. His fingers were gripping Jimin's shirt so tightly. He was avoiding touching his waist at all costs after seeing his cheeky reaction to his touch.
The suitcase of emotions he was hiding was slowly cracking open again. Luckily, the elevator door opened saving his chest from erupting with fervor.
"Come on." He hurriedly said heading to the bedroom and opening the door.
Jimin was still starstruck lost in the euphoria the alcohol in his veins was causing. Too far gone to give a fuck or be scared. It's like he was walking on air. He felt so light and free.
"You need to shower and freshen up. Taehyung will most likely be back by the morning. If he finds you like this it won't be good."
"Taehyung?" He questioned almost snapping out of his happy bubble.
"Yes. Come on." Yoongi let him go as he opened up the shower curtain.
Just like that, Jimin felt like he stepped back on the ground. No longer feeling light and free. The water running thundered in his eardrums.
"I want to keep drinking." He stated trying to get out of the bathroom. The warm vapor started to surround them making Jimin feel like he couldn't breathe.
"No you can't keep drinking. You have to shower. Can you stand up? Or do you want me to fill up the tub?"
Defeatedly, he shook his head no. "I can stand up."
"Okay. I'll be outside. If you need me just call out my name, okay?"
Yoongi closed the door behind and headed outside. He kept his face turned to the door for any unusual noise. About half an hour later he heard the bathroom door open. Just as he was about to head in a voice spoke up.
"Sir? I'm here for the night shift guarding. Are you ready to switch?"
Yoongi turned away from the door and looked at the guard. About two hours ago he had told him that he'd guard Jimin until midnight.
"Huh? Oh, yeah. Right." He said a bit confused. He zoned out so bad that he completely forgot about the night shift.
He looked up at the corner where the camera was placed. Saying what he was about to was a bit frightening for him. All his other jobs were up to date and he could use these few hours to sleep, but leaving Jimin was something he couldn't bring himself to do.
"Actually, I will stay to guard him for the rest of the night. You can leave."
The guard nodded not hesitating. He was to obey Yoongi at all costs. As he watched him disappear in the distance he looked up at the camera. He reached for the doorknob looking away from the recording.
If Hoseok meant what he said, he'd keep this secret too.
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