Yoongi stared ahead at the nothingness. It was quiet and very dark. He had been up since two in the morning due to unfinished business dealing with Taehyung. Although multitasking was one of his strengths running on four hours of sleep was a dread.
His mind was blank and without realizing his eyes started to shut. He stood outside Jimin's door with a hand on his gun for any unusual movement.
Just when he started drifting into sleep a noise awoke him. He quickly took out his gun only to put it down realizing that it was Hoseok.
He had his hands in the air and kept his distance. Yoongi let out a relieved breath. He started to approach him slowly until they were only feet away.
"Sorry to startle you." He whispered quietly.
"It's okay. Aren't you suppose to be upstairs keeping a watch on the cameras?"
"Yes, I just needed to speak to you really quick."
Yoongi nodded and listened. It's not like Hoseok was his friend or anything. They were more like acquaintances. They had both worked here the same amount of time and often chatted here and there.
It had been a while since they spoke so this is why Yoongi was even more intrigued. Hoseok quietly cleared his throat as he struggled to get the words out.
"Thank you for not telling Taehyung about what you overheard the other day. I owe you once again. You've always kept my secrets."
"I didn't do it for you." He responded, but if he hadn't then who had he done it for?
"Of course. Uhh...still thank you for that. I will keep your secrets too."
"I don't have any secrets." He stated with a blank expression.
Hoseok shrugged, "Maybe one day you will and I'll be sure to keep it."
Before Yoongi could respond a scream from Jimin's room alerted them both. Hoseok reached for the door, but got stopped.
"It's a nightmare. It's happened just about everyday this week. He will quiet down in a bit."
Hoseok gulped down and nodded with guilt all over his face. "You could...you could go check on him you know? I will delete the recording." He murmured afraid the walls will hear.
Yoongi kept a stern face. "That's not necessary. Comforting him is not part of my job."
Once again he nodded. "I should get back."
He turned around and left. Yoongi kept listening at Jimin's softer cries. The sleep that had overtaken him a few moments ago was long gone.
"I'll see you later tonight." Taehyung whispered on Jimin's ear.
He giggled, "Okay bye sir." He continued to run his fingers through his hair when Taehyung pressed his lips on Jimin's neck.
It sent shivers down his spine and he smiled. "Can't wait to be with you again." He added. Jimin nodded, "Me too."
After he left, Jimin went to the bathroom and showered. He relaxed with the warm vapor and the good smelling body wash.
Throughout the shower his mind kept circling. The previous night had been a rough one. Waking up with a nightmare was exhausting.
His body was tense and the sleep was not deep so he woke up feeling more tired than before. When he was done and dressed he opened up his bedroom door.
"Dog, I want to go out and get coffee."
Yoongi turned around and nodded. "Fine. Move it."
"Can I drive?" Jimin asked on the way to the garage.
"It's my car." He argued.
"I don't care. Get in or we won't go."
Jimin sighed and in the end got in. "I want to go to that coffee shop that's in front of my hair clip store. Do you know what I'm talking about?"
Yoongi rolled his eyes, "Yes. I'm glad I have a good memory because you're terrible at giving directions."
"Well you know what?"
"What?" Yoongi asked as he pulled out into the driveway.
"I don't give a fuck." He replied with a shrug and a smile.
Yoongi frowned, "You're such a brat."
"You're such a dog."
"Good thing I only have to take care of you for a year."
"I say the same. You're a horrible pet. You talk back to me, never agree with me, and on top of that you're a bully."
Yoongi didn't reply and kept driving. Jimin squinted his eyes and got closer. "Stop ignoring me! I'm right here!"
Again, he didn't reply. This irked Jimin so he decided to look out the window. The whole way there he kept his arms crossed over his chest with his eyebrows furrowed.
"We're here." Yoongi announced twenty minutes later.
Jimin relaxed and felt his heart race a little. The sudden thought of encountering Yuta here crossed his mind. Yoongi opened the passenger door and leaned over.
He nodded slowly feeling himself come back to reality. It was often that Yoongi brought him back from flashbacks and memories. In a way he was thankful for this.
Sometimes it felt like he was living a nightmare on the daily. Then there was Yoongi to snap him back to his reality.
As they headed in, Jimin's hands started to sweat. He gulped down nervously not even realizing the stares from the customers in the cafe. It wasn't everyday that they got to see such a luxurious car or people dressed li they did.
"Are you going to order?" Yoongi asked.
"Huh? Yes. Yeah." He said shaking his head.
He approached the employee and scanned the names. Coffee wasn't his go to, but today just seemed like that kind of day.
"I want uhh...a Frappuccino please. Dog do you want anything?" He asked turning his attention to him.
The employed raised his eyebrows as he looked at them back and forth. The unusual pet name was pretty of weird.
"No." He replied handing the man a debit card.
When he got the receipt they stood to the side. Jimin sighed and tapped his foot quite bored. He had relaxed once he scanned the surroundings and knew Yuta wasn't there.
In a way, he was very relieved he hadn't seen him face to face. In all reality he couldn't even look him in the eye embarrassed at himself for what he did in the past.
Jimin nibbled his lip and suddenly felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. He looked up and made eye contact with a man sitting on a booth across the room.
The glare only lasted two seconds before Jimin looked away. His face instantly got hot and red. Yoongi turned around and looked around the room.
He reached inside his jacket and Jimin grabbed his arm to stop him. "Don't. It's okay." He whispered still red as a tomato.
"Something is wrong with you. You're so flustered. Who is it?"
Jimin kept quiet too embarrassed to say the words. When he saw Yoongi reach for his gun again he spoke up.
"That man in white sitting in a booth was one of my clients. He must've recognized me. I guess I've never realized how many men I've slept with." Jimin said it without looking him in the eyes.
Saying it out loud was something he was deeply ashamed of. He waited for Yoongi's response. Seconds of silence were starting to make his stomach queasy.
As he looked up he noticed Yoongi staring at his chest. The shirt he wore was a bit too big for him and therefore it exposed his chest. Taehyung had left multiple love bites across his skin.
He quickly pulled up his shirt and felt himself turn redder. This is what he was. A whore. A prostitute. A nasty excuse of a human.
"Jimin!" The employee called.
"Go and get your coffee. It's going to be okay."
Jimin agreed and headed to the counter. Meanwhile, Yoongi made his way to the man in white who happened to be with a lady. He scanned their hands and saw two bands around their left ring fingers.
So this man, Jimin's old client, was an enclosed gay. Typical. His shadow hovered over him and he slowly made eye contact.
"Can I help you?" He asked.
Yoongi leaned over a bit. "It's not polite to stare. Especially when you've got such a beautiful woman in front of you." He said slowly. "Would you like if I stare at you in a creepy way?" He added.
The guy gulped down nervously as he looked over at his wife. The panic was seen all over him. "I don't know what you—"
"Have I made myself clear?" He interrupted straightening up.
At this point, Jimin was scared in the background. His heart was racing and if he curled his toes any harder they'd probably fall off.
"Yes." The man finally replied.
"Very well."
Jimin kept biting the inside of his cheek waiting for Yoongi. He approached him over very calmly, "Ready?" He asked once he got to him.
"What happened? What did you say? Did you thre—?"
"Nothing. Let's go. Come on."
Jimin wanted to ask more, but being in this place had trigger his anxiety. He walked out of the cafe and glanced over at the guy who didn't look up.
They got in the car and Jimin felt like he could finally breathe. "What did you say?" He asked again with a gulp.
"I told him not to stare."
Jimin raised both eyebrows, "Oh,"
"Don't make it weird." Yoongi quickly said before he could say anything else.
Jimin couldn't help it. He grinned in a cheesy way, "Aww. You defended me. I take it back. You're a good dog. Such a good dog."
"There you go making it weird anyways." He stated rolling his eyes.
"You can have some of my coffee. I haven't tried it. Take it as a token of my appreciation for standing up for me."
"I drink black coffee."
Jimin wrinkled his nose, "No wonder you're so bitter."
He shrugged turning on the vehicle and beginning to drive. Jimin brought the cup close to his mouth to blow his breath. The sweet vapor tickled his nose.
"Hey dog?" Jimin said after a while.
"Hmm?" He replied keeping his eyes on the road.
"Thank you for that. It's never easy seeing them outside of work."
Yoongi kept quiet and nodded. He didn't know why he had done that to begin with. Maybe it was because deep down he sympathized for him.
Jimin took the first sip of coffee. The warm liquid spread through his stomach making his whole body feel toasty.
However, it wasn't as warm as the feeling he had gotten both times Yoongi defended him.
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