"Rise and shine brat. Get the fuck up."
Jimin screeched at the light. What kind of psychopath was Yoongi to open up the windows when he was in a deep sleep?
That shit was psychotic.
"Shut up. I'm sleepy." He grunted covering his face.
Two seconds later, Yoongi uncovered him. "Get up and shower. Breakfast is being prepared as we speak. I told you I would get you in a routine and I am."
"I don't want—!"
"I don't give a fuck. Get up."
Jimin groaned louder, but ended getting up clearly pissed. He stomped to the bathroom and proceeded to shower and get ready.
Half an hour later he was all done and in a much better mood. The water really helped to wake him up. As he finished buttoning up the blue shirt he looked at himself in the mirror.
"I want to go shopping." He blurted. Yoongi had walked in a few seconds ago after he was sure Jimin was dressed. He stood in the corner frozen like a statute.
"You have plenty of new clothes. There's no need for more."
Jimin turned to face him with his arms crossed on his chest. "I want to go shop. Taehyung said I could and that I don't have a budget. I want some stuff he did not provide for me."
Yoongi sighed quietly. A true brat from head to toe. How greedy was he to want more than Taehyung already got for him? Either way, it's not like he could decline. His job was to protect and keep him happy.
What a tiresome job.
Jimin stepped closer to him and smiled batting his eyelashes innocently. It seemed to work on Taehyung. "Come on dog, take me out." He whispered reaching over to touch the collar of his shirt.
Yoongi instantly stepped back to prevent him from touching. He made direct eye contact with Jimin sending shivers down his spine.
"Did you not learn manners brat? Do not touch what's not yours."
The sternness and deepness of his voice almost made Jimin roll his eyes back from how sexy it was. "But you are mine. You're my dog." He smirked.
"I'm your guard. My body does not belong to you. Do you understand?"
Jimin was unable to stop his smile. It was fun to tease him and see him all worked up. It truly was a fascinating hobby of his.
"Understood sir." He chuckled.
Yoongi rolled his eyes disgusted and pointing to the door. When Jimin didn't move he turned back to look at him quite aggravated.
"Actually, I will not behave until you take me shopping."
Yoongi sighed in annoyance. "Such a brat. Fine. Breakfast first."
Jimin was humming along to a song in the backseat when Yoongi drove into a pothole on the road. This startled him and he gasped loudly.
"Hey! You stupid dog! Can't you see the holes?"
"Agh! That's the second one. You're going to fuck up your tires."
"There's enough tires in the world. I can replace them."
"Oh, but I'm the spoiled one, huh?"
"We've been to nearly ten designer stores. You've bought over two of my paychecks and I make a lot of money. Who's the spoiled one here?"
"The store we're going to is not expensive."
"Doesn't matter."
Jimin pouted looking out the window again. "Can't you play music? This ride is ridiculously awkward."
"You can hum."
"I was doing that before you rudely interrupted. You're so mean sometimes you know?"
"Says the one who called me a stupid dog."
"You call me a brainless brat."
"I did not say that, but I do not disagree with that statement."
"You basically implied it when you—"
"We're here." He interrupted as he paralleled parked.
Jimin squealed forgetting his anger. He eagerly opened the door and got out. Yoongi quickly followed and pulled him back.
"Eek! You scared me."
"Do not get out the car without me. You still don't understand the danger you're in."
"No and frankly I don't care." He told pulling away from his grip.
Yoongi flickered his tongue in annoyance. "Go in the store before I take you back home."
"I still want to go to another place after this."
Yoongi shook his head and kept following behind. Jimin immediately went to the section he was interested in. The hair clip section.
He smiled eagerly as he grabbed all the hair clips they had. All were different styles, from little star fishes to glittery ones.
"There. You look perfect." Yuta said as he finished applying the hair clip on his hair. He handed Jimin a small mirror for him to see.
Yuta had styled his hair to the side with two little pearl clips on the right side. He smiled staring at his reflection.
"I like it when you do my hair. You make me feel nice and beautiful."
"Because you are. I will buy all the hair clips in the world and we will have the biggest hair clip collection the world has ever seen."
"You aren't going to use all of those." Yoongi told interrupting the beautiful memory.
"That's none of your business. No budget remember." He grinned handing him the packs of clips.
"Is this all?"
"Yes. We need to go to that shoe store down the road. I need some rain boots."
"Don't be ridiculous. Raining season is over. It doesn't rain much in the fall."
"No budget. Now go pay dog." He smirked walking to the front.
Yoongi shook his head as he struggled to maintain all the packs in his hand. He stood in line as Jimin looked outside the store window. "
"Don't you move from there. I will cut you."
"Yeah, yeah." Jimin said not taking him serious. He kept staring at the outdoor and looked as the people went by. He was excited to get rain boots. The rain comforted him in a way. It made him feel less lonely.
He started humming along to a song as Yoongi kept moving up the line. The humming suddenly stopped when Jimin spotted a familiar man across the street.
He was walking out of a cafe shop. It was Yuta. His heart accelerated to a high speed and he leaned closer to the window. He bumped his nose on the glass forgetting he wasn't in front of him. There he was, looking flawless like always.
Jimin's face formed an instant smile because he still loved him. There wasn't a day that went by that he didn't cross his mind. He adored him with every atom in his body. He loved—
The beautiful thoughts he was having were suddenly ripped away. His heart dropped to his stomach when another man came out the cafe. The man wrapped his arms around Yuta and they laughed. The pain that came with it was debilitating.
Jimin had to hold his stomach to prevent his insides from erupting. It hurt. It physically hurt and it was excruciating. Every time he took a breath it fucking hurt.
The man had light brown hair and wore a chunky white sweater even though it wasn't cold outside. Yuta kissed his cheek and then they intertwined hands.
Yuta had never been a coffee fan. Jimin couldn't help to wonder, did he start liking coffee because of the brown haired?
When they started walking Jimin caught a glance of the clips in the man's hair. So Yuta was now styling someone else's hair. He was doing everything he did with him, but to another person.
Jimin's eyes flooded with tears. If it wasn't for Yoongi coming up behind him he would've screamed. He wanted to shout and pull his hair. The anxiety and overwhelming emotions that followed was nauseating.
"Brat? Come on." He said not paying much attention to Jimin's body language.
He snapped out of it and blinked away the tears. He turned looked at Yoongi once he was convicted his eyes weren't glossy. "
I want to go home." Is all he said. Yoongi did took note how much paler he had gotten, but didn't question him.
The whole ride home was quiet. No humming and no talking back. Even when he purposely went over a pot hole.
Half and hour later, they got back to the mansion. Jimin quickly got out the car and started walking to the front door.
All that was on his mind was that image of Yuta and that man. He was happy, he was smiling, and he was fine...without him.
How could be so okay without him?
It was very selfish to think that way, but Jimin couldn't help it. He was both heartbroken and angry. Jealous at that man having Yuta in his arms. Repulsed at the idea of that man making love with Yuta.
His Yuta.
"Do you need anything else?" Yoongi asked once he put down the shopping bags.
"Nothing. I want to be alone please."
Yoongi nodded and headed out standing outside his room door. The rule was he couldn't leave his side. Not until nine o'clock when he had the chance to sleep.
Jimin took out the hair clips from the bag and started pulling them off the packs. He sat down on the stool in front of the dresser.
There was a clear container where he was planning to store them all. He had managed to hold everything inside the whole way home. It had progressively gotten easier to swallow his pride and blink away the tears.
But as he continued to pull the clips off, his eyesight got blurrier and blurrier. Until it overflowed like a full glass of water.
The hot acid tears spilled from his eyes and he covered his mouth to stop the noises from escaping his lips. He put his head down as he bit down his lower lip to get out his frustration.
He wanted to scream.
Scream so loud.
Scream until his voice was gone. Until the pain was gone, but at last he couldn't. All he could do was silently cry.
Nothing hurt worse than that.
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