"so what inspires you?"
"are you fucking kidding me?" juhyun sighed getting frustrated with jungkook as a person by nowーwhy are they still walking together?
"i'm trying to make small talk, unlike you" jungkook scoffed gazing asideーif juhyun had to be honest here then she'd have to say that jungkook took her breath away. he was so good looking to the point where it was almost disgusting actually.
"stop staring at me you ugly rat" jungkook laughed flicking her forehead.
"you have a bug on your forehead and it's really gross man"
jungkook was highkey freaking out now but he tried to not show it too much because he knew that juhyun would hold it over him and tease himーunfortunately juhyun knew exactly what jungkook was doing.
"woah i think it's gonna sting you buddy" the bug already flew so juhyun was just being an asshole now.
"fuck juhyun just get it off, please" jungkook crouched to juhyuns level so she can swat the non existent bug away but all he received was a big smack on the forehead.
"did you genuinely think that i'd just let you flick my forehead, hm?" juhyun asked giggling at how shook jungkook looked at this moment and it honestly looked pricelessーno wonder so many people called him jungshook.
they were pretty much right in front of juhyuns house now and at that very moment jungkook was on a whole other level of shook.
"y-you live here?" jungkook said almost gulping at the last word.
"oh um okay" jungkook was fiddling with his thumbs, he looked very nervous actuallyーjuhyun almost asked him if everything was okay. almost.
"i'll see you later then!" juhyun said rushing into the apartment building, she wasn't really good at dealing with people who had something on their mindーjungkook didn't look like that actually, he looked scared and worried.
juhyun tried to stop thinking about it but even until she was back in her room and 'doing her homework' she still had the topic at the back of her mind.
was her life so morbidly bland that she was thinking about the silliest and smallest events? is this really what her life has become?
maybe she should go stalk jimin?
wait hold the fuck up, did she legitimately just consider stalking jimin?
this was honestly getting way out of hand and juhyun wasn't stopping herself for some reasonーshe was about to go sit near her window to see if jimin was there but fortunately her mom came in before she got up.
"juhyun, im not really feeling well so go buy us food, okay?" her mom said placing some money on her table.
"just say that you don't want to cook"
"no i'm really tired!" juhyun wasn't buying it but she chose to let it slideーmainly because she was super bored and needed something new to do.
"why can't we just order food?"
"there's a macdonalds that's like two blocks away, it's not worth the delivery money and tips" since when was her mom so cheap?
"fine" juhyun said getting up and putting her hoodie onーshe then got out of the house and started to make her way to the macdonalds that's supposedly "two blocks away" (spoiler alert; its actually 5 blocks away).
as juhyun was walking there she started to hear the sound of footsteps that kept getting louder which indicated that someone was walking towards her. juhyun was super ready to choke hold jimin when he tugged on her hoodie as he scared the living shit out of her.
"hey juhyun"
"oh hi jimin" juhyun was calm, she really was. but looking at jimin dressed in all black made her internally freak out just a little. he really did look hot.
"how are you?"
"i'm good and you?" the convo was getting awkward and dry real quick and juhyun began to feel stiff.
"i'm fine"
juhyun wanted to choke jimin for being so awkwardーhe asked her where she was heading and it turned out that he was heading to macdonalds too. it's kind of shocking to see jimin in such a place since he does look super fit.
they made more awkward small talk on their way to the fast food restaurant and soon enough they were already standing in front of the cashier getting ready to order.
"you should go first" jimin said standing behind juhyun.
"i want two chicken big tasty sandwiches both large combos with a side of strawberry milkshake for both" juhyun said with a smile plastered on her face.
"how does all that food fit in such a small?" jimin asked eyeing juhyuns body.
"bro just watch me eat that shit you'll be amazed" juhyun said her smile widening.
"you look too happy about this" jimin giggled which made juhyuns heart flutter a bit.
"oh let me introduce myself, hi i'm juhyun and i get excited over food. it's nice to meet you" juhyun said reaching out to shake jimins hand who was in hysterics now.
"that'll be 12,000 won" the cashier said looking like she was that close to killing herself. juhyun wondered why all the employees here looked so miserableーit's probably because they work here, that was enough to depress anyone to be honest.
"and what would you like" the employee asked jimin, who was still standing behind juhyun, after she took the money from her and handed her the number for her order.
"i'd like medium fries and a chocolate milkshake"
"what no sandwich?" juhyun asked looking back at jimin who cringed at the word 'sandwich'.
"the sandwiches here are trash" jimin said getting his wallet out to pay for his order .
"that'll be 3,500 won" jimin placed his arm around juhyun to give the cashier the money and at that moment her heart developed another heart and that heart exploded and now her heart was internally bleeding.
what is she even saying?
why is jimin so hot? juhyuns triggered now this should not be allowed.
"yeah?" juhyun said feeling like her face was a whole new other shade of red.
"let's go wait for our orders over there" jimin said holding her hand and dragging her to the isle where people wait for their food.
he's holding her hand and she wants to scream. juhyun was not the type of girl to get excited over stuff like that but jimin just made her go crazy.
wait? is that his right hand?
"ew oh my god" juhyun pulled her hand away after she realized that this was the hand he beats his meat with.
"what's wrong?" jimin asked his eyebrows knitting together in confusion.
"oh uh-" juhyun fiddled with her thumbs, its something she did whenever she got nervous.
what was she supposed to say?
"your hands are sweaty"
"what i said, you have sweaty hands" juhyun laughed a little at how genuinely shocked jimin looked. he took a glance at his hands and smirked? it was weird of him to do so but juhyun shrugged it off when he said "you're a funny girl juhyun"
not too soon after that their food was ready and they were heading out of the restaurant.
"i have somewhere else to go so i'm gonna head that way, i'll see u later yeah?" jimin said pointing at the opposite direction of the apartment building to which juhyun sighed in relief.
"yeah bye" juhyun said turning around to walk home but she heard jimin call her name again.
"juhyun what was the real reason you pulled your hand away? i put lotion on my hands earlier so it can't be what you said" jimin said looking kind of hurt.
juhyun felt bad but what was she supposed to say? "i know you masturbate every night"?
wait that's actually not a bad idea.
"I don't like holding others hands because I don't know where they've been, especially boys i mean you guys beat your meat everyday and I don't want these types of germs on my hand"
jimin chuckled at her reply and juhyun felt awkward but not as awkward as she felt after the next question jimin asked.
"so do you masturbate too, juhyun?"
"uh-" juhyun felt like she was about to combust "i mean everyone does so yeah i do"
"oh" jimin nodded to himself "i'd like to see it myself one day"
juhyun froze. did he just-
"bye juhyun"
this is so bad
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