i wanna thank succjin n tati (idk her username) for telling me about what goes on at church since I'm not christian !! so ye thanks uglies <33
she tried to focus more but it was still him. it was still park jimin.
she didn't even realize that the gospel was over and that it was already time for them to eat the blessed bread.
as she was eating her hard peace of bread that has obviously been stored for weeks she kept staring at jimin.
the way he wrapped his mouth around the bread was just sexy. everything about him was. from his toned figure to his plump lips. jimin just looked so delicious.
juhyun groaned at her thoughts and leaned back annoyed at the fact that jimin managed to disturb her even while eating bread. fucking bread.
a few more minutes had passed and church was over. juhyun quickly got out of her seat and was ready to blast through the door but of course her mom pulled her back.
"i want to go talk to the priest so wait for me here" and so juhyun huffed in anger making a loose string of her hair get blown to the side. she grumbled something a long the lines of "hurry up" as she took a seat to wait for her mom.
she got out her phone that she managed to take back from her mother earlier and started to play smash hit which was a game designed for relaxation, but it honestly made juhyun want to smash her phone against a brick and infuriated her beyond measure.
as she was about to reach checkpoint six she heard her mom calling her name. she looked ahead and saw her signaling with her hand for juhyun to come over.
juhyun sighed and paused the game as she strolled towards her mother and the old looking priest.
"this is my daughter, juhyun" her mom said as she pulled her towards them.
"she seems like a beautiful young lady" the priest said eyeing juhyun before asking about how old she was to which her mother replied with "seventeen"
"she's the same age as my son" the priest said making both juhyun and her mom widen their eyes. a son at the age of 17? the old man looked like he was about to die, the youngest you would except from him is a 30 year old.
"maybe you know him? his names jimin. he's actually here right now" the white haired man gestured to the left obviously signaling for someone to come over. it can't be park jimin.
"jimin, this is juhyun she's the same age as you" the old man said pulling jimin towards them just like her mother did when she first called her here.
jimin looked at juhyun, a mischievous sparkle in his eyes extremely evident.
"do you guys know each other?" her mom asked possibly sensing how tense juhyun was.
"of course we do" jimin said giving a light smirk that wasn't really obvious unless you looked closely enough. juhyun always looked closely enough.
jimin, his dad and juhyuns mom engaged in a conversation while juhyun just looked ahead, staring into nothing.
how can the son of a priest be so sexually active? how can he just simply watch porn, send nudes and sext other guys? wait, guys? how can he be gay? that's impossible.
juhyun felt her mom tugging her arm as she looked at her in the eyes. "let's go sweetie" her mom said obviously confused as to why juhyun had such a spaced out expression on her face.
"oh yeah, bye jimin, bye father park" juhyun said possibly putting on the fakest smile her mom has ever seen her use.
when they got back in the car her mom just couldn't help but ask juhyun about why she was so spaced out and if she maybe liked jimin. juhyun dismissed all her questions and simply said that she wasn't in the mood to talk.
moments passed by and they were finally back home. juhyun just marched up the stairs and locked the door behind her.
if jimins dad is a priest then no one could possibly know that he's gay. his dad's the local priest so it was impossible for him not to find out if people at school knew.
jimin didn't know that juhyun knew since she basically found out through snooping on on his convos while they were on the bus.
she hates keeping secrets. its so pressuring but still imagine if a priest found out that his own son is gay? and they're in korea too so people aren't always nice.
juhyun sighed and threw herself on her window bedding. she looked to the side and of course jimin forgot to close his curtains.
what a fucking idot.
he probably didn't know that the room juhyun was in has been occupied but still, he should close his blinds for once.
his room was now empty though. his bed was very neat and so was the rest of the room. his furniture looked really nice and modern too which made sense since his dad probably made a lot being as famous as he was. well at least that's what her mom told her.
juhyun wanted to doze off but the sound of a door opening made her eyes jolt open. it wasn't her bedroom door but jimins bedroom door. she instantly closed her curtains only leaving a small area for her to peep.
she saw jimin walking hand in hand with a boy who looked absolutely gorgeous and familiar. really familiar.
was that hoseok?
get ready
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