chubby remile bois
Remy POV
I laid in bed, scrolling through Tumblr as I sipped on my coffee.
Emile was laying beside me, just watching. Not really the screen, just, me. Most people would find it weird, I just found it cute.
Eventually, I finished my coffee and turned off my phone, throwing the coffee cup into the bin. As Emile glanced over at the bin, I hugged his exposed chubby belly, burying my face into its softness.
He looked back at me, blushing a bright pink. "Rem..." He frowned.
I rested my chin on his belly, looking up at his slightly chubby face. "Not my fault you're soft."
He blushed even more. "How come I don't get to even touch your belly? It's sad..." He mumbled.
I didn't respond. Suddenly, he literally picked me up and moved me to the other side of the bed.
I sighed, laying back down.
"No way you can even get close to buttoning those." Emile teased, as I tried to put on one pair of my jeans.
"Wanna bet? If I can, you have to buy me a dozen donuts." I grinned, looking up at him.
"What if you can't?"
"You still have to buy me a dozen donuts, I'm hungry." I grinned more as I finally got them pulled up all the way.
Emile smiled. "Alright. Might want to sit down though, you might fall over or something."
I sat down on the edge of the bed, attempting to actually button the jeans. As Em said, I wasn't able to.
I eventually had the genius idea of trying to suck in my stomach, and even with it being sort of hard, I finally managed to button it up.
I continued to suck in my stomach, scared of letting it out and the button going flying.
"Guess it's donut time?" Em smiled. "Though, you'll have to come with me."
"I can do that." I finally stopped sucking in my stomach, the button immediately disappearing. My belly expanded out, plopping onto my lap as its constraints disappeared.
I whimpered, looking up at Emile with a slight blush. He was obviously holding back a laugh.
"This isn't funny, my button warped off into hyperspace." I grumbled, which cause him to finally start laughing.
"We can still go, it's just the drive through." He picked me up, carrying me off to the car (despite my obvious protests).
He put me down when we got to the car. "You're getting heavier..." He teased as we both got into the car.
"You're the one buying me all the food." I mumbled, staring out of the window.
He rolled his eyes. "You force me to."
I didn't respond. We were silent until we finally reached the Krispy Kreme.
He ended up ordering two dozen chocolate covered donuts. I didn't complain... donuts are good.
We pulled up to the windows, as he paid and got both of the dozens. He handed me one, knowing I was gonna complain about being hungry all the way home.
"Ugh, I'd probably die if we didn't have a Krispy Kreme." I mumbled between bites of donut.
"You know I'd drive across the country to buy you donuts." Emile smiled, messing with the screen in the front of the car, setting up some GPS to go, not home.
I stopped eating. Well, slowed down to talk. "Where are we going?"
"You'll see." I swear he winked, with his perfectly beautiful smile, as he took a donut from the other dozen and ate it in one bite. I immediately turned deep red. His smile, with a wink, while also eating something that would make him even chubbier... it killed me.
Em noticed that I was bright red and frozen. "You okay? Did I do something wrong?" He seemed really concerned.
"I'm fine..." I mumbled, going back to my donut. It was my last one.
"Alright." He got another donut from his box, eating it slowly this time.
I looked back out the window. After a few minutes, I reached for his free hand that was usually holding a donut. He quickly took my hand, squeezing it. I never let him touch me... except for the occasional hug or hand hold.
"Aw, your chubby fingers are so cute..." He told me.
"They're tiny... all my fat goes to my stomach." I mumbled.
He rolled his eyes again. "That's not a bad thing. Your stomach is adorable, probably soft, masterpiece."
"But, I want everything else to be chubby..." I let go of his hand, crossing my obviously not chubby arms on top of my belly.
"Hey, we're here." Em stopped the car. We were in the middle of nowhere... no street lights, buildings, or other people.
I got out of the car. "Why are we in the middle of nowhere?"
He also got out, walking around to the boot, and opening it. "There's a perfect hill for stargazing out here."
I frowned. "A hill? I can't even climb up stairs..."
"Don't worry, it's a small hill. I'll carry you if you're that lazy." He took out a picnic blanket.
"I need an elevator that works for any small elevation anywhere..." I followed Em up at the hill.
He laid out the blanket on the top of the hill, both of us sitting down. Well, Em laid down, staring up at the stars.
"Do you know any, star, patterns?" He seemed to forget the word for them.
I looked up. "One. It's called The Bees. You look up, and then it's there. All year."
He snickered. "The most beautiful of them all." He rolled over to look at me. "You're still more beautiful, though." He gave me that smile and I instantly turned deep red.
"Shush." I laid down beside him, staring up at the stars.
We stayed silent for a while. I could tell Em was planning something, though... he kept glancing over at me.
Maybe it was- "Revenge." He said, climbing onto of my belly like he was trying to pin me down or something. He probably was...
Sometimes I would do this to him, except he'd actually be stuck. His reactions were always amazing.
He was grinning, thinking he won. I could easily just push him off, but...
I hugged him tightly to my chest. He was the one stuck, between my arms and my stomach.
Emile looked confused for a second. "Hey, wait-" He realized. "Not fair!"
"I don't see why you're complaining, you get a free mattress that loves you instead of having to lay on the grass." I responded, hugging him even tighter.
"...oh, true." He put his arms around my stomach, his arms obviously not getting even getting halfway around. "You're really soft..."
"I have to be, I eat a shitton. Those calories have to go somewhere." I squished his arms.
"Yeah, but you're really soft. Like a giant memory foam pillow." He was really happy...
I nodded, slowly drifting off to sleep.
I woke up some time in the morning. Em was still completely asleep.
I sighed, trying to stand up while still not waking up him up. I wasn't very strong, but I managed to sort of just drag him to the car and lift him inside, laying him on the back seats.
I sat on one of the seats, laying his head in my lap. My thighs were close enough to being as soft as my stomach... I hope.
Eventually, he woke up, obviously confused on where he was.
"Huh?" He mumbled, looking up at me. "Oh, hey Rem..." He sat up.
"Yo. We're still in the middle of nowhere, cause I'm too scared to drive." I ruffled his hair. I mean, it was true. My stomach presses against the steering wheel and I'm really scared of crashing and hurting Emile.
He rolled his eyes, climbing into the front seat. "What are we going to do when my stomach starts pressing against the steering wheel? Gonna be kinda hard to drive then."
He didn't usually talk about his own chubbiness... "I dunno, get new seats that go back further."
He started up the car, glancing at the box of donuts he was eating eariler. "Want a donut? There's still eleven left." He asked as
I shook my head. "I already had a dozen last night. You have a weakling stomach, bet you can't eat all of them."
He frowned. "I bet I can. I don't have a 'weakling stomach'." He grabbed a donut. "I'm gonna wait until we get home though. Distracted driving and all that."
I rolled my eyes. "Mhm."
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