There will be spoilers for newer books and chapters AS THEY RELEASE. Each chapter will result in the Wikis being updated. If you wish to avoid spoilers for a chapter, each chapter appearance will be marked underneath a character's book appearance.
Chronicles of Pandemonium is not necessarily for the faint of heart. This series will delve into some darker themes, so some character wikis may be marked with the indicator [TW - (insert triggering content)] to warn readers what lies ahead. Nonetheless, mistakes are all too common, and a trigger warning might be forgotten to be added. If this occurs, feel free to warn the Wiki's creator about the missing information. It will be added as soon as possible.
Characters may be moved around from Wiki to Wiki based on their CURRENT allegiance. If a character moves to another Clan or dies and joins a known or unknown spiritual realm, they will be moved to that Clan or spiritual realm's respective Wiki. Some characters could also seemingly disappear from the series without a known reason provided (oftentimes this is the result of the author still thinking of an ending for the character or waiting to reveal the cause of death or other outcome in another story).
EXAMPLES: if Smudge were in this series and died throughout its tenure, he would be moved from the Outsiders Wiki to the Ghost / Unknown Residency Wiki. If Purdy were in this series and changed allegiances during its tenure, he would be moved from the Outsiders Wiki to the ThunderClan Wiki.
If a character does not appear in a specific book for one reason or another, they will receive "Allegiances Only". If they are only mentioned in a story any set number of times, those moments of dialogue or thought will be noted in that character's Wiki.
EXAMPLE: if any amount of canon background characters were in this series, 90% of them would have "Allegiances Only" spanning a good 87% of their so-called appearances.
Some characters will inevitably share the same name — whether by mistake on the author's part or thematic reasons — so be careful which Wiki you check and where you get your information about a character from as they could be a completely differently character from a completely different Clan or other group.
EXAMPLE: if both Ashfurs were alive in this series, they would be from ThunderClan and ShadowClan respectively. But they're both dead, so we don't have to worry about a useless background character and an overly-obsessed creep (that's named Ashfur).
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