Jeremiah was in an official meeting when they arrived at his office. His Personal Assistant, Fermi, kept them entertained with a cold bottle of carbonated drinks of their liking. They were hosted in the lobby just before Jeremiah's office. Deborah, being his fiancee could have freely entered his office, but she decided to stay in the lobby too and catch up with Matthew. Ella was as quiet as a mouse, with her eyes glued to the soundless screen TV where a blank-faced man mouthed the news headlines.
When Jeremiah came into the lobby, he was so engrossed tapping his tablet that he didn't straightway notice them. He dropped a bulky file into an alert Fermi's hand, looking all bossy in his gatored wine shirt and glossy black trousers.
Deborah was the one who shattered his obliviousness as she flung herself at him. At first he was disoriented and startled, but upon realizing it was his girl, he swam along with her in her euphoria, twirling her. When he set her down on her feet, and kissed her cheek, she was breathless, babbling all at once.
"Jay! I'm done. It was a hit." She could have been a mascot for a yo-yo company.
He laughed softly. "Thank God, Deb. I'm so glad for you. I'm glad that you're here." He murmured the last part as he held her face close.
"And guess who else is here," she said, her mouth tipped into a crescent.
Jeremiah knew that tone, and that look. It meant a triumphal entry surprise. "Who?"
She disentangled herself from his grasp and broadened his range of view to see a smiley-faced, coy looking Ella standing beside... Heavens! Beside Matthew, his best friend from kindergarten. And that munchkin was standing with a smug smirk of satisfaction on his face.
Jeremiah was winded.
"Matt?! What in the-?"
"Hey! Aren't you happy to see me?"
"Oh God! Why, yes! Yes!" he said as he drew his buddy in for a manly hug. "But... but, you never told me you'd arrived in Ivory Town."
"Well, you also never told me you had a cute sister," Matthew retorted with his arms crossed, nodding his head towards Ella who at that moment began to blush crimson.
Uh, oh! Jeremiah knew he was in for a long night of explanation if he wanted to live till the next morning.
It was then he had the time to fully assess his sister.
She had sweat on her forehead and was facing the floor, trying to conceal her blush.
He rolled his eyes. Obviously, the only word she'd heard was 'cute'.
Matthew hadn't changed. Ever the wordsmith with that accent.
His father, Attorney General James Pegamon, a lawyer in the Ivory High Court, had been a close friend of his dad back in the day. But ever since Attorney James became a true Christian, Mr Drestor cut ties with him and even tried to use his political influence to bring him down after he didn't budge to the threat that he would destroy his family and reputation if he didn't return back to their clique.
Matthew and Jay went to the same nursery, primary and secondary school and didn't allow the friction between their fathers to affect their own bond. It was because of the Pegamons influence that Jay had come to know Christ. Matthew, eager to follow his mother's footsteps, had applied for a scholarship in the US Ivy league academy. He went to study his dream course, Marine Engineering.
"Matthew, it's a long story. We'll talk about this later, uhmm?" Then facing his sister, he said, "Ella, how are you doing?"
"I'm fine, thank you," her eyes sparkled as she looked at him. Yes, his sister was cute. So cute that some weeks before their happy reunion he'd thought he was falling into temptation. He was still trying to get accustomed to the fact that she was his blood sister.
"When were you ever going to come know my place?"
Ella didn't know if he meant the company or his house. It felt kinda awkward for him to ask so bluntly but she answered truthfully, "I was so busy at Rutie's and Deborah was busy too."
"Well, maybe today is the day. I'm done trying to convince the Board that using sturdy columns for support is an outdated style. Fermi can round off here. A sister has got to know her brother's home."
Okay, so he was talking about his house. Still awkward.
"Nah, ah, ah... You're all coming to my place. The treat's on me," Deborah chirped. Ella sighed in relief. Deborah was a lifesaver. She still wasn't totally comfortable with Jeremiah being her brother, though she was getting used to the idea. Inviting her to his house-when all the places they had interacted so far had been either Pastor Mike's house, or the church, or Deborah's place, and in the presence of his fiancee and his bestie at that-sounded too awkward for Ella to accept.
Nobody argued with Deborah's offer; they all bounded up into their respective vehicles: Deborah in Jeremiah's Venusi7; Ella with Matthew in his Lamborghini-like car. Matthew didn't speak much, but she could tell, from the few glances he threw at her where she was seated beside him in the car, that he had tons of questions about this whole camaderie he would gladly heap on anyone who promised to have answers.
Ammiel flapped his wings in acknowledgement of Kristel, Matthew's guardian.
Griel and Hammiel were also present, but after a nod of acknowledgement, they returned their focused gaze on their ward.
This was no time to be fraternizing with longtime buddies. The flames could strike at any moment. Though the demons couldn't reach Ella due to the seal of the Holy Spirit that was now on her forehead, gleaming bright like a star, they were well aware that any slight breach due to the cropping up of Mr Flesh in her would cause them to storm her again. The accuser of the brethren was also ever agile to bring up the case of her flaws and the generational covenant that still hovered unsuspecting upon Ella Macmillior before the Lord.
"It's been a long time brothers," Kristel said with a smile that shot myriads of glory all around. "The other warriors from the Occident send their greetings."
"It seems like our assignment will be interwoven again. Just like old times when we helped defeat that old snake," Ammiel said, obviously the happiest to see that more backup had arrived, a very reputable warrior at that.
"I guess so. It hasn't been easy though, keeping Matthew from the snare of the fowler. There were many strange women laying in wait for him in the US. He's been blessed just like Solomon with wealth, intellect and a ruddy appearance. Only the Lord's grace, and his obedient heart, has kept him."
"You must have had it easy for you. Three of heaven's best watching over one heir of promise is no joke. It tells you just how stiff a bolt she was to turn to the Lord."
Kristel chuckled. "Easy for me? I remember the struggle it took to bring him down here. He was quite content staying in the US. If only he knew."
"Let's just hope things roll out smoothly and things wouldn't get too complicated," Haliel said.
"We trust." Even Manuel and Yael just above the Venusi7 ahead echoed it too in union as they had been listening in. They waved at Kristel who waved back.
"And the parcel?" Kristel asked for it by the foreknowledge of the Lord. He had been pre-informed of the situation on ground before his arrival.
They all knew what he was talking about, and it brought a fervour upon them.
"Safe. Still unopened. The time will soon come," Griel said, his gaze fixed Ella.
Deborah spoiled them silly, starting with the chocolate cake, then a tragicomedy movie. Peals of laughter rang afterwards at the hilarious way Matthew told them of his experience in America.
They lingered till it was too dark to venture out. All had to stay over for the night. Thankfully the next day was Saturday, a day off for Jeremiah, so he didn't worry about getting late or having no clothes to change into. Matthew, who still had his wardrobe and toiletries in his suitcase, was covered. He proved to be a lifesaver for Jeremiah, lending him his clothes.
They had a dinner of Macaroni, swiss cheese, seafood sauce and PG wine. The leftover cake was for dessert. Courtesy Deborah Vashmore.
Matthew couldn't help but think how lucky his bestie was to be getting married to this lovely, cheerful, badass cook of a girl. The girls in America were only for flirting, parties and drugs.
Although many things had caused his return back home (number one being Jeremiah's wedding, number two his father's insistence that he come home to get a wife and a life, number three, the unquenchable thirst to discover God wanted for his life, to find his purpose), he was still uncertain if this was the best idea. What exactly had he come to do in Ivory Island? What course would his life chart?
He had been watching Ella all evening in discreet glances. She was an enigma. He couldn't stop wondering about her eyes, her quiet nature-she only spoke in reply when spoken to, and the way she seemed to be hanging on to everything they said.
When later that night, in a besties-update-routine held in Deborah's guest room-far away from and opposite the girls' room-where he and Jeremiah crashed, Jay told him of the whole siblingship drama, he couldn't stop himself from hanging his mouth open at the twist of fate he heard played out.
So, in essence, if Deborah ignored the pressing of the Spirit and turned the other eye to the desperate dying soul of Ella, Jeremiah would have had a sister wandering this same country, which he had absolutely no idea about.
"How sure are you that she didn't make all this up?" Matthew was trying to be pragmatic.
"I was more skeptical and suspicious than you, Matt, because I knew she was attracted to me. She was trying to straighten things up because she had just given her life to Jesus. We went to do a DNA test. It came out positive."
"Woah! Wait, so you mean, you still haven't talked to your father about this?"
"Pfft! What would he say? Besides, I didn't want Mom to get any more heartbreak than she already has. And Ella was more than happy to consent to the whole idea."
"And Pastor Mike agreed to this?"
"Yes, he said God will work out everything himself."
"What about the wedding? Who is going to stand as your father figure?"
"Number one, father technically sees me as a bad egg because I refused to follow his footsteps in politics. He has never been in support of Deborah ever since he met her. And he is aware of Ella and her connection to Deborah. He might do something drastic if he finds her again. Besides, I don't get why, but he's still recuperating from an attack he got; he's trying to keep it low, I guess. Mom has already given her blessing. I've asked Pastor Mike to stand as my father figure."
There was a few minutes' silence.
"This is crazy," Matthew finally muttered.
"I know, bro. Trust me, I know. But I can't wait any longer. If we drag out this courtship for another year, I really might go crazy."
Matthew smirked mischievously. "You're love drunk, uhn? Can't wait to have her all to yourself. Never thought I'd see the day."
Jeremiah gave him a playful jab.
"And what about your sister?"
"What about her?"
"Have you gotten to know her? Y'know, bonded?"
"I've been busy with a lot. Try being an architect, a manager of a developing company and a husband-to-be all at once. I'll get to it."
"Yeah... Typical of you to say. Mr Busyman," Matthew deadpanned. "So when is the wedding date?"
"Just three weeks to go," Jeremiah said with a grin.
"What? Three week?"
"Relax bro. It's a simple wedding. Nothing much."
"Well, grab some sleep, egg head. Tomorrow, we start scouting for the perfect suit and tuxedo for your wedding."
Author's note: Three weeks to their wedding? Aaaahhh!!! I'm panicking. Our Deborah will no longer be a bachelorette, but a pretty wife. 👰🌹
And what do you all say about our new face, Kristel, Matthew's guardian angel🥰🔥. The army of the Lord is gathering for the looming war. ⚔️
Noticed any errors or plot holes? Please, be nice enough to point 'em out.🙏🥺 I am in the middle of writing two books simultaneously so I don't want to mix anything up by accident.
I'd be so happy to see your hearty comments, votes and shares. 😁 Feel free. It won't cost you a dime to gift me with. 🎁
The Lord loves you and is always watching over you. ❤️
Over and out.
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