11, Day Ten II
I knew what I had to do.
I stood up from the ground and slid the necklace over my head.
Determinedly, I went over to the window and ripped down the blinds that had somehow been fixed closed since I'd been here. Then I pulled opened the glass windows.
The rays from the sun hit me directly in the face. I closed my eyes and breathed it in deep, wanting to take it all in; through my lungs, through my skin.
Suddenly it came. That light-headed feeling, as I felt my soul zap up to the sky, although I could feel my body resting on the window sill.
Holding tight onto the sill I parted my mouth open the slightest bit and slowly reached for it deep inside of my soul. Softly, I connected with it and started the journey to my mouth.
It started out as a low piercing sound as it spread far out of my mouth into the atmosphere. I could see as well as feel the light violet energy waves as they rippled out far into the space.
It continued to flow out of me, seeking and seeking to reach them.
I didn't give up, I knew it'd reach them anytime soon and come bouncing back to me. I knew they must be nearby, searching for me too. It was my piya and his assistant I had felt that day.
I kept making the sound waves flow out and I found myself slightly feeling panicked when I still didn't receive any response but I quickly shook it off. I had to be strong to keep the connection strong! How I wished I was as strong as my brothers — they could do it stronger using the barest amount of energy.
Yes, it came in everybody on our planet, it was just stronger in the Koye and strongest in the Koe.
Without warning, my energy waves hit me back in the face. I almost reeled back but stood my ground, memorizing the image it had formed back.
A travelling pod. One of ours. The connection was still there and I could vividly feel the aura of the people inside as it rapidly formed images.
Piya! He was knelt at the glass side with his face set and I knew he was reaching out to me. Then Teisan's face came looming over Piya's body, followed by Scakuus' I could feel the others too but their images weren't coming clear.
The first wave came gently at me, lapping over my skin.
<We are coming for you, Thirada. We are,> Piya's voice said.
<Piya!> I gasped. <Piya, you have to come quickly! These people are—>
<In a few, my dear, in a few. Do stay calm>
<Why are you locked up high in that place? I can't feel around it except through the glass> Teisan growled.
<Sound proof. Teisan!> I cried.
<Do not cry,> Scakuus and Piya said together.
<We are almost . . .>
'Hey, what the fuck are you doing there?!' someone screamed and pulled me back, roughly, severing the connection.
I cried out at the loss.
'I knew I was hearing a strange sound. Fuck! Who the fuck left the fuckin' windows open?' It was the-man-with-huge-glass-eyes.
The-man-with-glass-eyes came forward skeptically. 'This is not the way to handle it, boss. Let's . . . Tatiana, dear, what—?'
I'd now recovered from the shock of the loss. I angrily shrugged out of the man's hands and glared at the other man.
'Don't you ever call me that again!' I glared at me and moved back away from them, launching the broken sitting place at them. It crashed out of the door. (Yeah, it was not a box or box cover)
'You think I don't know all you've done? How you invaded my homeland and abducted me. If I hadn't fallen down the stairs that first day and hit my head I wouldn't be here!' I screamed.
'What in hell is hap. . .' the man I had called 'Dad' stopped short of entering the room, turning white on sighting me. He continued inside gingerly. More people were behind him, I noticed.
'Keep shut!' I fired at the crowd that had now gathered.
They gasped collectively.
Suddenly, the doctor man dived at me. But I had noticed — felt — it a few seconds before he did; the kinetic energy building up as he prepared for the dive. I stepped out of his way and in the same second threw a blast of my purple energy from my hand at him.
He froze on the spot, still in the dive and fell to the ground, no longer alive.
I had stopped his heart beat.
'What the fuck!'
The people started to scream and run out but found themselves slamming into an invisible wall. But I could see the wall, the thin, transparent wall with streaks of purple energy running around in it.
'Nobody is going nowhere. They are coming for me. They are here, I can feel them. You'll all get punished for what you've done to me!'
Suddenly the hotheaded man that had been arguing earlier with the-man-who-was-not-my-piya whipped out a black rod. The kind those dark men had held, but shorter.
He pointed it at me with a look of rage on his ugly face. 'Stick 'em—'
A yellow zap penetrated through the wall directly above him, he froze on the spot and then clattered to the ground, shattering.
More screaming followed. The screams turned to wails and cries as the roof above was ripped off and the walls collapsed.
I looked up and smiled as the airpod hovered in the open space and Piya got down from it first, reaching the ground on his lift energy wave.
I ran to meet him. 'Piya!'
I cried into his strong arms, unable to say a thing.
The airpod finally settled on the next room, crushing it to the ground.
I could hear alarm wails as many mobile vehicles surrounded and uniformed people came out, there were also a clutter of odds of people staring in shock. But I could not hear them, I didn't care. The bad people in the room could not too, and that was because of the force field was sound proof too.
Teisan and the others came out of the pod too and I ran to hug him.
'How did you even survive here? They're so backward and life looks very unsimplified here.' Teisan scoffed.
I looked up from his chest, laughing. 'They locked up in the house all the time. I only saw the outside once and that was in the blue sun. By the way, their night sun is white here.'
'And their day sun is too bright and yellow here. A harsh change from the orange-pink at home,' Scakuus said, coming up behind me.
I turned out of Teisan's arms into his. 'Thira, you have no idea how much I've missed you. I'm so glad that you're safe.'
'Yeah,' I said, breathless. I was also at a loss for words. I felt all my emotions couldn't be conveyed through words of mouth.
'Åra Koe,' Aitaku, Piya's assistant said softly.
I smiled fondly at the man, really glad to see him.
I noticed that the people in the room were looking frightened and confused as well.
Oh, they didn't understand our language. That was one of things with them, it was only English they could speak, whereas at home, we had knowledge of all the languages in the universe.
'Did you Earthlings really think we wouldn't find you?' Piya pranced around with angry energy. It looked like it was all he could do not to kill all of them with a wave of his hand.
'We have the knowledge of all the planets in the universe. Earth, one of the three inhabited planets in the first solar system,' he mused. 'I wonder how you found us, though. We never thought any planet in the the orbit of the first sun would ever find us.'
The-man-with-huge-glass-eyes stepped up, adjusting his glass eyes on his nose. 'We are more advanced in technology than you think. A satellite of ours strayed out of the solar system and—'
'So that's it. You still use those physical things.' Teisan scoffed.
'Koe Keciyi, let's not have any conversation with them. It's only going to waste our time and it still does not take away the fact that they invaded our planet.' Aitaku spat out the 'invaded' like something distasteful.
'You are right, Aitaku, you're right. Get the young ones back on the pod, let's leave. I probably should punish them for it but you know I do hate to take lives.'
'Yes, Koe Keciyi.'
Aitaku offered his hand to lead me to the pod. I looked back at those people and dropped one corner of my lips. They had brainwashed and experimented on me, if I hadn't overhead them and regained my memory, they might have kept me forever and who knows what more they had had in store for me.
But still, I felt sorry for them a little. Why couldn't they just stay in their planet as they were and live their lives? Why look for trouble for themselves? Didn't they know all these shortened the life spans?
'Åra Koe,' Aitaku called gently.
I shook my head clear of the thoughts and took his hand. The others were already almost in. Piya took up the rear.
'You aren't gonna get away with this, motherfuckers!'
We looked back just in time to see Marilla charging at us with one of those sharp cutting utensils.
'No!' I screamed, not for us but for her. For what I knew would befall her.
Piya confused at my cry lost charging velocity and the energy darting out of his hand hit her in the upper body instead.
Her eyes widened in horror as she dropped the metal and looked down at her body. She looked back up and then crumbled to the ground, bleeding red.
There was more screaming now.
I was ushered into the airpod and as the vaults locked up I stared out the glass at her. She had been hit somewhere in her upper body, I didn't know where but it looked close to the neck. Was she going to live?
Piya came to stand beside me and put his arm on my shoulder. I looked up at him, worried, but he didn't look back at me. His steel gaze was at the distance.
I continued to stare down at the scene below. The force field I created had now lifted and the uniformed people could be seen trooping into the upper floor.
They started to shoot numerous projectiles from their rods up at us but once it reached the pod's force field it was bounced back harmlessly.
Suddenly they stopped shooting.
Some continued to stare at us till they looked confused. I knew what had caused the confusion. Once the airpod was in air mode it had become invisible so that the people down there were now staring at empty space, not seeing us but we could see them clearly.
It looked like Marilla was getting help. But I still wasn't sure she would live. She may and she may not.
But there was nothing I could do about it. That wasn't my business now. I had to get my act together and prepare to meet my family.
My heart started to race in excitement as I thought of them. Miya! Little Nachi! O'Deeka! The triplets! Had I missed them all!
I turned to face the others, my face brimming with excitement already.
'And what in the realms do you have on?' Teisan said, a look of amusement on his face as he scrutinized me.
The others chuckled lightly. The leghuggers couldn't feel any tighter.
I rolled my eyes.
The end . . . not! 😂😂🤭
Technically, this is it, but there's just an epilogue to go.
I can't wait to finish this story! I'm so happy to know that I got my lazy slowpoke self to finish a book!
What do you think would happen to Marilla?
Do you think the way the Koe handled the case was fair enough?
Please, please, please, don't forget to vote and comment. It means the world to me!
Thanks! 😘
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