the daily visits to the downtown area continued everyday for harry, no matter how cold it had gotten. for a whole week, harry would head down into town after making up some sort of excuse to his mother and sister. in reality, he had only gone down so he could see louis sing and play his guitar.
each and every day, louis would get a bit more money than the previous before, putting it towards the chemotherapy that his mother had begun with the last week.
people actually enjoyed his music, and louis was doubting himself in the beginning of this little hobby that people would hate it. but when some people would gather around to watch and listen, he'd smile. especially when more five dollar bills were dropped into the case.
harry would contribute to the case, and even dropped in a ten dollar bill once. he loved seeing louis' face light up with joy, and each day the two would only smile at one another, and that was it. no name exchange, no conversation. they hadn't spoken, well, harry hasn't spoken, since the compliment when he first found louis on the side of the street.
it was that one day when harry was walking on the sidewalk towards the all too familiar spot where louis would be sitting and strumming different chords to his guitar.
the two talked.
louis wanted to know his name. it bothered him beyond belief that he was just a boy without a name and the same went for harry. so after harry paid a little visit, louis pressed the pads of his fingers against the strings, making the music coming from the guitar cease.
"wait-" his voice was shy and quiet, not much of a talkative person around new people. the only people who ever truly saw his outgoing side was his family.
harry was surprised to hear a voice come from behind him, turning back around to face louis. he cleared his throat a bit, giving louis a small smile. "yes?"
"what is your name?" the question was definitely randomly to harry, but he still answered nonetheless for he was actually interested in the other's name, as well.
"harry," he replied with a smile. "and you?"
"louis," finally, louis could fangirl to lottie about how he knew the boy's name, who he also hadn't shut up about within this past week. "i, uh, i wanna thank you. for the little donations you give everyday. every little bit counts and i appreciate it a lot, harry."
harry wondered what the 'donations' were needed for, but it wasn't exactly his business, so he kept his mouth shut about it. "no need to thank me, love. talented musicians deserve credit for what they do."
"oh i'm not-" louis started, his cheeks shading pink at the pet name, cutting himself off so he could find the right words to say. "i only know a few songs. i taught myself a few years ago and before my dad left, he bought me a guitar for my birthday."
louis smiled sadly at the memory, and how happy he was when opening the box and seeing the guitar case which held the guitar itself.
he missed when his family were okay and on their feet.
harry noticed the sudden sadness that radiated off of the smaller, a small frown forming on his own face. "what do you mean 'left'?" he was curious, though it wasn't his business. he just didn't want to see louis sad.
louis looked down at the strings on his guitar, strumming each one of them quietly in thought. finally, he sighed, "he left my mother, sisters, and baby brother about a year ago."
harry felt sympathy for the boy, imagining the hurt louis had faced due to his father leaving. he himself knew the pain of a father walking out of a child's life, for it was just him, gemma, and anne at the house.
"i'm sorry to hear about that," his voice was gentle. "i know the feeling."
"you do?" louis looked back up, a scarf hugging his neck and keeping him pretty warm. harry thought he looked beautiful, especially with the way the snow on the sidewalk put a small shine on his face, his blue eyes turning a crystal blue shade.
harry nodded. "my father left my sister and i when i was eight."
louis smiled sadly. "i'm sorry."
he shrugged his shoulders, kicking at some of the snow underneath of his boot. "it's in the past for a reason." he put on a smile, changing up the topic some. "you said you had siblings, yes?"
"five sisters and one brother." louis smiled at the mention of his siblings. he absolutely adored them, and they helped keep him strong.
harry's eyebrows rose a bit, but the smile never left. "holy cow," he chuckled. "your mother must be very strong and brave, taking care of seven kids as a single mum."
it was a touchy subject for louis to speak of, but he couldn't be mad at harry, because harry didn't know his mother had cancer.
his grip around the neck of the guitar tightened, his smile dropping from his face and gaze moving down to his lap. harry's own smile fell, realizing that maybe he shouldn't have said that. but he couldn't quite figure out why the subject was sensitive to louis. "i'm sorry, i-"
"no, no, it's okay," louis shook his head, eyes shutting for a moment so he wouldn't tear up in front of harry. that was the last thing he wanted. "i'll explain it all, just-not here. not where everyone can see me and judge me."
louis wasn't sure why he was close to opening up about his personal life and family to this boy who had just dropped off money into his guitar case, but he was. for some odd reason, he felt as if harry was trustworthy.
harry knew something about louis' mother was bothering and upsetting him, so he thought of a place where the two could go for more privacy to talk. and maybe even get to know each other better.
"i won't judge you, i promise," he reassured, taking careful steps over to louis and kneeling down beside him. "i know a small coffee shop not too far from here. we can go there, if you want."
louis, with teary eyes, looked up to harry, who's heart faltered at the sight of the sad boy. louis nodded, moving his guitar to lay it down into the money filled case, zipping it up.
harry stood from his kneeled position, holding his hand out for louis, who thankfully took the hand and stood up. he grabbed the guitar case, slinging it over his shoulders and wiping away at his eyes with the freehand that wasn't grasping harry's.
louis felt as if their hands fit perfectly entwined, but he pushed the feeling aside while the two began walking down the street with harry leading the way. their hands stayed connected, but neither of them seemed to mind whilst so.
the coffee shop was a few blocks down, and within a five minute walk filled with a silence that was far from awkward, the only sound being passing cars and bells chiming from opening and closing shop doors, they arrived. harry pulled the door open, allowing louis to enter through first with blushing cheeks at the kind, gentleman-like gesture.
louis looked around the small café, smiling at the cute and new surroundings. he hadn't been here before, but he had heard of the small shop.
the two walked over to one of the empty booths in the corner, both taking a seat on the same side. typically one would sit on one side and the other on the opposite, but as harry slid into one of the seats, louis slid in beside him.
they waited until the waitress came over and took their order, and she had this knowing look on her face as if she assumed the two were a couple by the way their hands were still intertwined under the table. harry and louis hadn't even realized.
harry went with a hot chocolate, while louis ordered a chocolate chip muffin and fresh cup of yorkshire tea, saying how he preferred it over coffee.
little did louis know, harry planned on paying for both of their orders.
when their orders arrived, the lady with a nametag reading 'jenna' spoke, "you two make a lovely couple."
by this time, louis was already taking a careful sip from his tea, and almost sputtered on the hot liquid at her words. harry's eyes widened a bit, opening his mouth to correct her before her face flashed with realization. "oh my- i'm sorry. i just assumed-" her gaze shifted to the two's intertwined hands.
harry glanced down at their fingers, a blush coating his cheeks. "it's quite alright, don't worry." he gave her a reassuring smile, before she nodded and returned it. "enjoy." she said, before walking back to the counter.
louis wiped his mouth with a napkin, wincing at the burning to his tongue from the tea. when the burning subsided, he sighed and looked over at harry. "okay, the reason behind my mother.."
when louis dragged on, harry gave his hand a squeeze. "only tell me if you feel comfortable enough to."
louis nodded, setting the cup down. "my father, i explained already that he left my family and i about a year ago. ever since, we haven't been the wealthiest and been struggling majorly, but we're getting by in a three bedroom home." louis looked up to harry. "i want to start off by saying the last thing i want is sympathy. i don't want you to feel bad for me.."
harry nodded, urging for the boy to continue.
sighing, he spoke again. "a bit of time ago my mother was diagnosed with cancer."
harry's mouth dropped some, pure shock covering his face. he definitely didn't expect that, but he now knew why louis was so upset about the topic of his mother.
"due to our financial ability, we hadn't been able to start the chemotherapy for awhile, which is why i sit out on the street and sing and play guitar. i know that every little bit of money counts and it could save my mum's life. i had to save up some so we wouldn't be in too much debt with the hospital once she's taken off of the chemo. but, i'm really scared, harry."
"i would be, too." harry frowned, his thumb grazing over the back of louis' hand soothingly.
by now, louis' eyes were teary and a tear managed to slip down his cheek. "she's at stage four and it fucking terrifies me. i can't lose my own mother, i already lost my dad. what would happen to my brother and sisters? lottie is the oldest besides me and she'll be turning eighteen soon, but what about all the younger? and the babies, doris and ernest?"
he was rambling, and harry could tell. but he let him do just that, knowing it would lift a weight off of louis' chest.
"i've always believed in god, always. i know there's something or perhaps someone that controls everything and created everything and everyone. but if he really exists, then why would he do this to me and my family? what did we ever do besides try to keep our family from falling apart, struggling ever since dad left? especially around christmas time, why would this all happen all at once?"
harry moved his arm to wrap around louis' shoulders, having the release the grip on his hand but doing so anyways. louis' eyes were red rimmed from holding back tears, turning his head to bury his face against harry's shoulders.
"i'm really sorry to hear about your mum, love," harry's voice was sweet, soothing louis as the tears eventually stopped streaming. "the only thing you can do is hope for the best. keep your chin up and be optimistic."
louis nodded, his face still hidden. harry's voice was like music to his ears, and music was his escape from the tragic things of the world.
louis knew from that point forward he could grow to like harry and be eternally thankful for him.
i'm half asleep while writing this, so i hope it's not shit.
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