A/N: I had been thinking about how to continue this long and hard, but I've already written almost everything I have wanted this story to include so I decided to not draw this story out unnecessarily and end this here. I hope you like it.
This doesn't mean I will stop writing. I will definitely keep writing one shots and maybe another story if I get enough time.
Anyways, thank you all for reading this. I hope I made your day a bit better. All the love<3
Sitting at home alone was not how Draco had imagined spending his Christmas eve. If Harry kept his promise he should be home any minute. Draco took a glance at his watch which Harry had given him for their four year anniversary, which was New Years last year.
Unbidden, his mind wandered to New Years five years ago. The Battle sometimes still haunted him, especially almost losing Harry. He did not just almost die, he really did die. Their first fight arouse partly from that. Draco remembered it clearly.
They were sat in Professor Dumbledore's office for their first meeting about finally banning The Dark Lord from this earth to never come back. At that time, they still did not know about the Horcruxes in particular, but Dumbledore knew that through something like this, the Dark Lord could still return.
Then, Harry spoke about his near-death experience, about how he had gotten into a white, bright passageway that looked a bit like the train station King's Cross, and there lay a very ugly naked thing, kind of like the Voldemort (Draco still flinched at his name) before he got his new body on the graveyard four years ago, but somehow, when he wished to be back in Draco's arms, Harry's wish was granted.
"Oh yes." Dumbledore said. "Love. It can overcome anything. I guess you really died that day, but through the resurrection stone, that I told Draco to keep in your hand, and through your decision to return to your love, you came back and left the part, that Voldemort kept in you behind."
"Why would Voldemort keep part of himself in me?" Harry wondered, but Draco was only half listening. He watched Harry with a deep frown.
"I don't know, Harry." Dumbledore answered. "I don't see any smart reason to tie himself to you like that. But we also don't know if he did that on purpose. There is a lot we don't know. That's why we have to keep researching."
"Of course." Harry said. He turned to Draco, probably to get his approval, but Draco just stared at him blankly. "Are you okay?"
"When were you planning to tell me?" Draco asked.
Harry looked confused. "What?"
"What happened when you fucking died!" Draco snapped.
"Well, I told you now." Harry smart-arsed, which made Draco even angrier.
"And if it wasn't for Dumbledore you would have never told me?" Draco glared. "Didn't you feel the need to talk to someone about something so significant?"
"Well, I talked to Ron and Hermione about it." Harry shrugged. It irritated Draco that Harry was talking about it like it was a minor occurrence.
"Oh yeah, and you didn't think about talking about it with me?" Draco's heart was beating painfully in his chest as he thought about Harry dying under his hands.
"Ron and Hermione are my best friends." Harry argued. He was getting irritated now himself. It did not bother Draco. At this moment, he disliked obvious Harry. He wanted him to see that something was wrong.
"Yes, and I am your fucking boyfriend." Draco snapped.
"Oh, sorry." Harry said sarcastically. "I didn't know being your boyfriend meant telling you every little detail of my life."
"Not every little detail!" Draco's volume could be now considered yelling. He could not understand how Harry was taking this so lightly. "But this one is pretty big."
"Draco, please calm down." Harry said, glancing at Professor Dumbledore who was still watching, but Draco could not care less. "I didn't want to bring it up with you. You were worried enough."
"Oh, I was worried, okay?" Draco could not control the wave of upset emotions bubbling to the surface. "I was damn worried. Which is why I would have liked to know these things before you tell them to our headmaster!" Draco did not exactly know when he had stood up but he was now towering over Harry, glaring down at him.
"Draco, I really don't think talking about this would have made you feel better-"
"You have not the slightest idea how I feel!" Draco yelled before storming out of the headmaster's office.
Hurrying down the stairs and out of the castle, he did not know which feeling was stronger. Anger at Harry or mortification for losing his emotional control like this in front of the headmaster.
Harry reassured him later that he had yelled much worse in Dumbledore's office before, at the headmaster himself at that. That was how they made up, Harry telling Draco about yelling at Dumbledore after Sirius' death. They talked until late into the night, cuddling under a tree to not freeze in the early spring air.
Back in the present, Draco smiled at the memory. It was probably a good way to learn about the importance of communication early in their relationship.
Draco's gaze fell onto his hand, a goblin made diamond ring was glittering on his fourth finger. He smiled. Harry had popped the question about a week ago.
They had visited Draco's father in Azkaban, then went to visit Draco's mother in the Malfoy Manor. She was released about a year ago since she had never committed actual crimes except for sticking to her husband's side.
Mother had told them they were welcome to stay the night, but Harry insisted on returning to number twelve, Grimmauld place, which they had moved in together after graduation from Hogwarts. It was also their current home.
As they left the Manor though, Harry told Draco that they were going to make a short detour before returning home and to trust him. So Draco let Harry apparate them to their new destination.
"The Burrow?" Draco wondered. "We're coming here next week, did you forget?"
"I didn't." Harry grinned but Draco could see the nervous glint in his eyes. "But I could not wait."
"Well," Draco was a bit confused about the anxiousness that was rolling off his boyfriend but he shrugged it off. If Harry wanted to talk about it, he would tell Draco. "I'm sure Mrs Weasley won't complain."
He went to approach The Burrow, knowing they were always welcome there, but Harry grabbed his arm. "No." Harry pulled him around the house into the white, untidy garden.
"What are you doing?" Draco asked, but he followed Harry without struggles. Harry came to halt in the middle of the garden and turned to Draco, who frowned as he watched his boyfriend fidgeting nervously. "Harry, are you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah. Glorious. Umm..." Draco tilted his head in confusion. He had never heard Harry use the word 'glorious'. Before he could comment though, Harry continued. "Draco, do you remember five years ago, in this very garden? We had our first real conversation."
"You mean first conversation without throwing insults at each other's heads?" Draco laughed, still slightly confused about Harry's sudden nostalgia. "Of course I remember."
"And that tree." Harry pointed at the big trunk Draco had leant against when Harry had yelled at him about the Dark Mark five years ago. "I should have not been surprised about the Mark." Harry said. "I had suspected it before you came to The Burrow, you know?" Draco did know. They had talked about it before, which was why Draco was confused why Harry was telling him this, but it seemed important to him, so Draco did not interrupt. "But then we got closer and I let myself feel more than dislike for you. That was why I was so much angrier when I found out about the Mark, and every other fight we had that Christmas break in The Burrow. Because I was not only angry at you, I was angry at myself for letting myself fall for a git like you. It hurt more when you insulted me or anyone else in your discriminating way because I was starting to feel so much more for you."
"I'm sorry." Draco whispered into the following silence.
Harry shook his head, focusing his eyes on Draco. For a few seconds, they just stood there, getting lost in each other's eyes. Then, Harry took a step closer, enclosing Draco's hands in his before leaning in for a sweet kiss, which Draco returned happily.
When Harry pulled back, he made a vague motion with his chin to the building next to them. "The Burrow is not only a place where we will always find a loving family, it's the place we fell in love. It's the place I learned to love you more than anything else in the world. And I know I will never stop. So I wanted to ask you, Draco Lucius Malfoy," In an awfully cliché move, Harry let go of Draco's hands and dropped down onto his knees. "Will you marry me?"
Draco stared down at Harry in disbelief. He could not comprehend what had just happened. With each passing second that Draco stayed silent, he could see Harry's confidence dwindling. For Harry, it probably felt like an eternity until Draco snapped out of his emotional stupor. Silently, he held his hand out for Harry to put the ring on and before he knew it, Harry was on the cold, snowy ground. "Yes." Draco whispered into his neck.
Harry let out a relived laugh, hugging Draco close. For a while, they just lay there in the garden of The Burrow, breathing each other in and taking in what just happened. Eventually, Harry broke the silence. "So, wanna go inside and tell the news to the Weasleys? It's getting cold, my lovely fiancé."
Draco lifted his head from Harry's neck, looked down at him, then leaned down to catch Harry's lips with his. Harry went along without complaint, tightening his arms around Draco. "I have a better idea." Draco whispered against Harry's lips. Then, he pulled back, gave Harry a seductive smile and apparated.
Harry looked around in disbelief. He was still in the same position, underneath his fiancé, but, "Did you just apparate us into our bed?"
Draco just gave him a sly smile before leaning in for a passionate kiss. Harry returned it with even more vigour, distracting Draco enough to be able to roll them around, trapping Draco beneath him. "Still cold?" Draco grinned.
"Shut up." Harry said, getting to work on making the room even hotter.
Back to present, Draco shifted uncomfortably in his seat at the memory. He could not afford getting turned on now. Harry was supposed to come home any moment and then they would floo to the Burrow for the Christmas Dinner.
Where the heck was his stupid fiancé?
He should have not even been at work today but the Auror office had called him in for an emergency. Harry had promised to be back in time although Draco knew he could not really promise that. Being an Auror meant a lot of risks and suspense. That was probably one of the reasons Draco had given up on becoming an Auror.
After graduation Harry and Draco both had started their Auror training, along with Ron, but Draco soon realized that it was not for him. He was not good enough at dealing with his nerves. So he learned to become an apothecary since he was still very good at potions making. Draco was now working in the Apothecary directly in the St Mungo's hospital and he loved it. It was great, helping people by brewing potions which was also fun and calming. He especially loved the challenge of figuring out how to combine different parts of potions to help a particularly unusual case.
In the beginning, Draco had had problems getting employed since it was well known that he had the Dark Mark. Draco was lucky that he had such an incredible boyfriend, well, now fiancé.
Speaking of fiancés, Draco heard the front door open and stood up, taking the nice Christmas clothing from the table and holding them out for Harry. "Finally." He told Harry, who was coming into the living room, already ridding himself of his working clothes.
"I know, I'm sorry." Harry walked up to Draco, kissing his cheek before taking the clothes from Draco and changing into them with small flick of his wand. "Kingsley simply could not accept that Hamello escaped again."
"You're gonna get him after Christmas break." Draco assured, taking Harry's hand and leading him to the fireplace.
"I sure hope so." Harry smiled, squeezing Draco's hand shortly. "Let's go to the Burrow and tell them they're gonna have to prepare for a wedding."
"No, let's rather see who notices my ring first." Draco said. Harry grinned, giving Draco a short kiss before stepping into the fireplace.
"See you in the Burrow. Love you." Harry said before disappearing in the green fire.
Draco smiled and stepped into the fireplace. "Burrow!" He said and threw the floo powder. Arriving in the Burrow, he stepped out of the fireplace elegantly, unlike Harry, who was just standing up from the ground. "Love you too." Draco said because he could not have Harry say it more often than him.
The next thing he heard was a shrill, "Is that a ring on Draco's finger?!"
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