2. Second day
Draco woke up with a start, sitting up. It took him a few seconds to realize where he was. When he did, he slowly laid back down, letting out a long sigh. He had no idea what today would bring, or tomorrow, or whatever else in the future. It burdened his heart like a constant physical weight.
He wondered if he had really made the right decision. He had no one to turn to. And he was just gone for one day and one night. His family would still welcome him with open arms if he just told them he needed time to think or something. That it had not been his intention to run away. But there was another guest in the Manor now. How would he react? But at least Draco would not die yet.
Draco had still not decided whether to continue his journey or go back home when he was sitting on the breakfast table with the whole Weasley family, except for Mr Weasley, who had already gone to work.
Now that he had talked to Bill about it, he noticed the tension between Fleur and Mrs Weasley, together with Ginny. But from what Draco perceived, the dislike was mutual. If Fleur wanted her future mother in law to approve, maybe she should stop criticizing her cooking.
The table fellowship was completely different from what Draco was used to. Everyone was talking, enjoying their meal quite messily. Despite them all distrusting Draco, there was barely tension, except for this women's feud, and no forced small talk.
Mrs Weasley kept sending Draco worried looks throughout the meal. "Come here. Have another toast. Aunt Muriel did the jam. Not the friendliest woman, but her jam is delicious. You need to eat more, dear." She shoved several plates and glasses towards Draco, who was a bit overwhelmed but did as she told.
"I still don't understand what he's doing here." Draco heard a whisper from his left side. He did not have to turn to know who it was. It was funny if Harry Potter really thought he was quiet.
It turned out Ron was not any better. "I don't know. But something is fishy. Like you said last night. The Malfoy we know would not go anywhere near the Burrow. Or a house that doesn't look at least like a castle."
"Come on, Ron." Harry said, jest obvious in his tone. "The Burrow looks like the fanciest castle I've ever seen." There was a feminine giggle. Draco had always wondered if Ginny and Potter had something going on. He remembered he embarrassing Valentine's day message in second year. At this time, Potter did not seem very delighted. But they all were older now. Maybe Potter could handle love messages from pretty girls better now.
Draco dared to glance over at the trio. To his surprise, he was met by piercing green eyes. Both boys looked away quickly. Suddenly feeling even more awkward, Draco started looking around the room. He had seen it all yesterday, the wooden ceiling, the low beams, the lively pictures portraying the Weasleys through different ages, the clock that showed the family member's whereabouts, the brick fireplace, the brown, old sofas and armchairs, the long table illuminated by daylight shining through the window behind him, the burned spots on the wooden floor...
It was overall chaotic and cramped, but somehow... comfortable. Welcoming.
It was nothing against the comfort his own home provided, of course. Although Draco was not sure if he was ever going to return to that.
After breakfast, everyone helped clearing the table and Fred was on dishwashing duty. Hesitantly, Draco approached Mrs Weasley. It was probably the best if he left as early as possible. He would be out of the Weasley's hair and he had more time to find another accommodation for the next night. Or maybe even something more permanent.
"Umm... Mrs Weasley?" Draco asked the woman who was just done scolding Fred for his bad dishwashing job. "Ma'am?"
"Oh, Draco." Mrs Weasley turned to him, laying an arm around him and directing him to the sofa. "Don't call me Ma'am, Mrs Weasley is just fine." She laughed and sat down on the armchair. "I wanted to talk to you anyways."
"Oh." Draco just said stupidly.
"Okay, so I talked to Bill this morning." Mrs Weasley started. Draco could already guess what this was about. "And he told me you're running away from home without a destination, is that correct?
"Umm..." Draco stuttered. He cursed himself for opening up to Bill so easily. He was supposed to stay by himself and not let anyone in.
"It's okay." Mrs Weasley said soothingly. "I understand if at home aren't the best... circumstances. That's why I wanted to offer you to stay here. It's dangerous out there. And we in the Order can think of a solution-"
"No!" Draco said, making Mrs Wealey flinch at his sudden volume. He lowered his voice again. "Sorry, I just mean. Don't tell the Order. I know Uncle Sev is there. And he's already in a position that's dangerous enough. He doesn't need me messing up too."
Mrs Weasley stared at him thoughtfully. "How do you know he's in the Order?"
"I heard Potter and Weas- I mean, Ron talking about it." Draco said. "Then I asked Uncle Sev. It took a long time, but he told me. He knows I'm struggling."
"So don't you think, as your Godfather, he would like to know and help protecting you?" Mrs Weasley asked.
Draco stayed silent, thinking it through. It had been more of a gut decision not to tell anyone. The less people were involved, the less danger for everyone. "How do I know I can trust the Order?" Draco said. "I know you're fighting against the Dark Lord, but one wrong word or one torture, and I'm dead. I shouldn't even be here. You're all in danger. If anyone finds out, my father-"
"Draco." Mrs Weasley said gently. "Our responsibility as the Order is to protect the ones who are on our side. Especially the ones who are changing the sides to fight for the good."
"But I'm not on your side." Draco said. "I don't want to be on any side. I just want out."
"You're a coward, Malfoy." Mrs Weasley and Draco turned around to face an angry looking Harry Potter. Ron also looked irritated, but also like a deer caught in headlights. They had clearly been eavesdropping. Potter did not seem to care and strode towards the sofa, standing in front of Draco, his arms crossed. "You're so egoistic that you just want to get yourself into safety and not think about the security of anyone else. This is a war, Malfoy. There are more people affected that just you. If you want out, make the war stop. Chose a side and fight. Running away is not a solution."
"Now, now, Harry." Mrs Weasley said. "It's already a big step to distance yourself from the side you have grown up with. Let's not get ahead of ourselves-"
"He's just distancing himself because it's more danger than comfort!" Potter exploded. "He's just running away because he's scared for himself, not because he thinks it's wrong. He's an egoistical coward."
"Well, sorry that we can't all be reckless Gryffindors who jump into action before they think." Draco stood up to be on eye level with his offender. "First Malfoy rule is self-preservation. It's always like that-"
"That's freaking egoistic." Potter yelled. "There are more important things in the world but yourself-"
"Oh yeah?" Draco argued, way calmer than the shouting Potter. "Like you, for example? The Chosen One, The Boy Who Lived, The Hope of the wizarding world, The Saviour-"
"Shut up!" Harry yelled. "I didn't chose this. You, though, you chose to be a coward and leave everyone behind as soon as there's no advantage for yourself-"
"There was an advantage for myself." Draco argued calmly. "If I had completed the the task Dark Lord commissioned me with, they would reward me greatly. But I don't want this reward. It's temporary and will burst as soon as I make the next mistake-"
"See." Potter interrupted. "You're still thinking egoistically. You just don't want to live this risky life, but for no one but your own sake. It doesn't matter who you leave behind-"
"As soon as I found a safe place I'll get my mother-"
"Oh, congratulations, Malfoy." Potter said sarcastically. "You want to crawl into a hole with your mummy and let the rest of the world deal with your Dark Lord..." Draco flinched at the sarcastic tone of the man whose name he only heard being spoken with great respect or fear. "What, can't handle your beloved Voldemort not taken seriously?"
"Don't say his name." Draco snapped, his hand subconsciously finding his left forearm.
"I agree with him there." Draco and Potter turned to Ron, who looked scared and sheepish.
"I think we should still make the Order protect him instead of leaving him fend for himself." Mrs Weasley said decisively.
"But Uncle Sev." Draco said. "What if he'll talk me into returning back into the Manor. I know he'll guilt trip me because my mother will be extremely worried-"
"Can you stop thinking about yourself for a second?" Potter snapped. "We're trying to help you."
"There's a reason I didn't tell Uncle Sev." Draco snapped back. "He'll disapprove-"
"Then fight for yourself." Potter said. "Tell him your opinion and don't back off."
"He's like my supervisor." Draco protested. "I can't disobey him."
"You can. You're just too much of a coward-"
"Stop calling me a coward!" Draco snapped. "You don't have a father or a godfather-"
"Because of your father and godfather-"
"What did Uncle Sev do? He's on your side-"
"How do we know that? He told Voldemort about the prophecy-"
"What prophecy?"
"The one that made Voldemort go after us-"
"Stop saying his name!"
Draco and Potter glared at each other, their eyes screaming anger and frustration.
"I'll talk to Arthur about it when he comes back home." Mrs Weasly broke the silence. "Harry, Ron, go to your room. Or you can help Ginny fix the Christmas decoration. Draco, you can...do what you want." She waved her hand around.
Draco made an indecisive step into the room. There was nowhere he could have privacy. Except maybe in the cold garden. But he did not want to keep bothering Mrs Weasley, who sat back in the sofa with a stressed sigh. "Can I... help Ginny with the decorations?" Draco asked.
"Sure, sure." Mrs Weasley said distractedly.
Ron and Harry disappeared up the stairs and in the attic with a derogatory snort. Draco ignored them and went to find Ginny. She sat on her bed, surrounded by paper stars, straw, baubles, lametta, glitter and other unidentified objects. Like in Bill's room, there was a mattress leaned against the wall. She looked up at him, a surprised look crossing her features before it got neutral with a hint of hostility.
"Umm..." Draco suddenly felt shy. "Can I... help you? Fix things?"
Ginny went back to her surprised expression, then nodded subtly. Draco sat down on the bed and Ginny handed him a broken straw star. For a while, they worked in silence. They could not use magic since both were still underage, but it was calming for Draco to just do something.
"This is Fleur's bed, you know?" Ginny said eventually. "She's the princess so of course she needs the real bed while I have to take the mattress. This is my room. That's also why we're working up here. I don't care if her mattress gets dirty. Not that it will have a huge impact. She can just vanish the glue and the glitter and the straw."
"You know," Draco said hesitantly, taking a paper star and the glue. "I think she's just trying to get your approval."
Ginny glared at him. "Trying to get our approval? By taking my bed?"
Draco let out a short laugh. This girl was snarkier than he expected. Well, it probably came from having six older brothers to keep up with. "I agree. She's not doing a good job. Criticising your mum and your house and your way of living every time she utters a syllable-"
"And taking my bed-" Ginny interrupted with a cheeky grin, which made Draco give a reserved grin of his own before looking down at his glitter covered star.
"And taking your bed." Draco agreed. "But you also have to see her perspective. Most of the boys only like her because of her looks, then she meets the one boy who sees more in her, and the family doesn't approve-"
"Tragic. Being liked by boys." Ginny said sarcastically. "And then an unapproved love. How romantic." Draco could not hold in the small chuckle, which made Ginny grin. "Well," She said."If that's her way of getting our approval she's not particularly smart. 'What a weird food', 'In my 'ome we have a bigger 'ouse wiz more art', 'Everyone 'elp me, my precious 'air got stuck in zese awful beams'... Ever heard of the word haircut?"
Draco could not hold back his laugh anymore. Although he was careful not to laugh too heartedly. It was not what Malfoys were supposed to do. He adapted the way too high pitched Fleur imitation, "'What awful Christmas music. At my 'ome we listen to French music', well, Felicitacion, mais tu es en Angleterre."
"You speak French?" Ginny asked, abandoning the fiddling with the lametta for a moment to look at Draco, impressed. "But how? We don't learn languages at Hogwarts."
"I know, it's kinda sad. I would be awesome at the subject." Draco grinned. "I learned it when I was homeschooled before Hogwarts. We have family in France. My mum loves it." Draco felt a tug in his gut at the mention of the woman. He missed his mother dearly. And he worried how she was holding up.
Ginny must have noticed the drop of mood and petted his hand briefly. "I'm sure she's fine. The Order can also help her, if she wants."
"Draco shook his head. "Better not. She may be not as bad as my Father, but she was raised with the same ideals."
"Don't you think..." Ginny said hesitantly, "For you-"
"Maybe." Draco said. "But it's risky. I think even more risky than just leaving her as she is now. She's not playing an active role. The Dark Lord doesn't see her as a seriously taken member. Probably also with the influence of Aunt Bella."
"Umm..." Draco saw the apprehensive look on Ginny's face. It was like she now remembered who Draco was. The son of an active Death Eater. Draco decided to change the subject quickly.
"Anyways. We have a beautiful house in France." Draco improvised. "It's really big and beautiful. When all of this is over, I'm sure mother would be happy to invite you there sometime."
Ginny looked at him with a deadpan stare. "Really? We're blood traitors. I'm sure she wouldn't be happy at all."
"There are more important things to my mother than blood status." Draco was a bit hurt. "Mrs Weasley saved me from dying in the cold. And she intends to help me now. I'm sure that's good enough for mother."
"Oh." Ginny nodded, looking down at her lametta, looking frustrated.
"Come here." Draco said soothingly, taking the lametta from her and entangling it. Then, he glued it on a string and filled the empty spaces with stars and other glittery things.
"I'm sorry." Ginny said. "I didn't mean to assume how your mum thinks."
"It's okay." Draco looked up briefly to send her a small grin.
"And French is indeed a beautiful language coming from you."Ginny said. "Phlegm just destroys it with her pretentious..." She waved her arm around for the right word. "Existence."
Draco gave a short laugh, "We can play some French Christmas songs if you want. I know some. Maybe Fleur will feel more at home then and not be bitter all the time. First step to mutual acceptance."
"I don't wanna accept her." Ginny squeezed her straw star a bit too tightly. "I want her to disappear. Tonks is a way better wife for Bill. He deserves better."
"Well," Draco said. "This may be part of the problem. You first have to built up the disposition to accept her."
"'Disposition to accept her.'" Ginny mocked, then she focused on the heap of finished Christmas decoration. "Hey, how come your repaired decorations look so much better than mine?"
Draco shrugged. "Yours also look great."
"We both know I'm right and you're wrong." Ginny said savagely. "I just try to repair the stuff. You make it look better than before. Are you secretly using magic?"
Draco shrugged again, but before he could say anything, a voice sounded from the doorway, "I think his long fingers are just so unused to physical labour that he still has the touch."
Draco and Ginny turned to Potter, who was glaring at them together with Ron. Draco grinned teasingly, "Are you saying you think I'm good with my fingers?"
Both Potter and Ron went red, although for different reasons. Potter looked shy and embarrassed. Ron shoved himself into the room angrily. "Keep these dirty fingers off my sister, bloody playboy."
Draco forced back a laugh in order to frown confusedly. "I wasn't intending anything with her, relax."
"Relax?" Ron went to shove him but Ginny held him back.
"Ron, the decorations." She shouted. "We spent ages on them. If you destroy them again, you have to repair every single one of them."
Ron stopped going at Draco physically but continued to glare at him. "Relax? While your alone in my sister's room, trying to wrap her around your finger?"
If they were in school and everything was like before, Draco would have probably said something along the lines that it would not be hard to get her. He had seen her pining over Potter, dating Michael Corner and Dean Thomas... But he was at their house now. And he had to behave if he did not want everyone to turn against him. Also, he had grown to kind of like Ginny. And Bill. And the twins and Mrs Weasley.
"Why do you think I have any nefarious intentions with her?" Draco asked.
"Because you're Malfoy." Ron exclaimed.
"Well spotted." Draco said. "And you've seen me with so many girls in school?"
Ron faltered then pointed a finger at him accusingly, "You're always with that Parkinson!"
"And having a female friend makes me a playboy?" Draco asked.
"So she's just your friend." Ron said. "That means your looking for a girl. And she's here and nice and pretty-"
"You really think I would fall for him that easily?" Ginny interrupted, glaring at her brother. "What do you take me for? A girl who falls for everyone smiling at me? I can take care of myself, Ron. I'm not some vulnerable child. Now leave!"
"But Gin. He's-"
"Leave!" Ginny glared. The boys, after a few seconds of hesitation, went to the door. Harry glanced down at Draco's hands, then up at his smirk. He huffed and left the room together with Ron, but they were sure to leave the door open. "Unbelievable. Objectifying me like this. I'm almost a woman. I don't need his protection."
Draco looked at the decoration they still had to finish. It was not much. Once only two stars were left in the middle, the room was invaded again. "Are you finally done?" Fred asked.
"Can we decorate now?" George asked.
"You could have helped us, you know?" Ginny said.
"We could have." Fred said. "But where is the fun in that?"
"Oh, we had loads of fun." Ginny said, faltering in her motion to take the second last star when she looked at the boy's faces, their eyebrows raised. "Oh, not like that." She rolled her eyes. "Get your mind out of the gutter."
In the evening, when all of them were sitting at the dinner table, everyone was complimenting a blushing Draco about the Christmas decoration, except for Harry and Ron, who just shot the others betrayed looks. Bill and the twins had helped setting everything up with magic, but Draco was basically the designer. He had always liked creating things, but he was never allowed this much freedom.
For the first time in a long time, he could feel the knot in his stomach loosen a little.
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