"He's cheating on her."
Rosalie sat up when Olivier came into the room, looking tired and smelled like cheap alcohol. She was halfway asleep, her kindle in her lap as she dozed off, but this...hearing this..."How do you know?" she asked, now wide awake and curious.
Sitting down at the edge of the bed, Olivier started taking off his shoes. "Raegan straight up told us that he's going to go and see her tonight, which means that she's here in town. He made us promise to lie about where he is, because Prescott brought up Astrid's lie detector and your intuition." he turned to look over at Rosalie, taking a deep breath. "I swear, I didn't lie-"
"It's okay–and thanks for telling me." she said, stretching and putting her kindle on her nightstand. "So now what? Do I tell her or just wait for the shit to hit the fan? I was hoping for a really good Christmas, but this..." Rosalie shook her head, thinking about what her friend might be going through right now-in the dark, not even knowing about her husband cheating on her this very moment. "This might land Genevieve in jail-or worse, Candice dead somewhere."
"Are you gonna tell her?" Olivier asked, getting ready for bed.
"I have to. We tell each other everything."
"But you said that Genevieve has a bit of a wild streak in her..."
"True. she does. But we need to tell her before Lily does. If Lily slithers her way in here and tell her..." another shudder ripped through Rosalie as Olivier finally joined her in bed. "I think we might have to go to two funerals-Lily's, on purpose, and Candice, indefinitely."
Shaking his head, Olivier sighed. "I wish I didn't have to keep this on purpose. But before you...I did date Candice before. I never slept with her, but when I dated her, she was trying to get me into bed, but I just couldn't do it. I felt dirty each time when I was with her. After our little fling, well, I went back to Chrysélie and that was that."
"She tried to get you into bed?"
He nodded.
"Are you too much for her?"
He shrugged.
Pulling him down for a kiss, Rosalie curled up next to him and closed her eyes. "Well she missed out on a wonderful and sexy boyfriend."
A tug of a smirk appeared on his face as the two went to sleep, mumbling a "I know".
The next morning was a mixture of emotions, as Rosalie woke up and started fixing some food. She started pulling out breakfast food and popped in some toast in the toaster when Genevieve walked in, her Boston Bruins jersey hanging off of her as she yawned. Her hair was a bit wild, and she looked like she didn't sleep that night. "Mornin', Ro," she mumbled as she sat down on one of the stools and reached for the coffee cup.
"Mornin', G." Rosalie greeted, grabbing the eggs for her spinach, cheddar, and bacon omelet for everyone. "How'd ya sleep?"
"Fucking terrible. I kept tossing and turning, thinking about Rae and wondering when the hell he's coming home." Genevieve answered. "I called his phone five times last night, and he didn't answer me." She sighed as she got up and went to fix herself some coffee. "Is there something wrong with me, or he's not interested in me anymore?"
The question made Rosalie stop for a moment before she shook her head. "Nothing is wrong with you, G," she assured her friend as Prescott came in, rubbing his eyes. "You're perfect the way you are. If there is something wrong with you, then Rae's blind as fuck and he needs to get his eyes checked."
The statement brought a smile to the brunette's face as she poured the coffee. "You right," she said. "Maybe I need to find something to remind him that I'm his wife, and that I'm the only woman that's fucking him. In fact...what are y'alls plans today, anyway?"
"Me and Astrid are gonna build our child's crib, then maybe go out for a walk," Prescott answered sleepily, grabbing the coffee pot and fixing himself some coffee. "Then we might join everyone else for lunch or dinner, depends on her nap."
"As for me...I'm thinking of visiting Dock Street Theater, to go see A Christmas Carol and maybe walk around Middleton Place before meeting up with you guys."
Genevieve grumbled. Her friends and their significant others are doing something fun and exciting, and here she was without a husband to spend time with at all. "I think I'll just walk around Middleton Place," she said at last when the front door open, and Raegan's voice filled the air. "And then take my husband out for a-"
"Mornin' ya'll," Raegan walked in the kitchen, his shirt wrinkled, his hair messed up. "Sorry about not calling you back, babe. Practice went long into the night." He placed a quick kiss on her chin, and Genevieve's face wrinkled up when she smelled the original Daisy by Marc Jacobs-a perfume that she doesn't even wear.
"Why the hell do you smell like stinking Daisy, that god-awful scent from Marc Jacobs?"
When the question dropped, everyone got really quiet, waiting for Raegan's answer. When he didn't say anything, just opening a cabinet to get a coffee cup, Genevieve asked it again. "Did you hear me? Why. The. Fuck. Do. You. Smell. Like. That. God-awful. Scent. Of Motherfucking. Daisy. By. Marc. fucking. Jacobs?" the question came out long and slow, and she looked like she was shooting daggers at him.
Pouring himself some coffee, Raegan got silent for a while, not answering his wife's question. Then after he poured himself some cream for his coffee, he finally answered. "One of the groupies was there, and they wanted a picture." he answered. "They must've been wearing it at the practice."
It was like a tennis match, and Rosalie and Prescott was holding their breaths, waiting on Genevieve to say something back.
"I've seen the groupies before, Rae. They always ask for one photo and leave. They certainly do not smell like that perfume I hate. So I'm going to ask you one more time, and if you give me a shit answer, I'm going to kill you." she stood up and went over to him, standing in his way of the almost cooked omelets Rosalie was making. "Why the hell do you smell like Daisy from Marc Jacobs, knowing damn well that I hate that scent?"
"And I'mma tell you again, babe, it's the groupies wearing that scent." Raegan assured her with a soft smile. "They don't know that you hate that scent-I forgot to tell them."
"It's the truth, babe. Promise."
"Okay...if you were at practice last night, then why the hell didn't you return my calls? That busy hitting the puck or hitting something else?"
"Something else?"
Genevieve rolled her eyes. "Don't play stupid, Rae. You know what I mean." She reached out and grabbed his shirt, twisting it in her hand and pulling him down so they can be eye to eye. "If your bitch-ass is cheating on me, I will kill you and your little slut." she growled. "Remember that the only thing you'll be fucking is me. No one can give it to you like I can. Got it?"
With a gulp, Raegan nodded as she let him go. "Get cleaned up. We're going shopping, and then for hours you're going to fuck me." Genevieve hissed as he nodded as went upstairs, the same time Astrid and Olivier was coming down for breakfast.
"Why is Rae running upstairs like a scardy-cat?" Astrid asked as she went over and kissed her husband on the cheek.
"Gen scared the shit out of him, that's why he's running like a little bitch." Genevieve answered, grabbing a plate and the spatula to put the omelet on her plate. "He smelled like that scent I hate, and I told him to get dressed."
"Before you demanded him to fuck you?" Rosalie asked, throwing on some sausages in the pot.
"Seriously, y'all?" Astrid groaned. "Do I need to remind you that you're around your future niece or nephew, and you're going to damage their minds with all that cursing you're doing?"
"...well, fuck," Genevieve blurted out with a laugh. "I guess I'll have to get all my goddamn cursing out before Baby Spencer comes out."
"Shit, guess we do." Rosalie jumped in with a grin, making Astrid glare at her friends.
"I hate you all." Astrid grumbled before shaking her head and grabbing a plate. "Y'all keep on with all that cursing-it's gonna stop when the baby comes."
"You really think we're gonna stop fucking cussing when the baby comes?" Rosalie asked, scooping the sausages from the plate and placed them on the paper-toweled plate so they can dry off.
"Hell no y'all ain't."
"Then why ask us to stop cussin' when the baby comes?"
"Because knowing the both of you, you two won't stop until you teach the baby some curse words." Astrid answered with a laugh as they started to eat breakfast.
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