Chapter 5
The next morning, Dario wakes up on his bed and looks around the whole house to see if what he saw last night was a dream or was the girl, real and still in the house. He didn't know how to feel when he didn't find her. He knew it can't be a dream but it also couldn't be real. So what was it?
His thoughts were interrupted by Timothy who enters the mansion all ready for the day.
Dario continues his day trying to forget the girl. He was in his office and Timothy enters his office with the union leader of the mill.
"Mr. King, we all have made peace on the fact that we won't be getting out Christmas bonus this year. But we have a request. We request you to hand us next month's salary a few data early. This way we can least celebrate Christmas. Please, sir, we are desperate. Please, think of our children" requests the union leader.
"What will you do next month if you spend all the next month's salary this month?" Asks Dario.
"We will make cuts and manage" convinces the union leader and though Dario didn't like the idea, he agrees.
Timothy smiles and says "I'll bring in the cheques for you to sign, sir" and walks out of Dario's office.
After a few minutes, Timothy brings the cheques. Dario was known to never sign anything without first reading it, so he goes through all the cheques making sure the amount in number and words were filled correctly. When satisfied, he was about to sign when he instinctively turns to his right and sees the same girl from last night seated outside a large window of his office.
Dario turns to look at Timothy who's concentration was on his phone.
"What do you see in that window?" Asks Dario.
Timothy looks up at the window and says "snow. Outside. Mountains"
Dario turns to look back at the window and sees the girl gone.
"What's wrong sir?" Asks Timothy.
"Nothing. Leave" says Dario and Timothy leave, confused.
Dario attempts to sign the cheques for the second time and hears "what are you doing?"
Dario looks up and sees the girl seated on the edge of his table, to his right.
"How did you come in?" Asks Dario looking at the window which was shut closed.
"Magic" smiles the girl.
"Get out before I call security," says Dario.
"Don't be so hostile. I simply came to say hi. Hi" says the girl and then looks at the cheque.
"Are those bonus cheques?" Asks the girl.
"No, these are salary cheques. Those dumb workers want the salary a bit early" says Dario.
"They wouldn't have to if you gave them their bonuses," says the girl.
"I have a valid reason," says Dario.
"So you won't give them their bonuses?" Asks the girl.
"No," says Dario.
"Fine. Now, don't go blaming me for what I am about to do. What comes next, remember it was for the good" says the girl, and Dario just had it.
Dario screams Timothy's name and when he rushes in, Dario says "throw this girl out of here"
Timothy looks around the room and asks "what girl?"
"Are you blind? This girl" says Dario and points in the girl's direction but she was gone.
"She is gone," says Dario.
"You ok sir? You don't seem like yourself today" says Timothy.
"I am fine. Just get me an aspirin" says Dario and Timothy get him an aspirin with some hot coffee.
After a few minutes, Dario gets back to work still looking around for that girl but he didn't see her again after that. He was incredibly distracted but he did manage to sign all the cheques and hand it to Timothy for distribution.
It was lunch time now and Dario was feeling at ease as the girl didn't make an appearance after the morning encounter.
Like every other day, Timothy brings Dario his lunch and serves it for him on a center table in front of a couch in the corner of the office.
"The workers collected the cheques before lunch before you could change your mind. They did not want to take up that risk" laughs Timothy but stops when he sees Dario glare at him.
Dario picks the fork to take his first bite of his lunch when he hears commotion coming from the mill. He looks at Timothy who mirrored his confused expression.
"I'll check what's happening. You continue your lunch" says Timothy and leaves the office.
Dario was anxiously waiting for Timothy to return but when he didn't return, Dario decided to check what's happening by himself. He enters the mill and as soon as the workers see him, they cheer for him and some cry falling on their knees. Some workers call him god sent and some go to an extent to kiss his hands. Dario was confused and when he spots Timothy in the croud trying to push his way to reach Dario, he turns away from the croud and returns to his office.
Dario enters his office and Timothy follows his behind, panting heavily trying to catch his breath after fighting his way out.
"What's happening there? Why were they acting like that?" Asks Dario.
"They are freaked out from your generosity. I mean, they asked for one month salary and you gave them three month's of salary. I don't think anyone of them have ever seen such a big amount altogether at one time" laughs Timothy.
"What? I signed for one months salary" says Dario.
"No, sir. I checked their pay cheques. They all have three months of salary filled in. My question is, why did you change the amount and how? I mean, I filled the cheques myself and I filled them for one month. Did you give them some other cheques? I am confused" says Timothy scratching his head.
"I checked for one month's pay. I checked" says Dario.
"How did it change?" Asks Timothy.
Dario was still thinking when he sees a reflection of the girl in a small mirror on the wall. Dario turns to look at the girl and she was gone.
Dario left to his mansion with his head spinning from what was happening. He was expecting to see the girl in the mansion and he was right, the girl was seated on the carpet near the fireplace with photo album in front of her.
"YOU" screams Dario.
The girl looks up with a smile but then stops smiling to run for her life. She rushes behind the couch to not get caught by Dario who was trying to catch her.
"Come here you, you have a lot to explain" says Dario circling the couch behind the girl.
"I'll explain from here, where you can't catch me. What do you want to know?" Asks the girl.
"How did you change the amount on the cheques?" Asks Dario.
"Magic" smiles the girl and continues "I warned you that you are responsible for what's to come" says the girl.
"I thought you said you were an angel. Do angels trick people?" Asks Dario.
"We are taught to be nice but few of us hang out with few demons and they taught us few naughty tricks. It gets a little boring in heaven as there are not many people there. But hell is filled with doomed souls. The demons take break from hell and come to us for some quiet time" says the girl and Dario simply stares at the girl without a comeback to what she said.
"You had no right to do so. I'll throw you behind bars for what you have done" says Dario taking a seat on the single couch exhausted from running behind the girl.
"You will throw me in jail because YOU saved Christmas?" says the girl.
"What?" Asks Dario.
"Yes, you are the one who gave the workers a large amount to celebrate Christmas. You are the hero here" says the girl.
"I don't want to be the hero" says Dario.
"Too late" says the girl and looks out of the window and sees cameras, news reporters outside the large gate of the mansion.
Dario looks out too and see Timothy with the union leader speaking to the news reporters. The news of the generosity of the rich mill owner spread like wild fire all around the town.
"Why did you do all this?" Asks Dario.
The girl smiles and says "I wanted everyone to know you are a good man with a heart of gold. The heart which loved once."
"I don't have any love" says Dario.
"Yes you do" says the girl and walks very close to Dario and wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him closer.
"She will be back and you will love her again" whispers the girl and fades away like a mist in front of Dario.
Dario didn't want to believe what he saw, heard and felt. But he wondered who was this girl talking about. He walks to the photo album and looks down at what the girl was seeing.
"Julie" he whispers and his chest felt an uncomfortable pressure. Dario fell on the floor squeezing his chest.
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