Chapter 1
Hallstatt, Austria.
Happiness is a sentiment that very few fortunate people feel in the smallest of things. One can find it in the singing of birds, an infant's smile, a gush of cold wind on a hot day, warmth of your loved one when they hold you close with all the love in their heart.
What other time would be better to spread this little happiness than the one time we all wait for. Christmas.
Christmas is the time of the year when everyone feels like a child who is eager to open their gift on Christmas eve. Everyone expects gifts from someone and smiles are contagious decease everyone catch from one another. It's the time of the year we appreciate family and thank the Lord for every little thing we have.
For the little town in Austria called Hallstatt, Christmas was feeling a little different for the mill workers.
The factory owner had not given them their Christmas bonus yet and rumors were spreading fast that he has no intentions to give them bonuses this year.
In a small town with less than 1000 people, a large mill gave work to many people in town. The whole town was almost owned by a rich mill owner who had many other shops, building, houses and farms under him. It was like this man owned this whole town and this year he was stealing Christmas from the townspeople.
Dario King was very wealthy and with his wealth came arrogance which he wore as a crown. He was greedy and hated everything around him. They say he has always been like this since his father died and he took over. His arrogance took the life of his wife and distanced his only child away from him. But nothing broke him or his stubborn behavior.
Dario stood at the large window of his mansion up on the hill and looks down at the people on the streets.
"Everyone is busy this time of the year. So much to do and the anticipation to buy new clothes, gifts, decoration excites everyone. A child in everyone jumps out of every adult to play, laugh and enjoy this holiday" says Timothy, Dario's assistant.
"I don't like wasting money and these fools who can't put food on their tables at some nights waste money on things they don't need," says Dario.
"It's Christmas. Everyone is allowed to spend a little extra to spoil themselves and their families" says, Timothy.
"Spoilt brats" curses Dario.
"So sir, as I mentioned like a lot of times now. It's time to give the workers their Christmas bonuses. Everyone is anxiously waiting as Christmas is coming sooner than you think" says Timothy.
Dario thinks for a minute and says "I don't want to give them bonuses. The repairs of the machines this year took so much time and in that time the workers were not working which led to a lot of time wasted. There should be compensation for the time wasted. I say we skip the bonuses this year" says Dario.
"Oh no, sir. Please don't do that. The workers will be devastated and their families will not be able to afford to buy anything for Christmas. Please sir I beg of you. Please don't be so ...." Says Timothy but stops.
"So what?" Says Dario.
"I meant to say, please have a heart. Please think again" begs Timothy.
"I have made a decision and inform the workers about it," says Dario.
"But sir..." Starts Timothy but Dario growls "leave"
Timothy had no heart to tell the workers they won't be getting bonuses this year but it was his duty to forward the message and so he did.
The workers were not pleased and protested against Dario.
"If you don't want to work here you are welcome to leave," says Dario, and everyone had no other option but to accept his order. No one could afford to lose their job. So, this year everyone had to manage Christmas with their salary and had no extra bonus to spend on anything new.
Amongst the workers was Davis, a worker who had a small family with his wife Lucy and two children. Their son, James was 4yrs old and their daughter, Angel was 6yrs old.
Angel was a very positive girl who saw the world as a beautiful place and believed everyone can be happy if they smile a lot. So, she would tell jokes to anyone who was not smiling and would make everyone smile. Her sweet smile was contagious and no one was immune to her humble kind nature. When she came to know her father would not get the bonus their family was waiting for Christmas, she smiles at her father and says "it's ok papa we can raise extra money for Christmas, and if we make more than we want. We can give someone else to have their own Christmas"
Davis smiles at Angel and says "you are a real angel. Now, how do you plan to raise extra money?"
"We can sell the dolls mummy makes with all the other things she makes," says Angel.
Davis looks at Lucy and she says "I can make more. I have the molds and I can make some and paint them to be ready to sell"
"We can do it, papa," says Angel, and Davis says "I'll help too"
"Me too," says little James, and just like that, not even bad news could kill the family's spirit.
Lucy got busy and Angel helped as much as she could with her little hands. Lucy with Angel next to her set a small stall in the market for the porcelain angels, tree toppers, Christmas ornaments, and a few more things.
Angel picks one of the porcelain dolls and adores it.
"It's so pretty mummy," says Angel.
"Thank you, love," says Lucy.
"Mummy, can I try to sell it?" Asks Angel.
"You can try. But don't go far away" says Lucy.
Angel looks around for any potential buyers and then sees a large man walk out of a store and she approaches him.
"Good afternoon sir. Would you be interested in buying this angel?" Asks Angel so very politely.
Dario looks down at a little girl who seemed unfazed by his intimating gaze.
"Why would I need a doll?" Asks Dario.
"Because... because... Because it's magical" says, Angel.
"Really? What magic will it do?" Asks Dario smirking at Angel.
"It will help my family have a happy Christmas," says, Angel.
Dario thinks for a minute and asks "now that would be magic to you. What good it will do to me?"
"It will make you happy and make you smile for helping someone else in need," says the very smart little girl.
Impressed by the girl's smart answers, Dario says "we will see". So, he pays for the doll, and Angel gets excited from her first sale and hugs his leg and says "you will be very happy because you made us happy"
"Now that would be a Christmas miracle" comments Timothy behind Dario and gets glared from Dario.
Dario watches Angel run to her mother and show her mother the money. The mother smiles and hugs her.
Dario didn't remember the last time he put a smile on someone's face. He looks down at the porcelain doll in his hand and says "let's see you do magic"
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