The Bible and Homosexuality
So, the Bible has quite a bit to say about homosexuality, regardless of what people might think. Though the topic is considered sensitive now, we as Christians should not shy away from it nor be rude and angry in our approach, but lovingly talk about the issue as God guides us, which I hope can be accomplished today.
So, there are three big things I think people wonder about when it comes to the Bible and being LGBTQ. First, is it OK to be that? Second, do LGBTQ people go to hell? And third, what is the proper way to treat people that are this way?
To deal with the first question is often the most crucial to answering the others and also the most controversial. To start, though pointed out in previous chapters that the Old Testament law has its value in many ways, because there are many things members of the LGBTQ will point out as not being followed, I feel like using it as a reference would seem weaker. So, not only will I not be using the original law, I will show the Bible's views by using only the New Testament.
To start, the New Testament does mention homosexuality, and it is always mentioned in two ways. First, it talks about the act of it. I think part of the problem is that since LGBTQ is about identity rather than actions, when we say that it is wrong, people are thinking we are saying that they being who they, that they as a person, are sinful and wrong. The Bible never says that being
"gay" in the sense that knowing you have such feelings within you is wrong. It always talks about it as an action.
So, this isn't about knowing what you are, it is about an action, even in the Old Testament, it mentions the action, not the orientation. When Christians say being gay is a choice, I think it's misunderstood. I understand no one wakes up and says just one day, "Man, I think I'll be attracted to people of the same gender now." That just doesn't make sense. Rather, it is the actions of homosexuality that are a choice.
Second, it does always mention the action as sinful. Many people are offended by this, again because they are thinking that they as a human, are being sinful merely for existing, but as we saw, God always emphasizes the act. This does not change it from what it is though.
Romans 1:27 - And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
1 Timothy 1:10 - For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine;
"Them that defile themselves with mankind" is the Greek word for homosexual.
The Bible says acting on any LGBTQ impulses is sinful, whether it's having any romantic/sexual physical contact or purposefully thinking thoughts or looking at pictures, it is wrong.
Now, many protest this and say that it is in their nature to be this way. Even if it is though, let's look at other things God considers sinful. Pre-marital sex, porn, prostitution, and adultery can all be said to be natural impulses that come with our sex drive, but this does not justify the action. It is still wrong, even if it comes naturally. If anything, this proves we as humans have become corrupted by the sin. We as Christians need to control ourselves in body and thought to be what the Bible says we should be.
And amazingly, if you look online, there are many true stories of people who were LGBTQ and that converted to Christianity and over time their desires actually went away. People often mock them, call them liars, or say they have been suppressed, but, honestly, why would you give up your true, happy self to live a lie that makes you sad? That doesn't make sense. Our society has become very pro-LGBTQ. There are so many options, that naturally giving it up because you want to does not make much sense to me. Rather, God has truly changed them and their desires. We as people may never be able to change our natural sinful impulses, but God can and has done so many times.
Now, since it is a sin, many people wonder if all LGBTQ people are going to hell. Of course not. Because whether you go to heaven or hell depends solely on if you trust Jesus Christ to save you from your sins. David committed adultery. Saul attempted murder and sought out a witch. Peter denied Christ Himself. It was not the act that had to do with their salvation, but their beliefs. They trust in Christ and were saved by grace through faith.
The third and final thing has to do with the treatment of people who are LGBTQ.
Treat LGBTQ people like anyone else.
Don't call them fags or homos or sissies or girls/boys or trannies or anything else that is just rude. I often hear people say, "Well, Jesus called people snakes, empty bowels, etc." Jesus was also God and knew the hearts of people. He knew exactly what they needed to hear and when. You'll also noticed that Jesus never talked to the sinners that way, but to the false religious people, the Pharisees who thought they were too good to be saved by Jesus. He was very merciful to others though.
I have had many friends from the LGBTQ community, often while they knew what I believed about it. Yet, rarely have I ever had any problems between me and my friends. There will always be some that unless you accept it as right, they will reject you, but God does say it is better to obey God than man as well as that those that follow God will receive hatred.
Matthew 5:11 - Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
John 15:18 - If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.
If someone calls you a homophobe, you should say, "God bless you." And I don't mean sarcastically either. If someone says you should die or commit suicide because you think gay marriage is wrong, cheerfully pray for them and speak kindly to them. If people say you are a bigot, say they are wonderful and intelligent. I mean very seriously and legitimately, be kind and generous and so loving to such people, that if someone were to say you hated LGBTQ people, it would look ridiculous. If you have to take a break to pray about it until you can speak with love and kindness and calmness do so. But do not respond in anger and with hatred to such treatment, as this is against the teachings of God.
One final thought is this, especially for those who are LGBTQ or think I am a bigot for saying this. If I told you, I thought lying, adultery or pre-marital sex and porn was wrong, would you think I hated all liars or all fornicators? Of course not. I lie. I have committed "adultery of the mind" as Jesus said. But this does not mean I have to look at these things as right. I can love such people and be kind to them, while at the same time say an action is wrong.
A/N - Also, I was planning to write this before I knew this was Pride Month, so no, I wasn't trying to target anyone or write it just because it was. I honestly just felt like writing it, noticed it was Pride Month and went, "Huh, that's weird." But I originally was not planning it that way.
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