I'm saved by your name
<A/N: This is my first poem, it means a lot to me. This reflect to my life, before I'm nothing and I'm just a sinner who make God unhappy, despite my doing he still love me. He saved me. Praise him. >
I'm a sinner,
Unworthy of your mercy,
Unworthy of your love.
Against you,you only I've sinned;
And done what is evil in your sight,
I'm not worthy of your love.
But you, O Lord
Our God, full of mercy and love,
At the cross,
You died for me;
You took away my sin,
So that I could live.
I'm saved by your grace,
You set me free;
I'll live for you alone.
Thank you Lord for saving me!
Bible verses:
1 John 1:7,9- "....the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin,if we confess our sin."
John 3:16- "For God so loved the world ,that he gave His only begotten Son ,that whosoever believes in Him should not perish,but have everlasting life"
=>God wants to save you just as he saved me. He "is not Willing that any should perish but all should come to repentance"(2 Peter 3:9).
=>Don't suffer in hell for your sins, when Jesus Christ has already taken your punishment. Trust him and you too will be able to say ," I know I'll be with JESUS when I die".
Inspired by :Grace and Truth tracts.
=> If you haven't accepted Jesus as your Savior, now it's the time before it's too late.The scripture says"Now is the accepted time; behold ,now is the day of salvation ." ( 2 Cor.6:2)
To God be the Glory
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