Time Zones
Pairing: Colin Shea x reader
Prompt: "I called you because I can't fall asleep."
You sat outside on the patio of your new house. You had recently moved to LA and were still trying to get used to the new surroundings. The differences between LA and Boston were vast, but you knew it wasn't an opportunity you could pass up even if it was hard to leave the people back home. Tonight was one of the nights that you couldn't help but feel a little homesick. You missed the changing of the seasons back in Boston, and even though the weather in California was perpetually beautiful there was something about seeing the leaves changing color that caught you up.
You picked up your phone to see if there was any news from your friends and you saw the picture of you and Colin together staring back at you. You couldn't help but smile as you thought of the night that picture was taken. You'd only been living in the building for four months at that point but Colin had bust his way into your life almost immediately. It had been a particularly shitty day at work, and instead of letting you wallow alone in your apartment he had dragged you out to a shabby Irish pub down the block. It ended up being one of your favorite memories with Colin even before you had gotten as close as you were now.
You looked down at the phone for a while longer before you decided to call him. It only rang three times before he picked up. "So the LA girl is calling back to the homeland." He joked.
"LA hasn't quite sunk in to my blood yet." You said.
He went quiet for a second before he spoke again, a little more serious than when he picked up. "How's it going out there tonight?"
"Well, I called you because I can't fall asleep." You sighed.
"You wanna talk about not being able to fall asleep, it's nearly four in the morning out here."
"Oh fuck, Colin." You said finally realizing you had forgotten about the time difference. "I guess I'm not used to being in different time zones."
"Tell me about it. I keep trying to walk across the hall into your apartment. I don't think the guy that lives there now is very happy with me." He joked.
"I can picture you walking in on him eating breakfast in your underwear." You both laughed.
"He's learned to start keeping his door locked." We both laughed. "We really do miss you out here, but don't worry about it too much. You're gonna do great stuff out there on the West Coast. As long as you stay a Sox fan."
You smiled. "You know I'll be a Sox fan until the day I die." He always knew what to say. How to be serious but also make you laugh. You missed sitting together in the apartment talking about anything that came to mind. "You should come out soon so I can show you around."
"You just say the word and I'll be there." He said enthusiastically. "I would never pass up an opportunity to hang out with you."
"I can't promise you won't get that call tomorrow." You joked.
"Well, I'm not the busiest man in the world so I could make it work." He said. "As much as I love talking to you I think we should probably try and get some shut eye." Even though you both knew he was right, you could sense his reluctance to hang up through the phone.
"I hate it when you're right." You laughed. "I'll talk to you soon, Colin."
"Of course. Sleep well, Y/N." When you hung up part of you felt a little sad. There was nothing better than getting to talk to Colin no matter what mood you were in and being separated sucked.
You decided to follow through with actually going to bed and quietly walked back inside, trying not to wake your housemate. As you finally got settled into bed your phone lit up again with a text from Colin. It was a picture of him standing in front of the door to your old apartment in just his underwear with the caption Oops.
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