The Shield
~ Steve and you have been friends for quite some time now. "Friends" might not be the right word to label it, but to make things simpler that's what we'll call it. One thing that you've been itching to do is see the shield. After all this time you still haven't seen it and it's been bugging the hell out of you. ~
Do you want to come over tonight? I was thinking about making some dinner.
Sent 6:45
Your Name
I'd love to. Should I come right now?
Sent 6:49
Yes! Should be ready any time soon.
Sent 6:51
Your Name
Leaving right now!
Sent 6:56
You left your apartment as soon as possible and made your way to your car. When you arrived at Steve's building you buzzed up to his apartment.
"Hello?" His voice crackled through the speaker.
"Hey, Steve. It's Y/N."
"Perfect. I'll let you in."
He opened the door and you stepped into the building, making your way to the stairwell. Luckily Steve was only on the second floor so you didn't have to walk up too many flights. When you arrived at his door you knocked twice and he answered almost immediately.
"Well that was quick." You remarked.
"I am a super soldier." He joked. You both chuckled as he stepped aside to let you in the apartment. "The food's almost done." He said, closing the door after you and making his way back into the kitchen. You followed his lead and sat at the kitchen counter. "It smells amazing in here. What's cookin'?"
He looked over his shoulder from his place standing over the stove before answering. "It's spaghetti with my famous red sauce."
"Famous red sauce? You mean the stuff you buy in a jar at the supermarket and heat up in a pan?" You chuckled and shook you're head. "One of these days I'll have to tell you how to make real sauce. It's ten times better than the store bought stuff and there's the added pleasure of having made it yourself."
"I'll have to take you up on that offer sometime."
"Well you better."
Within minutes Steve had finished cooking and you both sat down at his small table and enjoyed your meal together.
"I must say this." You started. "Even though you used store bought sauce, it's still pretty good."
"Why thank you." Steve chuckled. "So, how've you been lately?"
"Pretty good. Life hasn't been too hectic, all though I'm not sure you could say the same."
He nodded along. "That's certainly true. I guess being a part of The Avengers is a lot tougher than originally perceived."
"I know a lot of people who are pretty glad you guys are around though. Sometimes people need a hero. Especially super soldier." You smirked and looked down at your plate. A silence settled over the two of you, but it wasn't awkward. You and Steve had been friends long enough that silent spells like this one didn't bother you too much. "You know something?" You started looking back up from your plate.
"What?" He questioned.
"We've been friends for several years now and I still haven't seen the shield." Steve shucked a bit but you kept your stern look. "I'm serious, Steve. And since I'm giving you my secret red sauce recipe I think it's the least you can do."
Steve gave you a questioning look before breaking into a smile. "Alright, Y/N. You've broken me." He said and put his hands up in surrender. "You get to see the shield. I'll be back in a second." He stood up and walked towards the back hall of his apartment to retrieve his trademark Captain America shield. When he came back into the room he had it strapped onto his arm and looked even more attractive than usual.
"Holy cow." You said in awe standing up from your chair to see it up close. "Can I hold it?" You asked, half joking but also dead serious.
"Of course." He chuckled and handed it over to you. Having not anticipated the weight of it, the shield nearly fell out of your hands. "Whoa there." He said helping you steady yourself.
"You make this look so easy." You chuckled.
"All in a day's work for Captain America." He joked causing the two of you to fall into a fit of laughter.
A/N: Hey guys! It's been a while since I've uploaded but I'm back! I hope you enjoyed this imagine requested by the lovely Hooked_on_Fanfic. I also wanted to let you know that the Neighbors story line in this book will now be continued in it's very own book dedicated solely to that story. It currently only has the first two original parts up but I'm working on part three right now! Please check that out as new parts will only be uploaded there. Bye and see you soon!
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