AUTHOR'S NOTE: Sorry for the delay in updating. I went to Salem, MA for a week and had no time to write. If you'd like to know Bourbon's backstory, please read Chapter 30 of Tales from the Rebellion, entitled Failure. For the history of the Boys (Ezzex, Braydee, Zolan, Vallen, and Tadd), read Chapter 28: Promise. Tadd is also known as the Witch's minion, T, and his history and the history of the Prophecy Boys will come heavily into play in this story. As always, I'll do my best to explain anything you need to know to understand this story.
It took hours for the Witch to decide to relieve Dale of babysitting duty. Drakaina casually volunteered to take over.
Her chest felt tight as she was left alone with Aiyana. She cast a quick shield around the room to keep everyone from realizing what she was up to. Then, she began to gently stroke Aiyana's hair as she healed her head injury.
"It's okay, Aiya... It's Dee. Wake up, sweetie," she called gently.
Aiyana slowly opened her eyes. She looked at Drakaina in confusion. "Drakaina? You're involved in all of this?" She asked.
"More than you know... Daphne," Drakaina replied softly.
"You're one of them?" She sounded hurt.
"No, Aiya... Not exactly. I infiltrated the Guild, but they don't know who I really am."
"I don't understand... I didn't even realize you were Eltarian."
"I cloak my energy... You can trust me, Aiya. I promise." Carefully, she lowered her shield enough to let Aiyana sense her true energy.
Aiyana's eyes widened in shock. "Sera?" She asked softly.
"Yes. I have all of Sera's memories, Aiyana. Just as I suspect you have all of Daphne's."
"And Oralee's."
"Oralee? Hmmm... So Daphne was a reincarnation just like Sera... I remember Kenna, too, but I'm mostly Serafine."
"Dee, what are you doing working with them? The Witch and Jezz will kill you if they figure out who you are!"'
"I've been planning this for a long time, Aiya. I believe it's why the Mystic brought me back."
"You died?" Aiyana asked in a small, very Daphne-like voice.
"Briefly. Aphell Treygan killed me seven years ago. That part doesn't matter. What does matter is the fact that a powerful Mystic revived me. He told me I was needed here, in Angel Grove. He promised I still had a purpose and that there was a battle for me to fight."
"Who was he?"
"He told me to call him Grandfather."
Aiyana looked like she might cry. "He tried to protect me... He saved me and they killed him, six years ago."
Drakaina hugged her automatically. "Who was after you then, Aiya?"
"The Witch... She was working with a few others, but she's the one who killed him. She tried to kill me when I was a little girl, but Zell saved me."
"Zell saved you?" Drakaina sighed. "The Guild claims he's good now, but I was skeptical. I guess I need to give him a chance... Serafine kind of hates him with a fiery passion, so that's not easy for me."
"He's not evil, Dee. There's good in his heart, and I believe he has been purified now. Her control of him broke."
"Everything in me wants to let you out, but if I do, I'll blow my cover."
"What's your plan, Dee?"
"I'm going to take them down from the inside. They don't know who I am. The Huntress recruited me because she knew my history. Eris likes recruiting powerful women to the Coalition. Just as the Rebellion took in people Eltar's government screwed over, the Coalition looks for those with stories like mine. I knew that was my ticket in. As soon as Jezz sensed my power levels, he tried to recruit me to the Guild. They're much more picky about who joins them than the Coalition is. Jezz was so determined to recruit me to his side, it was easy to allow it, and that put me right where I wanted to be."
"What did the government do to you?"
Drakaina sighed. "My parents defied the orders of the Guard. Mayor Freyst had them executed. And, as I said, Aphell briefly killed me."
"I'm so sorry, Dee... I know what it is to lose your family."
"It's alright. I found you, Aiya. And I just found Greg, too."
"Ash is back. He's with our other incarnations, Darcy and Andie. They're Power Rangers."
Aiyana hesitated. "Dee... What can you tell me about who I'm up against?"
"The Coalition is huge. I can't name everyone, and Eris recruits new members daily. Eris is known as the Huntress. She's fierce and deadly, and she gets off on mind games and torture. She seems to be very close to the Witch. If psychos have besties, Eris is definitely hers. Percival Treygan is the Coalition's other main leader. He's powerful, but not quite as powerful as Aphell was. He is Rinton's oldest living descendant and is treated as the head of the family now that Keilah melted Aphell. He's a jerk with an inferiority complex and he can be extremely vicious. The Coalition had an entire Chapter of the former Rebellion of Eltar join them, the Floridians. Remo's their leader. He's been an angry bastard since Vitella disbanded the Rebellion and it's making his sadistic side come out. His friends are his Lieutenant, a Sorceress named Mayzee, his healer, Zevah, and his tactical guy, Lezt. They are deadly together, but you might be able to take them individually if you can get them alone." She paused.
Aiyana nodded thoughtfully. "And the Guild?" She asked.
"It's much smaller. You already know about Jezzeff and the Witch. There's Kiddius. He was part of the Greek Chapter of the Rebellion. He's fierce and great with weapons. Don't underestimate him. Then, there's T... I know who he really is, but not how he ended up here."
"Tell me?"
"T's real name is Tadd... As in Tadd from the Prophecy Boys."
"The Boys? Like Vallen?"
"I figured Daphne would remember him. Yes, Tadd was one of his friends."
"But the Boys weren't evil... Sera was very close to them."
"She was. No one seems to remember them, Aiya. It's as if Ezzex, Braydee, Vallen, and Tadd never existed. Only Zolan is remembered. I think he made everyone forget the others, but Sera was dead and gone by then, so the spell didn't hit her."
"And when Daphne died, the spell must have broken for her," Aiyana guessed.
"From what I understand, Zolan went to jail for killing a bunch of Jezzeff's guys who worked at the Counsel Building. I think he went to jail to keep the others safe. Zell must have suspected something, because he refused to let Aphell have Zolan executed. He was sentenced to life in prison. He vanished after the Rebellion attacked the Counsel Building. He must have escaped when they freed the prisoners."
"How did Tadd end up here?"
"The Witch must have done something to him. As T, he's basically her puppet. He follows orders and doesn't seem to think for himself. Whatever happened, that is not the Tadd we knew."
Aiyana sighed. "Who else is involved?" She asked.
"Alex is from the world of the Time Force Power Rangers. He is Wes's descendant. The Witch found a way to break him out and left a tulpa in his place. She must have had help, because Jen captured him almost a year ago. Ninjor is extremely powerful. He can sever some teams from the Morphin' Grid, although I think Zordon can reconnect them to it. He is supposed to be a great force of good, but apparently, that was a crock of shit. Reyzzo is powerful... Too powerful. And I figured out that he's Barty's and Sera's, so I guess he's my problem. I will do my best to keep him away from you, but I can't get too close to him or he might figure out I was Sera. Dale isn't that bad. He's here out of misguided loyalty to the Witch and Jezzeff. I'm not sure where he comes from, but there is great light inside of him next to that darkness. He has lines he won't cross."
"I know. He refused to rape me."
"He's a good kid. He's stuck in a bad situation. He's the closest thing to an ally you'll have here besides me... And Jozzuah."
"Wait... Jozz is here? Working with them?" Aiyana asked in horror.
"He adopted the name Bourbon, but yes, Jozzuah joined the Guild... I think he was going to refuse until Jezzeff brought me in."
"He recognized you?"
"His ability to read energy makes it impossible to cloak my identity from him. I'm pretty sure he knows exactly who I am."
"Jozzuah took care of Daphne... He tried to protect her when Zell was out of control and violent. I don't know how, but he got the truth out of her about the abuse. He's the only one who really did. Lygus came close, but she tried to lie to him, too. She was too scared to admit how bad things were, and on some level, she knew Zell needed her... She kept him slightly balanced. He got worse after she died."
"After he killed her," Drakaina corrected her.
"I know what he did, Dee, but that's not who he is."
"I get it. Sorry, it's a reflex. Serafine's just like, Zell Bad!" She shrugged apologetically. "The only other member of the Guild I have met is Didi... And I don't even know where to start."
"Who's Didi?"
"A nutcase. The Witch is apparently her mother."
"The Witch has a daughter?"
"Through a vessel, but yeah. Didi's out of her mind. She was raised on Onyx by Dark Specter, which would probably make anyone a little nuts. Anyway, she's unpredictable. One minute, she acts all cute and like a little girl, but the next, she attacks. Just talk to her if she comes after you. She gets distracted easily and might not hurt you."
"Drakaina... They're trying to use me to get to Zell. They plan to torture me if I don't call out for his help."
Drakaina took a deep breath to calm her rage. Aiyana was extremely brave, but she could still tell she was frightened. "I'll find a way to get you out of here," she promised.
"They'll kill you if you betray them... Just help me try something."
"What do you need?"
"I need to reach out to Amos. He can help me. Can you ground me?"
"Of course." She reached toward Aiyana and realized her hands were shaking. "Aiya... It's going to be okay," she said soothingly.
"It's taking a lot to keep Reyzzo from affecting me. My energy is starting to weaken. He's using his blood tie to Sera to get by my shields."
Drakaina held Aiyana's hands firmly. "Just ground to me. I'll keep him from touching your energy for as long as I can."
Aiyana nodded and closed her eyes. Drakaina hoped her plan would succeed. She could only keep Aiyana safe for so long before she could no longer protect her without blowing her cover.
I'll get her out of here, she vowed. One way or another...
He was talking to Pierce when he felt someone reaching out for him. "Forgive me, Little Fish," he said. "I must accept this call."
"I didn't hear a phone," Pierce replied.
Amos rolled his eyes. "It's not that sort of call." He chuckled. "You should know better, Little Fish. Now, kindly give me a moment." With that, Amos allowed himself to fall into a deep meditation.
He recognized the young woman even after six years. "Aiyana SunFeather..." He said in surprise. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?"
"Amos..." Aiyana was shaking. Amos reached toward her to steady her and calm her energy.
"Talk to me, Little SunFeather. What troubles you?"
"Jezzeff and the Witch found me... I've been abducted. They want me to call out for Zell."
"You mustn't. He's in terrible danger, but he will risk it for you."
"You know the truth about me?"
"I always have, SunFeather... From the moment I met you. I knew there would be a part of you who could change Zell's path. Andie did that a bit, and the Soul Reaper shaking things up by reviving Elgan made it possible for good to enter his heart again, but it was Zell's act of defying the Witch and saving you which enabled the other parts of him to make the choice. Had that Zell not chosen that destiny, the only part which was good would have been destroyed and we would have lost him."
"Amos, I don't know what to do," Aiyana admitted softly.
"Have faith, Little SunFeather," Amos said. "Help shall find its way to you in a manner they do not expect. Until then, I shall send you as much energy as I can to sustain you."
"There is an incubus trying to feed on me."
"Yes, he targeted Andie. I do not like that boy. No matter! He will find that my energy leaves a bitter aftertaste that should teach him a lesson. Now... Rest up! Things have already been set in motion, but you have a long battle ahead of you, Aiyana SunFeather. Remember your strength, and remember the lessons Grandfather taught you."
"I'll fight with all I have, Amos," she promised. "I always have."
"That's the Spirit, SunFeather!" He declared.
She smiled at him sadly. "I understand," she promised.
"It's nice to know someone understands me," he replied with a chuckle. He kissed her astral form's forehead, lending her strength before sending her back to her body.
As Amos came around, Pierce asked dryly, "So, what was so urgent? Was that a long-distance call or something?"
"You could say that. Distance is relative on the astral plane. Now, where was I?"
"Annoying me?"
"Ah! Business as usual then!" Amos laughed. Pierce rolled his eyes, but they were amused. "Sit, Little Fish! I have much to teach you today."
"Where's my brother?"
"Logan is with the Speeding Cheetah."
"A date? Seriously? You mean I could be making out with Darcy right now instead of sitting here with you?"
"Pierce... This lesson is only for you," Amos said.
"Why?" Pierce asked, paying more attention as Amos used his proper name.
"Because, Little Fish... I need your help. And the help of another..."
"Am I late? Apologies! I am still trying to master how time works on Earth," a voice said.
"You are right on time, Elgan," Amos replied. "Thank you for joining us."
"Amos, what's going on?" Pierce asked.
"I feel compelled to do something absolutely insane, Little Fish," Amos replied.
"Must be a day that ends in Y," Pierce mumbled.
Amos ignored him as he continued. "I am not certain it is possible. On my own, I cannot do it... However..."
"Are you planning to get to the point any time soon, or are we supposed to guess?" Pierce asked.
"Feel free! Guessing is fun! However, it is unlikely you'll succeed this time."
"Amos, just tell us!"
"Not just yet, Little Fish. Soon, I promise... Once the three of us have worked together a bit."
"Did he clue you in?" Pierce asked Elgan.
"No... He simply told me it was for the sake of the greater good," Elgan replied.
Pierce sighed. "Just tell us what you need, Old Man," he said.
Amos smiled. "Excellent! Let's begin," he said. He took their hands and started a journey he knew might not end well... He also knew failure was not an option.
It had been over a year since the unofficial "brothers" known collectively as the Prophecy Boys had been partially reunited. Several millennia ago, the five Boys had discovered they were destined to stop the most evil being Eltar had ever seen. When Zell killed their beloved friend Serafine, it had seemed like he must be the one they were meant to stop, but they'd realized almost immediately that he was merely being manipulated by someone far worse.
Eventually, the Boys had realized Jezzeff was the great evil, along with the Witch. Unfortunately, the Witch learned they were on to them and arranged an ambush. Tadd, their fiercest fighter and a member of the Eltarian Guard, had been decapitated. Ezzex had been killed shortly after, but Braydee refused to accept that. The youngest of the Boys was an exceptionally powerful incubus, and he'd saved the life of his beloved by sharing his life force with him. The two literally shared a soul now. Vallen, their healer, had been greatly weakened from sustaining the others during their battle. Left with no choice, Zolan had sent the three of them away, promising he'd find them eventually. He'd then used his telepathy to make everyone forget the other four Boys had ever existed. It even worked on Zell and Jezzeff, although Zolan suspected the Witch had been immune to his powers and had simply let it go.
Jezzeff was injured and his personal task force had been killed. Tadd had taken down most of them, but Ezzex had killed the sixth and final member after he decapitated Tadd. Knowing the only way to get out of Jezzeff framing him for their deaths was to make everyone remember the other members of the Boys, Zolan had gone to prison. Zell had been suspicious and had refused to let Aphell order Zolan's execution, but he had been sentenced to life in prison.
When the Rebellion broke the prisoners out, Zolan had joined them. Twenty minutes later, he'd made them forget he was there and had fled to Earth, where he'd searched for the thoughts of Braydee, Ezzex, and Vallen until he found them. Despite several millennia having passed, it was like no time had gone by as the Boys were reunited. And then, Zolan had heard a single word... Trapped.
That was why they knew, or at least hoped, that Tadd was alive. It seemed impossible. Everyone except Zolan had witnessed Tadd's decapitation... But Zolan swore it was the truth, and that was good enough for Braydee.
They'd been searching ever since, but so far, they hadn't found any sign of Tadd. Unfortunately, tracking and precognition were Tadd's skills. Braydee was an empath, as well as a reverse empath, and an incubus. Vallen healed and worked with faeries. Ezzex was pyrokinetic and telekinetic. Only Zolan's telepathy could help them find Tadd, and he hadn't caught his thoughts again after that day.
Ezzex was skeptical that Tadd was still alive, but Braydee believed enough for both of them. It had to be true. The Boys weren't finished yet. The great evil was still out there. They still had a destiny to fulfill.
"Well, well, well," a voice taunted him. "What do we have here?"
Braydee spun around and saw an Eltarian who radiated power and death. He flashed her his most charming smile as he thought, Zo, I think I'm in trouble.
We're on our way, Zolan replied. What's wrong?
Hostile Eltarian. Gorgeous but scary... Dark skin, wears all black, has amazing taste in high heels...
Bray, focus please.
Right, sorry. She feels powerful, and death follows her.
A cackle alerted him to a bigger threat. Crap! The Witch is with her, he added quickly.
"Eris, be a dear and dispose of this one for me?" The Witch asked.
Her friend is called Eris, Braydee informed Zolan.
Oh fuck, Zolan replied. That's the Huntress, Bray. Get the hell out of there if you can. We'll be there in a minute.
The Huntress studied him. "Can I play with him, Witch? He's terribly handsome," she said.
"He's an incubus. Of course he's handsome," the Witch replied. "But where he goes, the others will surely follow. I need them eliminated, Eris. They'll try to ruin my fun."
A ball of fire hit the Huntress in her chest. She let out a cry of surprise before the Witch sighed and calmly put her out.
"Oh, come on, Witch," Ezzex said with a smirk. "You know it's not a party until I arrive!"
"Ezz..." Braydee said in relief.
The Huntress looked confused. "Witch, who are these Eltarians?" She asked. Then, she spotted Zolan. "Wait... Zolan of Eltar? Didn't you go to prison for slaughtering Jezzeff's little task force?"
"I have the Rebellion of Eltar to thank for my freedom," Zolan replied casually. "They just don't remember that."
"He didn't kill them," the Witch replied. "He was too busy watching us kill his precious fiancée... What was her name again? Trampy?"
Rage filled Zolan's eyes. He nearly took the bait. "Zo..." Braydee said gently. He touched his arm and shook his head.
Zolan sighed, but he backed down. Unfortunately, Ezzex did not. "Don't you dare insult Tanzi, you psychotic bitch!" He shouted, flinging a telekinetic attack at her.
The Witch cackled and dodged the attack. She immediately sent one back at him. "Ezz!" Braydee shouted, knocking him to the ground and absorbing the spell.
"Bray, be careful!" Ezzex cried in alarm.
"Must we keep playing with these toddlers? They're boring me," the Huntress said. "The little boys are so predictable."
That was when Vallen swung his guitar at her head. It knocked her unconscious. Braydee stared at him in surprise. Zolan's jaw dropped. Ezzex howled with laughter.
"Nice shot, Val!" He cried in amusement.
Vallen bowed before checking his guitar for damages. When he found none, he grinned and said, "I guess she didn't predict that!"
Now, Braydee was laughing, too. It felt good to fight beside his brothers again. It had been far too long.
The Witch glared at them before she began to cackle. "I know something you don't know," she said in a sing-song voice.
Braydee felt strong arms wrap around him from behind. His neck was suddenly tilted at an odd angle. The Witch cackled again, seemingly delighted now.
Why does this person feel familiar? Braydee wondered.
"Bray! Let him go, you son of a bitch!" Ezzex shouted.
His captor held him tighter instead, adding more pressure to his neck. "My God..." Vallen said in horror. "Tadd?"
Braydee's eyes went wide. He struggled until he was able to twist enough to see his captor. Sure enough, it was Tadd.
"What the hell are you doing shacking up with the Witch?" Ezzex demanded.
"Ezz..." Zolan began.
"No! He owes us a Goddamned explanation, Zolan! We've been searching for him for all this time and he's working with our enemy!"
"Ezzex, he doesn't know any better!"
"The Hell he doesn't! He knows as well as we do what she is!"
"Ezz, listen to me-"
"Tadd, let Braydee go right now and tell us what the hell is going on!"
"My name is T," Tadd said coldly. Braydee could feel a hint of confusion on him, but little else.
"What? T is a letter, you fool, not a name."
"Ezz... He doesn't remember," Zolan said.
"What do you mean he doesn't remember?"
"T... Kill him," the Witch said. "And then we'll kill the rest of them."
Tadd tried to grab Braydee by his neck again. Braydee looked at him with hurt in his eyes. "Tadd... Tadd, you know me," he insisted.
"I do not," Tadd replied tonelessly. He pulled out a sword.
"Don't you dare!" Ezzex shouted. He flung a ball of fire at Tadd.
"Ezz, no!" Braydee cried. He dove in front of it, barely absorbing the attack in time.
"Bray! Are you mad? I could have killed you!" Ezzex shouted in horror.
"You could have killed Tadd," Braydee replied.
"He's trying to kill you," Ezzex pointed out.
"He's still our brother, Ezz. He's still in there. I know it."
Tadd hesitated, looking confused as he studied Braydee. Vallen moved closer to him as Tadd began tensing up again. He began to play a song on his guitar. Tadd froze in place.
"Good idea, Val!" Braydee said.
"Easy, Friend," Vallen said to Tadd gently as though speaking to a frightened animal who'd been cornered. Then, he began to sing. The hostility seemed to completely leave Tadd then.
"Brilliant! Keep going!" Ezzex said.
"You're reaching him, Val," Zolan added.
"Sorry, Boys, but this concert's been cancelled," the Witch said before she launched an attack at Vallen.
A dozen or so pixies came out of the bushes and deflected the attack. One especially spunky one stuck her tongue out at the Witch and blew a raspberry.
"Thanks, Elona," Vallen said with a grateful grin.
The Witch let out a cry of frustration. "T! Eliminate these pests!" She demanded.
Tadd looked like he was struggling. Braydee could tell Zolan was trying to force his way into Tadd's mind. "Tadd... You know us, Tadd. You're our brother," Braydee said urgently. "We promised the day we met we would always be brothers." He moved closer. With his reverse empathy, he could affect the emotions of others. If he could just touch Tadd, he might be able to get through to him...
Suddenly, an arrow pierced Braydee's chest. The Huntress smirked sadistically from the ground, her bow still in her hands.
"Bray!" Ezzex screamed. "Val, he needs you!"
Vallen rushed to Braydee's side. "It's bad," he mumbled. He started trying to heal him.
"We have to go," Zolan said.
"But..." Braydee tried to protest. Blood came out of his mouth. If he wasn't an incubus, he knew he'd already be dead.
"Bray... We'll find him again," Zolan promised.
Ezzex pulled Braydee into his arms and kissed him deeply. That was enough to sustain him briefly. He didn't let go as Zolan dragged them through a portal.
As soon as they were safe, Zolan said, "Do it, Vallen."
Vallen sighed. "This will hurt, Braydee. I'm sorry." He looked at Ezzex. "Kiss him and don't stop until Zolan tells you to."
"Happily," Ezzex replied. "I might not even stop then."
It was typical of Ezzex to try and lighten the mood with a joke or sarcastic comment, but no one laughed this time.
"Zolan..." Vallen began.
"I've got it," Zolan replied. With that, he pulled the arrow out of Braydee's chest.
Only his husband's lips on his sustained him. He should have bled out immediately.
Soon enough, Braydee felt stronger. He forced himself to release Ezzex. Their lips parted with a mutual content sigh.
"Thanks, Val," Braydee said.
"Braydee of Eltar, if you ever scare me like that again, I'll-" Ezzex began.
"Kiss me?" Braydee asked.
"Sure... Right after I throttle you."
"You love me."
"Of course I do. I'd have murdered you by now if I didn't."
Braydee began to sob. "He doesn't remember us, Ezz," he said softly.
"Don't cry, Bray," Ezzex said quickly, kissing the tears off of his cheeks.
"The Witch must have resurrected him somehow and taken his memories," Zolan guessed.
"We'll get him back," Vallen vowed.
"It's been millennia, Vallen," Braydee protested with more tears. He knew his grief was making their pain worse, but he couldn't help it. "How do you know we can reach him?"
"Because, Bray," Vallen replied, "we made a promise. We're in this together... Brothers forever. So I just know."
Vallen began to play a song. Braydee immediately started to calm down. Everyone's moods started to lift. Soon, Ezzex took Braydee's hand and started dancing with him. Zolan started clapping along to the beat as Vallen continued to perform. Braydee knew that, somehow, they would save Tadd.
Suddenly, Zolan tensed. "Boys..." He began.
"What did you hear, Zo?" Vallen asked as he finished his song.
"Sounds like a party," Ezzex said with mischief in his eyes.
"I'm in," Braydee chimed in with a matching mischievous grin.
"Let's go, Boys," Vallen added. Together, they headed toward whosever thoughts Zolan had heard.
She could feel a sense of darkness in the air. "Guys... I think something's coming," Darcy cautioned her team as they stood in the park. She'd been running a quick training session, but she had a feeling the time for training was over.
"Is it them?" Her best friend, Scott, asked.
"I'm not sure," Darcy replied. "It doesn't feel like the Coalition or the Guild, but it's... Familiar somehow."
"Holy what the fuck?!" Chelsea suddenly cried out.
"What are those things?" Pierce added. He automatically moved closer to Darcy. She looked at the creatures. They radiated with darkness. They had human-like builds but had sharp claws and teeth.
"Oh no..." Darcy mumbled as Serafine's memories flashed through her mind.
"Beyzans? On Earth?" Greg asked in shock.
"What the fuck is a beyzan?" Chelsea demanded.
"They're Eltarian demons that exist purely to feast on carnage and chaos. They're creatures of darkness and they destroy everything in their path once unleashed."
"That sounds bad," Scott said lightly. "Should I call Van and ask him to bring the rest of his team?"
Andie stared at the creatures in horror. She didn't move for a moment as they tore a man apart before their eyes.
"M'Lady, stay behind me," Ivan said firmly.
"Lygus..." Andie whispered in a soft voice.
"Uh-oh," Scott mumbled. "Looks like Andie's not home right now."
"Daphne," Ivan said gently, "everything will be fine. I shall protect thee."
"We need serious backup," Pierce said. "There must be over a hundred of those things."
"Scott, Chelsea, call Van and Logan," Darcy said. "Ivan, keep my sister safe."
"Always," Ivan vowed, raising his sword as several beyzans moved toward them.
"We need Eltarians, Darcy," Greg said practically. "And not the teenagers. Beyzans haven't been seen on Eltar in millennia, let alone on Earth."
"I'll call Laby." She immediately pulled out her cell phone.
"Hey, Darce," Laby replied cheerfully.
"How fast can you get to Stone Hollow?" Darcy asked.
"Based on your tone, I'm on my way to the portal now. What's wrong?"
"We've got beyzans."
"Beyzans?" Laby repeated in disbelief. "On Earth? In Stone Hollow? What the actual fuck is going on?"
"I don't know, but we need help."
"I'll be there in a minute. Just stay together. They're flammable, by the way."
"Good to know." Darcy hung up and started lighting the creatures on fire. They burned, but it wasn't enough. More kept spawning as the others burned.
The Mythical Guild Rangers arrived fully morphed. "What... the... fuck?" Freddy mumbled. He moved protectively in front of Allie.
"My thoughts exactly," Chelsea replied.
"Where did these things come from?" Van asked.
"Eltar," Scott replied.
"Logan, help a girl out?" Darcy asked as she lit three more on fire.
Logan caught on and started setting groups of the creatures on fire.
"Are these... beyzans?" Mena asked. "They were thought to be extinct!"
"Apparently not so much," Greg replied.
"This is bad. We cannot stop them ourselves."
"Why not?" Pierce asked.
"She's right," Laby said. "Everyone, in the labyrinth, now."
"We can't just hide," Greg protested. "They'll kill everyone else."
"I'll handle them until they stop," Laby replied.
"No!" Andie... Or, rather, Daphne cried.
"Daphne?" Laby guessed.
"You can't, Laby! They really hurt you the last time!" She ran to his side. Ivan followed closely behind her. "You almost died."
"You know I can't die, Daphne," he replied casually. "I'll be fine eventually."
"You can still get hurt. You cannot do this alone, Laby."
"She's right," Darcy said firmly. "I won't let you get hurt."
Laby sighed. "Look, only one person ever stopped a beyzan attack, and he's not here right now."
"Who was he?"
"Zolan of Eltar. He was arrested for treason for killing Jezz's task force. Zell wouldn't let them execute him. No one's seen him since the Rebellion liberated most of the prisoners. I'm guessing he joined and promptly made them forget so he could live his life."
"You guessed right," a new voice said.
Darcy spun around. She was overwhelmed for a minute as Serafine's memories rushed over her.
The Boys, she thought. It wasn't just Zolan... It was the five of them together.
"Good to see you again, Laby," Zolan added.
"I'll be damned... Nice timing there, Zo! Way to make an entrance!" Laby replied. He flung his arms around him and hugged him tightly for a moment. Then, he paused. "My memories get fuzzy when I try to remember how you stopped these things."
"That's because I made everyone forget that I had help," Zolan replied. "It wouldn't have worked on you if you weren't so broken after losing Sera and Ash. Your mind was easier to affect because your labyrinths weren't as active at the time. I'm sorry, Laby. I had no choice. It was the only way to protect the others."
"There's no time to waste, Boys," another voice said. He set fire to a bunch of beyzans. "Just like riding a bike!" He added with a smirk.
"Ezzex of Eltar!" Darcy cried.
Ezzex froze in place. He studied her for a moment before softly asking, "Sera?"
"Darcy," she corrected him, "but yes." She ran into his arms, hugging him tightly.
"Sera!" Another voice cried, flinging his arms around her.
"Braydee," she replied without having to see him. Those two were always together.
"Darcy... Care to introduce us to your friends?" Pierce asked.
"Right. Power Rangers, meet the Prophecy Boys. Boys, meet the Power Rangers of Stone Hollow."
"A proper nudge from your labyrinths should fix your memories, Laby," Zolan said. "Like I said, I cannot fully affect your mind."
Laby took a deep breath and closed his eyes. A moment later, they opened wide. He stared at the Boys in surprise. "Wait... Where are Vallen and Tadd?"
"Tadd's with the Witch," Braydee replied, "but we're working on that."
"Bad case of amnesia," Ezzex added. "Head injuries can do that, and his hit the floor pretty hard when he got decapitated, so-"
"Ezz!" Braydee scolded him.
"Right. Forget the details. Anyway, Val's-"
"Right here," Vallen replied as he swung his guitar at a beyzan behind Laby.
This earned a huge grin from Laby. "Thanks, Val," he said. He promptly hugged him. Unlike the others, Vallen had been born in Terrio Vas, the same village where Serafine, Ash, Daphne, Laby, Lido, the Brothers of Legend, and Maegus had grown up.
A woman screamed in the distance as three beyzans tore her apart.
"Holy shit!" Nessa cried. "Guys, have your reunion later. Save lives now."
"Stay here," Zolan said. "We'll handle this."
"Without Tadd?" Braydee asked.
"Four Boys is better than none of us," Ezzex pointed out.
A girl came running toward them. Her head was bleeding and a beyzan was right behind her. "Help me!" She cried. "Help me, please!"
"She's hurt," Daphne said in alarm. She tried to move toward her.
"Andie, don't," Pierce cautioned.
"She needs help," Daphne insisted.
"Miss Daphne?" Vallen asked softly.
"She's hurt, Vallen. She'll die," Daphne replied.
Vallen knelt in front of her. "Oh, Miss Daphne..." He shook his head. "You're still very brave. Allow me to assist you." He stood up, offering her his hand.
Daphne took it without hesitating. Darcy knew Andie was pretty far from the surface, because she never touched people so trustingly until she knew them very well.
It was Darcy and Ezzex who ran toward the beyzan behind the injured girl. "Darcy, don't," Pierce said urgently. "Something isn't right here."
Darcy and Ezzex unleashed pyrokinetic attacks in unison. The beyzan went up in flames. "Nice, Sera!" Ezzex cheered in delight.
As Daphne and Vallen reached the girl, she started to giggle. "Gotcha!" She cried. She tried to impale Andie's body with a dagger, but Pierce jumped between them. The blade sliced through his chest.
"Pierce!" Darcy screamed. She immediately ran toward him.
The girl moved back to watch things play out. She twirled one of her pigtails as she giggled again. "Nothing personal, Daphne," she said. "Mommy just really hates you. Sorry, Piercikins. You're cute, by the way. Shame you're going to die."
"Mommy?" Van repeated.
"Piercikins?" Chelsea added.
"Oh! I forgot about introductions! How rude of me," the girl replied. She extended her hand, but no one took it. She shrugged. "Didi Vile. Pleasure to meet you!"
"Vile? As in... Master Vile?" Mena guessed.
"He spawned me, but he's not my daddy. That was Dark Specter. He raised me, but your friends killed him!"
"Be calm, Didi..." A man said gently. He touched her arm and she visibly relaxed.
"Anyway," Didi continued casually, "I came to play with Daphne, but Piercikins got in the way. Do you think Mommy will be mad? I know she wants him alive for now."
"Pierce will survive," the man said very firmly. Darcy noticed he was avoiding looking at her. She felt a powerful shift in the air. Vallen and Daphne had been healing Pierce, but she noticed he started healing much faster. He sat up after a few moments and seemed fine.
"Pierce..." Darcy whispered. She kissed him, needing to reassure herself he was okay.
"I'm fine, Darce," he promised against her lips.
"Oh, good! I don't want to make her mad," Didi replied. "Come on, Bourbon. I wanna go play with the other beyzans!"
"Wait a minute... Jozzuah?" Ezzex asked.
"Have we met?" Bourbon, or Jozzuah as Serafine remembered him, asked.
Zolan put his hands over Ezzex's mouth. "No," he said firmly. "But you know me."
"Holy shit... Zolan? You're alive? I figured Aphell would have executed you as soon as Zell was gone."
"Both Moriazan and Rey were sympathetic to my case. They overruled Aphell and Mayor Freyst any time they tried to change my sentence."
"What are you doing mixed up with Power Rangers, Zolan?"
"What are you doing mixed up with Jezz and the Witch, Jozz?" Laby demanded.
"Laby... It's complicated," Bourbon replied.
"I'm here because only I can stop the beyzans," Zolan said.
"You're handsome, but if you're going to stop Mommy's friends, we're enemies," Didi said. She started to cast a spell.
"Who is her mother?" Greg asked.
"The Witch conjures the beyzans," Braydee replied. "I guess she had a baby."
"Someone slept with that?" Ezzex asked.
"That's a scary thought," Vallen mumbled.
As more beyzans swarmed, Laby shook his head. "Enough. Boys, handle the beyzans. We'll handle the bitches," he said.
"Hey, I'm not a bitch," Bourbon argued.
"You're Jezzeff's bitch. Consider all respect I ever had for you lost, Jozz."
"That fucking bastard betrayed Sera and Ash, Jozzuah! Go to hell!" With that, he attacked.
"Laby seems to be taking this one personally," Scott pointed out.
"Jozzuah was a really good friend of ours. It is personal," Darcy replied.
Laby was attacking Bourbon with so much rage it made the normally laid-back and snarky Eltarian nearly unrecognizable. "Laby, stop. That's enough," Darcy said as she realized Bourbon wasn't fighting back.
"He's a fucking traitor, Darcy!" Laby shouted. He hit him again.
"Guys, I think Laby's gone rogue," Scott said.
"Does anyone have some popcorn?" Chelsea asked.
Allie grinned and clapped her hands. A tulpa appeared with a giant bucket of popcorn a couple of seconds later.
"Badass..." Chelsea mumbled before shoving a handful of popcorn into her mouth.
Didi stood back simply watching this. "Not my fight," she decided aloud. "You're on your own, Bourbon. Good luck!" She cheerfully skipped away toward the remaining beyzans.
"Laby, this isn't you!" Darcy insisted.
"It is now!" Laby replied furiously. "Jozzuah is a p-piece of shit j-just like J-Jezzeff and Zutan! He h-has to p-pay, S-Sera!" He was still beating the hell out of Bourbon.
Darcy froze. Laby never slipped and called her Sera unless Serafine was actually in control of her body or he was explaining where her soul came from to someone else. Keeping Darcy separate in his mind from his dead best friend was important to him and was one of the ways he maintained his sanity. "Laby... You need to breathe," she said soothingly.
He was hyperventilating and still throwing wild punches. He showed no signs of stopping until Andie managed to slip by Daphne and moved her body between the two of them. "Laby, stop," she said softly. "Please."
He managed not to hit her. She tried to calm his breathing by touching his chest and Darcy knew she was connecting to his spirit. Laby started crying.
Darcy wrapped her arms around Laby. He wept into her hair and couldn't seem to stop. "I'm s-sorry..." He whispered.
"Shhh... It's okay," Darcy said soothingly.
"I'm s-sorry, S-s-Sera... I'm s-so s-sorry..."
Serafine practically trampled Darcy as she took control of her body. She held him tighter and began singing to him softly. The song was an Eltarian lullaby.
The beyzans were gone and so was Didi. The Boys returned to them. Vallen immediately began strumming his guitar and harmonizing along to Serafine's lullaby.
The younger Eltarians present all looked like they were going to fall into a peaceful sleep except for Van. He looked incredibly sad.
"Honey, are you okay?" Scott asked.
"My dad used to sing that to me," Van replied softly. "Before... Well, just before."
Scott held him tightly and kissed him. Serafine kept singing with Vallen.
Finally, Laby stopped crying. He cleared his throat awkwardly. Taking a deep breath, he spoke slowly and deliberately and Darcy knew he was trying very hard not to stutter. "Darcy... Please excuse the nervous breakdown," he said. "I'm okay."
"It's alright, Laby," Darcy said as Serafine let her take control of her body again. "You're entitled. More than most, actually."
Laby turned toward Bourbon, who lay battered and bleeding on the grass. He sighed. "Sorry, Jozz... That was several millenia's worth of rage." He offered Bourbon a hand.
Bourbon shook his head. "I deserved it. I'll buy you a drink later," he offered weakly. Andie and Vallen automatically began healing him.
"I'm sober," Laby replied. "Wait. How did you know I started drinking?"
"I owned the first bar you hit on Bourbon Street, Laby. I know you forgot. You were pretty messed up that night... But I left you in Josie's care."
"Josie said I just wandered into her bar one night and I woke up with her taking care of me."
"I made sure she believed that was true. I figured I owed you that much, but I couldn't risk you recognizing me. I'm a wanted man."
"Yeah, Aphell and Freyst wanted your head on a platter for millennia. You know, the Rebellion would have helped you. Felina suggested Garron try to find you more than once."
"After being part of Zell's original Alliance, I'd had enough of group activities. And for the record, Laby... I'd have kicked my ass, too. I failed Sera, and there was nothing I could do for Ash, and then Daphne..." Bourbon shook his head. It was obvious he was trying to hide his emotions.
"You tried, Jozz," Andie said softly. "Daphne remembers you taking care of her... Patching her up or even stopping Zell when he was about to snap and hurt her."
"It wasn't enough. I should have told someone what he was doing to her. I should have gotten her out of there!"
"She wouldn't let you, and you worked for Zell. You did everything you could, and she was so grateful for your friendship."
"Jozzuah..." Greg began.
"Bourbon," he corrected him. "I prefer to go by that name... Ash."
"Greg... Gregory Matthew Arnold, Junior, actually, but, you know... Greg is fine."
"Yeah, you are definitely Ash," Bourbon said with a sad laugh.
"Bourbon," Greg started again. "Why are you working for them? It's clear you regret what happened with Zell. Jezzeff is worse, and the Witch controlled most of Zell's actions back then. They're the ones responsible for what happened to us."
"It's a long story, Greg... Let's just say I have no choice. I don't want to hurt you guys. I don't want to hurt anyone."
"He's telling the truth," Zolan said. "He let me get by his telepathic shields. We can trust him."
"Then walk away. We'll help you," Laby said.
"I can't, Laby. They have part of Sera. I have to figure out what she's doing working for them."
"Wait, I have another life? Jeez, I get around, don't I?" Darcy asked.
"I met her," Greg said. "The morning Wynter died. With everything else, I forgot to mention it. She infiltrated the Guild, but I'm pretty sure she knows what she's doing."
"Good," Nessa said.
"Good?" Mena repeated.
"Yeah. It means we have people inside of the Guild just like we had people in the Alliance. It's brilliant if they can pull it off."
"I'll be fine. As for Sera... I don't think they know who she is yet." Bourbon said before he paused. "Vallen... Daphne..." His voice shook slightly as he said her name.
"It's Andie now. And that's Darcy," Andie explained.
"Stop healing me. If I got back fully healed, they'll get suspicious."
"He's right," Darcy said gently. "Will you be okay, Bourbon?"
"I always am, Darlin'," he replied with a casual wink. She saw the pain behind it.
"Stop blaming yourself. Sera loved you. She wouldn't want you to be in pain." She kissed his cheek.
The pain was clear in his eyes then. "Sera always did see through me," he said softly. "I've got to get back before they come looking for me. Excuse me." He hurried away.
"What a glorious day!" Ezzex declared. "Reunited with old friends, battling old enemies... Zo, don't you think it's time you made everyone remember us?"
"I can't do that, Ezz," Zolan replied.
"The Witch already made it clear she remembers," Braydee protested.
"Yes, but Jezzeff doesn't. Until Tadd's back with us, we have to play it safe. He might try to harm Tadd if he realizes he's the one who killed most of his task force."
Laby suddenly seemed to have an idea. "Hey, Zo, the new Prime Minister and the new Treygan on the Counsel of Elders can clear your name," he said. "They've been pardoning people left and right. Any of the members of the Rebellion who helped out recently were already cleared. I'm sure they'll clear you if you tell them the truth."
"That might be nice. I've managed to avoid being discovered since I escaped, but not having to worry about returning to jail sounds good..."
"I can arrange a meeting," Andie offered. "The new Prime Minister is Daphne's daughter."
Vallen looked surprised. "Daphne had another daughter?" He asked.
"No. It's Anise. Zell lied about her being stillborn."
"Zell lied? Imagine that!" Ezzex said in mock-shock.
"That would be like Jezzeff lying!" Braydee chimed in.
"Oh, hush, you two," Zolan scolded them. "I'm glad Anise survived, Andie."
"Yes, it makes my heart happy as well," Vallen added.
It is your duty to protect the Boys, Serafine reminded Darcy.
They're not kids anymore... And it was only my duty because Braydee was still fourteen when they met and his mother wouldn't let him move to the city without me watching over him, Darcy argued.
Their destiny has yet to be realized, Darcy. They must be protected, and they must be properly reunited. The future depends on it.
Oh, is that all? Darcy sighed. No pressure, she thought. Still, she knew Serafine was right. She had to help them. They were like family to her. She wouldn't let them down.
He was surprised when his father told him they were going to leave the planet for a bit, but Kenji was also excited. He'd never left Japan before, let alone Earth. He was definitely up for the adventure.
They stood outside of Eltar's Counsel Building. The person who let them inside said nothing as he led them toward an office. He was stoic and intimidating, but his aura told Kenji he could be trusted.
"Thanks, Gray," a woman said as they arrived. He nodded, fisting his hand over his heart and bowing before leaving.
"He's a chatterbox, isn't he?" Bridge asked lightly.
The woman, who barely looked older than Kenji, laughed. "That's Keilah's younger brother. He kind of lives, breathes, and exists purely for the Eltarian Guard, but he's a good guy," she replied. "What can I do for you, Bridge? And who's your friend?"
His father took a deep breath. "Anise... I messed with the timeline," he confessed.
She raised an eyebrow at that. "You're from SPD, Bridge. That's not like you."
"Someone told me this path was an option. She helped me hide the fact that I saved a woman that Commander Cruger told me was supposed to die, but she'd just saved my life, and she was a good person, and she was so beautiful... Not just physically, but her aura... I couldn't do it... So, anyway, we hid in the past for a while and that woman became my wife."
"Wife?" Anise laughed. "You certainly don't do things small, Bridge."
"And this is our son, Kenji Carson Kimura. Kenji, this is Prime Minister Anise, Zordon's sister and Zell's daughter."
"It's nice to meet you, Prime Minister," Kenji replied cheerfully, offering his hand to her.
She shook it. "Anise is fine, really," she replied. "And it's nice to meet you, too."
"Anyway, the girl who helped us, Briar, said something I didn't understand at the time... She told me when the sky fell, I needed to tell you the truth. I didn't know you yet, and I kind of forgot about it over the years, but after Sky died..." He paused. Kenji sensed his distress and touched his arm gently, trying to soothe him. His father took a deep breath. "I understand now... So, here I am. I know I broke, like, every rule of time travel, and I understand if I get fired and can't be a Power Ranger anymore, but-"
"Slow down, Bridge," Anise said. "It's okay."
"But I defied a direct order from Commander Cruger!"
"With good reason. I trust Doggie, but I think this Briar girl was right. I feel like Kenji is supposed to be here."
Kenji grinned. "Thanks, Anise!" He replied.
She paused. "Wait here," she said. She stepped outside of time.
"Cool trick!" Kenji declared.
Moments later, Anise reappeared with a young girl. "I felt you spying from just outside of time," she said. "I assume you're Briar. Start talking, Kid."
The teenager smiled. "Hi, Aunt Anise," she greeted her.
"Aunt?" Kenji heard his father ask in surprise.
"Did I forget to mention that?" Briar asked innocently.
"Whose kid are you? Topaz? Lachlan? I mean, Lach's gay, but it's not that hard for a gay guy to have a kid these days. He could have just adopted, because blood doesn't make a family, or maybe he used a surrogate-"
Briar laughed. "I'm not Uncle Lach's," she replied.
"She's Zordon's," Anise said. "I can feel it in her energy."
"Yeah... But would you mind keeping that from Dad for a little bit longer? It's not time yet."
"I know how this works... Why are you here, Briar?"
"I need to talk to you, but I figured it could wait until Bridge and Kenji were done." She flashed Kenji a grin and said, "I'm glad you exist, Kenji. It's a good start."
"Start?" Kenji asked.
"We're going to shake things up," Briar replied with a mischievous grin. Kenji had a feeling that was an understatement.
PAX (2044)
He rushed into his little sister's room and knew his instinct was right. Pax groaned internally before hurrying to his twin sister's bedroom. He flung the door open without knocking. "Briar's done something foolish and dangerous. We need to go after her," he said.
Carissa didn't even look up from the kitten she was petting. "Let me guess," she said. "She jumped through time again?"
"I think she's trying to change the past. Remember how she kept insisting we have an older brother that the Witch was holding hostage and we thought she made it all up? Carissa, I think she's trying to find him... In the past... With the Witch."
Now, Carissa looked up. "She wouldn't..."
"Have you met her?"
"What if she wasn't making it up? If we have a brother, shouldn't we try to save him?"
"Wouldn't we have remembered?"
"Well, the Witch is really powerful, Pax. I know you're decent with time travel and I'm fair with it, too, but neither of us hangs out outside of time the way Briar does. Neither does Dad. It's possible that, if the Witch altered time strongly enough, Briar would be the only one who'd remember both timelines besides Grandfather."
"Maybe we should call him."
"I don't think there's time. I feel like Briar's in immediate danger. Let's go after her. We'll sort it out after she's safe."
"Father's going to be angry with us for not telling him right away."
"He doesn't have to know."
"You sound like Briar."
"Sometimes, she's right."
Pax sighed. "Let's track her."
Carissa kissed her kitten's forehead before standing up. She waved her hands and candles came toward them. Pax used magic to light them. The twins joined hands. As the spell reached through time and space, they both knew where their little sister had disappeared to.
"How are we supposed to get into the Counsel Building?" Pax asked.
"Um, hello? We're Yizaks," Carissa reminded him. "We'll use the unsanctioned portal in the basement. Our blood will get us in."
"That won't work in 2020. Keilah changed it so that what happened when the Rebellion attacked in 2019 couldn't happen again. That was how Raffitty got them in, remember? Being from a governing bloodline isn't enough anymore."
"Right... But we're related to her. I thought she'd make an exception for family."
"Keilah's more fair than that. She treats everyone the same."
"You're right. What do you suggest?"
"We'll just have to play students. We'll enter through the front door. The Guard should let us in if we act like it's for school."
"You mean we're going to lie?"
"For the greater good."
Carissa laughed. "I love it when you actually break a rule. It happens so rarely. Come on. I'll get us in. Just follow my lead."
They got to the Counsel Building in 2020 pretty quickly. Carissa cast a spell to dress them in typical Eltarian fashion for the time and manifested notebooks, backpacks, and pens for them.
"Nice work, Sis," Pax said.
"Thanks. Whoa!" She cried suddenly.
"What is it?" Pax asked.
"Elders, straight ahead. Hang back."
Karlton and Pasha were, in fact, standing at the door of the Counsel Building. They were not alone.
"Senator Joy?" Pax whispered.
"But isn't she-?" Carissa whispered back.
"Carissa... Go find out what day it is."
Carissa headed for a newsstand. When she returned, she looked pale. "Pax, I know why I sensed a threat."
"It happens today?"
"Yes." She paused. "Unless it doesn't."
"We can't just change the past, Riss. Even if it's horrible."
"We can if it feels right... And this does. Come on, Pax. Why else would the Universe have put Briar here, right now, in this exact moment?"
Pax watched as other people arrived. He recognized Karone. The girl beside her looked enough like her that he knew she must be her daughter.
"I'm reporting back from KO35," Karone told the guard.
"Of course. And the girl?"
"This is my daughter, Gabriella Corbett. I brought Ella along so she could see the Counsel Building. She's never been here before."
"Color me so excited," Ella replied dryly. Her long hair was as blue as the deepest sea.
"Behave, Ella, or I'm letting my brother take you to that fossil exhibit he wants to drag you to."
"Anything but that!" Ella said in horror. "Uncle Andros is great, but that's not my idea of quality time."
A cheerful girl walked by them. She radiated with light as she smiled at Ella. "I like your hair," she said kindly.
"Thanks," Ella said. It shifted to a shade of purple.
"She looks exactly like Astronema like that," Carissa whispered.
"I have mood hair," Ella explained to the girl. "It shifts as my moods do."
"Is purple good?"
"It depends." She grinned.
"Mood hair... I like it!" Pasha said with a laugh.
"State your business, Miss," the guard at the door said.
"Oh, yes, my apologies! I am here to see my mother." The girl smiled at Senator Joy.
"Liberty, dear, now is not a good time," Senator Joy said. "You should go home."
"Ah! Libby, I did not recognize you," Karlton said. "It's been a long time."
"Liberty, we'll speak later. I have important business to attend to," Senator Joy insisted.
Suddenly, a boy appeared via portal. He stood stoic and strong, his sword at his side. "My good Sir!" He greeted the guard at the door. "I come with an important message for the Prime Minister, from the Children of the Flame."
"Sir Edmund," Gray replied from behind the door. "Do come in. Anise is in a meeting, but she should be finished soon." He paused. "Karlton. Pasha. Senator." He bowed to them respectfully before leading all of them inside. Libby followed her mother into the building.
"Go on," the guard told Karone and Ella, moving so they could enter the building as well.
"Pax... This is it," Carissa whispered.
"I know," Pax replied. She was right. Interfering felt right, but he knew their father wouldn't approve. Still, their baby sister was inside, and so were several other innocent people. Pax sighed. "Alright. I guess it's time to break some rules."
Carissa grinned at him before casting a simple spell on the guard. He didn't question them as they entered the building, and she lifted the spell immediately after. They headed for the main hall, where they knew trouble would arrive shortly.
She was bored out of her mind. It wasn't that she didn't care about government affairs, but it didn't interest her the way it interested the rest of her family. She was a sixteen-year-old girl who had issues letting people in after losing her father, Leo, in a big battle less than two years ago. She often took teen angst to a new level, but she figured she'd earned some slack in that area.
People began coming into the main hall of the building via portal. Senator Joy was the one allowing them access, and she kept looking at her daughter like she was worried about something.
Libby seemed unconcerned, but something about her mother's behavior left Ella feeling uneasy. Her hair shifted to hot pink as she moved closer to Libby.
"Oooh, pretty!" Libby said in excitement.
Ella smiled at her, but she didn't drop her guard. She felt something in the air she didn't trust.
"Is everyone here?" Karlton asked.
"Yes," Senator Joy replied.
"Good. This meeting is to discuss the future of Eltar's eighth district. As you all know, the villages there have been largely abandoned for some time. There has previously been talk of fixing the area up, however, Aphell always voted against it."
"But, ding-dong, the bitch is gone, so we're revisiting the discussion," Pasha added.
Ella smirked at that. It was nice to see that one of the Elders besides Keilah had a good sense of humor. She'd certainly never heard an Elder speak so crassly before. I like him, she decided.
"Here's my issue," a voice said. Ella turned toward her. A hush fell over the room as she stood up. "You see, the eighth district is quite useful to us." She radiated with power.
"Who is that?" Ella whispered to Libby.
"Jorra of Eltar, what is the meaning of this?" Karlton demanded as Jorra pulled out a sword.
"Fuck," Pasha mumbled before diving in front of Karlton and knocking him to the ground.
It took Ella a moment to realize Jorra had impaled Pasha with her sword. She'd clearly been aiming for Karlton.
Panicked screams filled the hall. Several people rushed for the portal, but others blocked it. They pulled out weapons as well.
"It's the Coalition," Ella's mother said as Bridge, Anise, a young teenage girl, and a boy with somewhat Japanese features ran into the room.
"Oh crap," Bridge mumbled. "Morphin' Time?"
"Kids, stay behind us. Let Bridge and I handle this. Go Galactic! Galaxy Pink!" She morphed.
"SPD Emergency! Red!" Bridge added.
A battle began. Anise set to work trying to protect the innocents, but it was hard to tell who the traitors were.
It was the boy who'd entered with Bridge that suddenly shouted, "Anise!" He moved between her and Senator Joy. "Don't trust this one."
"Kenji, this is one of Eltar's Senators," Anise said in confusion.
"Her aura's tainted. She's up to something!" Kenji insisted.
"Don't be ridiculous," Senator Joy protested. "You are not even Eltarian. How dare you?"
"She was the one controlling access to the meeting," Ella chimed in. She felt guilty as she saw the sadness in Libby's eyes.
"Joy?" Anise asked.
"The boy is confused, Anise. You know me," Senator Joy insisted.
"Pasha's bleeding out!" Karlton cried out. He was trying to heal him, but it was obvious Pasha's injuries required more than he could do alone.
Libby moved toward him, but her mother grabbed her arm. "Get out of here, Liberty. Use this and go home. I'll find you after," she said, handing her something.
"Mother?" Libby asked softly. Then, she sighed. "You did do this..."
"I had to, Libby. The Coalition is very powerful... Cooperating was the best option."
"No, Mother... It wasn't." She shook her head. "Excuse me. I am going to go help Pasha."
"Liberty of Eltar, you go home this instant-"
"Goodbye, Mother." Libby walked toward Pasha and Karlton, refusing to look back.
Ella realized the Coalition was firing spells and weapons in the direction Libby was walking. She chased after her and began deflecting the spells and using telekinesis to keep the bullets from touching Libby or anyone else who was nearby.
"Pasha... Hold on, okay?" Libby asked. "I'll heal you."
Pasha groaned in pain but managed to give her a thumbs up. Ella looked at him and knew he was a step above dead. She focused on deflecting the many attacks that seemed to be targeting Karlton more than anyone else.
Edmund ran into the hall. He immediately raced toward Ella and the others, raising his sword. Within moments, he was dueling against anyone who dared to get too close.
"Edmund, behind you!" Ella shouted as a powerful man entered the room and came straight at him with his sword raised. He wore a cloak.
Edmund raised his sword just in time to deflect the attack. "Thank you, Lady Ella," he said respectfully. Sometimes, Edmund was so much like his father, Sir Ivan, it was uncanny.
"Oh boy... Boss level!" Kenji declared as he noticed the man dueling against Edmund. He joined them, apparently ready to fight the biggest bad guy to show up so far.
"You're going to be alright, Pasha," Libby said as she continued to heal him. "Just hang on a little bit longer."
"Doing my best, Kiddo," Pasha replied weakly. Ella took that as a good sign.
"You cannot stop me, foolish children!" The man in the cloak declared.
"You are a coward who hides his face behind a cloak," Edmund argued. "I think we are quite capable of defeating someone like you."
Ella had to admit, the kid had guts. "He's right," she said as she noticed the dig made the man tense slightly. "What sort of loser won't show his face in battle?" She taunted him.
The man removed his hood and glared at her. "Percival Treygan!" Karlton said in disgust. "You are every bit the traitor your brother was!"
Percival changed tactics as rage got the better of him. He shoved his sword toward Karlton.
"No!" A girl cried out. The sword missed Karlton by mere centimeters. She waved her hand and it flew out of Percival's grasp and floated toward her. "Oooh... Shiny," she said with a grin.
As Percival tried to run toward the girl, a boy stepped between them. Percival's cloak suddenly caught on fire. He screamed, clearly outraged.
"This is not keeping a low profile, Carissa," the boy mumbled.
"I thought we agreed Karlton and Pasha shouldn't die today, Pax," the girl replied.
"We did, but you could have been more subtle."
"There's no such thing as subtle in battle. Besides, it worked."
"Who are you?" Ella asked.
"Trustworthy allies," Kenji said firmly.
"Then fight beside us, Friends," Edmund said.
"Can either of you heal?" Libby asked.
"We both can, to some extent. I need spells. Pax can do it naturally," Carissa replied.
"Where's Briar?" Pax asked.
"Hiding near Bridge. She's okay for now."
"Alright. Carissa, help deflect attacks. I'll help Pasha. What is your plan?" Pax asked Ella. "Is there a strategy in place?"
"Edmund's amazing with a sword. I don't know the others," Ella said. "Libby seems to be a great healer... Pasha was nearly dead until she defied her mother and stepped up. And Kenji..."
"I read auras," Kenji supplied. "I've got a lot of Martial Arts training, too."
"Okay... So, Kenji and Edmund will hold back the physical attacks. Carissa and I will fight off the magical ones and try to chase them out of here with some of our own."
"That sounds fun!" Carissa decided.
"Pax, do your best to help Libby heal Pasha. Hopefully he'll be fully healed soon." She noticed Anise watching her closely for a moment and nodding her head slowly.
They set to work. Ella spotted her mother and Bridge kicking all kinds of ass on the other end of the hall. They were definitely holding their own as they tried to protect the terrified Eltarians who weren't Coalition members, but Ella wasn't sure how much more they could handle.
Senator Joy came toward them. To Ella's shock, she flung a powerful dark spell at Karlton. Carissa grabbed Ella's hand and they deflected it in unison.
"Hey, Pax... Can you use your telekinesis to move this for me?" Libby asked. She showed him the strange device her mother had given to her.
"Yes," Pax replied. "Where would you like me to send it?"
"Get it to Anise. She can get everyone else out," Libby replied.
"What is it?" Ella asked.
"It's an emergency portal. The Rebellion used to use them to escape all the time. They only allow you to travel very short distances, but they do the trick if you're in a pinch."
"Why did your mom have one of the Rebellion's portals?" Edmund asked.
"It belonged to my father. He gave it to her just in case of an emergency."
"Your mom's a Senator... Your dad was a Rebel?" Ella asked in surprise.
"He's easy to love," Libby replied with a smile. "Ask Hezzo sometime."
"Hezzo... Wait! Is your father Ling?"
"It's supposed to be a secret, but considering people's lives are at stake... Yes. You can trust this portal. Whatever is going on with my mother, trust me, she couldn't have tampered with it."
Pax nodded. He moved it toward Anise, who looked up in surprise as it landed in front of her. She smiled gratefully before activating it. She immediately began getting innocent bystanders out of the hall.
A scream echoed through the hall. Ella saw her mother lying on the ground, her morph gone and her head bleeding.
"Karone!" Bridge cried in alarm. He stood over her, trying to protect her.
"Mom!" Ella shouted. She'd lost her father. She couldn't lose her mother, too. Ella should have panicked, but instead, rage filled her very core. She began radiating with magic.
"Uh-oh... This looks like trouble," Kenji said.
"Lady Ella, stay with us," Edmund said urgently.
"I'll destroy them! How dare they attack these innocent people? They have to pay!" Ella cried.
Libby gently touched her arm. "Ella... It's okay. I know you're worried about your mother, but from all I've heard, Karone is incredibly strong. She's going to be okay," she said soothingly.
A bit of light seemed to reach through the darkness Ella had fallen into. She clung to it, allowing Libby's voice to guide her back into control of herself. She took a deep breath. "Let's finish this, guys," she said with determination.
The six teenagers began to battle the remaining Coalition members on their side of the hall. They were doing well, and working with Edmund and these strangers felt oddly natural to Ella.
Gray had taken a lot of the Coalition members down, but he was rapidly losing blood now. He and Bridge were starting to have trouble defending Ella's mom and the few people Anise hadn't reached yet when the energy of the hall changed.
"Alright, Bitches," a voice declared. "You want a fight? You got one!"
"Retreat!" Percival shouted as he recognized the new arrival.
"Keilah... Thank God," Ella mumbled.
The Coalition members began to flee, but not quickly enough. Keilah easily slaughtered anyone she reached. A few managed to run, including Percival. Jorra was killed.
"How'd they get in?" Keilah asked Anise as she started healing Gray.
"Senator Joy," Anise replied.
"Ironic name, given the grief she just caused."
Keilah shook her head. As Senator Joy tried to flee, she grabbed her.
"Mercy! Please, Keilah, I beg you!" She cried.
"You showed no mercy today when you allowed the Coalition to infiltrate this meeting," Keilah replied coldly. "Why should I show you any?"
"My daughter... Please, she needs me. She has no father."
Keilah looked where Senator Joy was pointing. She sighed. "How old are you, Kid?" She asked.
"I'm seventeen," Libby replied.
"You're legal. Good. Look, um..."
"Libby. You should leave. You don't want to watch this if things go the way they're likely to."
Libby hesitated. "I will remain," she said stoically. "Mother... May I ask why you did this?"
"Oh, Liberty, you couldn't possibly understand," Senator Joy replied.
"You're going to explain it to me, Mother... I'm listening."
Senator Joy suddenly seemed compelled to speak. "They promised me the one thing I could never resist," she replied.
"Which was?"
"Jinnifer's head on a pike." She covered her mouth, shocked by her own words.
"Mother... How could you?" Libby asked in horror.
"I despise them, Liberty... The Founding Families are handed everything on a silver platter while the rest of us must work for what we desire. The Coalition is right."
"Mother, how can you buy into their propaganda?"
"You are too young to understand. I am doing this to make Eltar a better world for you, my precious daughter!"
"This is not the way. Innocent lives were lost today because of your actions..." Libby had tears in her eyes. Ella automatically squeezed her hand to comfort her.
"They had to die for the cause to succeed."
"Senator Joy, you are hereby charged with High Treason against Eltar," Anise said. "You are stripped of your title as a Senator and will face a trial."
"The traditional sentence for your crimes is..." Keilah began. She hesitated, looking at Libby.
"Death," Libby whispered sadly. "I know the consequences of her actions, Keilah. Do as you must."
"Gray, take her to the prison," Keilah said. She moved in front of Libby to block her from watching her mother be dragged away. "Do you have somewhere to stay, Libby?" She asked gently.
"Not exactly..." Libby replied softly. "I suppose I could call my father."
"Your mother said you had no father."
"It's complicated."
"It's Ling," Keilah said after studying her for a moment. "Does he know?"
"Yes. I'm the only child he knows he has. There could be others."
"I'll call Grayzee and ask him to tell Ling what happened. Now... Karlton, Pasha... Are you both okay?" Keilah asked.
"Peachy," Pasha replied. "Thanks to the kids."
"Pasha, why?" Karlton asked softly. "You took an attack meant for me. Why would you do that for me?"
"Because you may think you're better off dead, my friend, but none of us agree," Pasha replied. "I'd do it again in a heartbeat."
"You did good, Asshole," Keilah teased Pasha as she looked him over to make sure he was fully healed.
"Thanks, Kiddo. I happen to be attached to this guy. Besides, I knew you'd kick my ass if anything happened to Karlton."
"Damn right," Keilah replied with a laugh. She looked at Pax and Carissa. "Um... Anise?" She asked.
"Yes to what you're wondering, and I'll explain later," Anise replied.
Keilah nodded. She looked at Karlton, Pasha, and one of the security guards who'd survived the attack that she seemed to know. "Come on, Gentlemen... And Pasha. Let me take you back to the Counsel of Elders building. It's on full lockdown. You'll be safe there."
Karlton looked haunted as Keilah took his arm. They left through a portal.
"How are you kids holding up?" Bridge asked.
"Mom!" Ella cried, hugging her mother and forgetting to act like her usual sullen self for a moment.
Her mother hugged her back. "I'm okay, Ella," she promised. "I just got knocked out for a couple of minutes."
As she pulled away, Ella noticed how lost Libby looked. "Mom, can we stay for a bit? Just until Ling gets here? Libby shouldn't have to be alone."
Her mother looked surprised by her request. "Alright, Ella," she agreed after a moment.
"Actually..." Anise began. "I'd appreciate it if all of you stayed... Ella, Libby, Kenji, Edmund, and, I am guessing, Pax and Carissa?"
"You know about us?" Carissa asked.
"Briar, I'm going to glue your lips shut," Pax mumbled. The youngest of the teenagers in the room stuck her tongue out at him and Ella assumed Briar must be his younger sister.
"I recognize the energy inside of you," Anise replied. "Briar, you're staying, too. I figure you'll get into less trouble here than on the loose."
"Don't underestimate my skills," Briar replied lightly.
"So why do you want us to stay?" Ella asked.
"I have an idea... But I need a day or so to work out the details," Anise explained. "I promise I'll explain soon. For now, let me set you up in the safe house here that Keilah set up for emergencies. It's inside of one of Laby's labyrinths. Other than those two, I'm the only one who can access it. You guys can rest. I'll make sure to order food."
"Oooh! Can you send some-" Kenji began.
"Buttery toast?" Anise guessed with a laugh. "Sure, Kenji."
"I assume Bridge and I are chaperoning?" Ella's mother asked.
"I'd appreciate that, Karone," Anise replied. She led them to the safe house before leaving to handle notifying the families of the people the Coalition had just killed.
"Alright... Introductions!" Bridge declared. "I'm Bridge. I used to be the Green SPD Ranger, then I was promoted to Blue, then I became the Red SPD Ranger after..." He paused. Sadness filled his eyes as he obviously thought about Sky. Kenji automatically hugged him, which seemed to soothe him. "This is my son, Kenji," Bridge said instead of finishing his former sentence.
"Son?" Ella heard her mom repeat in obvious surprise.
"It's a long story."
"Alright, fair enough. I'm Karone. I'm the Pink Galaxy Ranger. Before that, I was known as Astronema, but don't worry. I'm not evil anymore." She turned toward Ella. "This is my daughter, Gabriella."
"Ella," she corrected her. "No one really calls me Gabriella except my mom occasionally." Her father had nicknamed her Ella when she was a toddler and she'd always preferred it. She absolutely hated being called Gabby.
"I'm Liberty, of Eltar, Daughter of Senator Joy and Ling," Libby said formally. She smiled as she added, "I prefer to be called Libby. I apologize for my mother's actions today and am grateful you were all present to help."
Edmund stood up straighter as it was his turn to speak. "I am Sir Edmund, Knight of Zandar," he said, "Son of Sir Ivan."
"You're a Knight?" Kenji asked. "Aren't you a little young?"
"Prince Phillip the Third Knighted me himself last year after I stood beside him against Zell," Edmund replied.
"You must be very brave," Libby said.
"Courage is in my blood. Not only is my father a Knight, but he is the Gold Dino Charge Power Ranger."
"And your mother?"
Edmund's confidence lessened slightly. "I do not have a mother. I wasn't born in the traditional way... Zell created me as one of the Children of the Flame. We were each born of one Power Ranger parent and his Flames."
"Does that make Zell your mother?" Kenji asked.
Ella laughed at a sudden visual of Zell in a dress with a baby on his hip.
"Goodness no!" Edmund replied in horror. "We come from his Flames, so in a way, I suppose his energy does make up part of us, however, he certainly does not act as a parent to any of us, let alone a mother. What I mean is-"
"You don't need to explain your existence, Edmund," Ella said, feeling bad for him. She'd never seen Edmund flustered before. "You're Sir Ivan's. That's all anyone needs to know."
Edmund smiled at her gratefully. Carissa took that as her cue. "Hi," she said cheerfully. "I'm Carissa. This is my twin brother, Pax."
"How did the two of you end up in the middle of everything?" Ella's mother asked.
"Well... We're, um..."
"We were looking for our younger sister, Briar," Pax said, taking over. "She ran off on our parents again."
"Guys, I swear it was important," Briar said quickly. "And, I mean, look what we prevented!"
"You're from the future, too, then?" Kenji asked.
"The future?" Ella repeated.
"You told them, Briar?" Pax demanded.
"I told Anise," Briar replied. "Bridge already knew I was from the future, and Kenji had a right to."
"Do you have any idea how much trouble you're going to be in when Father finds out?"
"I was careful. Besides, Grandfather understands. He even offered to help if I get into anything I can't handle."
"We should expect to see him soon then?" Carissa asked lightly.
"Who are your parents?" Libby asked.
"We can't tell you," Carissa replied apologetically. "We have to be careful how much we reveal or we could alter the timeline."
"It's already been altered," Pax added, "however, I feel we made the right choice. Neither Karlton nor Pasha should have died today. I feel it in my core. That said... Briar, it is time for us to return home."
"No," Briar replied. "We can't. Not yet. Not until we save our brother."
"There's another one of you?" Bridge asked.
"That's a point of debate between us," Carissa replied. "Only Briar seems to remember him."
"He's real," Briar insisted. "And he needs our help. I'm doing this with or without you two."
Pax sighed. "I believe you," he said.
Briar stared at him in shock. "You do?" She asked.
"Yes. The Witch and Jezzeff have messed up the timeline before. It's at least possible that they altered things strongly enough to make even the two of us and our parents forget this brother existed. We do not spend nearly as much time outside of time as you and Grandfather do. You are most likely the only ones who would remember the other timeline."
Ella only knew of one man who spent a significant amount of time outside of the timeline. She studied their features. All three siblings had light blue skin and pale blonde hair. The sisters had beautiful features. Briar's eyes were full of mischief, while Carissa's were full of wonder and a pure love of life.
Together, they remind me of the two sides of Rita, Ella thought.
Pax, on the other hand, was handsome and stoic. He bore a striking resemblance to a man she'd gotten to know fairly well recently.
If you grew his hair out a bit and added an earring, he'd look an awful lot like Zordon, Ella realized. Zordon had removed the earring since recovering his memories and realizing he wasn't fifteen anymore, but he had kept his hair long. They must be his and Rita's kids, making Zell their grandfather.
She didn't voice this aloud. Ella understood enough about time travel to know that was a bad idea. Still, she was positive she was correct.
If they're Zordon's kids, they're trustworthy, she decided. Looking at the expression on her mother's face, she was pretty sure she'd reached the same conclusion about where the siblings came from.
There was a knock on the door. Ella's mother got an attack spell ready as Bridge opened the door. She relaxed when she saw Plurri on the other side.
"Anise said you guys might need some food," Plurri said with a smile.
There were several bags surrounding him, so everyone helped him carry in the food. Bridge and Kenji smiled as they sniffed the air. "Buttery toast..." They mumbled in unison.
"Among other things, yes. She specified that in particular," Plurri replied. "I brought some food from Eltar, but most of this is from Earth. I figured most of you would prefer that." He paused, looking at Libby. "Are you doing okay, sweetheart?" He asked.
"I'm trying my best," she replied softly.
He squeezed her shoulder gently before he began laying the food out for everyone. As she looked at the food, Ella had to admit she was starving. She tried to focus on eating instead of the crazy day they'd just lived through.
She couldn't help but wonder why Anise had insisted they stay together. What was she up to? Ella wasn't sure why, but she had a feeling that something big was about to happen. She simply hoped they would be ready.
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