He knew as soon as he saw Kira's face that he needed to brace himself. "Who died?" Dustin asked softly.
"Actually, the correct question is who un-died," Kira replied.
"Wait... Are we talking vampires, zombies, or resurrection?"
"Complicated resurrection." She sighed. "Dus, you better sit down."
Dustin sat on the couch. Kira sat beside him and took his hand before saying, "Jezzeff resurrected some previously dead Power Rangers. He brought them back evil and under his control, except for Zack, who the Flames didn't work on."
"Zack? Holy crap... Does Tammy know? What about his team?"
"Everyone knows. I sent out a mass text warning people about the evil Rangers..."
"I didn't get a text."
"No. You didn't." Kira took a deep breath. "I decided you needed to hear this in person."
"Kira... Who did they bring back?" Dustin asked. He dreaded the answer. If Kira was making a point of telling him directly, he knew it meant someone he was close to was now Jezzeff's evil minion.
"Okay, first of all... He brought back Trent."
"Trent? Oh my God... Are you okay?"
"I'm trying to be. Anyway, he also got to Shelby, Kelsey, Leo, and one other person who is the reason I'm here."
Zack was the Black Ranger, Dustin thought. So that's Black, White, Pink, Yellow, and Red... Which leaves...
"Tori?" He managed to ask in a whisper.
"I'm sorry, Dus. I know you're still having a tough time with all of that," Kira said. "And honestly, this is a lot for me, too. Because of the whole Retro Rangers thing, I consider Tori my teammate and friend, too. That means Jezzeff fucked with two of my teammates."
"Tori's alive..."
"And evil."
"That part doesn't matter. The bad guys have turned a lot of people evil in the past. Hell, Tori and Trent have both been evil before. We always find a way to fix them. But... But they're alive, Kira! That means I'm not the only one left from my team anymore!" He jumped up and pulled her into his arms as he smiled. "Tori and Trent are alive, and they're going to be fine. This is going to work out in our favor. We'll get our friends back."
Kira smiled back at him. "You took this a lot better than I expected you to," she said.
"It's good news." He kissed her.
I'm not alone, he thought. His survivor's guilt from that final battle against Merkhet and the others still crippled him at times. Tori's back. We lost Shane, but Tori's back.
He took a moment to process that. Kira's phone rang, and she quickly picked it up. "What's up, Kiddo?" She asked. She paused and her eyes widened in shock. "Are you and your siblings okay?" She paused again. "Good work, Denni! I'll tell Dustin right away. Go see your dad. He's probably completely freaking out about Trent by now." She hung up.
"What happened?" Dustin asked.
"The Lazarus Rangers, as Jezzeff named them, attacked the Children of the Flames. The kids are okay, but the big news is they caught one of them... Guess who."
Her smile told him what he needed to know. "Tori?" He guessed.
"Yep. She's unconscious and at the Command Center. Let's go," she said. "I'll fling some Midol at her head and see if it shuts off the bitch switch," she added with a smirk.
Dustin was reminded of the last time Tori had been influenced by evil. That time, it had only kicked in around Josh. Now she'd be targeting everyone.
"I'm ready," he replied. "Alphas! Bring us to you."
They were teleported immediately. Dustin's brain took a moment to process the sight of Tori, alive and safely locked in a cell. He wanted to run into the cell and hug her, but a gentle hand on his shoulder from Kira reminded him Tori was evil.
Tori began to stir. She groaned in pain. It was obvious Zordon had ensured she received care to heal her, but she was still injured.
As she looked at her surroundings, she mumbled, "Fuck."
Hearing her voice almost sent Dustin over the edge. "Tor..." He said softly.
She looked at him and sighed. "It figures," she said. "What do you want, Dustin?"
"Just one thing," he replied. "To save you."
"Jezz already did that. But if you let me out of this cage, I promise to kill you and Kira quickly so you don't suffer too much."
Dustin saw something in Tori's eyes that made him pause. It was almost like something trapped very deep inside of her was begging him to save her. "You're still in there," he said firmly.
"If it makes you feel better to lie to yourself, go ahead," Tori replied.
Suddenly, Dustin knew what he needed to do. "Kira... Get the key to the cell," he said.
"Why?" Kira asked.
"I want you to open it and lock me inside with her."
"Yeah, no. That's a terrible idea, Dustin. She'll kill you."
"I need you to trust me, Kira. Can you do that?"
"Of course I trust you. It's her I don't trust."
"Then trust that I know what I'm doing."
Kira sighed but left to find the key. Dustin watched Tori for a moment in silence. "What the hell are you staring at?" She finally demanded.
"I'm just trying to process the fact that you're alive," he replied. "I saw you die, Tori... I went into shock for a minute. I was screaming and didn't even realize it was me... But then, Shane ran off, so I went after him... And I was too late. He died in my arms, Tor. I lost you and Shane within minutes of each other." He had tears in his eyes.
Tori hesitated for a moment. "Shane..." She mumbled, like she was trying to touch her own emotions and couldn't.
"He was so upset when you died he tried to take down Merkhet on his own," Dustin explained.
"Shut up... Shut up, Dustin!"
"No. You're my friend, Tori... My teammate. You need me, whether you know it or not, and I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. I'm not leaving you. I love you, Tori, and I'm going to save you even if it kills me."
"Stubborn and stupid. Same old Dustin."
Kira returned with the key. "Are you sure about this, Dus?" She asked.
"I'm sure," he replied.
Kira nodded. "If she crosses the line, I've got your back," she promised.
"I know." He kissed her. Kira unlocked the cell and let him inside before locking it again.
Tori immediately lunged at him. Dustin had been expecting that and dodged the attack. She tried to use a water attack. Dustin blocked it with earth magic, summoning dirt from beneath the Command Center. He focused on the energy of Earth and reached toward her.
Tori kicked him hard in the chest, knocking him against the bars of the cell. Dustin hit his head and struggled to focus for a moment.
"I know you're in there, Tori," he said as he prepared to fight again.
"You're delusional," she replied as she attacked him again. She tried to kick him, but he anticipated her movement and caught her leg in midair. He used her own momentum against her and flipped her onto her back.
Tori cursed before jumping back to her feet. She tried to grab him, but he dodged her. Frustrated, Tori threw a punch.
Dustin grabbed onto her hand, linking his fingers with hers, and focused on Earth. He held onto her hand tightly no matter how hard she struggled to free herself.
Shane, if you can hear me, I need you, he thought. Tori needs you.
To his shock, the air itself seemed to change. A breeze that shouldn't have been possible inside of the Command Center filled the cell and wrapped tightly around them both.
Kira watched this in fascination. "Who the hell opened a window?" She quipped.
"Stop it!" Tori screamed. "I don't care about you or Shane! You can't stop me! Just give up before you join him as a ghost, Dustin!" She finally freed her hand from Dustin's.
"You're lying, Tori," Dustin replied. "I know you care about us. I can feel it. If you didn't, you'd have killed me by now."
"It's not for lack of trying!"
"You're not giving this fight your all. If you were, I'd be dead. You know my weaknesses in battle just like I know yours. You haven't used them against me."
Tori glared at him. "I'm evil, Dustin! And I'm loyal to Jezz. He is the only one I'm loyal to."
"It's a loyalty spell," Dustin realized.
"A really freaking powerful one," Kira agreed.
"We have to break it somehow."
Kira hesitated. "I think I know a way," she said. She pulled out noise cancelling headphones and tossed them into the cell. "Put those on, Dustin."
"Not the Ptera scream... Kira, there's got to be another way."
"The Ptera scream would short circuit all of Zordon's tech. This is something else. Something a lot older."
"What do you mean?" Dustin asked as he dodged another attack.
"It's your turn to trust me," she replied.
Dustin put the headphones on. To his surprise, Kira did not begin to scream. Instead, she started to sing.
"Lookin' back, I don't regret one single day. Memories will keep me close when you walk away. It's harder then I could imagine. Yes I should have known that. Close your eyes and I'll be there. I'll come runnin' anywhere," Kira sang.
"What is this? A concert? Shut the fuck up, Kira," Tori snapped.
"Say goodbye, I'll be okay. I will wait for you cause true love will never fade. When it's real, you can feel it. And I know, that you know, that I will keep on waitin' patiently... Patiently... For you," Kira continued.
Tori clutched her head as if it was starting to hurt. Dustin watched in fascination as he could almost feel magic wrapping around her as Kira sang. It wasn't like Tammy's magic, which he could see, but it seemed like her song was attacking Tori somehow. Dustin continued focusing on Earth and the air continued wrapping around them.
"Stormy Tuesday afternoons never been the same... I used to stand outside and taste the sweetness of them. It's harder when it really happens... Oh I wish I'd known that. Close my eyes and you're there. But I can't find you anywhere... Say goodbye, I'll be okay. I will wait for you cause true love will never fade. When it's real, you can feel it. And I know, that you know that I will keep on waiting, patiently... Patiently... For you. Patiently...
So patiently... When I'm lost, I try to find you. Turn around, I'm right behind you. Say goodbye, I'll be okay. I will wait for you cause true love will never fade. When it's real you can feel it. And I know that you know that I will keep on waiting, patiently... Patiently... For you... Patiently... Patiently... Patiently..." Kira finished singing.
Tori released her head. She looked at him with eyes that were lost but no longer full of rage. If anything, they looked empty.
"I can't feel anything," she whispered. "I'm empty."
"That's because, unlike Tammy, my singing can't restore light," Kira replied. "Thanks to Anya, however, I know that it can shatter spells, including powerful ones like Jezzeff's loyalty spell. It takes a lot of effort, though. I'm exhausted... And starving."
"No wonder Jezzeff was so determined to silence you," Dustin said as he stared at her in awe.
"I... I feel like I'm dead inside," Tori said as she shook her head. "Without blind loyalty to Jezz, I have nothing."
"You have us," Dustin replied.
"I know I loved you... Both of you, and Shane, and the others... But I can't feel it. The memories are there, but I can't connect to them."
"That's the Flames," a voice said as three people entered the Command Center. The pain and understanding in his tone immediately got everyone's attention. "They take away all positive emotions and you're mostly left with anger and pain, which just gets interpreted as more anger."
"Hunter..." Tori said softly. "Blake, Cam... What are you doing here?"
"Did you think we wouldn't come?" Blake asked.
"You need us, Tori. Of course we're here," Cam added.
"I know how lost you feel," Hunter continued. "A while after you died, Zell turned me evil in his Flames, and I did some truly unforgivable things... I thrived as an evil Power Ranger. Most people won't understand what you're going through, Tori, but I do."
Kira lifted up the key to the cell. Dustin nodded, and she unlocked it. He stepped out of the cell and Kira immediately began tending to his head, which was still bleeding from when it hit the cell door. Seeing the severity of the injury, Cam began helping her, grabbing a suture kit from nearby so he could stitch the wound shut.
Hunter and Blake entered the cell. Tori flung herself into Blake's arms. She looked like she wanted to cry, but no tears fell. Blake held her tightly. He had tears in his eyes.
"Tori..." He said softly. "My God, Tori... You're alive... You're really alive."
"I don't feel alive," she replied.
"We'll help you," Hunter promised. "Power Rangers never give up on each other."
"I'm so numb, Hunter..." She looked at him with those lost eyes and Hunter pulled her into his arms. Blake allowed it but continued stroking her hair.
Why did those two ever break up? Dustin wondered. It's clear Blake still carries a torch for her, and Tori still obviously loved him before she died...
"It's not okay, Tori," Hunter said soothingly. "It may never be okay again... But it will get better than this. I promise you that."
Tori seemed calmer after that. "So how do we fix me?" She asked. "Because I'm not really fond of the whole being evil thing... And my mind is clear, but without being able to feel, this whole thing kind of sucks."
"We'll try different things until something works," Dustin replied. "Shamans, Spirit users, Tammy, or something else entirely... Whatever it takes."
"Something else," Kira decided. "Jezzeff will have anticipated us trying the other options."
"Keilah's the expert. She and Zell have studied the attributes of the Flames extensively," Cam said. "She may know a way to reverse this that we don't."
"I guess I'm visiting Eltar," Kira replied. "Tori, your mind is your own now. You can stay here if you don't trust yourself, or you can stay with Hunter, Blake, and Cam in their safe house. I don't think you should wander around yet, because Jezzeff will be searching for you and until your light is back, it's risky to leave you where he can find you."
"I understand," Tori replied.
"Stay with us, Tor," Blake said. "Let us be here for you."
She hesitated before nodding. "Alright... But if I become a threat again, I fully expect you guys to put me down. I'm supposed to be dead anyway."
"Don't be crazy. We're not going to ki-" Blake began.
"I'll do it," Hunter said firmly.
"Hunter, what the hell, man?" Blake demanded.
"Tori doesn't want to hurt anyone. She's not asking us to kill her for the hell of it. She's asking us to stop her from having to carry the weight of doing something she can't come back from."
"It won't come to that," Dustin said firmly.
"We'll find a way to help you," Cam agreed.
"But if it does come to that, we need to respect her wishes," Hunter insisted. "Tori had her choices taken away from her, and if we take away her option to make this choice, we're just as bad as they are."
"Thanks, Hunter," Tori said softly. He nodded.
"Alright, it's settled. Tori, you're staying with the boys," Kira said to fill the awkward silence. "And welcome back... I missed you, Bitch."
Tori cracked a slight smile at that, although it didn't reach her eyes. "I think I missed you, too, Kira," she replied.
"Us girls have to stick together." Kira hugged her. Tori tensed, but she allowed it. Dustin could tell how badly she wanted to feel something, but it was obvious she truly couldn't.
"I'm really glad you're alive, Tori," he said. He hugged her, too, using more of his Earth energy to keep her grounded. "We'll figure out the rest as we go."
Tori hesitated before saying, "I'm sorry, Dustin... Losing me and immediately losing Shane after must have been so hard on you. I can't feel it, but I know it should hurt that Shane's gone. Right now, I'm just angry."
"It's not your fault, Tor."
"His dumb ass ran off because I got killed. I sacrificed myself for Josh because I owed him that... But Shane had to go and be an idiot..."
"He loved you, Tori. We both did. I think his grief was too hard for him to process, so he went with anger and tried to take out the monster who killed you. It was a stupid, impulsive move, but I completely understand why he did it."
She nodded. "I'm tired," she mumbled.
"Come on, Tori," Blake said. "Let's get you home."
Rita was pacing and it was driving him insane. Lord Zedd glared at her before finally shouting, "Woman, will you stop your incessant pacing? You're giving me a headache!"
"You? I'm the one actually bothering to worry about our daughter!" Rita retorted. "I have a headache!"
"Where is the Sorceress?" Mordant asked as if it had only occurred to him at that exact moment that she wasn't present.
"Oh, she's dead, I'm afraid," Ivan Ooze said casually.
"What are you babbling about?" Lord Zedd demanded.
"Jezzeff killed her. You see, he had sweet little Angeline in his clutches, so Rita's less-evil alter ego showed up and was ready to let him kill her to save her precious baby girl. Your daughter traded herself to save her not-mother. It was all very touching."
"Jezzeff killed my daughter?" Rita demanded.
"That's what I said. He stole all of her magic and life force. She doesn't exist anymore."
"How dare he take what belongs to us? We were meant to be allies!" Lord Zedd declared. "He will pay for this!"
"That's right, Zeddy! Let's destroy him!" Rita cried.
"Good luck with that. He's very immortal. I'm pretty sure only Labyrinth and that Wild Force child, Denni, are more immortal than he is," Ooze replied. "And maybe that bird fellow... Leave-oh?"
"I think it's Lido, Master," Goldar corrected him.
"Ah, Lido, smeedo," he replied dismissively. "The point is he's hard to kill, too."
"We're stronger than he thinks," Lord Zedd replied. "And if you both work with us, we can show him what a true evil ruler looks like!"
"Well, you look horrible, but your wife's not so bad, and I'm as handsome as ever. However, I am officially Jezzeff's ally. Why should I help the likes of you two?"
"Think how powerful we will be together! We could easily conquer this place."
"I can do that alone. Sweeten the deal or it's a no from me."
"I have an offer," Rita replied with a wicked grin. "If you join us and betray Jezzeff, you get to slaughter Dulcea."
"Now you're talking! But I have another condition. If I help you take out Jezzeff, I get Zordon, too."
"Absolutely not! He's mine!" Lord Zedd protested.
"Zeddy, let him have Zordon," Rita said. "We'll get the Power Brats. It'll be worth it! We have to make Jezzeff pay for taking my baby from us!"
"What about you, Goldar?" Lord Zedd asked. "Which side do you stand on?"
Goldar hesitated. Jezzeff was exceptionally powerful. He could easily kill all of them if he wanted to... Yet Goldar couldn't help but think about how smoothly Jezzeff betrayed his allies. He'd smile and be their best friend, but the moment they disappointed him, he'd destroy them before they could see it coming. He'd slaughtered Mallory without hesitating. Working for Jezzeff clearly wasn't the most secure job in the world. At least when Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd turned on you they stabbed you in the front and looked you in the eye. Ivan Ooze was the same.
Goldar took a deep breath. "I'll stand with you," he said firmly.
"Excellent! Let us plan, my friends," Ooze said with a laugh. "This is going to be a heck of a party!"
As soon as Jezzeff came back as a Shaman, Drakaina knew her time hiding in the Guild was going to come to an end. No matter how good her skills were, he'd sense the truth about her soon, and she'd need an escape plan.
I can't leave Bourbon, she thought. She knew he'd only joined the Guild to keep her safe. She refused to leave him behind.
Sakura had offered to help hide her energy, but it wouldn't last forever. Any moment now, Jezzeff could see past the shields cloaking her soul from the world.
Bourbon wasn't present when Jezzeff walked into Drakaina's room unannounced. He looked a bit stressed. Drakaina put on her best smile and asked, "What's wrong, Jezz?"
"My plan isn't working out quite as I intended," Jezzeff admitted. "My Lazarus Rangers are in trouble. Zack never turned evil, and now Tori has been captured. I'm a tad concerned."
"You can handle this, Jezz," Drakaina replied confidently. "You're smarter than they are. You'll think of something."
"Thank you, Drakaina. I needed to be reminded of that."
"I'm here for you, Jezz. You know that."
He nodded before brushing some hair out of her eyes. Suddenly, he tensed. "Oh, Sera... Did you think I wouldn't see the truth in your eyes?" He asked. He stroked her cheek gently.
Shit, Drakaina thought. Fuck it. There's no point in trying to lie now. "What's the matter, Jezz?" She asked. "Didn't you miss me?"
"Quite a bit, actually," he replied softly.
She paused at how genuine he sounded. "You truly are the greatest liar in Eltar's history,"
She said.
"It's not a lie, Sera. You and your family meant the world to me."
"Yet you sold me and Ash out to Zell."
"I had to. The two of you were foolish enough to betray him."
"He betrayed us. He murdered Elgan, Jezz! His own baby brother! And then he..." She hesitated.
"He killed Talon," Jezzeff finished for her. "Yes, I suppose that was his greatest mistake. Even a love spell as powerful as the one he placed on you could not survive the grief you experienced when Talon died. His spell shattered right along with your heart." He shook his head. "That really was a rookie mistake on his part. I'm surprised he made it."
Drakaina was gathering her strength as she kept him talking. If there was one thing Jezzeff loved to do these days it was talk about how brilliant he was and how he was superior to Zell. If she could keep him distracted, she might stand a chance of escaping this with her life.
"You sold us out, Jezz... You were supposed to be Ash's best friend! You were our family! I don't understand it... How could you?" She looked at him with hurt in her eyes.
Drakaina wasn't hurt... She was pissed. Serafine despised Jezzeff for what he'd done, but she couldn't let him see that. He had to think he was the one with all the power. He had to believe Sera still wanted to understand and to trust him again.
"I'm sorry, Sera. I adored you both, but this was the path I had to walk."
"And putting a spell on our parents?"
"That was Zell's idea. I liked your parents. They were good to me. I learned so much from them both, and they were to first to truly show me kindness besides Vee and my uncle... Your parents basically adopted me as soon as my uncle took me in. If I could have spared anyone in this battle, it would have been them. At least bewitching them kept them completely out of the line of fire for millennia."
"You make it sound so honorable on your part," she replied.
Jezzeff drew his sword. "I'm sorry it must come to this, Sera," he said. "I truly wish you'd come to join me with pure intentions, but the fact that you hid your identity tells me you have no interest in working with me. It is a shame."
As he moved to impale her, Drakaina unleashed her spell and set him on fire. He sighed like he was dealing with a disobedient child as he put himself out. "Must you make this difficult?" He asked.
"You're damn right I must," she replied. She summoned her own sword and prepared to duel against him.
"If you insist." He bowed to her before meeting her blade with his own. They began to duel. Jezzeff was remarkable with a sword, but after all these millennia, he's apparently forgotten that Sera had also been trained by Terridian and Tiktah and was a skilled warrior in her own right.
"Sera... I am impressed," he admitted. "I expected your focus to be on magical attacks."
"I may not have advertised it, but I was one of the greatest swordsmen on Eltar just like you, Jezz," she reminded him. "My father and your uncle taught me well."
"It has been so long since you and I sparred, Sera. I nearly forgot... It is a disservice to hold back on you. My apologies. I won't disrespect you like that again."
Suddenly, Jezzeff came at her a hundred times harder. Drakaina adjusted quickly, giving the battle everything she had. She met his attacks and countered them all. She swept his legs out from beneath him and knocked him onto his back.
He laughed. "Good form, Sera!" He declared. He got back on his feet impossibly fast and came at her. She barely dodged the attack. As they continued to battle, she finally managed to draw blood from his chest. The injury healed rapidly.
He increased his attacks again. Jezzeff managed to catch her cheek and draw blood, although the gash wasn't as deep as it could have been. Drakaina ignored the blood trickling down her cheek and kept fighting. She slashed his chest open, which actually made him stop attacking for a moment as he uttered an Eltarian curse word.
Suddenly, someone grabbed her by her hair and slammed her head into the wall. The cackling gave away the fact that it was the Witch.
"Oooh, I love a good fight! Why are we kicking Drakaina's ass, Jezzy?" She asked.
"She's Serafine," Jezzeff replied.
"Wait, what?" The Witch cackled again. "Clever little bitch! You've got balls infiltrating the Guild! I have to admit, you were very convincing. Well played." She slammed Drakaina's head against the wall again. As she did, Jezzeff shoved a sword through Drakaina's side.
"What's wrong, Jezz? You can't take me without cheating and using cheep shots?" Drakaina taunted him, ignoring how much pain she was in.
"Hardly," Jezzeff replied. He moved to stab her again, but Drakaina sent a burst of fire at his face. Jezzeff screamed as he backed away from her.
The Witch conjured a bucket, filled it with water, and unceremoniously dumped it over Jezzeff's head before letting the bucket fall on top of him. She cackled in amusement as Jezzeff removed the bucket from his head.
"I shall end you, Sera!" Jezzeff declared. He cast a paralysis spell on her. She struggled to break it but couldn't. "It's no use fighting. This is the very spell Zell used on Ash the night you perished. Perhaps I'll finish you off just as Zell did!"
Rage filled her then. "Except you won't be able to get it up, so you can't do things as he did," she replied. "You're all talk, Jezz. You don't have the ability to seal the deal!"
The Witch howled with laughter. "I kind of like her. It's a shame she has to die. She really is a feisty one," she said.
Jezzeff wrapped his hands around Drakaina's throat. She forced herself not to panic as flashes of Sera's death flashed through her head.
"We could have been great together, Serafine," Jezzeff said. He released her throat to stab her. "But you rejected me!"
"It's not as if you were actually in love with me, Jezz," she replied. "I was way too old for you."
"She's got you there!" The Witch said with an amused cackle.
"You only wanted to control me... To possess me. You wanted the status dating me would give you. You were just like Zell," Drakaina continued. She was losing too much blood, but she had to keep him talking.
"I am nothing like Zell!" Jezzeff said, stabbing her again. "I'm far more intelligent and powerful."
Could his ego get any bigger? Drakaina wondered.
He switched back to strangling her. Despite how weak she was, Drakaina tried to fight back. Sheer determination helped her break the paralysis spell. It shattered as Jezzeff had her close to the point of blacking out. She managed to grab his sword as he continued strangling her. In one swift motion, she shoved it into his groin.
Jezzeff let out a cry of rage and agony. He pulled the sword out of himself and took several moments to try to recover. Drakaina attempted to escape, but she was too injured to flee.
Just as she was certain Jezzeff would kill her, someone else entered the room. He wrapped a circle of fire around Drakaina before stepping into view.
"Talon..." Drakaina whispered in shock. It was true. He really was alive, and somehow, he'd found her.
"Hey, Gorgeous," Talon replied. "I'll be with you in just a second."'
"Impossible..." Jezzeff mumbled as he stared at him in shock.
Talon waltzed over to Jezzeff confidently, as if he had every right to be at the Guild's base. "Hey, Jezz," he said pleasantly. "Did you miss me?"
Jezzeff immediately tried to attack him. Talon laughed as he easily dodged the assault. He sent a spell at Jezzeff that knocked him through the air and slammed him against the ceiling, where he remained suspended by Talon's magic.
Talon sent a powerful fire attack at Jezzeff. Still pinned to the ceiling, Jezzeff could do nothing but scream as the flames licked at his flesh. He tried to free himself, but Talon's magic was too strong.
"How are you doing this?" Jezzeff demanded. "You were strong, but never this powerful!"
"It's just a little Treygan family magic," Talon replied with a smirk.
"Treygan?" Drakaina repeated weakly.
"Yeah, I was shocked, too," Talon said with a laugh. "Not as shocked as Stone, though."
That laugh... Drakaina thought. I've missed it so much.
"Jezzeff, we need to go," the Witch said firmly. "Curse that damn T'Dania... We can't win this. Not yet."
"I will destroy you, Talon of Eltar!" Jezzeff declared as Talon made fire dance around him, taunting him and leaving him to wonder when it would burn him again.
"You can try," Talon replied confidently. "I've been waiting a long time to deal with you, Jezz."
The Witch climbed up the wall and onto the ceiling. The visual was straight out of a horror movie, and Drakaina was a little creeped out.
"We are leaving, Jezzy," the Witch insisted. She jumped into the fire, grabbed Jezzeff, and vanished into a portal.
Talon immediately rushed to Drakaina's side. "Oh, Sera..." He mumbled as he looked at her. He cast a quick healing spell to stabilize her before pulling her into his arms. "I've got you, Gorgeous," he said soothingly. "Let's get you out of here and to a proper healer."
"Talon..." She whispered.
"I'm here, Sera. You're safe now," he promised.
"I had it handled pretty well on my own," she replied stubbornly.
"I know you did, Beloved. I just thought you might like an assist."
She leaned her head on his chest. Finally, the pain and trauma hit her. She started to cry slightly in his arms as he stood and carried her. He kissed her forehead and sent as much soothing energy as he could into her.
"I'm sorry," she whispered. "It was a spell, Talon. I still loved you. I never would have left you... And I tried to save you, but I got there too late..."
"I know all of that, Sera," he replied soothingly. "None of it matters now. I love you. I never stopped. And I always knew you loved me, too."
They escaped into a portal. Talon carried her until they reached several others.
"What happened?" Vagris asked in concern.
"She kicked Jezz's ass," Talon replied proudly, "but she needs a healer. Plurri?"
"Of course," Plurri replied. "Bring her here."
"Holy fuck, she's really hurt," Rhanna mumbled.
"Is that an aspect of Sera?" Stone asked in surprise.
"Yes," Talon replied. "The very aspect that infiltrated his little Guild and fooled him into trusting her." He stroked her hair gently as Plurri began healing her.
"What's your name, sweetie?" Grace asked.
"Drakaina," she replied weakly. "Or just Dee for short. But if you guys find it easier to call me Sera, that's okay, too."
"Don't worry, Dee," Plurri said soothingly. "I'll fix you right up."
"Thanks, Plurri," she replied. "It's really good to see you guys"
"You remember us?" Stone asked.
"I have all of Sera's memories. I remember everything." She felt stronger as Plurri finished healing her, but she was still shaking.
Talon pulled her back into his arms. "Excuse us for a moment," he said, guiding her from the room. When they were alone, he held her tightly. "Thank God you're alright," he whispered into her hair, dropping the confident facade he always maintained and letting her see how worried he'd actually been.
"I love you," she replied softly. "Thanks for saving me."
"Always, Beloved," he promised. "Is it alright if I keep calling you that? I know you are Drakaina, not Sera, and I don't want to make you uncomfortable. I'm sure a gorgeous lady like you has a boyfriend, just like Darcy, and-"
Without warning, she kissed him to stop his rambling. Something inside of her that she hadn't known was dead seemed to resurrect as her lips met his.
Talon kissed her back passionately, holding her close as they both lost themselves in finally being reunited. For the first time since she'd lost her parents, Drakaina was truly happy.
"I'm single," she said with a smile as she finally broke the kiss.
"Will you allow me to fix that?" Talon asked with a smirk.
"You better." She kissed him again. "I'm never losing you again."
"Hey, Lovebirds," Rhanna called. "I think you better get in here."
Talon held Drakaina's hand as they headed back to the others. There was a strange energy in the air. A portal suddenly opened. Drakaina was stunned to see the person that walked through.
For a moment, no one moved. Then Plurri flung his arms around him. "Welcome back, Zutan," he said softly.
Zutan hugged Plurri nervously. "Hey, Plur," he replied softly.
"Zutan!" Grace cried eagerly. She hugged him tightly before kicking his shin very hard.
"Ouch!" Zutan cried out.
"That's for what you did to Plurri," Grace clarified before she hugged him again. "Do better this time, okay?"
"Hey, Shithead," Rhanna said.
"Rhanna... I'm so-" Zutan began.
"Save it. Words are meaningless, Kid. It's your actions that matter. So behave, you fucking asshole, and I'll put up with you."
Talon smacked the back of Zutan's head. "Just slapping any excess stupidity out," he said with a laugh. He hugged Zutan tightly for a moment before releasing him. "Welcome back. Meet Drakaina, an aspect of Sera. No flirting. She's taken." He pulled her closer to him.
"Zutan... This is a surprise," Drakaina said.
Vagris patted Zutan on the back. "Zutan has returned to us to try and make things right," he explained. "He is on our side, where he belongs."
"Then welcome home." She smiled at him warmly. Zutan visibly relaxed a bit.
"You are Sera," he said. "I'd know that kind smile anywhere."
Finally, Stone approached him. He couldn't bring himself to look him in the eye. "Zutan... I wanted to apologize for my actions the night you perished," he began.
"You don't owe me an apology, Stone," Zutan replied firmly. "You did me a kindness."
"I beat you to death... I brutalized you so severely there is no excuse..."
"Zell's punishment for my failure would have been worse. I wanted you to kill me, Stone. I pushed you until you lost control of yourself. If anything, I am the who owes you the apology." He paused. "Plurri... I owe you the biggest apology of all. What I did to you-"
Plurri hugged him tightly, cutting off his words. "I know you regret your choices," he said. "It's okay. You're forgiven."
"I don't deserve to be."
"You were my dearest friend once, Zutan. I hold no grudge. Bax proved you have seen the light. I require nothing more from you except that you stop dwelling on the past."
"So, Jezz's buddies are dropping like flies," Talon said casually. "And with my beloved no longer undercover, we need more eyes in his Guild."
"Bourbon's still there... I need to get him out," Drakaina said. "He joined to keep me safe."
"Whoever he is, he failed a bit in that regard."
"It's Jozzuah. He started going by Bourbon a while back and he prefers it. He did everything he could to help me. I can't leave him there alone."
"I could go," Zutan offered softly. "Jozzuah was my friend once, although he may still be angry at my betrayal of Plurri... Rightfully so. I want to help him. I want to help in general. And I can get Jezz to trust me easily."
"Zutan, no way. We're not leaving you alone around Jezzeff," Rhanna said firmly.
"I'm good at undercover work, Rhan," he reminded her. "And Jezz was my friend once. Yes, he murdered my sweet sister, and yes I despise him for it and want to see him destroyed, but he's arrogant and will believe me if I tell him I want to join him for the power."
"Jezz is desperate," Drakaina agreed. "He'll take any allies he can get at this point, and Zutan's a powerful one."
Zutan smiled at her. "Thank you for believing in me," he said.
"You were a dumb kid, Zutan. Dumb kids make mistakes."
"I love that you always call him a kid even though he was slightly older than you," Talon said with a laugh.
"I was more mature," she replied.
"And much prettier," Talon added.
"Don't feel bad, Zutan," Plurri said. "You're very pretty, too."
Everyone began laughing, and suddenly it felt like no time had passed and things hadn't completely fallen apart for all of them. Drakaina had never felt so centered. Finally, she had come home.
He had started to give up hope. Zordon had tried everything he could think of to reconnect him to the Morphin' Grid and nothing was working. Adam and Alpha Six had stepped in, but even though they were sure what they'd done had worked, Jayden still couldn't seem to morph.
To say he was having an identity crisis was an understatement. He'd pushed everyone away and gone off on his own to think. If he wasn't a Power Ranger anymore, who the hell was he?
The sound of a struggle caught his attention. Despite his depressed mood, he couldn't ignore what might be someone in trouble. He headed to the source and found what he knew must be the Lazarus Rangers. They had surrounded two people. A third was on the ground unmoving.
Spike, Jayden realized. He was unmorphed and in a pool of blood. His flesh was badly burned and there was a gash in his chest. Mia and Bulk stood over him. Mia was morphed and Bulk had assumed his best attempt at a fighting stance.
"Get Spike out of here," Bulk said to Mia. "I'll handle these losers."
"I'm not leaving you here alone," Mia protested.
"Spike needs a healer. I'm not losing that kid, alright? I've got this, Mia. Go," Bulk insisted.
"I'll stay with Bulk," Emily said as she raced over to them. "Get Spike help."
Mia nodded. She grabbed Spike before saying, "Alphas, bring us to you."
The fight resumed. Jayden rushed toward Emily and Bulk. He might not be able to morph, but just like Bulk, he could still fight.
"Jayden!" Emily said in surprise.
"What happened?" Jayden asked.
"The kids and I were just walking around minding our own business when the Lazarus Rangers ambushed us. The chick with the battle ax slashed Spike with it and he caught on freaking fire! Mia pulled the air out of the fire and that put out the flames," Bulk explained. "He's really hurt."
"He'll be okay," Emily insisted. "Spike's strong."
"Oh, how cute! The idiot school bully, the Red Ranger who can't morph anymore, and the cheerleader are here to kill us!" Shelby said with a laugh.
Emily swept her legs out from under her and knocked her onto her back. "I'm no cheerleader," she said firmly.
"Bitch!" Shelby cried. She flung a boomerang at Emily.
Bulk grabbed it before it could hit her, but somehow it stabbed him in his side. He cursed in pain and said, "I got shanked there during one of my prison stints... Still hurts."
Emily cast a quick healing Kanji. As she did, Leo came toward them with his scythe raised. Not stopping to think, Jayden pulled out his Samuraizer. "Go, Go, Samurai!" He shouted. "Red Ranger, Ready! Symbol power, Shield!"
He didn't fully register what was happening until he felt the power of the morph hitting him. He looked down and realized he was wearing his uniform. A perfect and powerful shield blocked Leo's scythe from hitting Emily or Bulk.
"Jayden! I knew you could do it!" Emily cried as she hugged him.
"Fight now, celebrate later," Jayden replied, but he couldn't stop himself from grinning.
The battle was soon in full swing as the shield faded. Jayden and Emily fought side by side as Bulk slowly recovered from his injury.
"Don't hurt them, but don't let them hurt you, either," Jayden said.
"We've got this, Jayden," Emily replied confidently.
Kelsey began dueling against Emily as Shelby joined her. Trent and Leo focused on Jayden. "Leo... You're a Red Ranger, just like me," Jayden said. "I know you're still in there. You can fight this."
"I don't want to!" Leo replied.
"Yeah, being evil is way more fun," Trent added. "Ask Doctor Oliver sometime. Give my regards to Kira, Jayden. Tell her I'll see her real soon."
Emily let out a triumphant cry as she knocked Shelby unconscious with a sleep Kanji. Kelsey swung the battle ax, but Bulk grabbed her ankle and pulled her leg out from under her. She face planted and didn't get back up.
"Jayden, look out!" Emily suddenly screamed. The scythe came for him, but Jayden dodged it just in time. As Leo prepared to swing it again, he froze in place.
Jayden was confused for a moment until Karone came into view. As her hair turned blood red, Bulk laughed and declared, "Oh, you guys are so screwed now!"
"Fuck... I'm out!" Trent declared. He grabbed Shelby and Kelsey before adding, "Yo, Ninjor! Now would be a good time to get us out of here!"
Trent, Shelby, and Kelsey were immediately teleported out. Jayden could sense the energy trying to touch Leo, but it couldn't get by Karone's magic.
Leo hesitated as he stared at her. "Karone..." He said softly.
She pulled off his helmet and grabbed him by his face. He was still frozen in place as she stared into his eyes.
"You left me!" She screamed.
"Not on purpose," he replied nervously.
"You got blown up in front of me! You died, you bastard! You died! You fucking died!" She beat her fists against his chest until she began to cry. Her hair shifted to purple. "You died..." She shook her head as she repeated it again.
Suddenly, her hair turned red again and she started blowing up everything in the vicinity. She screamed in rage.
"Um... I take that back," Bulk mumbled. "They aren't screwed, but we might be."
"Karone! You have to stop this," Emily said urgently.
"I am Astronema!" She snapped in response.
"Em-" Jayden began.
"I know you're hurting," Emily continued. "I know how bad grief can mess you up... But Leo is alive again, and he needs you. Save the rage for Jezzeff. Give your husband a hug, Karone."
Karone stared at Leo for a moment before her rage drained out of her and her hair turned blonde again. "Leo..." She whispered. She broke the paralysis spell.
Leo looked like he wanted to cry, but no tears fell. "Karone... I'm sorry. I messed up," he said.
"That's okay," she replied. "We'll fix it." She kissed him. Leo tensed for a moment before he kissed her back.
"I'm evil... I'm loyal to Jezzeff. I don't think I want to be, but it hurts to fight it," he said as he pulled away from her.
"We'll figure out how to break his hold on you," Karone promised. "Until then... Sleep, Leo." She kissed his forehead and he fell unconscious.
"I'll carry him," Bulk offered. "Are you okay, Karone?"
"No," she admitted. "I thought I was, but this brought everything back. PTSD is a bitch... But Leo's alive... My husband is alive... And right now, the only thing that matters is helping him and the others who were brought back."
"Come on. I'll help you bring him to Zordon," Bulk offered. "He'll know what to do."
As Karone led the way, Bulk carried Leo away. Emily removed her helmet, so Jayden did as well.
Emily flung her arms around Jayden. "You're back!" She declared. "Adam and Alpha Six did it! It was just your nerves holding you back. I'm so happy right now! I knew you'd be okay."
"You never give up on me," he replied with a smile as he looked deep into her eyes. "You really are amazing, Em."
Before either of them seemed to realize it, Jayden leaned in closer. Emily closed the distance between them. Their lips met, and for just that moment, Jayden stopped overthinking everything.
When they broke the kiss, Emily stared at him. "Did we just...?" She asked.
"We did," Jayden confirmed.
"I... I didn't expect..."
"Neither did I."
"Is this okay? I mean... What are we doing, Jayden?"
"I don't know," he admitted. "We spent all this time grieving the people we loved, and we've been each other's support system, and I thought I'd never morph again but then I saw you in danger and it just worked... And my world's been flipped upside-down ever since we battled Zell the first time and the only thing that makes sense to me right now is how much I needed to kiss you today."
She smiled at him shyly. "Needed to, huh?" She repeated teasingly.
He blushed slightly. "You've been here through all of it, Em... And I realized just now that you're what's kept me going every time I felt like giving up."
"I love you!" She blurted out.
It might seem inappropriate, but Jayden understood. Emily had hesitated to tell Mike those exact words and he'd died before she could.
"I love you, too, Em," he replied softly.
"I still love Mike... I always will," she said, "but I love you, too, and I think he's known that since way before I was willing to admit it to myself."
"I still love her, too," he admitted sadly. He couldn't bear to say Katie's name aloud. "I wish to God I didn't, but even with everything she did, I miss the person she used to be when we fell in love. I'm really screwed up."
"I get it. She was your first love. That doesn't just go away." She kissed his cheek. "We're both messed up, Jayden... But maybe that's why we work so well together." She took his hand. "Come on," she said. "We should get back."
He nodded and allowed her to lead the way. Jayden had no idea what tomorrow might hold for them, but he knew one thing for sure... As long as Emily was by his side, he could face anything the Universe tried to throw at him.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: We're coming up on NaNoWriMo, so I'll be putting Chosen Destiny on hiatus until December. I look forward to continuing the story soon! When I pick it back up, I'm planning to try to finish it without any more breaks, provided my Muses allow it. See you in December!
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