He was losing his mind with worry. His wife and all but one of his children were still missing, and no matter how hard he searched for them, he couldn't find them. In desperation, Lee now sat in his kitchen with Roxy, Hannah, Cassie, and a Oujia board.
"I feel like I'm back in high school," he said with a sigh. "So, we just put our hands on the planchet, right?"
"If you want to get yourself possessed," Roxy replied, rolling her eyes. "First, we need to protect ourselves."
"Oh yeah, Madame Roxy? And how do we do that?"
"Don't be an asshole, Lee. You know this stuff is very real."
"In hindsight, maybe we should have just called one of the Power Rangers who can talk to the dead, like Andie, Pierce, or Dora," Hannah chimed in.
"It's not too late," Cassie pointed out. "I could call one of them, or Caleb, or even Amos."
Before they could do that, however, the planchet moved. No one was touching it. "Holy shit..." Lee mumbled.
The four of them watched in stunned silence as the planchet began to spell out a message. I... A-M... H-E-R-E...
"I am here?" Lee repeated aloud. "And who, exactly, are you?"
"Lee, no! Don't talk to it!" Roxy warned him.
"Why not? We need answers, Rox. That's why we're here."
"We didn't call anyone to the board and the Goddamned planchet just moved on its own. These things open doors. Something uninvited showed up. Talking to it will make it stronger."
H-E-L-L-O... L-E-E...
"Um... Should I say goodbye?" Lee asked nervously.
"No," Hannah replied. "It's here, and it's focused on you, so we need to protect you."
Roxy pulled out a smudge stick. She quickly lit it and began trying to purify Lee's aura. Roxy had been a practicing Pagan since she was in high school, and she knew her stuff. Lee had never asked where she learned it all, but Ronnie had told him "Beatrice Donna" and "Dave" had taught her a lot. Draze had apparently been especially into Wicca, although Roxy was more eclectic.
Lee watched as the planchet began moving so quickly he was barely able to keep up with it.
A sister for a sister. Save one and save the other. Find my sister and Roxy will find hers.
"Sister?" Lee asked in confusion. "Okay, seriously, what's going on?"
It began moving slower again. Lee tried to be patient as it spelled out the next message.
V-I-V-A... L-A... D-
"Divatox!" Cassie cried in horror.
"Oh shit..." Lee mumbled. He was tempted to throw the planchet across the room and burn the Ouija board immediately.
"This bitch is really gonna come here and try to-" Roxy began as she moved to attack the Ouija board, apparently sharing Lee's mindset.
"Wait!" Hannah shouted. Everyone paused to look at her.
"What is it, Hannah?" Lee asked.
"She said 'save my sister.' She wants us to help Dimitria... And we want that, too."
"Divatox hates Dimitria," Cassie pointed out.
The planchet began moving faster again. Cassie... You know the truth. Trust what you already know in your heart.
"Oh God..." Cassie whispered. "It's not Divatox."
"It's not? Who else would say Viva la Diva?" Lee asked.
"Someone who never gives a straight answer and who would want us to help her sister... It's Dimitria."
"Wait... Are you saying Dimitria's dead?"
C-L-O-S-E, the planchet replied.
"She's not dead, but she's dying," Roxy realized. "When someone's really close to death, they can slip out of their body and be more spirit than living person."
"Divatox is dead," Lee said as he tried to make sense of things. "How can we save a dead woman? And what does saving her have to do with Ronnie?"
Save one sister to save the other, Dimitria spelled out again. Then, rather suddenly, Lee could feel the complete absence of her presence.
"Did she just drop the mic or something?" Lee demanded.
"Dimitria likes to let us figure things out for ourselves," Cassie replied with a sigh. "I'll call Justin and Lucas. You guys call the rest of the Wildcats. We need as many minds on this as possible."
Lee sighed. "I'm on it," he promised. He put on a fresh pot of coffee. He had a feeling it was going to be a very long night.
She was sitting in her corner of the Underworld filing her nails when she sensed she was not alone. She was expecting her useless nephew, but what she saw made her pause.
"Hello, Divatox," the handsome man said charmingly. "I apologize for disturbing you."
She smiled at him, admiring his strong features and the marvelous scar over his eye. "I don't mind a bit of company," she replied flirtatiously.
"Allow me to introduce myself. I am Jezzeff, of Eltar."
Suddenly, he didn't seem as attractive. "I'm not interested," she replied firmly.
"Oh? You haven't even heard why I've come."
"I worked with Eltarians before. They screwed me over. Whatever you're selling, I'm not buying, Jezzeff."
"I am offering you a chance at revenge against Zell."
She hesitated. "You plan to challenge Zell?"
"I already have. He is weak, Divatox. I have claimed his empire, and I intend to destroy him."
"I'm dead, Jezzeff. What can I possibly do to help?"
"I can restore your life. All I ask is that you prove yourself worthy first."
"Alright, I'm listening. What do you want me to do?"
"Allow me to guide your soul back to the world of the living. You will work for me as a spirit until I see that your loyalty is truly to me. Then, and only then, I will resurrect you."
"You can bring me back from the dead?"
"I am a powerful Shaman. I can do that and more. Zell was unfair to you. I have done my research. You are not the fool he believed you to be. You destroyed the original Command Center of the Power Rangers. That alone proves you are smarter than people give you credit for. You also caused quite a stir when you traveled to the 1980s. I believe you deserve another chance at life."
She smiled. "Finally, someone who appreciates my greatness! Alright, Jezzeff... Sign me up."
He offered her his hand. Divatox was about to take it when she sensed other souls inside of him. She wouldn't have thought much of that, but she recognized them.
"What are you playing at?" She demanded.
"You sense my other guests," Jezzeff said in surprise. "Don't worry, my brilliant Diva... They are bait. You are my partner. Besides, don't you want revenge against all of the Eltarians who betrayed you? I cannot give you Jaybert, for Sera and Laby locked what remains of him away where no one can reach him, but I can help you take your revenge against the others."
She believed him. "Very well," she replied. She took his hand and was immediately absorbed into his energy field. She could see them then, trapped beside her inside of Jezzeff's soul, but he was true to his word. Once he returned to his body, he took a moment to recover before releasing her. He released the others as well, but their spirits were immediately trapped within a circle of crystals. She was free.
"What's going on?" Tiffani asked in terror. She looked like she was going to cry.
"It's alright, Tiff," Draze said soothingly as he pulled her protectively into his arms. "I'll keep you safe."
The last man glared at Jezzeff and Divatox for a moment before he said, "You brought her here to be your ally? Good luck with that. She is nothing but a foolish pain in the ass."
"Why thank you, Flekt," Divatox replied dryly. "I missed you, too, although I hardly recognized you without a gun in your hands."
"Why have you brought us here?" Draze asked bravely, although it was clear he was nervous.
"That's easy, my friend," Jezzeff replied. "You are bait."
"Bait?" Flekt demanded. "If you touch my Ama, I will destroy you over and over until you relinquish your immortality and beg me to end your suffering."
"Amareese is not my target, although I may ultimately need her to lure Lachlan into my clutches, but that's mainly to draw Zell out of hiding."
"If not Amareese, then...?" Draze suddenly froze. "Laby," he realized. "You won't be able to kill him. Taking us will only ensure your death."
"My plan is not to kill Laby," Jezzeff replied. "Oh no, it is far more brilliant than that." He chuckled to himself. "Come, Divatox. There is work to be done."
She had just caught up on her paperwork for the week when she noticed someone standing in the door of her office. "Mentor Ji... What can I do for you?" She asked.
He smiled at her kindly. "I was just visited by Morphin' Master Green," he replied.
Sakura had no idea who he was talking about, so she asked, "Is that the spirit of a dead Ranger?"
"No, Sakura... The Morphin' Masters are the ones who protect and control the Morphing Grid. She came to me with some alarming information."
"Alright, fill me in. What's going on?"
"Ninjor has been defeated. He is no longer a threat. However, Jezzeff is relying heavily on his Shaman powers and has once again upset the balance. He will continue doing this."
"I'll fix whatever he did. Just tell me what the issue is."
"In addition to his Lazarus Rangers, he has now brought several spirits forward to cause problems. Three are his prisoners, meant to lure Labyrinth into a trap. The other is Divatox."
"Divatox... Great. I've heard all about her."
"Your parents were once part of the team of Power Rangers which battled Divatox."
Sakura wanted to argue that they weren't her parents, but it wasn't their fault they'd never known each other. She knew Adam was a pure soul, and as she was starting to spend a little time around Casey, she was starting to realize she cared about her.
"What do you need me to do, Ji?" She asked.
"Morphin' Master Green has once again interfered where she was not supposed to. She has created six morphers and passed them along to me so I could give them to the team leader... The only Ranger she has selected. She believes the team's White Ranger can be trusted to select the others, including the Red Ranger, who will co-lead the team."
Sakura frowned. "Where are you going with this, Ji?"
"Sakura, you are the White Ranger... If you accept, of course."
"That's crazy! I can't be a Power Ranger, Ji. I'm not even technically alive. Soul Reapers don't belong in the world of the living long-term."
"You would split your time between here and there, just as you do now. Your co-leader would ideally be from the world of the living."
"This is ridiculous. I'm not a Power Ranger. I'm not even meant to interfere in their battle, but I did it anyway to help restore balance."
"Sakura, when you began to interfere, you accepted your new path... The path you were meant to walk all along. You are the oldest daughter of Casey and Adam Park, two highly decorated Power Rangers who have accomplished much in their lives. While Sage was meant to inherit your mother's powers and Thorn was meant to inherit your father's, you were always meant to walk a unique path. You are the strongest because your mother's family line grows stronger with each generation and you were the first born of yours. This was always meant to be your fate."
"If this team wasn't meant to exist, how is that possible?"
"Zell knocked you off of your path, which eliminated the possibility of this team existing. The Green Morphin' Master has just set you back on it."
She was going to protest, but as Ji showed her the White morpher, she hesitated. She was drawn to it, almost as if her soul recognized that it belonged to her. She sighed.
"What is the team called?" She asked.
"The Justice Rangers."
"Really? That's a pretty simple name. Not Justice Force or Justice Fury or whatever?" She asked sarcastically.
"This team's purpose is simple and pure. You are to maintain the balance. If the Guild makes a move, you counter it. Whatever Jezzeff does to throw off the balance, you will find a way to fix it or at least even the odds."
"I do that anyway, without a morpher."
"This will connect you to all of the other Power Rangers, and to each other, at the touch of a button. You will be able to communicate freely with your team, the other teams, Zordon, the Alphas, and your other allies, and you will either be able to help or to receive help yourselves. You will be protected by the Power of the Morphing Grid."
Sakura considered this. Finally, she sighed. "Do we get a mentor? Who do we answer to? Zordon?"
"Zordon will most likely be the one you report to in an emergency. As far as mentors, I offer up my services, if you need them. I mentored the Samurai Rangers for a long time. I can help you navigate what it means to be a Power Ranger."
"Alright. I guess I'm supposed to go find my team now." Sakura shrugged. "What's one more responsibility, right?"
Mentor Ji handed her the case which held the morphers. They were shaped like daggers, and each had a different colored crystal at the top of the hilt. She studied them carefully, touching each one curiously.
The White morpher had an intricate carving of a dragon surrounded by fire etched onto the blade. It vibrated as she traced it. She could no longer even attempt to deny that this was the right path. None of the other morphers had carvings on them, which seemed odd. She picked up the Red one, and suddenly, a carving appeared as the only person she could think of to co-lead the team with her popped into her head. The carving was of half of a mask, and Sakura suddenly understood.
"Every time I choose someone to join the team, the morpher will personalize to them," she realized aloud. She had to admit that was pretty cool. She set out to find her Red Ranger. It wasn't hard.
Ichigo stood in the middle of an alley. He was battling against a hollow. Sakura watched them for a minute to see if he needed a hand, but it looked like he had things under control.
"Hey, Sakura," Ichigo said casually as he continued to battle the hollow. "Just a sec." With a final strike from Ichigo, the hollow vanished. "What's up?"
"This is going to sound crazy," Sakura began. "Mentor Ji sort of told me that all my meddling in the affairs of Power Rangers set me on a new path and... Well..." She pulled out her morpher.
Ichigo raised an eyebrow at that. "Whoa," he mumbled. "They made you a Power Ranger?"
"And I get to pick my team, starting with my co-leader... Which brings me to..." She pulled out the Red Morpher and handed it to him.
He studied it for a moment before smirking and accepting it. "Well alright... I guess I'm a Power Ranger now."
"You'll do it?"
"Did you think I'd refuse? Come on, Sakura. We're in this together. I thought you figured out by now that I'll always fight beside you."
"Thanks, Ichigo."
"No problem. Besides, I get to co-lead a team. That sounds like fun." He paused. "So who else is on our team?"
Sakura thought for a moment before she touched the Blue morpher. A five-pointed cross with a circle around the center appeared on the blade and she smiled. "The Quincy Cross... Uryu, huh?" Ichigo asked. "Good choice."
"Well, he is my cousin, at least on paper. I trust him with everything my family had. Who else would I trust with something this important?" Sakura replied.
"Let's go find him."
They walked for a while until they spotted Uryu. He wasn't alone, but that didn't matter. At the sight of his companions, Sakura immediately knew they also belonged on the team. She touched the Black and Pink morphers. A winged heart with a snake wrapped around it appeared on the blade of the Black morpher. Two six-pointed flowers appeared on the blade of the Pink one. Sakura smiled, knowing she was on the right path. The team was easy to put together because they were basically already a team.
"Hi Sakura!" Orihime Inoue called cheerfully. She ran toward her and hugged her. Her hugs were always soothing, even if Orihime was a little too hyperactive for Sakura at times. There was no one who screamed Pink Ranger more than that girl.
"Sakura, what brings you here?" Uryu asked pleasantly. Ever since he'd agreed to play the role of her cousin, the two had become incredibly close.
"These do," Sakura replied. She showed the morphers to them.
"How pretty!" Orihime declared.
Uryu raised an eyebrow. "Sakura... Are those morphers?" He asked.
"They are, and they're yours if you're willing to accept them," Sakura replied. She handed Uryu the Blue morpher before passing the Pink morpher to Orihime.
"I'm honored!" Orihime replied. "I won't let you down, Sakura!"
"I know you won't," Sakura replied. "Uryu... Will you join the team and accept the responsibilities of a Power Ranger?"
He studied his morpher, clearly giving the situation careful thought unlike Ichigo and Orihime. Finally, he said, "This morpher bears the Quincy cross. No one else is meant to use it. Besides, you are my cousin, Sakura. I can't let you run into such a dangerous fight without me. On my honor, and the honor of the Quincies, I accept the duties of a Power Ranger."
She smiled in relief. She figured Uryu would be the hardest to convince. "Thank you, Uryu. There's no group I'd rather have fighting at my side." She looked at the final person present and said, "You, too, Chad."
Chad looked at the Black morpher she passed to him and shrugged, simply mumbling, "Mmmm..."
"Is that really your only reaction, Chad?" Ichigo demanded. "Sakura just made you a Power Ranger and all you can say is, ''mmmm'?"
"Yeah," Chad replied casually.
"Does that mean you accept?" Sakura asked with a laugh.
"Alright! We're Power Rangers! Yay!" Orihime declared. "When do we get to start kicking butt?"
"We already do that," Ichigo replied.
"Good point!"
"Ichigo and I are co-leaders," Sakura explained. "I still have to choose the last two members of our team."
"Wait a minute... I have to take orders from Ichigo?" Uryu demanded. "I didn't sign up for that!"
"Come on, Uryu... You basically do that now anyway," Ichigo joked.
"A Quincy takes orders from no one," Uryu replied sharply. "However, I suppose in emergencies, I often defer to your leadership."
"Who will the last two members of the team be?" Orihime asked.
Sakura considered it. Looking at who she had already chosen, one person was the natural choice for the Yellow morpher. As a ridiculously cutesy sketch of a bunny etched itself onto the blade, Sakura knew she was right. The Silver morpher remained blank.
"Rukia's next," Sakura replied.
"Rukia? Yay! What a great choice!" Orihime decided aloud.
"Sakura... She's visiting Byakuya," Ichigo said cautiously.
Sakura's ex-boyfriend was the last person she wanted to see, but she knew it was urgent she approach Rukia. "Thanks for the head's up," she replied.
"Want company?"
"You don't have to-"
"Co-leader, right? I'm going with you."
Sakura nodded. "Thanks, Ichigo." She turned toward the others. "Guard your morphers and keep an eye out for trouble. Once the entire team is chosen, I'll be in touch. Contact me if anything happens before then."
"You've got it, Captain!" Orihime replied.
"Stick to Sakura, Orihime. I don't do titles unless I have to, remember?"
"Right! See you soon! Say hi to Rukia!"
"Uryu, take care of them," Sakura said softly as she hugged him. Now that they had morphers, they all had targets on their back. Jezzeff and his people hadn't been able to touch them much before, but they were fair game if they were officially joining the fight. Since they didn't know how to morph yet, Sakura was a little worried about leaving Orihime and Chad alone.
"On my honor," Uryu promised. She knew he'd keep them safe.
Sakura and Ichigo quickly headed back to the Soul Society. Sakura took a deep breath before she began walking toward Byakuya's house.
"Sakura... I can handle talking to Rukia on my own if you need me to," Ichigo offered. "Byakuya doesn't scare me."
"He doesn't scare me either," Sakura replied. "I just don't want to deal with the drama."
Byakuya had definitely been too old for Sakura, but they'd bonded after she proved to be just as powerful as him while she was still in the Soul Reaper Academy. Their relationship brought her comfort at first, but it soon became clear Byakuya, who'd lost his first wife years before, wanted marriage and a family and Sakura wasn't ready for any of that. Things had turned ugly, and he'd become controlling. She'd ultimately ended things and Byakuya had been keeping to himself ever since. His adopted sister, Rukia Kuchiki, was actually the younger sister of his first wife. Despite the drama with Byakuya, Sakura was very good friends with his sister.
Rukia was extremely close to Ichigo. They shared a bond that surpassed nearly any Sakura had ever seen. If Ichigo was her co-leader, it was only natural Rukia would be on the team.
"Ichigo... Sakura... This is unexpected," Rukia said. "Is everything alright?"
"Rukia, we need to speak with you," Sakura replied. "In private, if that's alright."
Byakuya took the hint gracefully. "Of course. Excuse me," he said. He wouldn't look at Sakura as he walked away.
"What's wrong?" Rukia asked.
"Nothing's wrong," Ichigo replied with a laugh. "Why do you always assume the worst?"
"Sakura came to my brother's home. She wouldn't willingly do that without a very good reason."
"Fair point."
"Rukia, today I was entrusted with a set of morphers for a new team of Power Rangers," Sakura began. "I am one of the two leaders of the team, and it is my job to find the rest of the members."
"Alright. How can I help?"
"I want you to be on the team, Rukia."
Rukia blinked at her. "Sakura, I am a soul reaper. I can't be a Power Ranger."
"There are apparently no rules against it, seeing as how I'm a soul reaper, too. Ichigo is my co-leader. Uryu, Chad, and Orihime are also on the team. You'll fit in better with us than anyone else, and I value your abilities. I know you'll be an asset to the team if you agree."
"I'm not sure this is a good idea, Sakura."
"I have faith in you."
"Come on, Rukia. You'll be great at it," Ichigo added.
"I just don't think this is appropriate," Rukia continued to protest. "I have obligations and responsibilities in the Soul Society. I'm not meant to be running around the world of the living as though I am one of them. The last time I did that so freely-"
"Rukia..." Byakuya said softly as he returned to the room.
"Yes, Brother?" She replied.
"To be entrusted with a morpher is a great honor. Sakura has high standards. I am certain she did not make this choice lightly. If it feels right to you, then you should accept." He left the room again without another word.
Sakura wasn't entirely surprised he'd overheard them, but she knew he would keep their secret to himself. No matter what had happened between the two of them, he understood the importance of things like this.
Rukia looked at the morpher. "Very well," she said after a moment. "This does feel as if it belongs to me." She spotted the bunny. Her eyes lit up and she grabbed the morpher. "What a wonderful carving! Such glorious line work! I promise I will treasure and protect this morpher. I understand the seriousness of accepting it and vow to do my duty as we walk this new path together."
Ichigo smirked. "The bunny drawing got to you, didn't it?" He asked.
"It was not the art, Ichigo," Rukia insisted as Sakura stifled a laugh. Rukia was stoic and serious about ninety-nine percent of the time, but cute doodles of bunnies were able to turn her into a gushing little girl. It was kind of amusing. "If the Universe put these morphers in Sakura's hands and she believes I am worthy, then this is the path I am meant to be on, however unexpected it is."
"Alright, Sakura, who's the last morpher for?" Ichigo asked.
"I'll need to talk to the last person alone," Sakura replied. "I have a feeling he won't be easy to convince."
That was an understatement, but it still felt right to her. If she was on this team, there was one person she needed fighting beside her. As she left Ichigo with Rukia, Sakura headed to his office.
Toshiro Hitsugaya was not the type to smile or ever let his guard down. His temper could easily rival Tazzan of Eltar's. In fact, the cranky soul reaper wasn't much taller than the cranky Eltarian. Still, Toshiro automatically smiled and relaxed whenever he saw Sakura. Somehow, the two had become inseparable. Their soul reaper swords, better known as Zanpakutos, balanced each other, with Sakura's manifesting as a fire dragon and Toshiro's being an ice dragon. They worked incredibly well together.
"What can I do for you, Sakura?" Toshiro asked pleasantly.
"I have to ask you something, and I want you to really listen before you just shoot me down," Sakura replied.
Toshiro turned into his usual serious self then. "What's going on?" He asked.
She hesitated before pulling out her morpher. Toshiro's eyes widened in surprise. "You've become a Power Ranger?" He asked.
"Apparently, it's my destiny," Sakura replied.
"I see. I suppose that makes some level of sense, although soul reapers usually leave all ties to their previous life behind. You have your memories. You have always been different."
"I am supposed to choose my team. Ichigo is my co-leader. Uryu, Chad, Orihime, and Rukia have agreed to join the team."
"Those are excellent choices. They work very well together, and everyone except Rukia is part of the world of the living."
"Toshiro, there's one other morpher... The Silver one hasn't been claimed yet. The blades personalize to the Ranger once I make up my mind, but I don't want to force this decision."
Toshiro understood immediately. "Sakura, you know I love you, but I don't play well with others," he said. "I'm not meant to join a bunch of teenagers with attitudes as they battle the forces of evil. I am a soul reaper Captain and have my own responsibilities which do not include wearing spandex."
"According to Doctor K, it is not spandex, but I figured you might react like this. Look, I won't guilt trip you into this. We balance each other best in battle, but I understand it's a big decision. If you don't accept, I'll ask Renji. He's very busy running Squad Six, but I know he's always up for a good fight, and he works well with the others."
Toshiro sighed. "I know you and I work best together, Sakura. Allow me some time to really think about this. I can't just do this on a whim. It's a big commitment, and quite frankly, I stand by what I said. I'm not some teenager who is just learning how to fight. This is not something I would ever participate in normally."
"Just don't say no until you take time to think about it, alright? I'll accept whatever you decide once you've done that."
He nodded, and Sakura knew it was time for her to leave. She hoped he'd come around, but it wasn't looking great, and Toshiro was nothing if not stubborn. She's have to wait and see what he decided as he came to it on his own terms.
Something was wrong. She'd been feeling it for an hour already, and she couldn't ignore it any longer. B'Danna looked at T'Dania and said, "I need to go for a little while."
"Alright, my darling," T'Dania replied. "Is everything well?"
"I can't explain this, but no, I don't think it is. Something feels... Off. I really can't put my finger on it."
"Perhaps I can help. Let me feel what you are feeling."
B'Danna hesitated before allowing T'Dania to take her hands. She could feel electricity tingling between their hands as T'Dania connected to her. After several moments, she released B'Danna's hands and frowned.
"Jezzeff is messing around with the natural order of things again," T'Dania explained.
"What else is new? Why did I pick up on it?" B'Danna asked.
"Because, my darling... He has pulled four souls you know well onto this plane. One is his ally. The others are his prisoners."
"I still don't understand. Whose souls has he stolen from the Underworld?"
"One is the woman calling herself Divatox."
B'Danna tensed. "You're kidding. That bitch is back?"
"Only in spirit form, for now. He wishes to test her before he grants her another chance at life."
"That's smart. Divatox's loyalties are questionable at best."
"The others are more familiar to you... A man called Flekt-"
B'Danna paled. "Amareese is going to freak out."
"The child, Tiffani..."
Suddenly, B'Danna understood where this must be going. No, she thought. Don't say it. Please don't say it.
"And I believe you already know who the other soul is. He is the reason you feel trouble brewing," T'Dania finished.
"Draze?" B'Danna whispered.
"Yes, my sweet daughter. I am terribly sorry, but Jezzeff is currently holding your half-brother's soul hostage in addition to your other deceased friends."
The world tilted on her. B'Danna thought her legs would give out. T'Dania gently steadied her. B'Danna took a determined deep breath before asking, "How do I free them?"
"You are a necromancer by birthright. You can control the dead. I simply have not had time to train you in that area. Necromancy is a difficult skill to master."
"Give me the knowledge I need. Please. I have to help them."
"This skill cannot be learned in mere hours, my darling. Even if I use a knowledge spell, you will not have enough mastery of the gift to use it effectively. You cannot rescue your friends on your own."
"My family," B'Danna corrected her. "They were the first real family I had." She shook her head. "Laby's not going to handle this."
"I believe Labyrinth is the reason Jezzeff did this."
"Then I have to protect him... And Amareese, too. Please, give me the knowledge. I'm a quick study."
"I know you are... And I know you'll do this with or without my help, so I will assist you. Come here, my darling."
B'Danna sat down in the chair T'Dania motioned toward despite the fact that all she wanted was to run into battle and save her former Chapter. She had to be patient or she'd be useless to them.
As T'Dania placed her hands on B'Danna's shoulders, she began to cast the knowledge spell. B'Danna was nearly overwhelmed by the suddenly intensity of it, but she refused to let it get to her. She needed to endure the pain it caused if she wanted to help her family.
It took several minutes for her head to stop pounding. As the knowledge settled, B'Danna understood more about necromancy than she'd ever thought possible. She also realized just how complex some of the spells were, despite how simple T'Dania had made resurrection look. It would take focus, discipline, and time to fully master this new gift. B'Danna hoped a basic understanding of the power would be enough to counteract what Jezzeff had done.
"I'm ready," she said.
"I will accompany you," T'Dania replied. "Together, we should be able to help these poor souls. We must not interfere with Divatox... She has her own path to walk here."
"We can't let her be resurrected. She'll cause a lot of trouble."
"Things will happen as they are meant to, my darling. You must trust in that always. Come, my darling. There is precious little time to waste."
Together, they left the house T'Dania had been working out of. B'Danna closed her eyes and thought, Just hold on, Draze. I'm coming. I'm going to save you. She hoped he heard her.
He was sitting with Emily when Antonio and Ren came into the room. Jayden and Emily hadn't told anyone that they were together... Jayden wasn't sure if they were dating or just kissing each other, but whatever their status was, Emily made him happy, and he hadn't felt that in entirely too long.
Antonio smiled as he spotted them. "It's about time," he said.
Jayden raised an eyebrow at that. "What do you mean?" He asked.
"You two! Come on, it's obvious."
"Leave them alone, Antonio," Ren said with a laugh. "They're obviously not ready to go public."
Emily blushed shyly. "I guess we should," she replied. "It's just... I don't know. Is it too soon?"
"Hey, as long as the two of you are happy, we're happy for you," Antonio insisted. "Jay, you're my best friend, and you couldn't ask for a greater girl than Emily."
"Aw, thanks, Antonio," Emily replied.
"It's good to see you smiling, Jayden," Ren added. "And Emily, your eyes aren't as sad anymore. They were never sad before, so it was a shock to see that when I returned. I'm really glad you two have each other."
Jayden took Emily's hand in his own. "I'm glad, too. I don't think I would have made it through everything without her," he admitted.
That was when he noticed Lauren standing in the doorway. She was smiling, although her eyes remained sad. One thing Jayden had noticed was that his sister's eyes always looked sad, even when she was happy. She was deeply haunted, but he knew she'd never talk about it. He understood. There were things he wouldn't ever be able to talk about, too.
"I didn't mean to interrupt," Lauren said politely.
"Don't be silly, Lauren," Emily said. "You're family."
Lauren looked mildly surprised by Emily's declaration. "I just wanted to deliver a message... From Mentor Ji."
Jayden tensed. "What's wrong?" He asked.
"Nothing's wrong," Lauren reassured him quickly. "Mentor says a new team of Rangers has been formed in Japan. I am granting them access to Shiba House so they may have a sanctuary in an emergency."
"Shouldn't they come here?" Ren asked. "Look what happened to the Beast Morphers. The teams are safer together, and if it's a new team, they should be training here, under Jayden and Dustin's supervision."
"This team has to remain in Japan, but will be free to teleport between there and here as necessary. They are already trained warriors, and they have worked together for a while, just not as Power Rangers. Mentor says they can be trusted and we should expect them to reveal themselves to us very soon."
"Who are they, Lauren?" Antonio asked.
"Mentor said to let that come out on its own. I only know their identities so I could grant them access to Shiba House. Don't worry. One of the team leaders is quite familiar to us, and with her in charge, I have great faith in this team's ability to help."
That was pretty cryptic, but Jayden knew his sister was telling them as much as she was allowed to. "I'll let Team Leadership know another team will be joining us," he said.
"Thank you, Jayden. Now, I have something I need to do. I'll see you all soon." With that, Lauren left them.
Antonio shrugged. "More Rangers. Cool. Who do you think this mysterious female leader we already know is?" He asked.
"Maybe it's one of the Eltarians," Emily suggested. "Don't they have a former Chapter of the Rebellion in Japan?"
"There certainly are a lot of Eltarians around the area," Ren replied, "but I have a feeling this is something else."
"Yeah, and besides, we don't know the Japanese Rebels," Antonio added.
Jayden studied Ren. "What are you sensing?" He asked.
"I sense this team has incredible power... It's unique," Ren replied. "I think this new team will be unlike most of the Power Rangers we know."
Jayden was pretty sure Ren was right. He was curious about the new team, but he supposed he'd have to wait to meet them just like everyone else. All he knew for sure was that Ji trusted them enough to allow them into Shiba House. That was good enough for Jayden.
He was curled up in Ben's arms and wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of his unending existence there. When the doorbell rang, Laby strongly debated ignoring it. As it rang again, he sighed.
"Go on, Luv," Ben said. "It might be important."
"It better be," Laby replied. He kissed Ben quickly before standing up and headed to answer the door.
What he saw on the other side made his eyes widen in surprise. "Diamond?" He asked.
He hadn't seen Diamond in millennia. The Eltarian was about two centuries older than he was, but they'd gotten friendly back on Eltar when Laby was a teenager. Diamond was only half-Eltarian and was half "Mystic." They were a bit of an enigma. They were what the Mystics called "two-spirited." That meant they did not acknowledge having a specific gender, something which was unheard of on Eltar back then. Most people had viewed Diamond as strange, but Laby had always liked them. They'd vanished shortly after Daphne's death, and Laby had been pretty sure they had died.
"Hi, Laby," Diamond greeted him with a friendly smile.
"Di, it's been millennia," Laby said. "Where have you been? What's going on?"
"I had to leave Eltar," Diamond replied. "It wasn't safe. May I come in?"
Laby hesitated. "Not to sound paranoid, but can you prove this isn't a trick?"
Diamond laughed. "Alright. Stand back."
Laby stepped backward and watched as Diamond waved their hands in the air. The magic which followed made Laby's heart brighten. Water flowed in waves around him, dancing and washing away any feelings of doubt as to who was standing in front of him. The water formed shapes, like hopping rabbits and flying fairies. The illusions were beautiful, but in a fight, they could actually be used to attack. Diamond was extremely gentle, but they would defend others if someone innocent was in danger.
"It is you," Laby said as a water kitten meowed at him. He hugged his old friend tightly for a moment.
"Do I get an invitation now, Laby?" Diamond asked.
He stepped aside, letting Diamond come in before he closed the door. Ben walked into the living room and eyed Diamond curiously. "Who's your friend, Luv?" He asked.
"Ben, this is Diamond, someone I haven't seen in a long time," Laby replied. "Di, this is Ben, my boyfriend."
Ben grinned as Laby easily declared their relationship status. It made Laby happy to be able to say it, too. Back in 1912, the two of them had needed to be a bit more careful who they told. "That I am, lucky me," Ben said charmingly.
"Laby settled down with a steady partner? You must be pretty special, Ben," Diamond said with a laugh.
"So spill, Di. Where have you been?" Laby asked.
"I came back to Earth," Diamond replied.
"Why?" Laby asked. "You always told me it wasn't somewhere you wanted to return to."
"My father was a very bad man. I ran away when I was fifteen. Amos helped me return to Eltar."
"You know the crazy old Shaman?"
"Yes. Without Amos, I never would have escaped. My mother didn't remember I existed. My father used magic to advance her pregnancy and then he stole me. When I found out who she was, she had already perished in childbirth with my younger siblings."
"So you never got to meet her?" Ben asked sadly.
"No, but I befriended my younger siblings and two of my cousins. I never told them I was related to them. That's a story for another day."
Laby wanted to push for more information, but he sensed it wasn't the right time. "So why are you here? Not that I'm not thrilled to see you, but why now?"
"Because, Laby... You're in danger."
"Really? From what, exactly? It's not like I can die or anything."
"There are more ways to die than just physical death, Laby."
"That's a bit cryptic," Ben said as Laby hesitated. "Would you care to elaborate?"
"Diamond is a really powerful Seer," Laby explained. "What do you know, Di?"
"They have plans to lure you into a trap," Diamond replied. "It will work, because Heaven and Hell combined couldn't stop you from trying to save the ones they've captured. I'm not here to stop you, Laby... I'm here to help prepare you for what you're walking into."
"Who do they have?" Laby forced himself to ask.
"Jezzeff has acquired the souls of four people you knew... People you last saw in 1989."
Laby felt the ring pulsing furiously as his mind wanted to become overwhelmed. It forced him to remain calm. "Tell me, Diamond... Because I think I know, but I want to be wrong."
"One is Divatox. Jezzeff is giving her a sort of job interview, for lack of a better explanation. He's testing her loyalties before he resurrects her."
"Deevs? Seriously? Ugh..." Laby may have felt bad about how Divatox had ended up, but if she was working with Jezzeff, he couldn't allow himself to have any sympathy for her.
"He is holding the other three souls hostage in order to lure you into his trap. Laby, you know who he has."
"Say it anyway. I have to hear it, Diamond. I can't accept this is happening unless you say it."
"He has Flekt, Laby... And Draze, and Tiffani."
Laby waited for the ring's powers to fail. His chest tightened, but the ring pulsed even stronger, and very soon he was able to breathe calmly. "Then I'll save them," he said with determination.
"I'll help," Ben said firmly. "Just tell me what you need."
"I'll get you both ready for this fight," Diamond promised. "There's just one thing I need to know first."
"What is it?"
"Who is this girl?" Diamond waved her hands and a human face formed in the water that appeared.
Laby was confused. "Why are you asking?" He asked.
"She's been in my dreams every night. I'm meant to find her, but I don't know why, and I'm not sure where to look. I only know it's vital I meet her."
Laby shrugged. "Her name is Lauren. Lauren Shiba. She's a Power Ranger. She isn't always easy to find because she's often off doing her own thing. I can introduce you to her brother, Jayden, if you want. He should have a better idea of how to find her."
"Thanks, Laby. I'd appreciate that. It can wait a little while. Right now, I need to help you and Ben prepare for what's coming."
Laby didn't argue. The sooner he was ready, the better. He needed to get to Tiffani and the others as soon as possible. He'd failed them once. He refused to do it again.
I'll find you, he promised. I swear on everything I have, I'll save you all this time.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I never intended for this to become a Bleach crossover fic, but Sakura just kept involving herself in things, and now, here we are, LOL. Don't worry if you don't know the characters from Bleach. I'll explain anything you need to know to understand their role in the Chosen Universe. Just think of them like yet another team of OC Power Rangers coming in to join the fight, except I don't own any of the characters. (Sakura belongs to Aura MacKenzie and the others are canon characters from the world of Bleach.) I think they're going to add an interesting layer to things, and I really hope you enjoy where the story heads next.
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