Watching T'Dania torture Sledge for his failure to prove useful was entertaining, but Dexter had more important things to do. He headed to the meeting room and took a quick headcount, trying to figure out if everyone had returned. People from the Coalition died daily, but the few Elite members rarely did.
Anzella and Thyme were their top warriors and were easily the Huntress's favorite recruits. Anzella thrived on bloodshed. She'd slaughter a toddler if they told her to. Thyme wasn't quite so dark. She was fierce but had morals, which was more than Dexter could say for most people in the Coalition.
Cadence sat by herself strumming a guitar. This was usually what she did when left to her own devices. The girl was gifted. She also had an exceptionally rare power. Her music could enchant anyone, which was why the Huntress had recruited her. Cadence was a nice enough girl, but the Huntress had filled her head with lies after her family died. She was misguided, but not especially evil.
Daneena and Lenora were powerful Sorceresses. Daneena enjoyed the chaos and destruction the Coalition caused. Lenora was one of the oldest of the Elites. She'd once been full of light and love, but her children had been killed in a disaster, and left with a choice, the Eltarian Guard had done nothing to save them, saving a few children from the Farmell family instead. Her heart had broken. She wasn't exactly evil, but she was incredibly sad and gave in to her dark side as a result. Focusing on revenge gave her a sense of purpose.
Heather was beautiful and looked almost angelic, but the brilliant bookworm was actually quite a sadistic bitch. Dexter hated her, but he had to tolerate her because T'Dania and the Huntress valued her extremely high intelligence. She was their top researcher.
Ivy wasn't Eltarian, but she'd been abducted by Aphell and Mayor Freyst from a nearby planet to be trafficked as a toddler. She was extremely traumatized. Percival had discovered her when she was fourteen, severely beaten and terrified. He'd decided to rescue her. Dexter knew he'd probably done it to spite his big brother, but he had been the first person to show Ivy kindness. She was loyal to him, and he'd brought her into the Coalition. The Huntress had learned her story and taken an interest in her. She used Ivy as one of the Elites who could infiltrate the university where so many of their enemies were enrolled.
Kleo, Kenzee, and Samanzah were the other college girls. Kleo looked and acted like a perky, ditzy sorority girl. She blended in easily and no one suspected she wasn't human. She had reasons to stand with the Coalition, but only the Huntress and Kleo knew what those reasons were. Kenzee was a rebellious punk girl who liked the idea of standing against those who oppressed others. If the Rebellion had found her, she'd have fit right in. Instead, the Huntress had recruited her and convinced her the Founding Families and their supporters were the enemy. Samanzah was an incredibly lonely girl who'd never really fit in anywhere until the Huntress took her under her wing. She wasn't evil, and Dexter knew she wasn't happy with the violence she was participating in, but the girl was in far too deep. No one quit the Coalition with a pulse.
Grayzee did, Dexter remembered. But he put one of the leaders' heads on a pike, so it seems unlikely anyone would try to stop him.
Malorah was playing with fire as she waited for orders. She was exceptionally skilled with pyrokinesis, but that basically was her only skill. The Huntress had recruited her mainly because she had a temper and was quick to burn everything and everyone who angered her to ash.
Phoenix stood glaring at Malorah as usual. Her powers offended Phoenix, who had literally been burned to death and risen from the ashes. No one knew the details of her death, but any time she was set on fire now, she returned stronger. Although rumor had it she'd once been light, death had turned her magic dark. She was powerful and no one who crossed her ever survived.
Mezdan sat beside Zaelah. He was an evil, sadistic bastard with powerful Sorcery. Next to Heather, he was the most intelligent member of the Elites, and he made sure everyone knew it. Zaelah was a powerful Seer and a fierce Warlock. She and Mezdan often enjoyed each other's company. They were trouble on their own, but together, they were deadly.
Mella was an immortal child. She'd migrated to Eltar from Nozann when she was eleven. Someone had turned her immortal upon realizing how powerful her magic was. Although she looked like a little girl, Mella was actually older than everyone in the Coalition except T'Dania. She had grown bitter and a tad psychotic over the millennia and was probably among the deadliest members of the Elites.
Trixie stood watching the others. No one knew where the girl who could transform into a dragon came from, but her exceedingly rare gift had caused the Huntress to recruit her as soon as she discovered her.
Percival Treygan wasn't exactly one of them. He was somewhere between an Elite and a wannabe leader. He annoyed Dexter, but putting up with him was part of the job.
Finally, there was Missy, who had worked her way over to Dexter. The succubus smiled at him suggestively. "Hey, Dex," she said, licking her lips.
"Hungry, Missy?" Dexter teased her lightly.
"Starving," she replied in her most sultry voice. "Care to help a girl out?"
Dexter shrugged and kissed her. He let his magic flow into her freely. Like Trixie, no one knew where Missy had come from. Succubi weren't native to Eltar. Every known incubus or succubus on the planet had either been born from the First's line, had been created by him, or they descended from someone he created. Incubi were rare. Succubi were even more so.
"I'm not happy, Children," T'Dania said as she joined them. "Sledge is learning what happens when you fail me. You'd best learn from his mistakes and not do the same. Was the retrieval mission a success?"
"Yes, T'Dania," Heather replied. She tried to present the box to her.
"Ivy found the box," Dexter clarified, causing Heather to glare at him. "We encountered an Eltarian Rebel, a Power Ranger, and the reincarnation of Ignatius, but she recovered it despite those obstacles."
T'Dania took the box and smiled. "Well done, my darlings," she said. "Especially you, Ivy. This shall be of great use to us."
"What exactly is it?" Percival asked.
"An artifact which Raffitty could never have activated. It responds only to its owner and those who share the same bloodline. For that family, it grants incredible power."
"Who owns it?" Mezdan asked. He was practically drooling at the prospect of such a powerful artifact.
"The Treygans, of course. No one else is worthy of such power. For a long time, it was lost, but I have now reclaimed it."
Typical, Dexter thought.
"What will you do with it, T'Dania?" Anzella asked.
"I intend to pass it on to someone who needs it," she replied.
"Your daughter?" Kleo guessed.
"No... This magic comes at a cost, Kleo. Although it was once quite light, it was corrupted by darkness. It will turn nearly any owner extremely dark and drive the weak mad. The owner's magic must be strong and their mind must be even stronger. Although her mind is quite strong, my daughter is not yet ready for the magical consequences... However, another descendant makes an ideal candidate."
Percival waited with baited breath, but T'Dania barely seemed to notice him. Loser, Dexter thought with a slight laugh. It was fun to see Percival and his enormous ego get knocked down a few pegs.
"So who's the lucky Treygan?" Dexter asked cheerfully.
"All shall be revealed soon, my darlings," T'Dania replied. "He's nearly ready... I just need the Witch to push him a bit further."
Dexter was curious, but he knew T'Dania wouldn't reveal anything more until she was ready, so he didn't bother asking.
"You are dismissed, Children. I must travel to Germany. I'll call on you when I have need of you," T'Dania said before leaving them.
"I really hate the way she addresses us," Mezdan mumbled. "I'm not a child. I've lived for twelve centuries!"
"To her, we are all children," Dexter pointed out. "T'Dania is one old bitch. She predates Eltar. If she wants to call us children, who are we to argue?"
"You've brave to call her a bitch," Samanzah said.
"Or old," Kleo added. "A lady doesn't typically appreciate that."
Dexter shrugged. "I'm just stating a fact... On both counts."
"Dex... Since we're not needed tonight..." Missy began.
Dexter grinned, happy for the distraction. "My place or yours, Doll?" He asked.
"Mine." She wrapped her arms around him and they teleported away.
He'd gone and retrieved Roxy for Ronnie. Both were currently safe inside of his labyrinth, so Laby decided it was alright to leave them alone for a bit.
We need to talk, Trerry said in his mind.
Already? Laby replied with a slight laugh.
It's important.
Laby shrugged. I'll be right there, he replied. He headed to the house Trerry was using while on Earth. Trerry quickly let him inside.
"Alright, what's wrong?" Laby asked.
"We lost some friends, Laby," Trerry began.
The ring pulsed. Laby took a deep breath. "Just tell me," he said softly.
"Mitell, Vinnia, Neese..." Trerry hesitated. Laby took a moment to try to process those losses. "And Lyzzano and Kenz."
Laby's chest tightened with grief. "Shit..." He mumbled. He felt tears in his eyes. The ring pulsed stronger, soothing him, but it didn't stop the grief from hitting. It did keep him calm enough that he didn't stutter or panic. That was a bit of a shock.
"There's more, Laby..."
"More than five of our friends being dead?"
"It was T'Dania, Laby... She killed them. The Scots only made it to Nigel because Kenz sacrificed himself. And..." Trerry sighed.
"Go on, Trerry... I can take it."
"Howard Mills is alive, Laby. She brought him back."
Laby nearly panicked, but the ring pulsed harder than ever and instantly stopped his emotions from getting the best of him. "Jeez, this thing's like a tranquilizer..." He mumbled.
"Listen, Laby, there's something else you need to know," Trerry began.
"Go on, let's really test the limits of this ring."
"Well, when T'Dania brought Howard back, she sort of created a loophole and... You won't believe me unless I show you, but it's going to be a shock."
"Nothing shocks me anymore, Trerry."
"Guys... Come here," Trerry said.
"Guys?" Laby repeated. "Who's here?"
That was when Laby saw something impossible. Ben and Jeanie stepped into the room.
"I'm dreaming... Or hallucinating," Laby decided.
"No, Luv," Ben said softly. "We're really here."
Laby felt himself pale. He felt dizzy, but he didn't faint. He stumbled, however, and Ben automatically steadied him.
"Easy, Luv," he said soothingly.
As Laby felt Ben's arms wrap around him, he realized he wasn't just an illusion. "I lied," he said. "Consider me shocked."
"It's so good to see you, Laby," Jeanie said with a calm, reassuring smile.
Laby shifted out of Ben's arms so he could hug Jeanie tightly and reassure himself she was real as well. "I can't believe this... How?" He finally asked.
"Sakura," Trerry provided.
"Why? What's her agenda? I know why she brought Raff back, and even why she gave Garron a Gigai, but why do this?"
"Because we're not finished yet, Labyrinth," Ben said. His use of Laby's proper name sent a chill through him as usual.
"But... You two are human. You could get... hurt." His heart ached, but at least he wasn't stuttering. He was still relatively calm given the circumstances.
"About that... There's one other thing, Laby," Trerry said.
"What?" Laby asked nervously.
Ben pulled something out of his pocket. "This," he said, smiling proudly.
"Is that... An Energem?" Laby asked in confusion.
"Two actually," Jeanie replied as she produced one of her own.
"You're Power Rangers?"
"Not just any Power Rangers, Laby," Trerry pointed out. "The Energems make their Rangers immortal for as long as they hold them."
"So we're not going anywhere on you for a long time, Labyrinth," Ben promised. He pulled Laby closer and kissed him.
For the first time in too long, Laby could breathe without his heart hurting so much. He returned the kiss and lost himself in it for a moment.
"I love you," he whispered.
"I love you, too," Ben replied.
When Laby finally looked away from Ben, Trerry was smiling at him. "About time you two got another chance," he said with a nod. "Now we need to tell Rez that Jeanie's back."
"I wish we could go to London to see them," Jeanie said with a sigh. "I'm worried about them, especially Rez."
"How is Andru holding up?" Laby asked.
"Like you did for thirty years... He's drinking London dry, but that's just how Andru is. He'll be fine," Trerry replied. "Believe it or not, Garron asked Vitti and Captain Smith for advice, and they agree that everyone should stay where they're safest. Since the castle was ambushed and we know Howard knows about Nigel's place, everyone agreed the two U.K. groups should come here for a bit so we can protect them. Of everyone, they're the most mixed-up with this T'Dania business. Nigel and Andru are planning to bring everyone in a day or so."
"Is the Rebellion getting back together? Because I'm not working with Garron. I'm done."
"Not exactly. We're not the Rebellion anymore... This isn't about stopping corrupt governments or any other missions... It's about keeping our friends alive. This bitch is hunting former Rebels, Laby... And I don't think she's going to stop anytime soon. Mya got Freyst's old alert system from Stone Hollow. If shit goes down and one of us casts the distress spell, help will get to them as fast as possible."
"If they had Mya dig that out, we must be pretty screwed. Is Garron just looking for an excuse to scare us into reuniting?"
"It's not Garron's paranoia or a coincidence. Jessa saw a pretty nasty future if T'Dania gets her way. I have no idea why she's determined to destroy the Rebellion, especially since we've been inactive for a year, but she is. And if anyone's got the power to kill most of us, it's her."
"I think it's fairly obvious," Jeanie said.
"What do you mean?" Laby asked.
"T'Dania is all about power, right? She wants to be in charge, but the Rebellion has a proven track record for toppling corrupt people in power. Everything you lot hold sacred is being threatened by her and her followers. Disbanded or not, you're not going to sit back and let her destroy Earth, Eltar, or any other planet. She views you as a potential threat, so she's clearing away the obstacle before you can get in her way."
"She's right," Trerry said. "And if that's T'Dania's play, then for once, we're the ones who need protecting."
"Jeanie's usually right," Laby admitted. "What the hell do we do, Trerry? Most of Eltar still doesn't trust us, even those of us who've been pardoned. They aren't going to be too keen to help us."
"Anise will help... And Keilah."
"Keilah hates the Rebellion."
"She hates Garron and what he stood for. She hated Micah and Neighbelle for getting her son involved... But those two are dead, and as long as we keep Garron's Gigai away from her, she has no reason to abandon the rest of us to be slaughtered by her bitchy ancestor. She's been willing to help any of us who have proven we're good people so far."
"We can't ask her to help the organization she despises. That's not fair to her."
"But the Rebellion's disbanded, Laby. We're just stray Eltarians now... It's not about helping the organization... It's about helping the people. And she actually likes a lot of us now."
There was a frantic knock at the door. "Were you expecting company?" Laby asked.
"No," Trerry replied. He put his hand up to quiet them for a moment before his eyes widened. "Shit..." He ran to the front door.
Laby followed him. What he saw on the other side made him gasp in horror. The bloody mess on the front porch was nearly unrecognizable. Only her slight movements told Laby she was still alive.
"Bloody hell..." Ben mumbled in horror.
"Pietra..." Trerry said softly. "Laby, help me get her inside."
Laby quickly helped Trerry guide the severely wounded Eltarian into the house.
"She needs to go to hospital," Jeanie said practically.
"She won't last that long," Trerry replied. "Keep her steady for a minute." He closed his eyes.
A portal opened into the house a few seconds later. Calix stepped out. He didn't ask any questions as he spotted Pietra, but he immediately began healing her.
"Holy shit..." His sister Lia said as she and Trinity emerged from the portal.
"Dad... What happened?" Trinity asked Trerry.
Trerry shook his head. "It's bad... I can't block her, Trin... I need help," he said.
Trinity immediately took his hand and helped ground him.
"Is there anything we can do?" Jeanie asked.
"Calix is one of the best healers on Eltar," Laby replied softly. "Pietra's in good hands."
It took a little time, but Pietra finally stabilized. "Pi, what happened?" Laby asked.
"The woman came to us... We were in the house in Germany," Pietra began. "By the time we detected her, she'd already slaughtered Alice... Chaz told us to flee... To use the portal to Australia. Before we could, she killed Hans... Took his head clean off. Erla and I stayed to fight. We refused to abandon Chaz. Erla took a spell meant for him. There was nothing left of her. Chaz and I tried to head to Australia, but she somehow destroyed the portal. I shoved Chaz through the New Zealand one. It's our safest home... Locked down even more than the others. She attacked me before I could follow. I shut the portal down and sealed it to keep her from using it..." Pietra shook her head. "I don't even know if Chaz made it."
"Chaz is one tough son of a bitch," Laby said firmly. "The guy helped take down Nazis and faced off against Hitler himself. He's alive."
"How'd you get here, Pietra?" Trerry asked.
"She attacked me, but she underestimated me. My tactical training helped me survive long enough to flee. I knew if I opened a portal to New Zealand, she'd follow and find Chaz, so I tracked you, Trerry. I don't know who else to trust," she replied.
"What do you mean?" Laby asked.
She hesitated, looking at Ben and Jeanie. "They're on our side," Trerry said quickly. "Ben and Jeanie are Power Rangers. The Energems chose them... One chose me, too. You have to be worthy to be selected by an Energem. You can trust them."
"I trust you. That's good enough. And of course I trust Laby and the children."
"We're not kids anymore, Pietra," Lia protested. "Except maybe Calix," she added teasingly.
"You'll always be kids to me. Your father and I met when you were all under two hundred." She paused. "Hello, Ben and Jeanie. I am Pietra."
"Nice to meet you," Ben replied charmingly.
"Are you feeling alright now?" Jeanie added.
"Calix is quite the healer," Pietra reassured her. "Physically, I'll be fine."
"Why are you having trust issues?" Laby asked.
"Because we were betrayed, Laby. Our nomadic lifestyle hasn't changed just because the Rebellion is disbanded. We travel between our three homes freely now."
"Three homes?" Ben repeated curiously.
"We were originally based in Australia. We rotate between there, New Zealand, and Germany, although Germany needed us the most, so we spent a lot of time there. Our group was trained to blend in seamlessly in any of these places and carry out missions as necessary. Without missions, we simply stayed at these places because we love the people and culture. We were largely staying in Australia, helping repair the devastating damage from the wildfires. The community was hurting, so we did our best to assist in the rebuilding efforts and to help the wildlife... We only returned to Germany a week ago. There is no way she could have found us without inside information. Someone told her where we were."
"Who knew?" Laby asked.
"Very few people... Vitella and Garron could track us, but I know Vitti didn't do this and I highly doubt Garron did. Trerry knew, of course. I always tell you where we are... But I trust you completely. Other than those I just listed, it would take someone with the knowledge and skills to hack the Rebellion's tracking technology, or an exceptionally powerful telepath, or possibly a Seer. Aylane could do it easily."
"Lanie would never betray you guys," Laby said firmly.
"I know that, just as I know Trerry and Trinity would not."
"Dad... What about...?" Trinity began.
"Sid wouldn't help T'Dania," Trerry replied. "We got him away from Jezzeff and he's not looking to get involved again."
"Sid?" Pietra asked.
"My son I found out about last year. His name is Obsidian. He had a rough life and ended up mixed up with Jezz, but he's not a bad kid. Besides, he has no reason to do it."
"Pietra's important to you. You two have had a thing for millennia," Trinity reminded him.
"It's not like we're a couple."
"Maybe not officially, but Pietra's the closest you've ever come to dating someone."
"We like our casual dynamic, and Sid wouldn't know about it."
"Of course he would. He's as strong as you and Trinity," Lia said. "He could have pulled it out of anyone's head. And you two may have talked things out, but he doesn't come around much. Maybe he still hates you for not being there when he was a kid."
"I didn't know."
"Look, we all know that... But Sid's got a lot of angst... He makes me look cheerful. Maybe he's still skeptical about that."
"I'll talk to him... But I don't think this was him." Trerry sighed. "Pietra, you're staying with me. When we find Chaz, he can stay, too."
"Speaking of residences..." Laby began, looking at Ben and Jeanie.
"We've got a place," Ben replied. "Sakura set up a house she says no one can sense us at. It's one of Garron's old places, but she blocked his access to it."
"I know that bastard's security. You'll be safe there for now."
"You can stay with us if you like... I wouldn't mind that. My bed's big enough for two." Ben smirked at him suggestively.
Laby smiled. "I'll keep that in mind, Ben... But I can't just stop going home. Lex is living with me."
"Lex?" Jeanie asked.
"My son I didn't know about until last year. I haven't told him about you guys yet... I guess it's time."
"I'll call Garron when you leave," Trerry said. "He needs to know about the Nomads."
"Call me if you guys need backup. Until then, I'm going to walk Ben and Jeanie home."
"Go on. I'll get in touch when I know anything."
"Bye, guys," Laby said to Trinity, Calix, and Lia. He kissed Pietra's cheek as he hugged her tightly. "Hang in there, Pi. We'll get Chaz back."
She nodded. "I'm alright, Laby. I was bred for battle. I cope with loss better than most," she replied.
Laby led Ben and Jeanie out of the house. He was relieved they didn't vanish as soon as they were alone. They're real, he thought. Sakura brought them back to me.
He decided he needed to do something nice for Sakura the next time he saw her. She'd resurrected his lost love, a girl he loved like a sister, and Raff, who was one of his best friends. Raffitty's return had granted him a bit of peace. Ben and Jeanie's gave him hope. Maybe being the one entity who could truly never die didn't mean he was destined to be alone for eternity after all.
Maddie was missing. That much had become clear when the Wildforce team had come looking for her and Zeke had informed them she hadn't been by to see him. All attempts to reach her on her communicator or track her had failed. Now, the Legacy Rangers and the Wildforce Rangers stood together at the Command Center.
"We're going after her," Zeke said firmly.
"Zeke, just as with Kris, we cannot run in blind," Merrick protested.
"Fuck the rules! This is Maddie, Merrick. She might be on your team now, but she was on ours first. We're doing this."
"She's your girlfriend. You're too close to this to be rational."
Zeke was about to punch Merrick when Sage gently caught his arm and guided it back down. "That won't help," she reminded him patiently.
"If those assholes have Maddie, she doesn't have time for us to sit around and plan this out," Zeke protested. "Tell me you're with me on this, Sage."
"Look, you know how much I love Maddie. She's like a sister to me... But Merrick's right. We don't even know who took her, Zeke, assuming someone did. We have no idea what we'd be walking into."
"I don't care! We have to get her back."
"And we will, Zeke... I'm going to try to reach her in her dreams. Even if she's being held hostage, she's got to sleep sometime. Once I make a connection, I'll be able to figure out who has her and what we need to do to get her back."
He sighed. "I trust you, Sage," he finally conceded. "Just do it as fast as you can."
"I will. Thorn... Anchor me. I'll try now. If she's unconscious, I should be able to do it."
Thorn sat beside her and took her hand. "Go on," he said. "I've got you."
Sage took a deep breath and closed her eyes. As she did this, Denni approached Zeke.
"Look, Zeke... I know we don't acknowledge it much because Dad's still getting used to being a Scott, but Maddie's my cousin," Denni began. "She was the one who brought me to Ollie so I could learn to get better control of my shadow traveling. I want her back just as badly as you do... And Kris is in danger, too. My team members are dropping like flies... So I'm with you on this. We'll do everything we can to get them back."
"I have ADHD... I suck at waiting patiently," Zeke reminded her.
"I know." Denni squeezed his hand supportively. "I'm pretty impulsive myself."
The sudden sound of Sage's screams put an end to their conversation. "Sage!" Kenny cried in alarm.
"Thorn's down, too," Josh said. Thorn had fallen unconscious beside Sage, but he was still gripping her hand tightly.
"We should pull their hands apart," Tommy suggested. "Whatever this is could hurt them both otherwise."
"A sudden severing of the connection would leave Sage without an anchor, floating aimlessly, and it would most likely fry Thorn's mind," B'Danna said, shaking her head. "I'm brand new to having magic, but even I know that much."
"She's right," Liza said. "It's too dangerous to suddenly sever the connection. We need to pull them back together."
"Maybe I can reach them," Micky suggested. "We've got a blood tie."
"It's too risky. The attack could hit you, too," Liza said, shaking her head. "Let me see if I can figure out what's happening." She knelt beside them and held her hands over them as she closed her eyes.
It took several moments, but Liza finally opened her eyes. "It's an incubus," she said. "A damn powerful one. He's got some kind of energy wrapped around Maddie's mind."
"Did Tanner's body escape?" Zeke asked as he struggled not to panic. Zedd's evil son's body had been resurrected by the Witch and was currently playing host to the First, Bartello's father. Before his death, Bartello had worked with Zedd to trap him in the same room Lord Xylon had used to torture Zedd when he was young.
"No... It's not the First," Liza replied.
"Reyzzo," B'Danna said. "He's strong, and he seemed a little too interested in Maddie when we encountered him."
"She's right," Denni said. "Damnit! I shouldn't have let her go off alone."
"It's not your fault, Denni," Marco said. "We all split up."
"How do we bring my cousins back into awareness?" Micky asked.
"We need a Shaman to go after them... Preferably Amos. I don't think anyone else is strong enough," Liza replied.
"Alphas, please bring Amos here immediately," Zordon said. "I fear there is precious little time to spare."
"Ay-yi-yi! Right away, Zordon," Five replied. The others uttered their agreements.
Moments later, Amos appeared. He didn't look entirely surprised until he spotted Sage and Thorn. "Oh my... This is not a social call then," he said as he knelt beside the Park twins.
"Reyzzo has Maddie," Zeke told him. "Sage tried to get into her head and got attacked. Thorn's anchoring her."
"Never fear, my young friend. I'll find a way to sever the connection," Amos promised. He sat beside them and took each of their hands.
Zeke watched in mild fascination as Amos closed his eyes. He might not be a Shaman, but he could feel the power Amos radiated. When the ancient Shaman began to twitch, however, he grew concerned.
"Do we need to call backup for him?" Zeke asked.
"No," Amos replied, still not opening his eyes. "All is well."
"There's your answer," Denni replied with a laugh.
Sage and Thorn awoke with gasps shortly after. "Are you kids okay?" Tommy asked.
"My head hurts," Sage replied.
Thorn was trembling. He looked weak and pale. Liza knelt beside him. "He fed on you, didn't he?" She asked.
"He was going for Sage... In the chaotic state we were flung into, she couldn't have held him off for long. I wrapped her in my energy," Thorn admitted.
"Thorn, you could have been killed!" Sage scolded him.
"So could you. I refused to let that happen."
"I'll call Zedd. He can fix your energy," Liza said.
"Why's Amos still under?" Zeke asked suddenly.
"He told us he needed to find something," Sage replied.
Amos suddenly opened his eyes. "Interesting," he mumbled.
"What's interesting?" Zeke asked.
"I was searching through Reyzzo's mind and I found something unexpected. I know you're all worried for Maddie, as you should be... But Reyzzo intends to protect her. I cannot say for certain why he is determined to do that, but he is. She's not exactly safe, but she's got one person looking out for her."
"We're supposed to trust that monster?" Zeke demanded.
"Of course not... But trust me, Zeke. Maddie is in very deep right now. Reyzzo is the only one who can protect her. We will get her back, but we need time to find her." He paused. "I'm going to look into something. I'll get back to you when I know more. In the meantime... Wild Force, I fear Kris is running out of time."
"Is that bitch going to kill him?" Denni demanded.
"His future is uncertain... All I see is black... And it's coming soon. Find him, my friends... Before it is too late."
Zeke tried not to panic, but that didn't sound good. He saw the look on Denni's face and decided it was his turn to comfort her. "We'll find him, Denni. He'll be okay," he promised.
Denni nodded, but didn't say anything. Merrick put his hand on her shoulder, which seemed to instantly soothe her. She leaned into him subtly, like she needed him to keep her steady.
What's that about? Zeke wondered. They're giving me couple vibes, but Merrick's hung-up on Princess Shayla, isn't he? He filed that away for later, wondering if it was a product of his overactive imagination or if Merrick and Denni were becoming more than teammates.
She'd been having fun playing with her food, but enough was enough. Eris moved closer to Kris and watched his chest rise and fall. His breaths were shallow. His chest was covered in cuts. He had lost entirely too much blood, but somehow, he kept fighting to survive.
"Hello, Pet," she said sadistically, running her nails across his chest and drawing blood.
"This foreplay's fun and all, Huntress, but you could have just bought me dinner," Kris replied dryly.
She slapped him across the mouth. "Satisfied? Or are you hungry for more?" She demanded.
"Please, Ma'am, I'd like some more," he said with a smirk.
She glared at him. "I will break you," she said firmly.
"My body, maybe... But never my spirit."
"We shall see, Kristopher." A delightfully wicked idea began to form in her mind.
The door swung open. "Eris... May I borrow you?" The Witch asked.
"Of course, Witch," she replied. She followed her out of the room, locking Kris inside. Restrained and weak or not, she didn't want to take any chances and risk him escaping.
"Bourbon! Come here," the Witch called.
Bourbon walked toward them. "Bourbon, Drakaina, and Dale made it to the new base," the Witch said. "I left Drakaina and Dale there, but I wanted to tell you something, Eris... Something that needs to come out."
"What is it?" Eris asked in confusion.
"Bourbon's real name is Jozzuah."
Eris paused. "I'm not sure why that was so urgent, Witch," she replied after a moment.
"I thought his mother should know his real name."
Eris stared at her. "Witch... You know I cannot have children. I sterilized myself millennia ago."
"I know! But did you ever wonder why you felt the need to do that?"
"I despise children."
"Fair enough, but it's still an extreme action to take. Look at him, Eris... He is fierce and has great power. He'll be of much use to us... I realized upon meeting him that he radiated with your energy."
"Wouldn't I know if I bore a child?"
"Probably... Unless someone made you forget because they wanted to keep the baby safe."
"No one could have done that except for..." Eris paused before growling out, "Grayzee... I'm going to kill him!"
"It took me a lot of time to piece things together, Eris, but it seems like you were in physical distress and went to your little brother for help. He delivered the child, you decided to kill it, and he interfered and hid him in time. Oh, and there's more!"
"More?" Eris demanded.
"He's a Treygan. I know because he has a rare gift only Treygans possess called Actualization."
"A Treygan? I've only ever slept with one."
"Yes, Eris... The boy is Rygano's youngest child, conceived when you forced yourself on him. He never told anyone, clearly, or Rinton would have slaughtered you."
Eris sighed. "I feel the truth in your words. I shall deal with my brother accordingly." She looked at Bourbon. "Well, Bourbon... I never wanted children, but seeing as how you exist and are old enough to care for yourself, prove useful and I'll allow you to continue drawing breath."
"That's kind of you... Mother," he replied dryly.
"You two will be fast allies!" The Witch decided.
Eris studied Bourbon. She could vaguely see Rygano in his features. She had no maternal instinct, but she did see the potential for him to be of use to her. She forced herself to accept his existence.
I need to pay my darling little brother a visit, she decided. It was not Bourbon's fault he existed, it was Grayzee's. She'd deal with him soon enough.
They'd searched for hours, but the Celestial Force team had been unable to track Elliot and Dora. Rhanna was searching for them on her own, walking any realm she could think of, but so far she'd had no luck. Cooper forced himself to remain calm along with Charleigh as the rest of their team started to panic.
Something felt wrong, and it wasn't just their missing teammates, but Cooper couldn't figure out what it was. Still, he couldn't shake the feeling, and it was starting to really worry him.
"Statistically, if we don't find them soon-" Stephanie began.
"Screw statistics," Lex said firmly. "We'll get them back."
"I have a really bad feeling," Lachlan chimed in. "They're in serious trouble."
"Did you figure that out all by yourself, Lach? And here I thought they were off having fucking tea," Cooper finally snapped.
"Back off, Cooper," Charleigh said firmly. "That was uncalled for."
"Seriously, are you trying to take Dora's spot as the savage one on the team?" Stephanie asked. "Because that was just rude. Go to the Dojo if you need a punching bag."
"I'm just exhausted and stressed out... I'm sorry, Lach. They're right," Cooper apologized with a sigh. "You didn't do anything wrong."
"It's okay, Cooper," Lachlan replied softly. "It was kind of stating the obvious."
Suddenly, Cooper's cell phone rang. He looked at the screen and was instantly filled with dread. "Excuse me for a minute," he said. He stepped away from the others. "What's up, Jo?" He forced himself to ask as he answered it.
"Cooper..." Jo's tone was too serious.
"What happened?"
"It's Dad... You... You should come to the house."
"Jo, how bad is it?"
"You should come," she repeated numbly. "Now."
His chest tightened with panic, but he kept his voice calm. "I'll be right there," he promised. He hung up and hurried back to his team.
Patti was the first to notice his face. "What's wrong, Cooper?" She asked.
"Guys, I have to go. I'll be back as soon as I can. It's my boss."
"Your boss?" Tazzan repeated. "For Eltar's sake, Cooper, call in sick! Your teammates need you."
"Mr. Davison has been in my life since I was sixteen, Tazzan. He's important to me."
"And Elliot and Dora aren't?"
"Of course they are. Look, he's sick, alright? His daughter just called and I could tell she was freaking out. Joanna Davison never freaks out... She leaves that up to her sister. I know Elliot and Dora need me, but in this particular moment, I still can't do much to help them. I can help the Davisons. Call me if you make any progress and I'll be there. If not, I'll come back as soon as I can."
"It's fine," Charleigh said before Tazzan could protest. "Go take care of your friends, Cooper. I'll call as soon as I know anything."
"Thanks," Cooper said, grateful she wasn't fighting him on this. None of them really knew how much the Davisons meant to him, although Patti and Elliot had a slight idea because they both spent a lot of time at the Dojo with Cooper for extra training.
He ran to the Davison house. With his enhanced speed, agility, and stamina, he made it there very quickly. He had a key, so he let himself in. He found Jo and Randi sitting beside their father's bed. Randi had ruined her makeup by sobbing and didn't appear to have realized it yet. Jo stood strong, her face hard and unreadable. A doctor stood over them looking at Mr. Davison's vitals.
"What happened?" Cooper asked softly.
"We came home and found him like this," Jo replied. "The doctor said he got worse out of nowhere."
"His heart is incredibly strained and is barely pumping blood to the rest of his body," the doctor explained. Mr. Davison had home hospice care during the day, but they usually left when Jo, Randi, or even Cooper could be there to take care of him instead. This doctor wasn't leaving now.
"Did something cause him to get worse?" Cooper asked.
"I'm dying, Cooper," Mr. Davison replied weakly with a sad smile. "It's alright... I've been living on borrowed time for a while now."
"Don't say that, Daddy!" Randi sobbed. "You're at the top of the transplant list. You could get a heart any day now."
"Miranda, my sweet little girl, I'm afraid I've run out of days."
"Shouldn't we head to the hospital?" Cooper asked.
"I refuse to die in a hospital surrounded by strangers. I told my doctor not to call an ambulance. I just want my family here." He paused. "All of you. And you should probably know that you now own a third of the Dojo. I want it to stay in the family." Mr. Davison said.
"Family..." Cooper repeated softly. He almost started to cry. He had learned not to do that in public during his time on Onyx, so he managed to keep himself from breaking down.
"You've been like a son to me since the day I met you, Cooper," Mr. Davison continued. "You will always be part of my family."
"You're the only father I ever really had," Cooper admitted.
"Take care of my girls for me, Cooper. You're the only one I'd trust with something so important."
"I will. I promise," Cooper vowed.
Mr. Davison began to cough as he struggled to breathe. "Daddy!" Randi sobbed, flinging herself across his body to hug him. "Daddy, I love you so much... Please don't leave us..."
He gently pet her hair. "I love you, Miranda," he said soothingly between coughing fits. He reached toward Jo with his free hand. She took it and held it. "And I love you, Joanna... I am so proud of you girls."
"Dad..." Jo's voice cracked.
"It's alright, Joanna... My little warrior..."
"I love you, Dad," she whispered.
"I know." He began coughing again.
As Jo began stroking her father's head, she said, "It's okay, Dad. We'll be okay..."
Cooper squeezed Mr. Davison's free hand. I can save him, he thought. I can use a time spell, find a match, and kill the person so he gets a heart...
His magic wasn't quite that advanced, but even a basic time spell to send him back a few hours could make a difference. It would be easy. He'd killed plenty of people before.
You're not that monster now, he reminded himself. Dark Specter's dead and you don't do that shit anymore.
He was still torn. Mr. Davison would do anything for Cooper. Shouldn't he do the same? The man was incredibly kind and had tried so hard to take care of Cooper when he was just a scared, abused teenager. He owed him this.
He wouldn't want you to kill someone just so he could live, Cooper thought with a sigh. That's not who he is, and it would dishonor him to do it.
Mr. Davison closed his eyes. His coughing fits stopped, and as his chest fell motionless, Cooper knew he was gone. Something inside of him shattered.
"Daddy... Daddy, no..." Randi sobbed.
The doctor turned off the machines and stepped out of the room to give them privacy. As Randi continued crying over her father's body and refusing to let him go, Jo wrapped her in a hug. Cooper began stroking Randi's hair to try and soothe her.
"I'm so sorry..." He whispered.
Eventually, Randi cried herself to sleep on her father's body. Cooper picked up her limp body and carried her to her bedroom. He put her on her bed and covered her.
Jo left their father's room and closed the door. "Jo..." Cooper began.
Finally, Jo allowed herself to break. Cooper wrapped her tightly in his arms, letting her release her grief.
"I'm sorry, Jo," he said softly.
"It's a miracle he lived this long after the accident," Jo replied. "We were lucky we got this time with him."
"Will you be alright?"
"Of course I will. Tonight, I'm going to process all of this. Tomorrow... I'll start making arrangements."
"Let me do that, Jo. You shouldn't have to."
"I need to stay busy, Cooper. To Do Lists comfort me."
"Then at least let me help... Whatever you guys need."
"I will. Go home. Try and sleep."
"I'm staying until they take him," he said firmly.
"Okay," she agreed.
Not long after, Mr. Davison's body was removed from the house. Cooper insisted on tucking Jo in before he left. He didn't go home. Instead, he went to the Dojo.
He began training, throwing himself into the physical release. After over an hour, he knew he should stop, but he didn't care. The pain of pushing his physical limits made more sense to him than the grief in his heart.
"Cooper?" A voice asked softly.
He was surprised to look up and see Patti standing in the door. He took a moment to catch his breath and realized how fast his heart was beating.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Patti asked gently.
"He's gone," Cooper replied softly.
"I'm sorry," she replied, moving closer to him. "How are Jo and Randi holding up?"
"Randi's a basketcase and Jo's trying to stay strong... Pretty typical."
"And you?"
"It's my fault!" Cooper blurted out. He had been trying so hard not to break, but he couldn't hold it in anymore.
"What? Cooper, he had a weak heart. How could this possibly be your fault?" Patti asked in confusion.
"The accident that damaged his heart wasn't an accident, Patti," he admitted aloud for the first time. "Dark Specter realized Mr. Davison had taken an interest in me... He kept trying to get me to talk. He was convinced I was in a bad situation and he wanted to help me... I started letting him in, even though I didn't tell him the truth. I started to get attached to him, and to his daughters... It gave me a reason to fight. So Dark Specter attacked his car when he was driving home one night. It flipped several times... It was totaled. The doctors were shocked Mr. Davison even survived the crash. The thing is, Dark Specter made sure he survived to hold him over my head... He said the crash was a warning, and he promised he'd finish the job and kill Jo and Randi if I ever showed the slightest hint of disloyalty again. He only attacked him because he cared about me!"
"Cooper... That doesn't make it your fault. It was Dark Specter's fault," Patti replied soothingly.
"He loved me, Patti! And it got him killed." He punched the wall.
Patti gently touched his shoulder. That was when Cooper started crying, unable to stop himself.
"Why do assholes like Jezzeff have invincible hearts when good, pure hearts just stop beating? How is that fair?" He demanded.
"It's not," Patti replied gently. "The Universe can be really unfair, Cooper, but everyone has a role they're meant to play in it. Mr. Davison touched a lot of lives, including yours... He made a genuine difference in the community, and because of that, part of him will always live on."
"It's not enough... And it sucks."
Patti smiled at him kindly. "It totally sucks... But you're not alone, Cooper. You've got me, and the team, and if you let us, we'll be here for you."
"I can't... Everything I touch turns to shit, Patti. Everyone around me dies... Usually horribly. My mom, my sister, Mr. Davison... Simone."
"My ex. It's complicated, and I restrict myself to one nervous breakdown at a time, so let's not open that can of worms right now." He sighed. "It's only a matter of time before I get Jo and Randi killed, too, but I promised I'd take care of them..."
"Cooper, not everything is your fault. You need to stop blaming yourself."
"You don't know me, Patti... Not the real me. I hurt people. I was evil. Maybe Dark Specter was right about me, and I can't escape it... I'm toxic, Patti. I infect everyone around me. I can't be a Power Ranger." He tried to take off his necklace and hand it to her.
"Don't you dare, Cooper Cates!" Patti scolded him firmly.
Her tone surprised him. Patti was normally bubbly, awkward, and a bit submissive. He stared at her.
"You are every bit a Power Ranger, and we need you. These morphers chose us. When you put that necklace on, you accepted your new destiny, and I'll be damned if I let you give it up because you're grieving and freaking out," she continued. "You don't get to quit on us, Cooper. Once a Ranger, always a Ranger, right? You didn't let me quit when I thought I'd never be good enough, and now it's my turn to talk sense into you. So you're not taking that off, Mister! Or else!"
Cooper actually laughed. "Or else?" He repeated.
"Yep! Or else," she repeated with a grin.
"Are you trying to threaten me, Patti?"
"I'm just stating a fact! There will be consequences if you try to quit the team."
He shook his head. "You're really bad at this," he said in amusement.
"But it made you smile," she replied. She kissed his cheek.
Cooper took a deep breath. He hugged her. "Thank you," he said softly.
"For what?"
"For making me realize I was being stupid. You're right. I chose to follow this path. I can't just quit. That's not who I am, and Elliot and Dora need all of us right now. I'm sorry for losing it."
"You're entitled. Now, let me see your hands. They're bleeding." She started patching him up.
Cooper began to relax. His heart still hurt, but at least he wasn't alone. That helped, even if it didn't change things. Mr. Davison was still dead. His teammates were still missing... But maybe Patti was right and not every awful thing that happened was Cooper's fault.
He had nearly given up hope when Trini contacted them. "Guys, I found Tommi," she said. "She's at the Krispy Kreme."
"Holy crap, Alternate Rita was right!" Dora said in surprise.
"We'll be right there," Elliot replied.
They raced to the donut shop. The rest of Tommi's team arrived at the same time.
Tommi's body sat calmly eating a donut. She and Trini were laughing. Trini reached forward and took Tommi's hand in her own. With her free hand, she slapped a bracelet onto Tommi's wrist.
"What's this?" The Witch asked.
"Just a present," Trini replied.
"You're so adorable, Trini," the Witch said with a smile. Then, without warning, she pulled out a knife and put it to Trini's throat. "That was a good effort, but your Zordon's technology won't work on me any more than the original Zordon's will. It's really a shame. I actually kind of like you, Trini. You've got spunk." She slashed Trini's throat before anyone could stop her and tossed her aside like trash.
"No!" Jason cried as the customers and staff fled in terror.
"Trini!" Kimberly screamed.
It was Zack who flew into action first. He ran to Trini's side as she clutched at her throat. "Stay with me, Crazy Girl," he said urgently as he began applying pressure to the wound in her throat. He looked at the others. "Billy! You've always got weird stuff on you... I need something to stitch the wound shut. It's not as deep as it could be, but we have to stop her from losing any more blood."
"Let me check my backpack," Billy replied. He started searching through it as he knelt on Trini's other side.
"You know, I was just trying to enjoy some sugar," the Witch said. "Can't a girl get her donut on in peace?"
"You bitch! You'll pay for this!" Kimberly declared.
"Sure, Pinky. Keep telling yourself that," the Witch replied. She glanced at the abandoned donut counter and selected another snack. She nibbled on it with a grin, waiting to see what they'd do next. She frowned as she finished that one and selected another. "Oooh, cream-filled!" She said in delight. She stopped paying attention to them.
"She needs energy," Dora said suddenly.
"What do you mean?" Jason asked.
"The snacking... What if it's not just one of Ling's quirks? What if he constantly has to eat to refuel his body because he's an intangible and it takes more effort for a living body to sustain that kind of power?"
"You mean the Witch is snacking because she's trying to gain power?" Elliot asked, catching on.
"Exactly. Think about it, El... She's been known to sit down with popcorn in the middle of a battle and just watch everyone else fight. What if she wasn't just enjoying the game?"
"It makes sense... And if she's eating because she's in a weakened state-"
"Now's our best chance."
"What's the plan?" Jason asked.
"We'll surround her," Elliot decided. "Dora, you and I will play distraction. We'll do everything we can to piss her off and keep her focused on us. Jason, Kimberly, on our signal, kick her ass from behind. She'll be so focused on the two of us, she won't see you guys coming. She's still limited by Tommi's physical capabilities, especially since she hasn't consumed her yet. Use Tommi's weaknesses against her."
"What's the signal?" Kimberly asked.
"Irrational bursts of rage. Trust me, you'll know."
"Let's do this," Jason agreed.
"We've so got this," Kimberly agreed.
"Wait until she's distracted and get behind her," Dora said. Then, she turned toward the Witch and said, "Don't you know too much sugar's bad for you, Bitch?"
"Blasphemy! There's no such thing as too much sugar," the Witch replied.
"You're pathetic, picking on Fake Tommi. These Power Rangers are weak as hell compared to the real thing."
"She's not strong enough to take on the real Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers," Elliot replied. "We all know she doesn't have what it takes. That's why she has puppets do her work for her."
"Awww, but we snipped Zell's evil side, and we all know Jezzeff can't get it up!" Dora laughed. "I guess that's why she came here."
"Maybe she possessed Tommi so she can claim to have defeated Tommi Oliver... It's kind of sad that it's the fake Tommi, though. Where's the fun in that?"
"We all know Ling's stronger than her. I mean, he made her crispy! And, hey, we're at the Krispy Kreme! Maybe it's time to burn us a bitch!" Dora pulled out her cell phone and turned on the flashlight. She pointed it straight at the Witch's eyes.
The Witch flinched and looked away. "You little brat! That's cheating!" She shouted.
"Well, it can't call anyone while I'm here, so it's either a flashlight or a paperweight, right?" Dora replied.
Elliot pulled out his phone as well. He aimed it at the Witch's face. She screamed in annoyance and began casting a spell.
"Elliot..." Dora said softly in warning.
"Trust me," Elliot replied.
The spell grew in power as they kept their phones aimed at her. Elliot waited until he sensed she was about to fling all of that darkness at them before he shouted, "Fuck off, Evianna!"
It was like a switch flipped. The Witch tossed her spell aside. It put a huge hole in one of Krispy Kreme's walls, but it didn't injure anyone.
"Don't... Say... That... Name!" The Witch shouted. She proceeded to begin flinging donuts at their heads.
"Jelly! My favorite," Dora said as she caught one. "Thanks... Evianna."
"Stop it! That's not my name!" The Witch screamed as she ripped the cash register from the counter and tossed it at Dora's head. Dora dove out of the way just in time.
The Witch went back to flinging donuts at them.
Suddenly, Kimberly kicked the Witch between her shoulder blades, knocking her forward into the counter. Jason proceeded to tackle her to the floor, pinning her arms behind her back.
"Jason! Put this on her!" Billy cried, tossing him something.
Jason caught it and put the choker around her neck. As he clasped it shut, light burst from the ball dangling from the center. It was nearly blinding. The Witch shrieked in agony.
"Whoa..." Zack mumbled.
"What is that?" Kimberly asked.
"Well, Elliot and Dora said light hurts her, so last night, I created a collar with a really strong LED light that activates when fastened. Cool, huh?" Billy replied with an excited smile.
"Billy, you rock!" Dora declared.
The Witch was still screaming and struggling to free herself. To Elliot's relief, Trini stood up with Zack's help and walked toward them.
"You got blood on my favorite t-shirt," Trini said sharply. She proceeded to aggressively touch a spot on Tommi's neck. The Witch instantly stopped screaming and struggling as she blacked out.
"What was that?" Kimberly demanded.
"Witchcraft!" Zack replied dramatically.
"Pressure point," Trini corrected him.
"Nice," Dora said appreciatively.
"Good work, Trini," Jason said with a nod.
"Let's get her back to Zordon so we can try to fix her," Elliot suggested.
They kept the collar on just in case she woke up before they made it there. Elliot hoped they'd be able to get her out of Tommi's body and banish her from the realm, but he had a feeling it wouldn't be that easy.
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