She's gathered nearly enough strength to escape from her captors. The Witch had tortured her for hours the last time they'd been alone together, but she hadn't realized Aiyana was channeling her pain into magic.
She emerged from a deep meditation as she sensed someone trapped between the realm of the living and the realm of the dead. She could hear the spirit sobbing softly.
"I really got myself into trouble this time," the girl mumbled.
Aiyana focused until she could see her. "How can I help?" She asked softly.
The spirit squeaked in surprise. "You can see me?" She asked. "I keep fading..."
"I can," Aiyana confirmed. "I'm a Shaman."
"A Mystic... Oh, thank God! Can you help me?"
"You're Eltarian."
"Yes. They trapped me here when I tried to save my friend. They're going to hurt her. I can't let them, but now I'm fading away and... And I'm kind of scared," she admitted.
"What's your name?"
"Tiffani... I'm Tiffani."
"That's not very Eltarian," Aiyana said with a slight smile. "I am Aiyana, which is also not Eltarian. My mother was Cherokee."
"My mom was from Earth, too. She died when I was born... My dad raised me in Tiger's Bluff, at least until he killed me... But that's a story for another day. Anyway, I was like, totally ready to hurt them if they didn't let Ronnie go, but I didn't expect to get trapped here. They want to lure Laby here..."
"You know Laby?"
"He was my boyfriend back in 1989... I sort of died in his arms."
"Oh, poor Laby..." Aiyana said sadly as she imaged how hard that must have been for him. "And poor you. You have been through so much..."
"I don't regret it. My father was going to do something awful to Ronnie. I couldn't let him. She was my big sister."
"I thought you said she was your friend?"
"In our school, the sophomore cheerleaders adopted the freshmen, and I was her adopted little sister. We were, like, super close. I had to protect her... I still do."
"You are very brave, Tiffani."
"I don't know about that... I tried to be, but, like, sometimes I'd get really scared. Just like now."
"It's okay to be scared... I'm scared, too," Aiyana admitted.
"I can't let them lure Laby here... And I need to get Ronnie out, but I keep getting weaker..."
Aiyana sighed. She touched Tiffani's hands. The girl might not be solid, but her energy responded to Aiyana's touch. She began transferring the power she'd gathered into Tiffani.
"But... Aiyana, don't you, like, need all of this?" Tiffani asked as she grew stronger.
"I'll find another way... This is the right path. Take the energy, Tiffani. Save your friend... And keep Laby away from this place," Aiyana said firmly. Using a final burst of magic, Aiyana broke the spell binding Tiffani to the property.
"Thank you, Aiyana," Tiffani said. "I'll send help, I promise. I'll make sure they save Ronnie and you."
"Be safe, Tiffani," Aiyana replied. With that, she sent Tiffani away to freedom.
It wasn't long before the door burst open. The Witch walked in with Tadd. She slapped Aiyana hard across her face.
"Naughty little Mystic!" She shouted. "I had plans for that girl!"
"I shielded her from you," Aiyana replied. "You won't be able to harm her again."
The Witch pulled out a knife. She handed it to Tadd. "Don't cut anything vital," she said, "but make it hurt, T. A lot."
Tadd began to systematically cut Aiyana. The pain was severe, but she breathed through it, refusing to give the Witch the satisfaction of making her cry out.
Soon, Jezzeff and Dale joined them. Jezzeff participated in the torture, kicking it up and making it hurt even more. Dale hurt her, too, but it was clear he felt conflicted about it. When Bourbon entered the room, Aiyana knew it was going to get worse.
Bourbon was excellent at systematically torturing people. After all, he'd learned at Grayzee's side on Zell's order. The Witch had already forced him to hurt Aiyana twice and she'd escaped into her mind, unable to stand it any other way.
Bourbon leaned in close to her ear and whispered, "Scream. Scream like you're going to go insane from the pain."
Aiyana shook her head, refusing to give in even as he put an enormous amount of pressure on a gash on her shoulder.
Scream and the bitch will be satisfied. Please, Daphne, Bourbon projected desperately into her mind.
Aiyana took a risk and looked him in the eye. He'd turned cold and emotionless, but a hint of something genuine lingered in his gaze.
I don't want to hurt you, Daphne. Please don't make me draw this out, he begged.
She knew then that Drakaina was right and Bourbon was still on their side. As he pressed down on her wound again, she screamed, releasing the pain she'd been holding in.
"Witch, if I keep this up, the girl will perish," Bourbon said after a minute. His tone was factual and uncaring.
"She's suffered enough for now," the Witch replied. "Dale, keep her alive and clean her up a bit." She cackled. "Naughty girls get punished. Remember that!" With that, she took the others and left.
Dale studied her for a moment. He dutifully began healing the worst of her injuries in silence. He didn't heal everything, but Aiyana knew he'd healed more than just the wounds threatening her life. Then, he left the room before returning with a large tub of water and a sponge. He started to wash some of the blood off of her flesh.
Aiyana winced slightly as Dale caught a spot that was especially sore. "Apologies," he said so softly she barely heard him.
Reyzzo burst into the room. His anger radiated from him. Something had set him off. He glared at Dale. "Get out," he said.
"The Witch told me to tend to her," Dale protested.
"And you have. She's fine. Go."
"I need to feed, Dale. If you don't leave, I'll feed on you."
Dale tensed. It was obvious to Aiyana that he was afraid. He'd clearly been through something very traumatic in his past.
"I'm not leaving you alone with her," Dale said firmly despite his fear. "I just healed her and saved her life, and that wasn't so you could turn her into a snack."
"Dale, this is none of your business!" Reyzzo snapped. He grabbed Dale by his shoulders before forcibly kissing him.
Dale's fear grew stronger for a moment before Reyzzo took control of him. "I'm an incubus," he reminded him after he pulled his mouth away from his. "I can make you do whatever I want. I can make you want it... If I want to, I can make sure you enjoy every second of it and feel no fear... Or I can make it hurt. You won't be able to resist me either way."
Dale was clearly trying to fight him, but it wasn't working. That was when Aiyana noticed something... The energy of the two men was similar.
The Flames, she thought. They both come from them, but Reyzzo is from Zell's... Jezzeff must have created Dale somehow.
It wasn't just that, however. Something else lurked in their blood... A hint of the same DNA.
They're related... Reyzzo and Dale are connected by blood, she realized.
Was Dale Bartello's? He certainly didn't feel like an incubus, and he couldn't fight Reyzzo fully, so that was unlikely. He didn't feel like Sera either, but his features were certainly similar to the Veritez family's.
"I know what they did to you, Dale," Reyzzo taunted him, pressing his lips against Dale's neck. "I know how the monsters on Onyx used you as a toy. I know you were safe for a while, until someone else started using you... I can feel all of it."
Dale let out an involuntary whimper of fear as Reyzzo went for his zipper.
"Stop," Aiyana said, unable to stand watching this any longer.
Reyzzo smirked. "Why should I?" He asked.
"I'll do whatever you want... Just don't hurt him."
He laughed. He injected Dale with something, knocking him unconscious immediately. He moved toward Aiyana and said, "That was very noble of you."
She didn't fight him as he began to undress her. He hesitated when he saw the gashes on her back. The Witch had whipped her repeatedly one of the times she'd attacked her.
Reyzzo traced one of the scars with his index finger. He surprised Aiyana by taking the cloth, adding more water, and cleaning her wound. She flinched from the pain.
"Easy..." Reyzzo said gently. He kissed her scars. Aiyana was too weak to fight it as his powers took control of her. Reyzzo continued kissing her back. She was stunned to realize he was healing her.
She looked at him, confused, as he pulled back. "I know how much that kind of wound hurts," he said with a shrug. "I wouldn't want it to ruin our fun." He looked much more like himself as he pushed her down on the bed. Aiyana knew he was still going to force himself on her, but she'd caught the slightest glimpse of humanity in him for that brief moment. Beneath the monster was a traumatized boy, and she wondered if someone might be able to get through to him after all.
She couldn't focus on that as he attacked her. Reyzzo didn't bother being gentle, and he didn't try to spare her from the pain as he fed on her. Knowing he'd kill her if left unchecked, Aiyana had to focus on feeding him with her magic. It was the only way to keep him from feeding on her life force. She threw herself into that, losing herself in the magic to try and spare herself some of the trauma of having her body violated by Sera and Bartello's son.
You're doing the right thing, she reminded herself. Dale has a good heart. You couldn't let Reyzzo hurt him.
She tried to find peace in that as the torture continued.
She sat in her room in the safe house getting lost in thought. It startled her when she heard something crash to the ground.
B'Danna jumped up and walked over to the knife that had fallen to the floor. She was about to pick it up when it lifted itself into the air, flipped, and hit the floor again.
"What the hell?" B'Danna asked in confusion.
Other objects began flying through the room. Her door started opening by itself. Her window flew open before the door slammed shut.
B'Danna didn't scare easily, but she was certainly concerned. She grabbed her sword and looked around, ready to attack any threat that dared to show itself.
Suddenly, a little girl came toward the window. She stared at B'Danna with creepy vacant eyes before she began to sing very slowly, in an eerie tone, "Children behave... That's what they say when we're together... And watch how you play... They don't understand... And so we're running just as fast as we can... Holding onto one another's hand... Trying to get away into the night, and then you put your arms around me and we tumble to the ground and then you say... I think we're alone now..."
B'Danna's jaw dropped in shock as she recognized the song. "Tiffani?" She asked softly. It seemed insane, but who else would use the hit 1980's song by the singer Tiffany as a clue to what was going on?
The little girl walked away. B'Danna slammed the window shut before turning around. That was when she found herself face-to-face with an apparition.
"B'Danna... I need your help," Tiffani said urgently.
B'Danna stared at her for a moment. "I can't see spirits," she mumbled. "I've gone insane."
"I'm totally real, B'Danna," Tiffani insisted. "I only have a little time before the Mystic's energy, like, wears off and you can't see me anymore."
"Mystic... Okay, a Mystic helped you. That explains why I can see you. What's going on?"
"They have Ronnie!" Tiffani blurted out.
"What? Who does?"
"The Witch and her creepy friends! They, like, used magic to bring her to them and she's being held hostage and, like, they said my dad put this thing in her, like a demon or something, and they want her to, like, release it. They tried to, like, turn her evil, but I stopped them."
"Shit..." B'Danna said, trying to process all of that. "Ronnie's possessed?"
"I think so... Dad and Divatox did it to her. Whatever's inside is trapped, but I could feel it trying to break free and, like, take control of her. I don't know what to do... You need to, like, call in the Exorcist or something..."
"I'll call Laby. If Ronnie's in danger, he'll want to help."
"No! It's totally a trap, B'Danna. They want Laby to go to them. I can't let him get hurt... Please, B'Danna. I didn't know who else to turn to. Will you help?"
B'Danna sighed. "Of course I will," she replied. She paused, softening her tone as she added, "Tiffani... I'm sorry about what happened to you."
"I know. It's okay, B'Danna. It wasn't your fault. You tried to protect me." Tiffani hesitated before adding, "I'm sorry about Draze... But he's with you. He watches over you all the time. He loves you and he's at peace with what happened."
B'Danna pushed back the emotions that threatened to overwhelm her. "I can't bring people they'd expect to save Ronnie... Captain Smith and the others are too obvious."
"It's not just Ronnie. They have the Mystic who helped me. Her name is Aiyana... She could have escaped, but she got me out of there instead. She's not much older than me. You have to save her, too."
"Alright, fine. I'll do my best. Where are they, Tiffani?"
Tiffani touched the center of B'Danna's forehead. Suddenly, she could see the Guild's base. She nodded. "I'll get them out," she promised.
"Thanks, B'Danna," Tiffani said. She faded from sight.
B'Danna left the safe house after leaving a note to explain she was handling an emergency. Then, she headed to a secluded field before using her communicator.
"Merrick," she said. "I need to see you and Princess Shayla."
Moments later, she was transported to Animarium. Princess Shayla greeted her with a kind smile. Merrick looked stoic as always.
"What troubles you, B'Danna?" Merrick asked.
"I was visited by the spirit of Jaybert's daughter, Tiffani," B'Danna replied. "She informed me the Guild has two hostages. One is the girl Divatox abducted and took control of in 1989. She's an adult now, but after everything Jaybert put her through, I think I owe it to her to save her. Besides... Her twin sister was the only friend I had outside of our Chapter back then. The other hostage is a young My... Shaman," she automatically corrected herself. "She helped Tiffani escape from the Guild so she could warn me Ronnie was in trouble."
"What do you need?" Merrick asked.
"I can't bring just anyone with me, but I also can't go in alone... Princess Shayla, I would like your permission to bring Merrick with me... If he desires to help."
"Of course I'll help. You are part of my team, and they are innocents," Merrick said.
Princess Shayla began consulting the water fountain. A vision seemed to catch her eye. "Yes," she said after a moment. "You and Merrick must go... And you must bring Kira with you."
"Kira?" Merrick repeated. "This is too dangerous, Princess."
"Kira can handle herself. You know this. Trust me, Merrick... Something is coming, and you need your sister by your side. It is vital she be there with you."
Kira was not actually Merrick's sister, but neither of them saw it that way anymore. Long ago, on Eltar, Kira had been a girl named Anya, otherwise known as the Siren. Merrick was her brother, Marzos, who was called the Wolf Prince. Marzos had been four years older than Anya. B'Danna knew that Merrick still felt like Kira's protective big brother and he hated to put her in danger.
"I'll make sure Kira is protected," B'Danna vowed.
Merrick sighed. "Very well. Let's go find her and figure out our strategy."
B'Danna bowed respectfully to Princess Shayla before she and Merrick headed back to Earth to find Kira.
When he came around, Aiyana was far too pale. Her clothes had been tossed carelessly aside and she was struggling to cover herself with the thin blanket Reyzzo had left her with.
Dale's chest ached. "Why did you do that?" He asked her as he retrieved her clothes from the floor.
"You were scared," Aiyana replied weakly.
"I would have been fine." He noticed she was struggling to dress herself. Dale did his best to avoid looking at anything too personal as he helped her. She was still trembling, but she looked much calmer once she was dressed.
"Thank you," Aiyana said awkwardly.
"I'm sorry he hurt you," Dale said softly, unable to look at her. He'd helped abduct this girl. He'd allowed them to torture her. He was one of them, yet she'd given herself up to Reyzzo to protect him. He couldn't understand it.
"I'll be alright," Aiyana promised him. "I fed him my magic."
"That doesn't change what he did to you."
She gently touched his arm. "Dale... Tell me your story. Please. I want to understand you."
He sighed. "There's not much to tell. I was abandoned on Onyx as a baby. It's not a good place for kids. I know you heard what Reyzzo said... He's right. I was abused in every way you might imagine. It wasn't until I was seven that someone rescued me."
"The Witch?"
"Not at first... There was an Eltarian woman who frequented Onyx so she could recruit monsters to her cause. Her name was Zydia. She found a pair of monsters forcing themselves on me, but unlike everyone else on Onyx, she didn't join in or simply walk away and ignore me... She slaughtered them. She told me that she didn't really do kids, but the way I faced my fate, bravely and without letting them break me, made her help me. She brought me to Earth and asked Garron if she could recruit me to the Rebellion. Garron took one look at me and refused. He ordered Zydia to either kill me or send me back to Onyx. He swore it was too dangerous to allow me to live."
"What happened?"
"Zydia was going to kill me... But then she looked into my eyes and something made her hesitate. She decided to spare my life. She brought me to her brother, Rupi, and asked him to help her hide me. They sent me to a family in New York that Rupi trusted. They were really good people and they treated me well. Unfortunately, a month later, they died in a fire. I was the only one who survived. I ended up in foster care. It wasn't Onyx, but it was still full of monsters." He stared at the ground.
"I'm sorry, Dale. That must have been so hard on you," Aiyana said softly.
"The Witch found me two years later. She got me out of foster care and basically raised me herself through one of her many vessels. No one ever hurt me like that again except..." He shook his head.
"Dale... Who hurt you?" Aiyana asked softly.
He flashed back on the secret even the Witch didn't know. At least, he hoped she didn't. He liked to tell himself that if she knew, she'd have put a stop to it. Logic told him she must know, but he couldn't live with that, so he denied it to himself.
Aiyana hesitated before gently touching his arm. "Dale... I know what it's like to be hurt by those you trust," she said softly.
He wanted to tell her. There was something drawing him to Aiyana. He trusted her, but he knew he could never betray the Witch... Even if that wasn't logical at times.
"You shouldn't have let Reyzzo hurt you. I would have been fine," Dale lied.
"You don't deserve to go through that. You've been through enough," Aiyana replied.
"So have you," he said softly. Dale sighed. "I cannot help you, Aiyana. I've done too much already."
"It's alright, Dale... I don't think you're supposed to help me. I think I'm supposed to help you."
"I'm perfectly fine here."
"You don't want this life. You're a good soul, Dale. Do you have any idea who your parents are?"
"The Witch knows, but she won't tell me. They abandoned me, so it hardly matters."
"I don't think they did."
"What do you mean?"
"Reyzzo thinks the same thing. I know. I heard him ranting the other night... But Sera and Bartello would never have abandoned a child. They didn't know about him, or they would have helped him. I'm almost certain you're a Child of the Flames like he is... That same dark energy lingers within you, but you don't give in to it. The strange thing is, as I try to read you, I do sense Zell's energy... But not from the Flames."
"You can read me?"
"Your energy is very cloaked, but yes, slightly... Enough to know you are related to Reyzzo... And considering you have Zell's energy within you, you must be-"
"Look who thinks she's smart!" The Witch snapped as she appeared. She sent a spell at Aiyana that seemed to leave her unable to speak.
"Witch... Does she know something you don't want me to know?" Dale asked bravely.
"What she knows is how to be a pain in my ass. Ignore her, Dale. She's trying to trick you and turn you against me. I don't want you around her anymore. Go check on Miss Perky Pants. Watching the former cheerleader is your new assignment until further notice."
"Very well," Dale replied stoically. He hated to leave Aiyana, but he knew he had no choice.
What was she about to tell me? He wondered. He couldn't focus on that. He had a job to do. Still, all he wanted was to have a few more seconds with Aiyana to find out what she thought she knew.
The realm of the dead seemed pretty empty at first. Laby realized DJ had sent him directly to a private area she'd sealed with magic. He smirked, admiring her ability to do that without making labyrinths. His mind started wandering and soon, he grew slightly anxious. The ring kept him from panicking, but he still couldn't stop his mind from racing. He'd lost so many people over the millennia. Were they nearby? Were they together, happy and at peace, or were they lost in darkness, forever alone?
"Peony for your thoughts?" Ben's voice asked, snapping Laby out of his own mind.
He turned toward the sound and spotted Benjamin Mills standing there with his arms across his chest, smiling charmingly as he watched him.
"Ben..." Laby whispered.
"Fancy meeting you here," Ben replied casually. He moved closer to him until Laby could feel him wrapping his arms around him tightly. Ben leaned in as close as he could, his lips pressed against Laby's chin as he whispered, "Oh, Labyrinth..."
"Ben, I'm sorry," Laby blurted out.
"Seriously?" Ben pulled his face away and shook his head. "We have very little time together, Laby. Don't waste it on that nonsense. There's nothing for you to apologize for."
"I failed you... Both of you."
"Bloody hell, I almost forgot how dramatic you are, Luv." Ben chuckled. Laby felt a chill go through him as Ben called him Luv. It had been far too long.
"It's my fault for not protecting you. I should have locked you in a labyrinth, traded myself for Jeanie, and locked her away, too... Until it was safe."
"Laby, it could never be safe. Our father made a deal with a demon. We were always going to end up as we did. It's not your fault. We don't blame you. I still love you more than I have ever loved anyone but my sister, and I absolutely despise seeing you blame yourself for things which were completely out of your control. Now, stop apologizing." Ben kissed him.
Laby felt alive for the first time in ages. This seemed ironic, since his body was as close to dead as it could get. He hadn't felt like this since Tiffani and everyone else had died. Somehow, Ben made his pain seem more manageable.
"I don't know how you always do that," Laby admitted. "You make me stronger."
"No, Labyrinth. You have always been strong... I simply remind you of that," Ben replied. "Now, as nice as this reunion is, I have to warn you about something."
"What do you mean?"
"It's going to get free, Laby."
"What is?"
"The demon, Luv. The one you trapped inside of a labyrinth."
"That's impossible. My labyrinths don't fail... Especially not ones that strong."
"You made a deal to save my sister, Laby... And I love you so much for that... But technically, you never broke that deal. You still belong to Baizamo... And because of that, with the right things set in motion, he can break free from your labyrinth."
Laby hadn't thought about that. "Shit... You're right. The link between us wasn't severed... But how will he escape?"
"He has a twin sister, just like I do."
"A twin?"
"Baizena. And she found you, Laby... Thirty-one years ago."
Now, Laby was confused. "You mean... In 1989?" He asked.
"Yes... She found you and came for your head, because she believed if she tortured you enough, you'd release her brother. Baizamo is chaos and destruction incarnate, but Baizena is worse. She embodies psychological torment. She wouldn't have stopped until you broke."
"So why didn't I know about any of this?"
"Your friends interfered... Jaybert's strange little creature warned him what was coming."
"The vizu?" Laby asked. He felt a little overwhelmed, but the ring began vibrating and sending soothing energy into him until it stopped.
"I suppose... Whatever it was, it warned him she would come and destroy you all. Like her brother, she never stops at destroying one life. To keep her from releasing her brother, Jaybert bound her inside of a vessel, with help from that strange woman with the unusual sense of fashion."
"Divatox... Great," Laby mumbled. "Where did they trap her, Ben?"
"Inside of a girl... A cute little thing... Peppy, but forced to fight beside you all like a soldier... You protected her then. And she's still inside of the girl, but she's waking up."
"No..." Laby whispered in horror. "Ronnie? The demon is in Ronnie?" He shook his head. "Jay, you son of a bitch! Like that poor girl didn't go through enough already because of us!"
He felt homicidal. Irrational rage threatened to take control of him until the ring pulsed again. Laby calmed down like he'd been shot with a tranquilizer.
Damn, DJ wasn't kidding, he thought.
"There's more, Luv..." Ben said.
"More?" Laby repeated.
"They have her, Laby... Your enemies..."
"The Guild has Ronnie?" He tried not to panic and unexpectedly succeeded.
This ring is my new best friend, Laby decided.
"Can I stop them from getting the demon out of Ronnie until I can lock her evil ass away with her brother?" Laby asked.
"I don't think so," Ben admitted. "This is all meant to happen, Luv... We're already on this path and have been for over a century."
"I have to help her... I owe it to her after everything we did," Laby protested.
"Your other friend... The girl with the thing for flipping knives in the air when she's bored? She's already working on rescuing Ronnie."
"B'Danna... How did she know?"
Ben softened a bit. "That absolutely lovely girl you fell for got herself involved. She went to... B'Danna, was it?"
"Tiffani?" Laby whispered. For a split second, he was positive that the ring would fail and he'd break down, but he didn't. The grief was there, and the guilt, but he was remarkably calm given all of that.
"I'm glad you found her, Luv. She was truly a beautiful soul. I only wish things hadn't ended as they did," Ben said softly. He held Laby, which calmed him even more.
"I'm sorry I made myself forget you, Ben," Laby replied sadly.
"Well, it's a right bit better than drinking all the liquor on the planet for thirty years straight, isn't it?" Ben teased him.
"You know about that?"
"I checked in on you from time to time... Jeanie and I never fully crossed over, Laby. We're earthbound. Something is keeping us here."
"What is it?"
"I'm not sure... Maybe it's the fact that we don't feel like this is truly over yet. We want to see it through to the end."
"Ben, you've both more than earned your peace. Not to go all Tangina on you, but Go into the light..."
"I beg your pardon?"
"Sorry... Poltergeist was way after your time. I'm sort of addicted to horror movies."
"Yes, I do recall your love of strange, macabre films."
"Movies have come a long way in the last century," Laby replied with a slight laugh. "They'd barely been invented back then. Anyway, my point is, spirits are meant to move on... To find peace."
"We can't."
Laby was extremely bothered by this. "I'll help you," he promised. "Somehow."
"I believe you," Ben replied before he kissed him again. After a minute, he broke the kiss. "Be careful, my Labyrinth," he said softly. "There isn't much time."
Laby felt his heart escaping from its labyrinth. Damnit, not yet, he thought. Can't I stay with him just a little while longer?
He knew he couldn't. "I love you, Benjamin Mills," he said firmly. "I always will."
"I love you, too, Labyrinth," Ben replied.
Just like that, he was ripped from the realm of the dead. He slammed back into his body and immediately began to cry.
"Are you okay?" DJ asked gently.
"I thought the ring would keep me from being a wreck," Laby replied.
"It does. You're not panicking. You're not stuttering. You're not breaking... You're just sad, Laby. And that's understandable, but your mind is still clear."
He realized she was right. DJ hugged him, helping him process his emotions a little faster. He knew he'd be okay.
"I have to go back," he said sadly.
"After you eat something," DJ said firmly.
"Okay," he agreed. He knew he wasn't up to traveling between realms just yet anyway. "I'll make some of my favorite Cajun food." Josie had insisted on teaching Laby how to cook Cajun food in New Orleans if only to pass the time between drinks. He was actually pretty good at it.
"I'll make my famous gumbo."
"That sounds great." Laby tried to relax as he lost himself in the familiar routine of cooking Cajun food. It had been over a year since he'd done it, but it came back to him easily. He felt a bit peaceful as he poured all of his emotions into cooking. For just a few minutes, his life was simple.
She'd been with her father, Conner, when B'Danna and Merrick came in search of Kira. It was obvious they were both nervous. Denni had coaxed the truth out of Merrick.
Now, at Denni's insistence, the entire Wild Force team stood together with Kira and Conner, who'd also insisted on helping. "I'm still not sure any of you should be involved..." B'Danna said. "This is an Eltarian problem. I only went to Merrick out of desperation. Eltarian demons are no joke."
"Look, they kidnapped Ronnie," Conner said. "I know I only found out I'm a Scott last year, but Lee's my uncle and his wife is in danger. I'm not going to sit this fight out."
"Which means I'm not either," Denni chimed in.
"Where my sister goes, I go," Marco added. Marco was the youngest member of the Wild Force team and was their Black Ranger. Although he and Denni had different fathers and no mothers, they were both Children of the Flames. They considered each other siblings, as did the other four, Sharon, Callie, Edmund, and Jared. Marco was the funny, kindhearted son of Mystic Force's Xander Bly. Sharon was the brilliant but socially awkward daughter of Lost Galaxy's Kendrix Morgan. Callie was the often bitchy but occasionally kind of fun daughter of Kelsey Winslow from Lightspeed Rescue. Edmund was Sir Ivan's son from Dino Charge and was the youngest official Knight of Zandar. Finally, there was Jared, the genius son of Turbo's Justin Stewart. Only Jared had been raised by his actual parent, although Justin hadn't known where the boy came from.
Maddie grinned as she said, "I never miss a good fight!" That was true. Although as Tanya's daughter, Maddie had originally been the Yellow Ranger on the Legacy team, she'd also been the Crimson Chosen, the only person to descend from all seven Chosen lines. To save the Chosen powers from Zell, Maddie had given up both sets of powers. She'd been given another chance to be a Power Ranger when she'd become the White Ranger on the new Wild Force team.
"I'm not doing anything better anyway," Kris added casually. Kris was their Blue Ranger. He was the long-lost younger brother of Jungle Fury's RJ. At times, the two couldn't be more different, but at their core, the brothers were very similar. Both had been raised by their harsh, disciplined father, but when RJ rebelled and left home and stopped training, Kris was born and raised in that same difficult lifestyle of all training, all the time.
"I fear there's no time to argue," Merrick said reluctantly. "We'll go in together, with B'Danna taking point, as she's Eltarian and understands this threat better than any of us."
They soon found themselves at the Guild's base of operations. It was easy enough to slip inside. That was the first sign they were in trouble.
"They let us enter," B'Danna said, confirming Denni's suspicions. "They know we're here."
"Stay close to each other," Denni said. She moved closer to Marco. Not only were the Children of the Flames stronger when they worked together, but Denni was also very protective of her little brother.
The first person they encountered was a girl who radiated darkness. She smiled at them sweetly.
"Hi!" She greeted them cheerfully.
"Hello," Marco automatically replied. Like his father, he never missed an opportunity to introduce himself. He extended his hand to the girl and smiled as he added, "The name's Marco."
The girl grinned as she shook his hand. "You're kind of adorable. It's nice to meet you, Marco. I'm Didi. Didi Vile."
Denni immediately pulled her brother away from Didi. "Keep your hands to yourself, you crazy bitch," she said firmly.
"Okay... Rude," Didi replied.
"I know who you are. Callie told me all about you." Callie had been raised on Onyx and knew a large number of strange and dangerous entities.
Didi looked surprised. "How's Callie doing? I miss her!"
"None of your business."
"Denni, she seems nice enough," Marco said in confusion.
"Well, she's not. She's Dark Specter's adopted daughter," Denni explained. "You know, the asshole who killed Karone's husband, Leo?"
It was like a switch flipped. "Don't you talk about my Daddy!" Didi screamed. She immediately threw the closest weapon she could find at Denni's head. It happened to be a stuffed teddy bear.
Callie wasn't kidding, Denni thought. Didi's a couple colors short of a bowl of Fruit Loops.
"I am so confused right now..." Kris mumbled.
"Yeah, that girl has issues," Maddie agreed.
It was B'Danna who put a sword to Didi's throat. Didi froze, crossing her eyes to stare at the tip of the blade as it threatened to pierce her flesh.
"Where is Ronnie?" B'Danna demanded.
"Who?" Didi asked innocently.
"The Guild's prisoner, Veronica Savers... Or, rather, Veronica Scott. Where is she being held?"
"Oh! She's around."
B'Danna pressed on her sword a bit, drawing a small amount of blood. This made Didi giggle. Then, rather suddenly, the room was rapidly plunged into darkness.
"It's the Witch!" Marco said nervously.
"Nope," Didi's voice called in the darkness. "It's just my shield."
"The crystal..." B'Danna said softly.
"Care to share with the rest of the class, B'Danna?" Kris asked.
"Back in 1989, when Principal Drew absorbed the crystal of light, it created a shield of light that protected the students and nearly killed us and Divatox. That crystal was eventually formed into his daughter, Patti. An artifact that powerful would need to have a balance... I think Didi is that balance."
"She's smart!" Didi declared. "She gets a cookie!"
Denni could hear her footsteps skipping away. Eventually, the darkness faded and they were able to see again. Denni quickly realized they were not alone.
"Ronnie!" Conner cried with relief. As he moved to approach her, Kira grabbed his arm and stopped him.
"This reeks of a trap," Kira said firmly.
B'Danna studied Ronnie for a moment. "That's not Ronnie," she said.
"Is it a tulpa?" Marco asked.
"No... It's Ronnie's body, but she's not in charge right now... I know that blank expression on her face well." She paused. "Veronica... Bizzeh mada alebastes," she said softly.
Ronnie twitched slightly. Then, she laughed in a dark voice. "Suzzah vitex noscozza. Veronica nomah litez," she said.
"B'Danna?" Denni asked, assuming Ronnie was speaking in Eltarian.
"She basically said nice try but that won't work because Ronnie isn't home right now," B'Danna explained. "It's the demon."
"Does anyone know the number of a good exorcist?" Kris asked.
"Vesca limez d'festoz mecuzzen lycano vriten," the demon continued.
Kira stunned everyone as she replied harshly, "Vekkas chavex lonomo, B'zah!" She moved protectively in front of Merrick as the demon tried to attack him. Kira unleashed a Ptera scream that knocked everyone, including the demon, to their knees.
B'Danna actually laughed. "What just happened?" Denni asked in confusion.
"The demon threatened to snuff out the life of the Wolf Prince. Kira pretty much told her 'Go fuck yourself, Bitch.' I wasn't aware you'd picked up Eltarian, Kira."
"Okay, so maybe Anya's more unlocked in me than I like to admit," Kira replied. "The point is, this bitch isn't hurting Merrick."
"How do we get the demon out of Ronnie?" Maddie asked.
"Remove me and she'll be an empty shell," the demon said harshly as she stood, apparently having known English the entire time.
"Ronnie's still in there," B'Danna said firmly. "She responded to me before you said it wouldn't work."
A very attractive man entered the room then. He smiled as he spotted Ronnie. "Ah... There she is," he said.
"You're an incubus," Denni said flatly.
"Correct," he replied, moving closer to her. "I am Reyzzo, of Eltar. And who might you be?" He reached toward her, and for a split second, Denni couldn't look away from him.
Conner got between them. "Hands to yourself, asshole," he said firmly.
Reyzzo shrugged before turning toward Maddie. "Why, hello, Beautiful," he said seductively. "Aren't you lovely?"
Merrick moved protectively in front of Maddie. "Back away, Incubus," he said sharply.
"I can handle an incubus, Merrick," Maddie said. "Tanner learned that the hard way."
"I like your spirit," Reyzzo said with a creepy grin. "However, I am here only to help poor Veronica here." He moved closer to Ronnie.
"Stay away from her!" B'Danna said, drawing her sword again.
"She already showed she can't be controlled. I tried to force her to say the word to release our demonic friend here, but despite falling under my seduction, she was able to refuse. When Labyrinth freed her from the Rebellion's control, he ensured her mind could never be controlled again. So, the only way to free her from what Jaybert and Divatox did is to drain the spell that seals the demon in her body."
"You are not unleashing some Eltarian demon in Angel Grove," Kira said firmly.
"You cannot stop me, Siren. None of you can stop me." With that, Reyzzo grabbed Ronnie and kissed her deeply.
"I hope she's had her shots," Kris mumbled.
A spell seemed to form, locking the Rangers in place. They could do nothing but watch as Reyzzo drained the spell.
The demon kissed Reyzzo back, seeming to take pleasure in the experience. Finally, after several minutes, he released Ronnie.
The demon burst from her body, taking on a very solid form before laughing and running from the room. Ronnie stared blankly ahead.
Reyzzo grinned before moving quickly toward them. He touched Maddie's cheek, making her tense.
Merrick moved very suddenly, shoving a sword straight through the incubus. Reyzzo cried out in pain and tried to attack Merrick, but Kira unleashed another Ptera scream. Reyzzo turned his attention toward her, moving awkwardly with the wound in his chest but not backing down.
"Kira!" Conner cried in warning.
The sword that came out of Kira's chest was a shock. While everyone was watching Reyzzo, apparently no one had noticed Jezzeff enter the room. He pulled his sword out and Kira fell at Merrick's feet.
Merrick let out an almost primitive sound as he pulled Kira into his arms. "Don't," he whispered. "Please don't..."
"Oh God..." Maddie said in shock. Marco covered his face in horror, unable to look at the bloody mess that was Kira. Kris turned immediately serious, drawing his weapon and moving to protect Merrick and Kira from further harm.
"No... No!" Conner said firmly. He ran straight at Jezzeff, leaping into the air and kicking his head like a soccer ball.
Jezzeff flew into a wall. Between the kick and hitting his head against the wall, he was knocked unconscious.
"Merrick... Is Kira...?" Denni tried to ask.
Merrick didn't answer her. "She's alive," B'Danna said stoically after a minute. "Barely... She won't survive without a very strong healer."
Denni could heal herself instantly, but healing others took longer and more effort. She suspected Kira didn't have the luxury of time. She tried to stabilize her anyway.
"We have to go," Kris said practically. "Kira needs help, Jezzeff's starting to stir, and the others are probably coming."
"He's right," B'Danna said. "Denni, try to keep Kira stable. Merrick, if you carefully carry her, she may last long enough for us to reach a healer."
"What about Ronnie?" Maddie asked.
"Veronica... Vide piel virit!" B'Danna said firmly.
"Vide piel virit..." Ronnie replied robotically. "I am loyal."
B'Danna looked relieved. "Stripped down to just a shell, Ronnie's natural response is to follow orders. With her mind broken, she's defaulting back to the programming from the Rebels." She paused. "Veronica, you will follow me. Do you understand?"
"I understand."
B'Danna led them out of the base. Denni focused on trying to keep Kira alive. It wasn't easy.
"Whoa... Guess I'm a little late to the party?" A voice asked.
"Laby!" B'Danna cried in relief. "Ronnie was-"
"Possessed by Lady Satan and abducted by the Guild? I know," Laby replied.
"Kira's bleeding out. Jezzeff got to her."
Laby cursed under his breath before moving toward Merrick and Denni. "Let me take her," he said.
"Not without me," Merrick said firmly.
"Merrick... I can get her help, but you can't come where I'm going. Not yet."
"She needs me."
"She does... But right now, she needs a healer more." He made a labyrinth. Kira vanished from Merrick's arms. Denni tried not to panic.
"I was keeping her stable," she said.
"Don't worry. She can't bleed out in that labyrinth. It'll stabilize her, but only for a minute. I'm not a healer. I have to go." Laby paused. "I've got Ronnie, Bee Dee. I see she needs my help. Go on."
B'Danna nodded. "Let them go," she said. "If Laby says this will work, then it will."
Conner let out a slight whimper, his fear of losing Kira obvious, but he didn't protest.
Merrick looked furious, but Denni saw through the rage. He was broken.
"B'Danna, can you get everyone else home?" Denni asked.
B'Danna looked conflicted. "If you need me to, of course... However, Tiffani mentioned a girl, Aiyana... A Shaman. She sacrificed her chance at freedom to get Tiffani out of here. I promised to help her," she said.
"Then you should help her... But not alone."
"I'll stay," Maddie offered.
"No, Maddie... Reyzzo was a little too interested in you. I want you to take Marco home for me. Kris, can you stay and help B'Danna? Call me if you need backup."
"Of course," Kris replied.
Maddie nodded and led Marco off. Merrick didn't move.
Conner hesitated, too. "Denni..." He began.
"Kira will be alright, Dad," she replied. "She's strong as hell. I need to stay with Merrick. He's not okay... Will you be?"
"If I'm not, Kira will kick my ass when she recovers," he replied. "Go help Merrick. I'll manage."
She hugged him before he walked away. B'Danna and Kris headed back into the base. Merrick was shaking when Denni reached him. "Merrick... It's okay," Denni said soothingly. "I'm here."
He looked at her and for a split second, Denni saw something vulnerable in his eyes. She hugged him tightly, knowing her energy had a way of calming him.
"Shayla knew," he whispered.
"What?" Denni asked in surprise.
"She insisted I bring Kira... She said I would need her... And Kira saved my life twice tonight. She knew Kira would risk her life to save mine."
Denni could tell how angry Merrick was, but she also felt the pain Princess Shayla's actions had caused him. "Merrick... I'm sure she meant well. She doesn't always see the bigger picture. She was trying to protect you."
"She has no right to risk Kira's life and not even warn me. I just..." He shook his head.
"You're pissed. That's okay, Merrick. I'm pissed, too. Kira's like family to me. Our mentoring Princess should have given us a head's up so we could protect her."
"It is not my place to judge her..."
"In this case, it is."
"I feel betrayed."
"You have every right to."
Merrick reached toward Denni cautiously before gently stroking her cheek with his thumb. This was happening between the two of them more and more often lately. They'd been close since the day they'd met, but it had grown more intense during the last battle, and time hadn't lessened it.
"Thank you for staying to check on me," Merrick said softly. His face was inches from hers, but he pulled back suddenly, like he remembered that might be inappropriate.
"Of course," Denni replied. She wanted to kiss him, if only to comfort him, but she decided he couldn't handle her crossing that line at that moment. The truth was, they had kissed before, around the last battle, but neither had brought it up since.
"We should go in after B'Danna and Kris," Merrick said.
"You're in no shape," Denni said.
"Denni, I can handle battle. That's what I do."
"You're too worried about Kira. You're distracted. It's okay, Merrick. If they need help, they'll call me."
Denni hoped that was true. She didn't feel right leaving Merrick, but she knew B'Danna and Kris were in the most dangerous situation they could possibly be in.
Kira was dying, Conner was freaking out, Merrick was broken, Marco was traumatized, Maddie had caught the eye of an evil incubus, B'Danna and Kris could be killed any second, and Princess Shayla had made a very poor judgment call that might push Merrick away from her forever. It was turning into a pretty chaotic night. Denni knew she needed to stay calm and handle whatever got thrown at them next.
He arrived at the edge of Keilah's property. "Keilah... I'm sorry, but this is an emergency," he called.
Keilah appeared seconds later with a terrified D'Dodi behind her. "Is she alive?" He asked.
"You had a vision," Laby guessed.
"Yes... Please, Laby... Is Anya alive?"
"She's Kira now, but yeah... Barely. I need Mydo. I'd have gone to Amello, but the Guild would expect that."
"It's okay, Laby," Keilah said. "I think it's time for Kira to find out the truth."
Laby nodded, crossing onto the property with his labyrinth. "Mydo's on his way," Tante said as he joined them.
It wasn't just Mydo who joined them as Laby opened his labyrinth and pulled Kira out. He left Ronnie inside, knowing he could help her later. Bartello stood with Mydo. He looked at Kira with concern before turning toward D'Dodi.
"Kira is a very strong woman, D'Dodi," Bartello said soothingly. "If anyone can survive this, it is her."
"Zydo! Zee! I need you both!" Mydo called. His twin appeared seconds later. Zee followed closely behind him.
"Anya..." Zydo whispered in horror.
"Kira," Zee corrected him. "What happened, Laby?"
"Jezzeff," Laby replied.
"Again? That fucker needs a new hobby."
Bartello didn't comment on Zee's language, a sure sign of how serious the situation was.
With Zydo strengthening Mydo's power levels and Zee supplying Zydo with an endless flow of energy, Kira rapidly began to heal. She groaned in pain before opening her eyes.
At first, she seemed comforted as her eyes fell on D'Dodi's. Then, she said, "Oh, shit... I died! Doc O's going to lose it..."
"You're not dead, Kira," Bartello said quickly.
Her eyes widened even more as she looked at the rest of the Brothers of Legend. "But you are... All of you are!" She shook her head. "What the hell is going on?"
Keilah shrugged and replied, "Amos."
Kira hesitated, then nodded. "I'll accept that. The crazy old Shaman's full of surprises... But did he really revive all six of you?"
"Yes," D'Dodi said gently. "We're alive, Anya. And so are you."
Kira stared at him. "D'Dodi... You look exactly like Anya remembers." She shook her head. "Um... Right. I'm Kira Ford. Nice to meet you, I guess. This is a little weird for me."
"It's a little weird for me as well... Kira," D'Dodi said with effort.
"Where's everyone else?"
"They got out. They all looked pretty freaked out, but I didn't have time to waste," Laby replied. "I've got Ronnie in my labyrinth. I can cure insanity, so I'm pretty sure I can fix her mind, but keeping you from bleeding out took priority."
"Thanks for that... Fucking Jezzeff... What kind of douchebag stabs a girl from behind?"
"Did you expect honor from Jezz?" Zydo asked with a laugh. "Come on, Anya, you're smarter than that!"
"Kira," Zee, Bartello, and Laby corrected him in unison.
"Oh, whatever! Everyone has a dozen names now with all this reincarnation stuff! Can't we just add numbers at the end? Ash One, Daphne Two, Sera Three, Four, and Ten?"
"Five comes after Four," Tante reminded him helpfully.
"You're supposed to be working on your English skills, Mydo," Zee teased him.
"I know how to count. I was making a point." Zydo rolled his eyes. "Sera and Daphne have both reincarnated a lot."
"We'd better put Zydo back in remedial classes," D'Dodi joked. "One plus one makes two!"
"Unless you don't use protection spells," Mydo quipped. "Then baby makes three!"
"I am surrounded by fools..." Bartello mumbled.
Kira shook her head. "You guys haven't changed," she said. "Like, at all."
"Alright, let's go into the house," Keilah said. "Kira, please stay the night. You need to recover from both the physical issues and from the shock of finding out about the Brothers."
"Thanks, Keilah," Kira replied. She still looked a bit weak.
"Keilah, I've got to go back," Laby said. "It's not right to leave Ronnie like this."
"Go on," Keilah replied. "I've got Kira."
Laby entered his labyrinth and took it back to Earth. Once there, he didn't open it. Instead, he sat with Ronnie. He manifested popcorn and The Breakfast Club on a television set.
"Hey there, Ronnie," he said gently. "It's been a while... I know you're in there. You wouldn't want to miss watching the most epic film of the 1980's, would you? Come out of wherever they've hidden you." He looked deep into her eyes. "You're safe, Ronnie. I didn't let Jay hurt you back then, and I won't let anyone hurt you now. Come on back to me, sweetheart."
Ronnie slowly seemed to focus on the spirals in his eyes. "Remember, Ronnie," he continued. "Remember who you are and how far you've come."
Life returned to her eyes then. Ronnie let out a whimper of, "Laby?"
"It's me, honey. You're safe," Laby promised.
"I'm cold... I'm really cold..."
He immediately manifested several blankets, carefully wrapping them around her. She started to cry as she leaned her head on his shoulder. Laby shifted so he could hold her.
"It's okay, Ronnie. It's over now. I won't let them hurt you," he said again.
"Is that... The Breakfast Club?" She asked suddenly.
"Yeah. I mean, that's kind of how Cassie chose her team, right? A bunch of misunderstood misfits who happened to end up in her classroom for detention. It seemed fitting... And I remember you loved a good epic teen movie back in the day."
She shifted the blankets so he was wrapped in them, too. Then, she snuggled against him. "Safe..." She whispered. "I was always safe with you."
"And you still are," Laby replied.
"I cheated on Lee!" Ronnie tearfully blurted out.
"What? Ronnie, you'd never do that."
"It was their incubus... Reyzzo. He kissed me and I... I didn't stop him."
Laby struggled not to fly into a rage. He'd worked so hard to protect Ronnie from Jaybert as a teenager. He couldn't stand the thought of someone forcing himself on her now. "Did he do more than kiss you?" He asked.
"He tried to convince me to let him... I resisted, but it was so hard. My body wanted to give in, but my mind was clear."
Laby sighed in relief. "When I gave you back control of your mind, it was against everyone who might try to control you. I never expected it to work against an incubus, but I guess I'm stronger than I realized."
"I still kissed him, Laby... And I liked it."
"Anyone would have. Reyzzo's the son of the most powerful incubus in existence, and my best friend, who was no pushover herself magically. No one can fully fight him, not even me. If he wants someone to enjoy what he's doing, they will... Or he can make it terrifying and painful. His father was a good man." He forced himself to use the past tense. "He would never willingly harm anyone. He hated using his powers. He'd starve himself just to keep people safe because he didn't want to become a monster like his biological father, the First."
"The First?"
"The original incubus. He created all other incubus lines. He created Zedd's father Xylon and his brothers as his royal incubi, but he still outranked them. They were like Princes trying to become Kings... The First was more like a God. Bartello was his first kid. He was stronger than his father. There has never been an incubus more powerful than Bartello, but he didn't flaunt it or use it to control others... Reyzzo does, which makes him a lot more dangerous."
"The demon kissed him willingly so he could free her... That was his second attempt to seduce me. But, the first time, I told him no..."
"You did. And that took incredible strength. So kissing him wasn't cheating on Lee, Ronnie. Your love for Lee was strong enough to make you fight one of the most powerful incubi in existence. You didn't do anything wrong."
She squeezed his hand. "Thanks, Laby. For everything. Now and especially back then."
"No problem. Now, relax and watch the movie. You'll feel better later."
"Laby... Can I stay in here for a while?"
"You can stay as long as you need to, honey. I promise. And if you want to see anyone, I'll bring them to you."
"Roxy... I need my twin. But not yet."
"Okay. Just tell me when. I'll bring her here for you."
Ronnie nodded and finally began to relax. Laby held her and was surprised how calm he felt. His grief for his former Chapter of Rebels was still powerful, but the ring kept him calm enough to cope with it.
She's safe, Tiff, he thought. And I'll keep her that way.
She had a horrible feeling. "Kris, stay close," she cautioned him. "They know we're here."
Kris looked toward Reyzzo, still wounded and unconscious on the ground. "Well, he's not a problem, but Jezzeff's MIA," he said.
"I don't think this is Jezzeff... Whoever it is feels... Older. Darker, even."
"The Witch?"
"Not quite that dark. I can't explain it... I just know we're being watched." B'Danna led the way down the hall.
Suddenly, Kris fell to the ground and began seizing. B'Danna drew her sword but saw no threat. "Kris... Kris! Stay with me!" She said urgently. When he continued to seize, B'Danna tried her communicator. "Denni, we're under attack," she said. There was no response.
"That won't work," a voice said. The Huntress stepped out of the shadows. B'Danna was about to impale the bitch on her sword when she was suddenly frozen in place.
"Don't worry about him, dear child," a new voice said. B'Danna again felt the darkness she'd sensed watching her. "Eris will take excellent care of your friend. This is about you."
"If you hurt him, I swear on all of Eltar, I will destroy you," B'Danna said harshly.
The woman who'd spoken smiled. "I do enjoy your fiery nature. I am T'Dania Treygan, my darling B'Danna. You have nothing to fear. All shall be explained shortly."
"Call me darling again and I'll cut your head off," B'Danna vowed.
The Huntress stroked Kris's cheek. He stopped seizing but didn't regain awareness. "Well, he's a handsome one," she said with a laugh. "I'm going to enjoy keeping him as my pet."
"Don't you fucking touch him, you psychotic bitch!" B'Danna shouted. She struggled to free herself. To her surprise, the spell shattered, causing her to stumble forward slightly.
"Oh my! And with no training in magic!" T'Dania said with a smile. "Just imagine what you'll be able to do once I awaken you."
B'Danna didn't like the sound of that, but she couldn't let it distract her. Kris was in danger. She went straight for the Huntress, ready to attack. That was when a spell hit her so hard, it knocked her to the ground.
B'Danna's eyes felt incredibly heavy, but she still tried to resist the spell. "Sleep, dear child... When you wake, I shall explain everything," T'Dania said. That was the last thing she heard before blacking out.
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