She had been thinking long and hard about how to save the Lazarus Rangers from their darkness. Although everyone except Shelby was back with the good guys and trying their best to behave, they were detached from almost all of their emotions and unable to touch what made them who they had been before the Flames. Tammy was determined to find a way to save them all.
"They were resurrected by the Flames, so it works differently... We can't just remove the Flames, because that's what brought them back to life," Keilah said. Tammy was mildly surprised she'd agreed to meet with her, but she needed her help.
"So if we remove the Flames completely, they'll die again," Tammy replied as she followed along. "What if we don't try to remove them? What if we transform the Flames into Flames of Light?"
Keilah paused. "I'm not sure if that's possible. We can reverse the effects in those who were turned by essentially pulling out the darkness and giving them back their light, but this team never had any light to begin with. Also, they were all made into dark Rangers at the same time, and I'm not sure if that can be reversed."
"I can't explain it, Keilah, but I know I can do this. I just need help. Because it's an entire team, it will take more power than any one person has... But if I work with my dad, and one other person with our power, I can do it."
"Tammy, no one else alive has your power. Patti has something that comes close, but it works differently."
Keilah seemed to understand. "You want to use Raven," she guessed.
"Why not? He's always guiding me anyway, and he's Chosen. He's been involved in this fight for millennia."
Slowly, Keilah nodded. "I can manifest his spirit here to the point where he's physical enough to help. What's your plan?"
"I just need to find the right song... The problem is that Raven and my dad won't know it."
"I can cast a quick knowledge spell so Zack and Raven know everything they need to know to help you."
"That would help. I don't think we have any time left to spare." Tammy paused. "We still haven't found Dillon, but he's not part of the team, so maybe he can be saved separately."
"Trerry knows where Dillon is, but he's letting him have his space. When the time is right, Dillon will come back to Angel Grove on his own. He isn't ready yet, so the reversal won't work on him anyway."
"Fair enough... But what about Shelby?"
"What about her? She's loyal to Jezzeff by her own choice, and from what I understand, she was an epic bitch before she died. Let her rot."
"Keilah... I want to save all of them," Tammy said with determination.
Keilah softened slightly. "I know you do, Kid, but it might not be possible with Shelby. She made her choice."
"I met her when we were training to try and save Tommy. She was arrogant and misguided, but her intentions were good. Shelby wasn't pure evil. She's just guilty of making really bad decisions. If we can save her, then we have to try. Everyone deserves a second chance."
"You're a good kid, Tammy, and I respect that you want to help her. Who knows? Maybe Shelby can change. I wouldn't get my hopes up, but I guess anything's possible."
"If she's not here, will we still be able to restore her light?"
"I've never tried to do it when I wasn't with the person. Honestly, I don't know... But she's connected to the others, so there is a chance."
Tammy nodded. "Please summon Raven. I'm going to grab my dad and have Zordon bring the rest of the Lazarus Rangers here."
About five minutes later, Tammy returned with her father. She smiled as she spotted Raven. "It's nice to see you, Raven," she said.
"It's always good to see you, too," he replied with an easy grin. "I understand we're about to save some people. What do I need to do?"
"Play the music while Dad dances and I sing... And maybe back me up on vocals."
"Tammy, what song could we all possibly know well enough to pull that off?" Her father asked.
"You don't know it... But you're about to," Tammy replied. She played the song on her iPod and let them both hear it.
"I like it," Raven decided.
"It's catchy, but I might need a little time to work out a proper dance routine," her father joked.
Keilah began casting her spell. Seconds later, Tammy saw understanding in both her father's eyes and Raven's. "We're ready," Raven said.
"Zordon... You can send them in now," Tammy called.
"I'll protect you guys if anything goes sideways," Keilah promised.
Zordon guided the Lazarus Rangers into the room. He refused to look anywhere near Raven before he walked back out, and Tammy sensed it was too painful for him to see his old friend manifested physically without actually being alive. Leo, Tori, and Kelsey looked nervous but determined. Trent grinned like this wasn't some huge undertaking with super high stakes. "Hey guys," he greeted them casually.
"Here goes," Tammy said. Raven began playing a guitar that Keilah had manifested out of thin air. Her father immediately started to dance, and Tammy began to sing, "Tell me 'bout your dreaming. I believe I was there, too. I could sense your breathing lying in a different room... 'Cause laws of the universe always there to observe. You shimmer. Your inner compass is taking you there... I'll be your beacon, illuminate while you on your way... Girl I've been there, too." Raven automatically came in on the backup vocals, not missing a beat as her father kept dancing. She could see the light manifesting from all three of them and filling the room. The Lazarus Rangers cringed slightly as if they feared it would hurt them, yet she could tell they were desperate to touch it.
"Don't be afraid tonight, afraid tonight... Just know you'll never be lonely. I know it's hard sometimes, to see the light, but you and I keep on dreaming," Tammy continued.
"Come on!" Raven sang before joining Tammy on the chorus.
"We gon' light it up, light it up now, darling. We can make the stars align. We gon' light it up, light it up, now we sparkling brighter than the fireflies," they sang. "Fireflies..."
She could tell it was affecting them as the light seemed to wrap around each of the Lazarus Rangers one at a time. They seemed calmer, although they were not yet at peace. She kept going.
"Think it then believe it, and truth'll find its way. I know that you'll see it if you come with me," she sang. Her father reached his hands toward the Lazarus Rangers, willing them to trust him. The light poured out of him even stronger as he kept his feet moving while reaching for them.
"Show you what it's all about, now we're gonna go all out. Don't gotta sing the blues... If you ever need me, shout... I'll always be around. Girl I've been there, too. Don't be afraid tonight, afraid tonight. Just know you'll never be lonely," Tammy continued. "I know it's hard sometimes, to see the light, but you and I keep on dreaming."
"We gon' light it up, light it up now, darling," Raven joined her in singing the chorus again. "We can make the stars align. We gon' light it up, light it up, now we sparkling brighter than the fireflies. Ooooh, we gonna light it up... Ooooh, look how we shining now! You know it's only love... Brighter than the fireflies..."
She knew it was working when she saw tears in Leo's eyes. This was quickly followed by Tori sobbing and hugging him. Kelsey sank to her hands and knees and wept. Trent didn't cry. Instead, he started laughing. Tammy hoped that was a good sign. She still sensed darkness inside of the Lazarus Rangers, but the energy was rapidly changing. It began to visibly glow inside of their veins, almost as bright as the light the Taylor family was producing.
"Light it up, light it up like it's the first day of our lives. Fireflies, fireflies... They see us dancing in the sky. We gon', we gon', light it up, light it up now, darling. We can make the stars align. We gon' light it up, light it up, now we sparkling brighter than the fireflies..." She and Raven continued. Tammy knew they were nearly finished, but until the transformation was complete, they couldn't stop.
"It's working," Keilah promised. "Keep going! You're almost there!"
"Keep shining... Oh, oh, oh... We gon' light it up... Ooooh, look how we shining now... Oh, oh, oh... You know it's only love... Brighter than the fireflies... Fireflies!" They finished. Her father stopped dancing as Raven played the final note.
The light continued to linger in the room for a while before it finally faded. As it settled inside of the Lazarus Rangers, their veins stopped glowing, but Tammy knew the energy of the Flames had fully transformed into light magic.
"This feels amazing!" Trent declared. "I feel better than I've felt in years, even before I died! Damn, you guys should bottle that stuff and sell it!"
"I knew you could do it, Kid," Kelsey said with a smile. "Although I was half expecting another rendition of a Rocky Horror song."
Tammy laughed. The day they'd met, which was also the day Kelsey had died, she'd started singing There's A Light to try and comfort herself and be able to see in the dark basement she'd woken up in. "This took something even stronger than Rocky Horror," she replied.
"Well, it worked," Tori replied. "I mean... The darkness definitely changed me a little bit, and I don't think any of us will ever be who we were before, but I feel so much better... In fact, I feel in general. Joy, sorrow, it's all there. Thank you all. We owe you."
"It was Tammy's idea," Raven insisted. "Zack and I just went along for the performance. And you don't owe us a thing. This is what the Taylor line does."
"Well, it's impressive," Leo said. "You saved us."
"Do you all feel like the upstanding citizens you're supposed to be?" Keilah asked.
"Yes," Leo replied. "We're good. Right, guys?"
"Definitely," Tori agreed.
"One hundred and ten percent," Trent confirmed.
"I just want to hug my wife and our girls," Kelsey added.
"Then my work here is done," Keilah replied. "Tammy... Great job! I'm impressed. Raven... Are you ready?"
"Yes I am," Raven replied. "It was wonderful to see you, my little Chosen descendant... And you as well, Zack. I'm always watching if you need me."
"Thanks, Raven," Tammy replied.
"What she said," her father added.
"Tell Zordon I send my love and not to avoid me next time I'm here," Raven said with a laugh. "Alright, back to the Great Beyond I go!"
Keilah released him from being manifested. He vanished in a flash of light. "So, my question is, do you guys still have your powers?" Keilah asked.
"Let's test the theory," Leo replied. One by one, the Lazarus Rangers morphed. When it was his turn, Tammy watched her father morph with them. Then, Leo summoned his scythe. Tori summoned the trident. Kelsey called forth the battle axe. Her father pulled out his pocket watch. Finally, Trent summoned his sword.
"I guess that's a yes," Trent said with a laugh.
"So they have dark powers even while full of light?" Tammy asked.
"Their powers aren't dark, Tammy. They're just tied to death," Keilah replied. "They're still a team of resurrected Rangers, with or without the darkness controlling them." She smiled. "I think this is exactly what was meant to happen... And boy, is Jezzeff going to regret bringing all of you back from the dead. Welcome to the fight, Lazarus Rangers. Good luck. Now, I've got to get back to Eltar." She opened a portal and left.
"On that note..." Kelsey began.
"Go on," Tammy said. "It's safe for you to be with your family now. All of you can go back to your teams or do whatever you want to do."
Leo pulled her into a tight hug. "Thank you," he said. "If you hadn't believed it was possible to save us, we'd still be stuck in that darkness. You have a beautiful gift, Tammy."
She smiled. "I'm just glad it worked. And I expect you guys at Jayden and Dustin's next training session!"
"Yes, Ma'am," Trent replied. "Whatever you say."
"Come on, guys," her father said. "It's time to properly rejoin the world of the living." He led the way out of the Command Center.
Tammy smiled, realizing they'd really done the impossible. For the first time in too long, she was positive that they were actually going to win.
She felt strange. Shelby was sitting at her desk when she suddenly found herself humming along to a song she didn't actually know.
"We gon' light it up, light it up now, darling... We can make the stars align. We gon' light it up, light it up, now we sparkling brighter than the fireflies. Ooooh, we gonna light it up... Ooooh, look how we shining now! You know it's only love... Brighter than the fireflies..." She sang aloud.
She was stunned as she realized her veins were starting to glow. Shelby stared at her arms and hands in confusion, terrified because she had no idea what was happening to her. Finally, the strangest sense began to fill her until she was suddenly overwhelmed. She buried her face in her hands and started sobbing uncontrollably. Her heart felt like it was shattering. All of the grief she'd felt when James died came back to her, and so did the guilt. Unlike when it had happened, Shelby understood what she was feeling now. It was overwhelming, and she didn't know what to do with it, especially as her pain at losing her team and then her Energem also hit her. She was completely hysterical and didn't know how to calm herself down.
"Shelby? Are you okay? What happened?" Dawn asked in concern. She bent down and wrapped her arms around her, trying to soothe her. "It's okay... It's okay, Shelby. Let this out."
"I can't... I can't breathe!" Shelby screamed.
"Yes you can. It's going to be alright. You're just having a panic attack."
"Dawn... I feel it. I feel all of it!" Shelby sobbed. "Every awful thing I should have felt before... Everything I refused to let myself admit... It's all hitting me at once. I don't know what's wrong with me!"
"Shelby... This is a good thing," Dawn said soothingly. "You said you couldn't feel things like guilt or grief because of the Flames, right? If you're feeling it, you must be getting better somehow."
"I'm scared... I'm alone, Dawn. My old team hates me. Jezz is all I have..."
"You have me, too," Dawn said firmly. "I'll help you, Shelby. I believe in you. I can tell you want to do the right thing. I know you feel remorse for everything you did before."
"When Lido and Sakura take you away I'll be alone..."
"You can come with us."
"My old team will probably execute me on sight... And Kendall won't let you help me. She hates me more than anyone, except for maybe Chase. He made his feelings quite clear."
"I make my own decisions. My sister doesn't control who I'm friends with." She paused, moving closer to Shelby's bed. When she returned to her side, she placed the stuffed triceratops in Shelby's arms.
Shelby clung to it and started sobbing harder, but this time, it felt good. She was finally releasing everything she hadn't been able to before. It hurt, but it was almost like the pain felt good, too. She knew it was supposed to be there, and she was finally ready to embrace it and face what she'd done.
"Oh God..." Shelby whispered. "I messed up so badly, Dawn."
"The first step to fixing it is admitting it to yourself. You're doing great, Shelby. Keep it up," Dawn encouraged her.
"Dawn... What am I going to do? If I leave with you guys, Jezz will hunt me down, but if I don't, he'll probably realize what happened and kill me anyway. I'm kind of screwed either way."
"If you come with us, I'm sure Lido will protect you."
"Why would Lido help me?"
"Because I'm going to ask him to. At least until you can work things out with your old team."
"You'd really do that for me?"
"You'll never be able to prove you've changed unless someone gives you a chance, Shelby. I think you deserve the opportunity to make things right."
They both tensed as they heard the front door open. "Jezz, are you home? We need to talk," Zutan called.
Shelby heard Jezzeff walking down the stairs. "What's going on?" He asked. He was speaking loudly enough that it was easy to hear what he and Zutan were saying.
"Sezzon just informed me that your Lazarus Rangers have officially had their light restored."
"That's not possible. I resurrected them in the Flames. There was no light to restore."
"Apparently, they found a way. One of the Chosen kids did it."
"Tamira," Jezzeff hissed. "She is the only one with that power."
"At least they didn't have Shelby with them. She's the only one of them worth a damn anyway, right? The rest had no real loyalty to you. One thing I learned from Zell is it's important that your underlings be loyal."
"They don't know," Shelby realized in a whisper. She kept her voice low, unwilling to risk Jezzeff or Zutan hearing her even though they were nowhere near her room. "I don't understand why the spell hit me if I wasn't there."
"You're connected to the rest of the team, right? Somehow, that must have been enough to make the spell travel your way, too," Dawn replied softly.
It made just enough sense that Shelby was able to accept that was probably the reason. She nodded and said, "So I guess we act natural until Jezz is in bed tonight and then you do whatever you need to."
"What I really need is a cell phone so I can take pictures."
"Actually..." Shelby paused. "Would a digital camera do?"
"You have one?" Dawn asked hopefully.
"Jezz gave me money to buy clothes when we first got here... I had some left over, and I sort of deviated from the plan a little bit and bought this." She grabbed the camera from its hiding spot in her desk.
"What did you need it for?" Dawn asked.
"I took pictures of my dad. I wanted to be able to look at him when I was lonely, and since I couldn't risk checking on him too often, this seemed like a good alternative."
Dawn examined the camera before smiling. "Shelby, this is perfect! Thank you," she said.
As Jezzeff came back upstairs and slammed his bedroom door, they both jumped. "He's pissed," Shelby said nervously.
"His plans keep backfiring on him," Dawn replied. "Sociopaths think they're smarter than everyone else and believe they're infallible. They don't handle it well when that's proven to be wrong, especially when it happens repeatedly."
"You seem to have a pretty good grasp of what makes him tick."
"Well, Daphne never saw through his act, but she didn't have my background in psychology. Besides, she was basically abandoned by her parents. Jezz was like a big brother to her. I don't think she could handle him being evil, so she probably willfully ignored the signs as a survival tactic... Just like she made a million and one excuses for Zell's abuse because he was really all she had and she did genuinely love him."
"Do you think she was weak?"
"I think she was broken. I don't believe she was weak, but I know she was scared, and she needed help but refused to let anyone give it to her. She knew Zell needed her, so she tried to be what he needed, but because of the Witch, she couldn't save him. A lot of people stay in abusive relationships for less. I just wish she'd gone to Lido sooner. He would have helped her."
"You seem to have a lot of faith in Lido."
"He was Daphne's best friend."
"Was he ever more than that?"
"Daphne was so dependent on Zell I don't think she understood what real love felt like or how to recognize it. I know she had feelings for Lygus, but then Zell killed him because he tried to help her, and she sort of pushed everyone away after that. Her bond with Lido was the strongest bond of her life, but I don't think she ever let herself explore if it might be more than friendship she felt for him."
"You know, once you get past how tall he is, Lido's not a bad looking guy," Shelby said with a suggestive grin. "And you'll never have to worry about not being able to reach things."
Dawn laughed. "Are you seriously trying to play matchmaker right now?"
"I have to think about something other than the emotional mess that is my life," Shelby replied. "Besides... The way he was looking at you today is the way everyone deserves to have someone look at them." She paused before laughing slightly and adding, "Like the way Koda looks at burgers."
"Are you suggesting that Lido wants to eat me for dinner?"
"When you meet Koda, you'll understand. Trust me, it's the purest and truest love there is. Now, would you mind helping me fix my makeup? If Jezz realizes I've been crying, my cover is blown."
Dawn nodded and immediately grabbed a wipe to clear off Shelby's ruined mascara. Together, they started doing their best to erase any evidence that Shelby had emotions other than those that were expected for someone who'd been touched by the Flames.
He'd been in hiding for entirely too long. Honestly, how long did T'Dania expect him to remain in the shadows awaiting instructions? Sure, he had all of the occult reading material he could desire to keep him occupied, but a man needed to see the sun in person every once in a while instead of through an enchanted window.
"Enough of this," Howard decided. He carefully ventured out of the house and was pleasantly surprised when it didn't just suck him back in. T'Dania apparently trusted him to do as he was told.
"A little exploring never hurt anyone," Howard said. He was in a strange new world and he wanted to understand it. He'd always been rather obsessed with gaining knowledge. That was how his occult studies had begun. They'd been theoretical at first until he realized he had a bit of a talent for working with things of a supernatural nature.
He was quite startled when a labyrinth burst open in front of him. "Baizamo!" He exclaimed in surprise as the demon landed on the ground. "You're free?"
"My sister's demise ensured my glorious return," Baizamo replied. "Her sacrifice will not be in vain."
"Well, I'm sorry for your loss, Friend, but welcome back," Howard replied. "I cannot wait to see Labyrinth and the others destroyed."
"Labyrinth belongs to me," Baizamo replied. "And I am nearly ready to collect what is mine."
"How do you intend to do that?"
"Bring me inside, Howard. I must adjust to this world before I call on what binds him to me. It won't take me long."
Howard let out a slight sigh. "Very well," he replied. So much for exploring, he thought. Hopefully, there would be time for that later. For now, it was time to plot their next move.
She was curled up in Rez's arms when she felt the demon break free. "Laby..." She whispered.
"Miss Jeanie? Are you alright?" Rez asked softly. They had only been reunited for a short time, but in that time, Jeanie had lifted his spirits and helped him find his smile again. He was clearly nervous, but once she'd kissed him, he couldn't help but pick things up where they'd left off. They still loved each other. Nothing had changed, even with all of the time that had passed.
"Baizamo is free," Jeanie replied. "I can feel him, Rez... And he's with my father."
Rez immediately stood up and pulled out his sword. "I will destroy them both and end this once and for all," he declared.
Jeanie offered him a smile as she said, "I admire your spirit, Luv, but this is going to require a bit more than one determined Eltarian with a sword."
"The others will help me," Rez replied.
"I know they will, Luv... For now, we need to warn Laby."
Rez nodded. "Come. I'll drive you."
"You know they drive on the other side of the road here, right?" She teased him.
"I think I can handle it," he replied with a smile. "Nigel! I'm taking the car," he called.
"To go where exactly?" His brother asked as he appeared in the living room.
"Laby's in danger," Jeanie replied.
"Then allow me to go with you. Should I bring Andru along?"
"He's been drinking," Rez replied.
"Yes, I know, Little Brother. It is a day that ends in Y, after all."
"Fair point. It's not as if Andru's ever fully sober. Alright, he can join us."
They were all in the car a few minutes later, and so was Aileen, who'd insisted on accompanying Andru. Rez drove, so the others politely allowed Jeanie to sit in the passenger seat. It didn't take them long to reach Laby's house. Jeanie wasn't entirely surprised when Ben met them at the front door.
"Our father's just been reunited with his demon buddy," he said a bit breathlessly. "I came to warn Laby."
"So did we," Jeanie replied.
"Stupendous. Now, where is my beloved?" Ben asked.
Lex opened the door and looked at them in confusion. "Um... Hi, guys. I wasn't aware we were expecting guests," he said.
"Where's your dad, Lex?" Ben asked.
"Um... Not here?" Lex replied. "Why do you ask?"
"He's in danger, Luv," Jeanie explained. "We need to find him."
"You guys do know he has a cell phone, right?"
"I'm still not used to that technology," Ben admitted. "I think the smart phone Laby gave me is smarter than me."
"It's really not that difficult, Benny," Jeanie replied, pulling out her phone.
"Hey, you didn't think to call him either, Sis," Ben pointed out.
"Fair enough," Jeanie agreed with a laugh. She dialed Laby's number. He picked up right away.
"Hey, Jeanie. What's up?" Laby asked.
"Laby, where are you?" She replied.
"I'm hanging out with Darcy, Greg, and Andie. Is something wrong?"
"Baizamo is free, Laby. Don't you feel it?"
"Hmmm... Actually, no, which is weird. I guess he can block me because I'm still bound to him... Shit. This isn't good."
"No, Luv, it's not. Come home. We'll figure out what to do to get you out of this. Ben and I are here, and so are Rez, Nigel, Andru, and Aileen. Together, I'm sure we can come up with a solution."
"Right. I'll be there in a minute. Just let me explain what's going on before I leave."
"Hurry, Luv. I don't think you have much time." She hung up.
"He'll be alright," Ben insisted. "He's Laby. He's always alright."
"Ben... It's okay to be worried," Jeanie said gently. "Laby may not be able to die, but there are worse things that can happen to someone."
"Laby's one of the strongest people I know," Nigel said firmly.
"Ay, and he's a crafty cunt, too! It's rare he ends up in a situation he can't find his way out of," Andru added.
"Well, come on in, guys," Lex said. "You might as well make yourselves at home."
"Got any drinks, Laddy?" Andru asked.
"Just Coke and coffee," Lex replied.
"That's no' what I meant."
"Ay, y'av had enough anyway, ya damn coot!" Aileen scolded Andru. "Ignore this old fool, Lex. Coffee would do 'im some good."
"I'll be right back," Lex replied, disappearing into the kitchen quickly.
Laby entered the house a few minutes later. "Hey, guys," he said. "Thanks for having my back."
"Always, Lad," Nigel replied.
"So, does anyone have any brilliant ideas? Because I haven't come up with a way out of this one yet."
"I might, actually," Jeanie replied suddenly. "All we have to do is break the spell, right? Maybe it's not as hard as we think. You know a great deal about sorcery, Aileen. Can you break the components of the spell that bound the two of them down for me?"
Aileen took Laby's hand. "Let's see... With Baizamo free, I can feel the energy pretty clearly," she said. "It seems like he used asparagus, avocado, balmony, bindweed, wormwood, and thyme, along with his blood, to create the binding spell, and then mixed it up in a marriage ritual I assume was intended for his bride, not an immortal fifteen-year-old boy... Lots of herbs for sexual energy and other unmentionable things, in addition to forcing its target to be faithful and blindly loyal to him..."
Jeanie looked at Laby and felt tears in her eyes. "Oh, Laby... You really did save me from a horrible fate," she said sadly.
"And I'd do it again. I have zero regrets about that, Jeanie," Laby replied.
Jeanie carefully considered the mix of herbs Aileen had listed. "If I'm right, a spot of agrimony and a pinch of cayenne with a barberry base, plus burning some asofoetida might be able to turn this into a reversal spell, right? I studied herbs for years, and even researched their perceived magical properties from the old stories. Barberry, especially, is wonderful for freeing someone from the control of another."
"Right you are, girl!" Aileen replied, sounding rather impressed. "Let me see if I can whip something up quickly. Would you like to help? It seems like you've got a natural talent for working with herbs."
"I'd love to," Jeanie replied.
"Allow me to get you the supplies," Laby said. Suddenly, a labyrinth formed around Aileen and Jeanie.
"That never ceases to amaze me," Jeanie said in wonder as she spotted every herb they'd mentioned along with several others.
"Come on, lass," Aileen replied. "Let's get to work."
Billy still hadn't figured out how to get Elliot home. He wondered how everyone was doing without him. Because he'd traveled in his sleep, he wasn't actually missing. He'd wake back up in his body at the exact point he'd left, but it still felt like time was rapidly passing him by.
They're probably fine, he told himself. This is only a dream.
The problem was that he didn't know how long the dream might last. He didn't mind hanging out with Minh. She made the time pass, and she was a lot of fun to talk to. His issue was that he might get too comfortable if he stayed in the realm for much longer, and that was when things always started to get confusing. Elliot didn't especially want to grow up once again in this realm. He'd already lived so many lifetimes in other realms that it hardly phased him anymore, but returning home was the hard part. After living through all of those experiences, it was never easy to go back to "normal." He'd experienced so many different losses and traumas he could hardly be expected to act like any other teenager when he returned.
"Elliot, are you alright?" Kat asked as she brought him dinner. That snapped him out of his thoughts. Minh had gone home for the night and Kat and Billy were his current company.
"I'm fine," he replied. "I'm not really hungry, though."
"Nonsense. You're a growing boy. Eat up."
He gave in because he knew his body needed food to survive. He'd survived a lot of fatal experiences, but he wasn't sure what would happen if starvation was the cause of his demise. He might not have the energy to wake back up.
"I think I've got it!" Billy declared suddenly.
"Really?" Elliot asked in excitement.
"I definitely found your realm, and I've tapped into it. Now, I just need to connect you back to your bed..."
"Great. Let's do it!"
"There is a small risk, Elliot. I've never done anything quite like this before. It's possible things may not go the way we hope, and although the risk of harm to you is minimal, I still feel a bit uncomfortable-"
"Billy... I have to get back home. I'll do whatever it takes. I'm okay with the risk."
Billy nodded. "Be careful, Billy," Kat said.
"I'll do everything I can to protect him," Billy promised. He touched Elliot's hand to the device he'd built.
Suddenly, Elliot felt like his body was on fire. He cried out in pain as his skin burned. "Billy, stop! Turn it off!" Kat cried in alarm.
"This shouldn't be happening..." Billy mumbled.
"His temperature's through the roof!" Kat said as she touched the back of her hand to Elliot's forehead. The act was so maternal and comforting it made Elliot miss his foster mom desperately.
"I'm trying to reverse it," Billy said as he began pushing all sorts of buttons.
"It burns..." Elliot said weakly.
"Hang on... I've almost got it..."
Suddenly, something slammed into Elliot hard. He was confused at first as he hit the floor. Then he realized his own body was beside him.
"What's going on?" He asked in terror.
"Oh no..." Billy replied.
"Billy, what did you do? Why are there two of him?" Kat demanded.
"In order to reverse the damage, I had no choice," Billy replied. He hit another series of buttons. Elliot felt his bodies slam back together until he was only in one place. His skin no longer felt like it was on fire, but he was sore from the impact of slamming into himself.
"Elliot, are you alright? Can you hear me?" Kat asked.
"I hear you," he replied as he tried to sit up. He regretted that immediately as he got dizzy and had to lay back down on the floor.
"Kat, get him some water please," Billy said.
She didn't protest. Elliot looked at Billy and asked, "What exactly happened just now?"
"I was trying to send you back to your realm, but somehow, the barrier between the two was causing you to burn up from the inside out. Your organs would have melted. It was too late to reverse it, so..." He hesitated. "Based on my hypothesis about the various possible outcomes, I deduced that the only viable option to save you was to bring your body here."
"What do you mean? I bring my body with me when I dream walk."
"I think that's why you were burning up. I thought I tapped into the realm itself, but I seem to have connected to it at a different point from ours. I somehow accessed your waking self from that time, and that's what I brought here to save you."
"Would that make more sense if I wasn't still so out of it?"
"Possibly... Or possibly not. I'm afraid the only person who never failed to understand me when I discussed science was Trini."
"So you're telling me that it's my waking self here, not my dream self."
"It's both, merged into one, so yes... Now, you are awake, Elliot."
"And I'm still stuck here..." He tensed. "Billy, this is bad. I can't always get my body home when I'm awake. Not on my own."
"I'm sorry, Elliot. It was the only way to save you."
"We'll figure it out, Elliot," Kat said soothingly as she returned. She gently brushed a strand of his green hair out of his eyes before handing him a glass of water. "It's going to be alright, sweetheart. We'll get you home somehow."
He nodded, wishing he could believe that.
She waited until she was certain Jezzeff had burned himself out by throwing his tantrum before she snuck into his sacred space. She began snapping pictures, gathering as much information as she could without risking damage to anything. She took photos of every single page of his personal book of spells, documenting each one so they would know exactly what he'd come up with.
She photographed every ritual tool and weapon she saw. She saw several spells actively in progress on an altar, but she didn't disturb them. As much as she wanted to end whatever he was up to, he'd probably sense it the second she did, and she wouldn't have time to escape. She photographed the altars and kept going, making sure everything she could capture on film was documented.
Finally, she found something that made her stop in her tracks. One of the spells he'd cast featured a photo of three teenagers. Somehow, she knew they were aspects of Daphne, Sera, and Ash. The photo had Jezzeff's blood smeared on it. He'd written in a language she recognized but couldn't understand.
"This is Cherokee," she said. She knew somehow that one of her incarnations must have been Native American, because the knowledge was on the tip of her mind but she couldn't quite touch it. Whatever he was up to, the magic was very dark, and Dawn knew these teenagers were in serious danger.
"If I disrupt it, he'll realized someone's in here," she reminded herself, but everything in her was screaming to do it anyway. Sera and Ash were in trouble. She had to protect them.
Please help me, she thought. Someone tell me what the right thing to do is.
You can't break the spell, Dawn, someone replied. He's already over the edge. He'll snap and kill you before I can stop him.
Jozz? She asked.
Call me Bourbon, please, but yeah. I know what you're up to. Don't worry, I'm on your side. I'm undercover. So is Zutan. Get out of here. Take Shelby and run as soon as you can. I'm keeping sleep at the front of Jezzeff's mind right now so he doesn't wake up. I can buy you a little bit longer, but it's taking a lot to keep him asleep because he's so furious. I'm good, but I'm not Trerry. I'll lose my hold soon.
Dawn nearly sobbed in relief as she realized Bourbon definitely wasn't evil. I appreciate the help, but what about the kids? They're in danger, she thought.
Those kids are no ordinary kids, honey. They're part of you, Sera, and Ash, and if there's one thing I know about the three of you, it's that you can do anything if you're together.
Knowing Bourbon was on her side gave Dawn the strength to finish what she'd started. She had to believe the kids would be okay. Right now, she needed to get out of there before Jezzeff woke up.
The sun would rise soon. Dawn slipped out of the sacred space and saw Shelby waiting for her with wide eyes. "Did you get everything you needed?" She asked.
"I think so," Dawn replied. "Come on. The spell should break any minute and then Lido and Sakura will come get us."
Shelby nodded and followed Dawn to the front door just as it opened. Lido stood on the other side. He looked relieved as he spotted her. "Let's go," he said.
As both of them started to follow him, he hesitated. "I'm here for Dawn," he said in confusion.
"Lido... Shelby got her light back," Dawn informed him. "She won't be safe here once Jezz figures that out. Someone has to protect her and hide her until she's ready to stand on her own."
"I didn't agree to this." He frowned. "Shelby is a traitor to the Power Rangers."
"She's not evil, Lido. She deserves a second chance."
"You... I mean Daphne believed everyone deserved a second chance. Your soul is far too trusting and forgiving. It is beautiful that you have such a powerful capacity for love, Dawn, but sometimes someone needs to protect you from people taking advantage of that."
"Lido, please," Dawn pushed. "Shelby's at a crossroads. If no one's willing to give her a chance, she'll go down the wrong path by default." She paused. "And everyone told Daphne you were a beast who she should stay away from, but she refused to listen and never regretted her stubborn decision to befriend you."
He sighed. "You know I can't argue when you make a point like that, don't you?"
She smiled slightly. "I do, but it's still the truth."
"I know," he replied. "Very well. Come with us, Shelby, but hurry. And if you betray us, I will make you regret it."
"I believe you," Shelby replied nervously.
Sakura noticed the extra person as they stepped outside. She nodded with approval. "Good for you, Shelby," she said. "There just might be hope for you yet."
"Lido, I need to see my sister and let her know I'm alright," Dawn said. "Shelby can't be with me when I do."
"Fine. She can stay in the hut," Lido replied. "I'll sleep outside on the grass. I prefer to stay beneath the stars tonight."
"I'll cast a cloaking spell so Jezzeff can't track you," Sakura added. "You'll be safe there, Shelby."
"Thanks guys," Shelby replied.
"Thanks again for the camera," Dawn replied. "As soon as I get the pictures I took off of it, I'll give it back to you. Will you be okay tonight without it?"
"I have the only thing I need," Shelby replied. She pulled the triceratops out from beneath her jacket. Dawn smiled as Shelby added, "This will get me through the night and help me sleep."
With that, they headed away from Jezzeff's sanctuary and toward freedom.
He was nervous when Aileen and Jeanie returned with the herbal spell breaker, but he shrugged and took it from them. "What's the worst that can happen? It doesn't work and tastes like ass?" He asked.
"Chug it fast and chase it with a Coke," Lex suggested.
"I like the way you think, Kid."
"That's because I think just like you."
"Alright, here goes... L'chaim!" He raised the glass grandly before he tilted his head back and downed the potion as quickly as he could. It didn't quite taste like ass, but he eagerly welcomed the Coke chaser because it still wasn't pleasant and he had to force himself not to vomit.
"You're not Jewish," Ben said with a laugh at Laby's choice of a toast.
"No, but 'to life' seemed appropriate." He chugged a little more soda.
"How do you feel, Laby?" Nigel asked.
"Tingly," he replied. His entire body seemed to be vibrating. "Did you lace this with LSD or something, Aileen?"
"Bite yer tongue, Lad! She hasn't done that since the sixties!" Andru replied with a hearty laugh.
Suddenly, Laby felt something snap sharply. The force of it knocked him to the floor. "Laby!" Ben cried in alarm.
"Are you okay?" Jeanie added.
He was seeing stars and needed a few seconds to gather his thoughts before he replied. "I think so?" He finally said.
Ben helped him to his feet. "Did it work?" Nigel asked.
Aileen read his energy before smiling. "Like a charm," she replied. "You're no longer bound to Baizamo."
"What about Jeanie? Will he come after her because I broke our deal?" Laby asked, suddenly terrified for his friend.
"I'd say so," Andru replied.
"What makes you so sure?" Ben asked.
"Look out the window, Lad."
Sure enough, the demon was standing outside of the house and staring in through the window. "Bleeding Christ!" Jeanie cried in surprise.
"Son of a bitch..." Laby mumbled. "Lex, want to try that party trick we've been working on?"
Lex grinned. "Absolutely," he replied. Laby and his son began casting simultaneous labyrinths around the house. They layered them on top of each other, ensuring one wrong step would leave any trespassers trapped between two labyrinths. This was complicated magic and they'd only recently begun practicing to see what would happen. The results had been pretty cool so far, and Laby was fairly certain it would at least slow the demon down.
Unfortunately, they hadn't realized that someone else was already inside the house. "Hello, my children," he said.
Laby spun around and stared at Howard Mills with so much hatred in his eyes he thought the glare alone might kill him.
"Father... You're looking a tad unkempt today. Shame, shame, shame," Ben taunted him.
"Benjamin. Jean Marie. I see a century of death hasn't changed either of you much," he replied.
"Oh, I wouldn't say that," Jeanie replied. She took Ben's hand and the two of them faced their father united.
"Ben, Jeanie, don't!" Laby warned them.
"No, Luv. This is our fight. It was always our fight," Ben said.
"We're ready this time," Jeanie added.
Laby hated it, but he knew they were right. He'd interfered the last time to save Jeanie, but this time, the twins needed to face their father on their own.
"I'll send you bloody brats right back to the Afterlife!" Howard declared.
"Splendid. After you!" Ben replied cheerfully.
They began to duel in a way Laby hadn't expected. It was as if they were flinging energy he couldn't see or understand at each other. "What's happening?" He asked.
"It's the energy from death," Aileen replied. "This is something only those who were dead for a long time and then resurrected can do. They're harnessing the part of them that is still connected to the other side and using it as a weapon."
"Extraordinary," Nigel added. "I have never seen this done, but I've heard it was possible."
"Howard must have picked it up from his occult studies. As for the twins... I can't say where they might have learned it."
"From our father," Jeanie replied. "We're still connected to him. That connection seems to have granted us the ability to tap into his knowledge. Which means..." She slammed a powerful wall of energy up around her father. It became partially visible, and Howard couldn't seem to escape as one wall rapidly became four.
"We know how to do this," Ben finished her thought for her as he created a ceiling and floor.
The twins rejoined their hands. Together, they raised their hands into the air and brought them slamming down toward the ground. Laby watched in shock as the transparent box they'd sealed Howard in violently crushed him.
Blood spilled onto the floor where Howard had been standing. Ben and Jeanie collapsed at the same time. Laby and Rez ran to them. "Ben! Jeanie! Are you okay?" Laby asked frantically. "Answer me... Say something! Please be okay..."
"Bloody Hell, I've got one hell of a migraine," Ben groaned out.
"Same here," Jeanie added. They both opened their eyes and Laby almost burst into tears. His ring pulsed until he was calm enough to hug them both.
"We're okay, Luv," Ben said soothingly. "We're still here and we still have our Energems."
"Is it over?" Rez asked.
Jeanie looked at the spot where Howard had been. "Yes," she replied. "He's gone. There's nothing left of him to resurrect. We used his soul's own energy to crush him."
"Aileen?" Laby asked.
"They're right, Laby," she replied. "Howard Mills won't be back this time."
"Great," Lex said. "That just leaves the demon. He's stuck for now, but he'll get out of the labyrinths soon enough."
"Let's release him," Laby said.
"Dad, I'm not so sure that's a good idea."
"Howard is dead. The only threat left to Ben and Jeanie is Baizamo, and I'm not stopping until he joins his sister in death. Who's with me?"
"Hell yeah, Laddy! I'm always up for a good fight," Andru replied enthusiastically.
"I'll do anything to protect Jeanie," Rez said stoically.
"We're with you, Laby," Nigel promised.
"Always," Aileen added.
Laby nodded. "Alright. Ready, Lex?" He asked.
"As ready as I'll ever be. Let's get this over with," Lex replied.
Together, they released all of their labyrinths at once. Baizamo was obvious disoriented as he reentered the real world. Laby knew this was their best chance. "Now!" He shouted.
Nigel and Aileen began working spells at the same time. Andru drew his sword and immediately went on the attack, slashing and stabbing Baizamo as quickly as possible. He was moving too fast for the still-dizzy demon to stop him, and as each attack landed, Baizamo grew weaker.
Rez joined Andru in his physical assault, strategically selecting each spot he attacked while Andru seemed to just stab at random whenever he felt inspired. Lex kept tossing labyrinths at Baizamo's head to keep him from getting his bearings.
Ben tripped the demon and knocked him onto his stomach. Jeanie swiftly took a sword and slashed at his eyes, blinding him and making him scream in rage.
It's now or never, Laby realized. He drew his own sword and walked right up to Baizamo's face. "In case you didn't get the message," he began, "I just divorced your ass." With that, he shoved his sword into Baizamo's chest. It burst into flames, a trick he'd learned from Serafine. As his sword burned, so did the demon.
Baizamo screamed in agony, but he was too weak to do much of anything to escape his current situation. As his body burned to nothing but ash, Laby knew it was finally over. He was free, and Ben and Jeanie were safe.
He flung his arms around them both before allowing Rez to pull Jeanie away. As Laby turned his full attention to Ben, he whispered, "Thank you."
"For what, Luv?" Ben asked in confusion.
"For not dying again." He kissed him deeply, needing to reassure himself that Ben was, in fact, still alive and well.
"Anytime, Luv," Ben replied with a laugh. "Especially if it gets me kissed like that."
Laby didn't know what tomorrow would bring, but at least the past had finally been resolved. Whatever came next, they would finally move forward together, and that was all that mattered.
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