While things had not quite gone according to plan, Jezzeff took comfort in the fact that Heather had successfully procured someone for him during all the chaos.
Dale looked at Jezzeff with terrified eyes as he awoke. Heather's spell had knocked the boy unconscious as he stood just outside of the Command Center.
"How did I get here?" Dale asked.
"Heather used a powerful sleeping spell on you. Fear not, my boy," Jezzeff said soothingly. "I understand your misguided actions. I know you are still loyal to me."
"Of course," Dale replied nervously.
"I need your help, Dale. You are my only Child of the Flames. You belong here with me."
"Jezzeff... Who is my mother?" Dale asked softly.
"That does not matter, Dale."
"It matters to me. I know my father now... I'd like to know my mother as well."
"I'm afraid that's not possible, Dale... She has passed away. But you are amongst your kin."
Dale stared at him in obvious confusion. "What do you mean?" He asked.
"Your mother was my granddaughter, and she was extraordinary."
"Your granddaughter?" He hesitated. "Zydia?"
"Yes. You come from both my line and Zell's. So you see, you do belong here with me, Dale. You are my family."
"I'm sorry I left you," Dale said. "Please forgive me."
"Of course, my boy. Now, try to rest. I will return in a bit. First, I must take care of a situation."
She was startled as she heard the revelation. "Dale is my son?" She repeated. It actually made sense. Upon seeing the boy on Onyx as a child, she'd felt compelled to save him. She'd brought him to Earth, but Garron had insisted she kill him. In an act that was quite unlike her, instead of slaughtering the child, Zydia had asked Rupi to help her hide him and protect him by finding a good family for him.
"He reminded me of the way you were as a child," she told her brother, who stood beside her as he usually did when he wasn't watching over Tedius. "Gentle, handsome, and in need of someone to keep him safe. That's why I protected him."
"We have to help him, Zydia," Rupi replied.
"I believe he does have some of me in him... He's faking his loyalty to Jezzeff. He's very convincing, but I can tell he plans to play along until he has no choice but to go down fighting."
"Why didn't Jezzeff notice us? He's a necromancer now."
"Oh, Rupi... After all this time, you doubt my skills?" Zydia laughed. "I cloaked us. Jezzeff's an arrogant prick, and just like Zell, he is so busy looking at the future he doesn't see what's right in front of him. He didn't notice my magic."
"I have never and will never doubt your skills, Zydia." He smiled at her. "So, how do we help the boy?"
"By talking to his sister, of course."
"Zizi? But Jezzeff's too dangerous to her..."
"She can handle him, Rupi. My daughter is as skilled as I was."
"I know Zizi has impressive skills when it comes to working undercover, but Jezzeff is obsessed with her because she is Rosemary's reincarnation."
"I sense the magic warding this place, Rupi. Only one with Jezzeff's blood in their veins can enter, and as much as I despise admitting it, we have it, which means Zizanyah has it, too. It has to be her."
Rupi sighed. "Very well. Let's go visit my beloved niece."
They quickly changed locations. Zizi sat in her room reading a book. She tensed as if she sensed them, but seeing spirits was not one of Zizi's gifts.
Zydia made a book fly off the shelf. Zizi jumped as it crashed to the floor. "What the hell?" She demanded. Another book slammed into the wall beside Zizi's bed. More books began to fly, making a lot of noise as they hit various spots in the room.
"Zizi? Are you okay?" Mena asked from the door. "What's happening?"
Zydia moved a sword that had once belonged to her into the air and flung it at another wall, impaling it.
"My mother," Zizi replied with a sigh. "You know, you could have just levitated the sword to get my attention instead of making my room resemble a war zone, Mom."
"Are you girls alright?" A new voice asked as Mena began helping Zizi clean up the mess.
Zydia froze at the sight of Rey, former Prime Minister of Eltar, and the only man she'd ever been foolish enough to love. Immediately filled with emotions she couldn't quite touch, Zydia knocked a bookcase down where he stood.
"Zydi, no!" Rupi cried in horror before he stopped it from falling onto Rey and crushing him.
"Mom, what the fuck?" Zizi demanded. She looked at Mena and Rey apologetically before adding, "Sorry."
Beneath all of her rage was something else. Zydia realized she was suddenly incredibly sad. She hadn't felt this miserable since she sat in a prison cell because of Rey and begged someone to take her emotions so she couldn't feel her pain anymore.
"Zydia..." Rey whispered. He reached toward her, somehow knowing exactly where she stood. Zydia wanted to scream... But she also wanted to run into his arms.
What the hell is wrong with me? Zydia thought.
"Can Rey see us, Zydia?" Rupi asked in surprise.
"No," she replied, "yet he feels me..."
"She has stopped flinging things," Mena said. "Is she still here?"
"She remains," Rey replied softly.
"None of us are necromancers, Mom," Zizi pointed out. "You need to find a way to communicate without attacking us."
"Perhaps I can help," someone said as she entered the room.
"Sakura? What are you doing here?" Mena asked.
"I sensed a tremendous amount of spiritual activity in the house and thought you might need some help," she replied.
"That's appreciated, but how did you get in?"
"She resurrected my father when it was meant to be impossible," Rey replied. "Sakura is always welcome in our home, and the wards on the property were created to allow her entry."
Sakura turned toward Rupi and Zydia. "What's going on?" She asked.
"Tell Zizanyah her brother is in danger," Zydia replied.
"Zydia says your brother is in danger, Zizi," Sakura explained.
"My brother? I don't have a brother. My only sibling is Mena, and she's right here," Zizi protested.
"He was born of Jezzeff's Flames," Zydia said.
Sakura looked at Zizi and sighed. "It's Dale," she said.
"Zordon's son?" Rey asked in shock.
"Dale is my brother?" Zizi added.
"There is no time to waste!" Zydia snapped.
"Zydia, calm down and explain it to me," Sakura said patiently.
"Jezzeff kidnapped him," Rupi replied before Zydia could. "Only someone of Jezzeff's bloodline can find him."
Sakura explained the situation. "I'll go," Zizi agreed immediately.
"Not alone," Rey said firmly. "Once you breach the barrier, you can break the spell and let me in."
"It's too dangerous," Zizi protested.
"You are my daughter, sweet girl. I refuse to risk harm coming to you."
"Father, I can help as well," Mena said.
"Mena, my brave girl, it is best if you remain in a safe place."
"Please don't ask me to leave you alone in such a dangerous situation, Father... Not again."
Rey sighed before wrapping her in his arms. "Very well... You may come with us, but if I tell you to leave, you must listen."
"If it gets bad enough that Mena has to leave, you're going with her," Zizi said firmly. This seemed to ease Mena's nerves a bit.
Zydia told Sakura where Dale was. The Soul Reaper relayed the information. As Zizi, Rey, and Mena prepared to leave, Rupi tensed.
"Tedi..." He whispered.
"What's wrong?" Zydia asked.
"His grief is overwhelming him again... I can feel it in my very soul. He is so broken..."
"I may be able to help with that..." Sakura said.
"How?" Zydia asked.
"I have been thinking about some of the people who deserve a second chance... People who met unjust ends. Your brother is at the top of my list, Zydia."
"Second chance?" Rupi repeated in disbelief.
"You and Tedius are soulmates, Rupi," Sakura replied. "It wasn't meant to end the way it did. I already spoke to the Head Captain of the Soul Society, and he agrees bringing you back would be setting things right."
"You... You can do that?"
"I did it for Raffitty, and others... Is this something you would want, Rupi?"
He started to nod before he paused. He looked at Zydia. "I cannot leave my sister," he said stoically. "She needs me."
"Rupi of Eltar, don't you dare use me as an excuse to pass up the chance to live again!" Zydia snapped.
"But, Zydia... Your son needs help," Rupi protested.
"I have an army assembling to save my son," she replied. "Tedius needs you, and I came to understand and accept that you need him a while ago. Go to him, Rupi."
"Are you sure? I am loyal to you."
"You have always been loyal to me... It's time to be selfish, Rupi. Be with Tedius. Live your life."
He hugged her. Zydia clung to him for just a second longer than she'd normally allow. Having Rupi around had made death less lonely, but she couldn't hold him back. He was her little brother. Deep down, all she wanted was to protect him. She owed him the chance to finally be happy.
"I love you, Zydi..." He said softly.
"We are as predictable as the stars," she replied just as quietly. "I will always love you. Now go."
He released her and followed Sakura. Zydia was surprised by how much it hurt to watch him go. She forced herself to refocus, following Zizi, Rey, and Mena as they left the house.
He was sitting on the beach, watching the water and trying to soothe himself. This time of year had been hard on him since Rupi's death, but he was trying to force himself to keep going. Grayzee needed him.
He had not expected the Coalition to find him. After all, Eris had sworn they would not harm him. Still, the cloaks were unmistakable.
"Tedius of Eltar," a woman said as she took the lead. "Today, you meet your end."
He considered this. Tedius didn't fear death. In fact, he longed for it. If he died, he could see Rupi again, and the parents who'd raised him, and the friends he'd lost over the millennia. Death was a kindness.
As she held a fireball in her hands, Tedius remembered his promise to Grayzee and Zizi. He prepared to try to deflect the attack. While he focused on that, someone came up behind him.
He sensed them too late. A gunshot rang out, and Tedius braced himself for the pain that would follow, but it never came.
A body fell beside him. Tedius did not recognize the man in the cloak who'd snuck up on him, be he did recognize the man standing over him firing bullets into the Coalition members who still surrounded him.
"Impossible..." Tedius whispered.
"Hello, my beloved," Rupi said with a smile. "Give me a moment." He fired off several more shots.
"Rupi of Eltar..." The woman who'd initiated the attacked said. "You're supposed to be dead."
"I got better," Rupi replied with a smirk before he shot her in the head. "Farewell, Malorah."
"Am I dreaming?" Tedius whispered as her body dropped lifelessly to the ground and he was left alone with Rupi.
"No, Tedi," Rupi replied. "I am truly here. The Soul Reaper, Sakura, healed my body and resurrected me."
Tedius crept toward him, afraid to let himself believe it was true. He stared into his eyes and didn't realize he was crying until Rupi gently wiped the tears away.
"I felt that..." Tedius said softly.
Rupi smiled mischievously before pulling Tedius into his arms and kissing him passionately. For the first time since Rupi's death, Tedius felt alive.
"Did you feel that?" Rupi teased him after he broke the kiss.
Tedius replied by flinging his arms around Rupi's neck and kissing him with everything he had inside of him.
"Rupi of Eltar, do not ever leave me again!" He said firmly.
"I'm here for the long run, Tedi," Rupi replied. "I promised we would be reunited, although I never anticipated it would be with me in my body... I love you, Tedius. And I made you a promise I intend to keep... Marry me. Marry me right now! Vegas is not that far of a drive, or we could use a portal... I don't want to wait another second!"
"We'll need witnesses... Captain Smith and the others should join us."
"Was that a yes?" Rupi's eyes widened eagerly as he smiled.
"Of course it was." Tedius kissed him. "We should invite Zizi."
"I'll invite everyone. I want the whole universe to know that I love you, Tedi. I want to scream it to anyone who'll listen and rent a billboard in Times Square to announce it!"
"No more hiding?"
"Never again, my beloved. Never again."
He knew she was there before he saw her. "Dawn," he said. "What can I do for you?"
She smiled at him a little bit sadly. "I just wanted to see you," Dawn replied. He sensed something he couldn't quite identify in her.
"You are always welcome here, but is something wrong?" He asked.
"Not exactly..." She sighed. "I guess I'm feeling a little bit lost. I'm trying not to lose myself in Daphne, but it's hard, and the only thing I know is..." She looked away in embarrassment.
"What is it, Dawn? You can tell me," Lido said, tilting her chin up gently so she was looking at him.
"I needed to see you... Or maybe Daphne did... Maybe it's both. For a psychologist, I'm really not doing a good job of analyzing myself."
He looked into her eyes and saw Daphne staring back at him, but he also saw Dawn. They were remarkably similar. It was no wonder she was struggling to balance her selves.
"Tell me what's been going through your head," he coaxed her.
"I don't think I can... But I can show you." She touched her hand to the scar on his forehead, and all of a sudden, he was seeing everything she was thinking about. The images were overwhelming.
Daphne was a child, playing with Lido and Zuzu. She smiled and laughed and hugged him constantly. She taught him to communicate, patiently explaining things until he understood what she wanted.
She grew older. She snuggled into his arms when she had nightmares and he'd sneak into her house just to comfort her. He could have held her like that forever and been completely at peace.
She woke up one night to find Lido struggling in his sleep. She shifted in his arms and kissed his cheek to soothe him. Lido smiled in his sleep as he automatically wrapped his arms around her tighter.
She was twelve. She ran to Lido's hut one night, completely terrified. Zell was out of the time line, her parents were out of town, and she was too frightened to sleep alone. She sobbed in his arms but couldn't tell him why she was afraid.
It was Jezz, Dawn thought to him. He was abusing her, but he kept taking the memories. Her body sensed she wasn't safe, but her mind didn't know why.
I protected her that night, Lido replied as he remembered the details. I remember how worried I was. Daphne worked so hard to block me when he hurt her, but I always sensed the danger around her.
There were more flashes of his life with Daphne. What surprised him was that as she got older, when she was at her most afraid, it was Lido's name she thought of for comfort. Aside from Laby, Lido was the only person Daphne still trusted unconditionally and without question. That was why, when she finally decided to leave Zell, it was Lido she turned to.
As the connection broke, Dawn looked at Lido. "She loved you so much, Lido," she said. "I don't think she was ready to understand the full complexity of her feelings for you."
"I don't know what you mean," Lido replied.
"I think you do... You were in love with her, weren't you?"
He wanted to lie or avoid answering the question, but somehow, he couldn't. "Yes," he replied softly.
"She was in love with you, too. She was just afraid to admit it."
"Daphne loved Zell."
"She did... But she also feared him. From what I understand, it was Oralee who was meant to be with Zell."
"Lygus," Lido said quickly. "She loved Lygus."
"She was starting to fall for him, but the more she let him in, the more danger he faced. Zell murdered the poor guy before their friendship could ever become more than that... It was Isobel who finally got to experience the full extent of loving Lygus, with Sir Ivan... And now Andie is his love."
"Daphne was in love with you, Lido. I know because I can feel that love in my heart. The two of you were basically raising Zordon together, and that was when she felt the happiest... At your side, basically playing house."
He said nothing. What could he say? He'd only recently come to terms with his own feelings. He had never considered that Daphne might have seen him as more than a friend.
"Lido, I'm confused," Dawn admitted. "These feelings are hers, not mine... I hardly know you... But the memories keep flooding back to me. And I want to know you. I feel so connected to you." She paused. "I feel like the Universe is trying to set things back on the proper path. Aiyana is with Zell because he and Oralee were meant to be together. Andie is with Ivan because Lygus and Daphne shared a powerful connection that carried over when she reincarnated as Isobel... And now, a third part of me is here, because there is still the part of me that is purely Daphne, and that part... That part was meant to be with you."
He stared at her. She couldn't be saying what he thought she was saying. It was impossible. He wasn't worthy of Daphne's love, and he certainly wasn't worthy of Dawn's when they were still basically strangers.
Dawn stood on the tips of her toes and kissed him... But it wasn't his cheek. As her lips found their way to his, Lido tensed in shock. He had never kissed someone before. He had never concerned himself with romance or considered sharing such intimacy with another. It felt incredibly right as he slowly wrapped his arms around Dawn and kissed her back.
When she broke the kiss, she looked at him shyly. "I'm not usually so impulsive," she admitted.
"Neither am I," he replied.
"Lido... Daphne always loved you. She just couldn't admit it to herself with everything else that was going on in her life. My mind may think this is crazy, but my heart knows you. My soul remembers you. And I genuinely feel this incredible love for you in every part of my being. I don't know what this means for us, but I do know one thing. The only way we're going to defeat Jezz and the Witch is together. Will you fight at my side?"
"No matter what our circumstances, Dawn, I will always fight at your side," he replied firmly.
She smiled at him and said, "Then we're going to win."
Her determination and confidence were so convincing that he believed it, too.
No one had been paying much attention to him since his father's death. Bailey was the only one spending time with him, and it had to be minimal because Jezzeff would not approve. That was why it surprised him when Reid told him they needed to go out on a mission.
He was still loyal to Jezzeff because of the spell, so he couldn't disobey. He followed Reid deep into the woods.
"What is the mission?" Trevor asked.
"Jezzeff has ordered me to dispose of you," Reid replied. "It's nothing personal, but with your father gone, you're of no further use to the Guild."
Trevor tensed. "But... I'm loyal," he said. I have no choice, he added silently.
"I know you are. Now, brace yourself, Kid."
Trevor panicked as Reid pulled out a knife. He used it to stab him in the chest. Trevor expected it to hurt, but he felt nothing.
"I... I don't understand. Why doesn't it hurt?" He asked.
"I spelled the knife so you'd feel no pain. Bailey's right. You're just a kid. There's no need to make you suffer," Reid replied.
"You're one up on my mom."
Reid softened for a split second before his face became unreadable again. "Just relax, Trevor. This will all be over soon."
Trevor expected to die as Reid pulled the knife from his chest, but instead, someone interfered. "Just hold on, Lad," he said soothingly. He knelt beside him and began to heal him as five others attacked Reid with magic.
"Screw this!" Reid declared. "The boy is fatally wounded and will not survive." He fled through a portal.
"Do we need Mel?" One of the others asked. He was a very intimidating man, and Trevor recognized him from previous battles. That's Hezzo, he thought as the shock of being rescued started to wear off. And Ling, Grayzee, Branz, and Tinny. The one beside him was Maegus.
"No, I can heal him," Maegus said. "Easy, Lad. You're going to be just fine."
"Tulpa time," Tinny said cheerfully.
"Right. Let's get on it. Grayzee, Ling, cover us," Hezzo said.
"We're on it, Hezz," Ling promised. He and Grayzee began casting a powerful shield Trevor suspected was meant to shield them from the outside world.
As Hezzo, Tinny, and Branz worked together, a body appeared on the ground. It looked exactly like Trevor. "Good work, Lads," Maegus said. "Anoint it with his blood and Jezzeff should fall for it."
Grayzee waved his hands in the air. The blood covering Trevor transferred to the tulpa. "Amazing..." Trevor whispered.
"Now, what do we do about that loyalty spell?" Tinny asked.
"The best way to break a loyalty oath is to transfer it to someone more powerful," Maegus replied.
"Are any of you more powerful than Jezz?" Trevor asked nervously.
"Alone? It's hard to say," Branz replied. "But together? His loyalty spell wouldn't stand a chance."
"Branz... That's never been done," Grayzee said with a frown. "That spell is meant to bind someone to an individual, not a group. It's impossible."
"We're the Circle, Lads! Doing the impossible is kind of our specialty," Branz reminded them.
"He's right," Ling said. "If anyone can do this, it's us."
"What the hell, right?" Hezzo added.
"Sounds like a party," Tinny agreed.
"Don't we need the entire group to pull this off?" Grayzee asked.
"We have the leaders, and representatives from every type of magician in our group," Maegus said. "That should be enough if we focus on the energy of the others."
"Don't worry, Trevor," Ling said. "We won't actually call on the loyalty spell. You'll be safe and will have the free will to make your own choices."
They set to work on casting the spell. Trevor slowly felt his mind clearing. He no longer felt like he was betraying Jezzeff by being there. He didn't feel like he owed him anything at all.
"Did it work?" Tinny asked.
"Only one way to find out," Hezzo replied. "Hop on one foot and sing the song I'm thinking in my mind, Kid."
Trevor wanted to refuse, but he couldn't. "I'm a little teapot, short and stout... Here is my handle, here is my-" Trevor began.
"You really are evil, Hezz," Grayzee said with a laugh. "You can stop, Trevor."
"It worked," Branz said through a fit of laughter. "At least he didn't make him sing The Song that Doesn't End."
"Damnit, Branz! Now that's going to be stuck in my head for the next century," Hezzo said with a groan.
"Alright, Trevor... We'll leave the tulpa here for Jezzeff to find," Maegus said, "and we'll hide you somewhere safe."
"Where?" Trevor asked.
"We could bring you to Wes and Jen. Wes is your family, after all," Branz suggested.
"Jezzeff will think to look there," Hezzo argued. "Let's bring him to Cassie and Lucas. They already have his friend Claudine. That might make the kid feel more comfortable."
"That's a great idea, Hezz," Ling agreed.
"Alright, it's settled," Maegus said. "We'll bring Trevor to Cassie and Lucas."
"My father hated Lucas," Trevor said nervously.
"He's a good man, Trevor," Grayzee said. "He won't hurt you. And Cassie's an awesome lass. You'll love her."
Trevor nodded, still not convinced. He'd never known kindness from an adult until he met Bailey. Honestly, in the short time they'd been in the Guild together, Bailey had become the closest thing to a proper father figure he had ever known.
As the Circle transported them to a new location, Maegus walked ahead and rang the doorbell. It was Cassie who opened the door. Trevor watched her talk to Maegus and slowly nod her head. Lucas came outside with her and joined the conversation. After several minutes, Maegus waved Trevor over. He obediently joined them.
"Trevor, meet Cassie and Lucas. You'll be safe here," Maegus promised him. He placed a talisman around Trevor's neck. "This will cloak you from the Guild and their allies. Jezzeff will not sense you are alive," he explained.
"Thank you," Trevor replied softly.
Maegus patted him on the back gently before leaving with the other Circle members. Trevor looked at Cassie and Lucas nervously. Cassie offered him a warm smile. Lucas looked a little uncertain of what to make of him.
Claudine suddenly ran out of the house and flung her arms around him, nearly knocking him over.
You're okay! She signed.
Are you? Trevor replied.
Yes. Cassie and Lucas are awesome. For the first time ever, I feel safe.
He smiled then. Claudine wouldn't lie to him. This was a safe place.
"So, Trevor," Cassie said, still signing for Claudine's benefit, "what do you like to do for fun?"
"I like superheroes," Trevor replied awkwardly.
"I own every MCU film ever made," Cassie replied with a grin. "How about we have a movie marathon? I'll make popcorn."
"I'd like that..."
"I'll join you guys after I set the guest room up for Trevor," Lucas said.
"Are you sure you don't mind?" Trevor asked.
"You might be Alex's kid, but that still means you descend from Wes, and that makes you family," Lucas replied. "We take care of our family."
Claudine began to sign, asking, Can we invite Liza and Micky over?
"Of course," Lucas replied, signing as he spoke. "I think that might be good for all four of you."
"I'll order some pizza," Cassie volunteered.
A little while later, Liza opened a portal right into the living room. She pulled Trevor into a very tight hug. Micky stepped out of the portal and joined the hug. Claudine immediately wormed her way into the group hug as well.
"I missed you," Liza said softly.
"I missed you guys, too," Trevor replied.
Micky started to cry. That was very rare for him. He always tried to stay strong, even when he was upset.
"Don't cry, Micky," Trevor said. "I'm okay."
"I know," Micky replied softly. "It's just such a relief to have you and Claudine back."
Enough mushy stuff, Claudine signed. Lets watch the Avengers fuck up some bad guys.
Trevor laughed. "Agreed," he said.
As Cassie started the movie, Trevor tried to relax. He was with his friends. He was safe. Now he just wished he could stop feeling like he was waiting for the other shoe to drop.
She knew they were in trouble. It seemed Jezzeff had been expecting them. Zizi wished they could have brought Zordon, but he knew the moment he left, Briar would follow, and none of them were willing to take that risk. Besides, he was still recovering from the shock of learning Zydia was Dale's mother.
Zizi watched her father in fascination as he used his water magic to keep the Flames Jezzeff must have raised from touching any of them. It was a furious battle of wills, and soon, Mena and Zizi both had to join in to keep the Flames at bay. Suddenly, the Flames shifted and wrapped around Dale.
Before the circle could close, Zizi reacted. She jumped into the circle and shoved Dale to safety.
"Zizi, no!" Her father cried in horror.
"Father, it's alright," Mena replied.
"We have to stop this-"
"Father, listen to me."
"The Flames-"
"Dad! I'm alright," Zizi said as she realized the Flames weren't affecting her. She paused. "Mena, why am I alright?"
"The original Flame spell had three anchors who were immune to its effects," Mena replied. "Zell chose Serafine and Ash, who had already perished, and Daphne, who he could not bear to turn evil. I assume Jezzeff chose Rosemary as one of his anchors, most likely because she was either already dead or because he believed her to be too loyal to betray him."
"I'm immune..." Zizi realized. She stepped out of the circle, and the Flames allowed it.
Dale stared at her. "You jumped in to save me without knowing that?" He asked.
"Well, you are my little brother, apparently," she replied. "Hi. I'm Zizi, or Zizanyah if we're being technical. It's nice to meet you."
"Thank you, Zizi," Dale said softly. "I hate harming others... I am ashamed of what Jezzeff and the Witch have made me do. I don't want to go back to that, or to be powerless to stop myself."
"I hate to interrupt this family reunion," Jezzeff's voice said. He wasn't visible, but Zizi felt his energy all around them. It was overwhelmingly powerful. "Dale will not be going anywhere today... Perhaps you need a reminder of your place, Rosemary."
Suddenly, it felt like Zizi was suffocating. Jezzeff had wrapped his energy around her. She was plunged into darkness and realized she'd been thrust into a pocket realm.
"Jezz... Stop," Zizi croaked out, hoping playing the part of Rosemary might trick him into easing up on his attack. "Please."
"That will not fool me, Zizianyah. You are no damsel in distress. You are everything my Rosemary was not."
Zutan... Zutan, for the love of Eltar, if you can hear me, I need help, Zizi thought as she started to black out. She fought to remain conscious as Jezzeff finally showed himself.
Zutan can't breach the pocket realm, Bax replied in her mind. Only spirits can, and I can't manifest. I'm not strong enough. Only one spirit has a chance... Hang on, Zizi. Help is coming!
To her great surprise, Jezzeff suddenly stumbled as a little bit of his power was ripped away from him. Slowly, someone began to manifest. It took Zizi a minute to realize who it was.
"Don't you fucking touch my daughter, you son of a bitch!" Her mother yelled as she became physical enough to wrap her fingers around his throat and strangle him.
"Mom..." Zizi whispered in shock.
"Just get your strength up, Zizanyah. Let me handle this piece of shit!" She replied.
Jezzeff stood back up as Zizi tried to catch her breath and calm her heart rate down. He zeroed in on her mother.
"Zydia... The granddaughter I wish I'd had the chance to know," Jezzeff said.
"Thankfully, my grandmother was smart enough to hide her daughter from you," she replied.
"My daughter!" Jezzeff snapped.
"Who you'd have used for her magic and, if we're being realistic here, more than likely molested. I know what you are, and my mother was better off not knowing you."
Jezzeff tried to attack her. Thankfully, Zydia was too quick for him. She sent the attack back at him. He tried to dodge it, but it moved with him and still hit him, sending him flying against the ceiling before he crashed to the floor. "You can't block me, Jezzeff. Your blood once ran through my veins," she pointed out. "That's why I was able to drain some of your power in this pocket realm and use that energy to manifest."
Furious, Jezzeff dissolved the pocket realm. Zizi's father rushed to her side, wrapping his arms around her protectively. "I'm okay," she promised.
Jezzeff tried to grab Mena. She kicked him hard in the chest, catching him by surprise as she knocked him backward. He cried out in frustration. Dale moved in front of Mena, protecting her from harm by deflecting the next attack.
"Take Mena and Dale and get out of here," Zizi said to her father.
He was about to listen when Jezzeff turned toward him and sent a powerful death spell his way. "No!" Zizi heard her mother cry out. Before Zizi could fully process what was happening, her mother dove in front of the attack. She absorbed a good portion of it before sending the rest back at Jezzeff.
Wounded, Jezzeff fled through a portal. "Zydia..." Rey said softly. "Zydia, you saved me..."
"I don't understand how, but after all this time, my emotions have returned to me," Zydia replied weakly. "As much as I hate to admit it, I still love you, Rey. I couldn't let you perish." Her energy was flickering in and out, causing her form to faded every few seconds.
"The damage to her soul is extensive," Mena said sadly. "She doesn't have long before the spell destroys her completely."
"Mom..." Zizi whispered. "Mom, just hang on. We'll find a way to save you."
"There is no time, Zizanyah," she replied. "Be the strong girl I raised you to be now. Keep fighting... And know that I have always been incredibly proud to be your mother, even if I rarely showed it. If I could have felt love properly, I would have told you that I love you."
Zizi felt tears in her eyes. She forced herself to hold them back, because her mother had never approved of tears. "There has to be a way to repair the damage to your soul..." She insisted.
"There is," a voice said.
Zizi turned around. She had to look down to see who had spoken. "Toshiro!" Mena cried. "You're a Soul Reaper. Can you save Zydia?"
"I can do more than fix her soul," the tiny Soul Reaper replied. "I can revive her body."
"What?" Zizi asked in shock.
"Sakura spoke to our Head Captain about Zydia when she approached him about Rupi. They both agreed she should only be resurrected if she proved she could be selfless and good. Today, not only did she use most of her strength to protect her daughter, but she also sacrificed herself to save Rey. She has proven she is not the monster she became after Zell took her emotions from her." He touched Zydia, stabilizing her so she didn't fully fade away.
"Why have my emotions returned to me?" Zydia asked weakly.
"Zell has reversed his spell and released them to you," Toshiro explained. "He realized that taking your emotions away was an error he needed to correct." He paused. "Sakura has liked you since the day you flung a sword through Zell's chest as he slept. She wanted to believe you would prove you were worthy to return, and now, you have. Head Captain Ukitake and Sakura both believe you will be an asset in this battle. Do not prove them wrong."
With that, Toshiro began working some sort of magic. It was powerful, and Zizi didn't dare to look away as he did it. Slowly, a body appeared. As it healed, so did her mother's soul. Finally, Zydia vanished into the body. After several tense moments of silence, the body opened its eyes.
"Mom..." Zizi whispered.
"Zydia!" Rey cried. He pulled her into his arms and held her tightly. "I am so sorry for how things ended... I truly loved you, Zydia. That love for you never faded from my heart. Please, forgive me."
Zydia tensed for a moment before relaxing into the embrace. "If you can forgive me, I think I can forgive you," she replied. She motioned for Zizi to come closer, so she did. Zydia shifted out of Rey's arms and pulled Zizi into a hug. "I should have hugged you a long time ago, my daughter," Zydia said softly. Then, she turned back into the fierce warrior she'd always been. "Alright, enough of this reunion... We have a battle to plan."
He was just sitting with Ezzex beneath the sun, relaxing in his beloved's arms, when Zell approached them.
"Well, fancy seeing you out and about, Zell!" Ezzex said cheerfully. "It's damn good to see you!"
"Hello, my dear boys," Zell replied. "I have come to you because I owe you an explanation."
"We haven't hung out with you in millennia," Braydee said. "Let's talk over lunch."
"I'm afraid I cannot stay. My son now knows the truth about the boy Jezzeff created from his energy. My grandson was abducted, and I must return to Zordon quickly to help him keep my impulsive granddaughter calm. However, a memory returned to me, and it is urgent you know the truth about something." He motioned for someone to come closer.
The boy felt familiar. Braydee began analyzing his energy out of curiosity and was stunned as he recognized it. "How on all of Eltar...?" He mumbled.
"I stored your combined energy long ago, just in case I ever required such a powerful resource," Zell explained. "After Zolan erased you from even my memory, that energy brought me comfort for reasons I did not understand. I created a child using the energy and my Flames. Jylazian is your son, my dear boys... I apologize for stealing your energy, but he is a wonderful boy. You should know him."
"Hi, Dads!" Jylazian said cheerfully. "Call me Jy."
"You made a child from our stolen energy?" Ezzex demanded. "That's..." He paused, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "Absolutely amazing, Zell."
"It is?" Zell asked in confusion.
"I'll say! We're fathers, Ezz!" Braydee said with a goofy grin on his face.
"You aren't angry?" Zell asked.
"This is a precious gift, Zell! Without your magic, it wouldn't have been possible for us to father a child purely from our DNA. Jy is a miracle!"
"All we ever dreamed of was having a family together," Ezzex added. "Sure, we missed the early bits, but we still have a kid together!" He patted Zell on the back.
"This was not the reaction I anticipated," Zell admitted.
"You should know by now that we never do what's expected, Zell," Ezzex replied with a laugh.
Braydee pulled Jy into his arms. "Hello, Son!" He greeted him. "As you can see, we're both ecstatic to meet you."
Jy hugged him back. "It's pretty cool to finally meet you guys as well," he replied.
"Come on, Ezz... Let's take our boy home to meet our brothers," Braydee suggested.
Ezzex took Jy's arm in one hand and Braydee's in the other before he said, "I think that's a splendid plan, Bray!"
"Thank you, Zell," Braydee said. "We won't forget this precious gift." With that, he let Ezzex lead him and Jy back home, their family feeling oddly complete.
She'd been looking for descendants of Jezzeff when she stumbled across something unexpected. The little girl had ventured off of the most warded property on all of Eltar, Keilah's home. It was where Keilah housed her sons, her nephew Mason, and probably several others the Witch would love to target if she could only sense them. Unfortunately, nothing could get onto the property without Keilah's permission, including the Witch. She'd warded the property against her specifically, so even shadows provided no access.
The child's energy was cloaked, but the Witch could see Keilah in her features. She also saw something else.
She cackled to herself as she realized the truth. Over a year ago, the Witch had gone into the past to find Jezzeff before Zell cast the spell that made him eternally limp. She'd brought that part of him to a piece of Keilah that had been gravely wounded by Azzian. Not realizing they shared a blood tie, Keilah had tried to help him, but Azzian had panicked and attacked her, leaving her vulnerable. It was the only time she was weak enough for Jezzeff and the Witch to target her, and they had taken full advantage of that. Keilah had escaped, but not before Jezzeff took what he wanted while she was mostly unconscious.
This child was the result of that attack. The little bitch hid the fact that she was pregnant and must have aged the child, the Witch thought. As the girl played with a bunny she'd followed off of the property, the Witch approached her.
"Hello, Child," she said. "What's your name?"
"I'm not supposed to tell anyone," the little girl replied.
"I'm a friend of your father's. You can tell me."
"My father's only friends come to visit us at home. I don't know you."
"You're a smart little thing. It's alright, Child. Your father isn't who you think he is."
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know what your mother told you, but your real father is Jezzeff of Eltar. I know he'd just love to meet you."
"My father's name isn't Jezzeff. It's..." She hesitated. "I can't tell you."
"That's alright, Little One. Your mother can tell me herself when she comes after you." With that, the Witch grabbed the child and dragged her away to one of her favorite hiding spots.
She was a little startled when the first hezkan came running up to her meowing frantically. Keilah frowned and knelt beside it, trying to soothe the frightened creature. Soon, three more came, followed by an army.
"Keilah! We must talk," Grazziella said as she hurried to her side.
"First I need to figure out why the hezkans are panicking," Keilah replied. "Where's Iris?" Her youngest child and only daughter had an affinity for hezkans. If they were in a panic, something was wrong with her little girl.
"That's why I'm here. T'Dania told me Iris is in danger. She also told me we're actually twins, but I suspect that's a conversation for another time."
Keilah raised an eyebrow at that. "I'm not even going to question it," she decided. "You're immune to incubi just like I am and, quite honestly, I feel my magic react every time you're around, T'Dania knows everything, and Aphell was the sort of bastard who'd definitely hide a twin sister from me. We'll explore that later, but for now, did T'Dania tell you what danger Iris was in?"
"Not exactly, but I suspect it has to do with the Witch. I feel her presence."
"She doesn't know about Iris... Almost no one does. I made sure of it, and as far as most people who do know about her are concerned, Tante is her father."
"The Witch must have figured it out somehow. We have to go after her, Keilah. There's no time to waste."
Keilah grabbed an object Ling had given her a while back. "I think it's time," she said softly. "Ling said I'd know when to use it."
"Keilah, wait!" D'Dodi cried as the newly informed twin sisters headed toward the door. "It's time for more than just that. The Witch has Iris, and she's set a trap for you, Keilah... It's going to take all of us to rescue our little firecracker."
"But..." Keilah hesitated as she saw the rest of the Brothers of Legend join their eldest brother. "Are you guys sure you're ready?"
"We have been training in secret for over a year," Bartello replied stoically. "It is time we reveal ourselves."
"Besides," Tante added, "this is our little girl we're talking about. I will do anything to protect that sweet child."
Despite knowing Iris was Jezzeff's daughter and how she'd been conceived, Tante had fallen in love with the child the second he saw her, and he loved her as his own. Keilah knew he wouldn't back down if Iris was in danger.
"Stag, come here," Keilah called.
Stag hurried into the room. "Yes, Mother?" He asked.
"Iris is missing, and the Witch has her. I need you to supervise your brothers and keep them safe. Don't let Zeno follow us no matter how much he whines. You and Teegan are in charge. Keep the younger boys safe."
"Of course," he replied stoically.
"Come on," she said to the others. They raced from the house, following the army of hezkans as they ran to their tiny mistress. The hezkans were very protective of Iris, and Keilah knew they would guide them right to her.
Sure enough, she sensed both her daughter and the Witch nearby when the hezkans stopped. "Stay here," Keilah told them. "Only come inside if you can get Iris out." The hezkans remained outside as Keilah quietly led Grazziella, D'Dodi, Bartello, Tante, Mydo, Zydo, and Zee into battle.
"Stay hidden," she whispered to the brothers. They nodded in agreement. Keilah kept their energy cloaked so the Witch wouldn't sense them.
"Mommy!" Iris cried in terror as she spotted Keilah.
"It's okay, Baby," Keilah replied. "Stay right there."
The Witch cackled. "Hello, Keilah... I see you brought a backup Treygan with you," she said. "Grazziella, you little traitor... How awful to see you alive and well! I heard you perished at your husband's hands. He was put to death for your murder, along with many other crimes."
"I faked my death, gave Hanry all the evidence he needed to start convicting corrupt Treygans, and moved in with Keilah," Grazziella replied.
"How nice for you. So, which one of you wants to die first?" The Witch cackled with amusement.
Keilah was about to pull out her weapons when Jezzeff showed up. He was wounded. As he looked at Iris, he suddenly seemed to understand. "Hello, sweet girl," he said to her. "What is your name?"
Iris hesitated. It was clear his charms had confused her. "I..." She paused, looking at her mother.
"Don't tell him, Baby," Keilah said. "You can't trust him. He's a very bad man."
"I could never harm such a lovely little one... Especially not when she is my daughter," Jezzeff said as he glared at Keilah.
"Mommy, what does he mean?" Iris asked.
"Don't listen to him. Come here, Baby. Right now," Keilah replied.
Iris ran into her arms. Keilah held her close to her body. "I'm sorry I left the property, Mommy," Iris said through her tears. "The bunny led me away."
"Shhh, sweetheart. Don't worry about that right now," Keilah said. She turned toward Grazziella. "Let Aunt Grazzi get you out of here, okay? Mommy will follow soon. Your hezkan friends are right outside."
Grazziella scooped Iris up in her arms. She began making her way toward the exit, but the Witch blocked her path. "We aren't finished here yet," the Witch said.
"Yes you are," D'Dodi said from the shadows.
"Wait... Who else is here?" The Witch demanded in confusion.
D'Dodi, Bartello, Tante, Mydo, Zydo, and Zee stepped into view. "Impossible!" Jezzeff cried in shock. "I killed Bartello and Zee, and the others have been dead for millennia!"
"The rumors of our deaths have been greatly exaggerated," Zee said with a smirk before he called Sunlight into the room.
The Witch howled in rage. Normally, such a plot twist would have made her cackle, but Zee had hurt her a bit, and she was clearly too stunned by this particular revelation to be amused.
Jezzeff immediately began to cast a death spell. Bartello absorbed it, taking it into himself and converting it into something that would give him power. Jezzeff tried to attack him, but Mydo and Zydo each launched an attack, hitting him with both ice and fire at once.
D'Dodi called on the power of the Moon despite it not being dark out yet. He combined his energy with Zee's and used both the Moon and Sun to attack Jezzeff, who couldn't seem to figure out how to escape from the perfectly balanced energy.
Grazziella took the opportunity to flee with Iris. Keilah sighed in relief as she felt the portal open that would bring them straight back onto her property where nothing could hurt either of them.
Jezzeff tried using his power as a Shaman to summon the dead. Tante stepped in, taking control of the souls. "That's not possible," Jezzeff insisted. "These are my souls!"
"You have forgotten, Jezz, that I am the strongest necromancer to ever walk Eltar," Tante replied. "I did not flaunt it because I feared my powers, but the spirits will follow me before they answer to you."
The spirits surrounded Jezzeff, making it impossible for him to escape from the attacks of fire, ice, moonlight, and sunlight. That was when Bartello approached him.
Tante had the spirits move aside just enough to allow Bartello through. He grabbed Jezzeff, kissed him, and began draining every ounce of energy he could from him. Jezzeff struggled to free himself, but he was not nearly as powerful as the son of the First incubus, and he soon stopped being able to resist Bartello's energy.
When Bartello finally released him, Jezzeff barely had the strength to escape into a portal the Witch opened.
"I hope you've had your shots, Barty," Zee joked.
"Yeah, you might have caught something from him," Mydo added with a laugh.
"Time to disinfect those lips, Brother," Zydo chimed in.
"Was he at least a good kisser?" D'Dodi asked with a straight face.
"Shut up," Bartello replied, shaking his head.
Tante let the spirits go before he turned toward Keilah. That was when the Witch began raising a spell so powerful Keilah knew it would take all of her focus to cast it. It would also kill the Brothers of Legend. Only Bartello might be strong enough to survive it.
Not stopping to think, Keilah grabbed the device Ling had entrusted to her. She remembered his words as she held it in her hands.
It takes a great deal of power to wield this... Only a child of all four Founding Families of Eltar can do it without killing themselves. It can only be used once, but it will do immense damage to the Witch. You will know when to use it.
Taking a deep breath, Keilah activated the device. It began to heat up in her hands. She took hold of the energy before it could harm her body. Focusing, she tossed the device at the Witch, releasing every ounce of the energy she'd absorbed as it shattered at the Witch's feet.
A tremendous light burst from inside of the device. It latched onto the Witch, piercing her body repeatedly as though it were made of sharp spikes.
The Witch screamed like she'd never screamed before. Her body was smoking and bleeding severely. Her flesh was burning. She wasn't healing.
"My vessel..." The Witch groaned as she struggled to remain conscious.
"Your original vessel," Keilah corrected her. "Which makes this damage too severe to easily recover from. You can't just hide in the darkness to heal yourself this time, Evianna."
"That's... Not... My..." Before the Witch could complete the sentence, she blacked out. Her body vanished into the shadows, but Keilah knew that wouldn't be enough to help her.
"Yes! We're back, Bitches!" Zydo proclaimed.
"Time to tell everyone else," Mydo added.
Tante pulled Keilah into his arms. "Are you ready for the world to know you're back, Tante?" She asked.
"Probably not," he admitted, "but it's time."
Keilah nodded and opened a portal before saying, "Then let's go to Earth."
He and Lachlan had finally figured out Megan Caplan's connection to Eltar. It was so indirect it had been difficult to find, but now he understood. She'd been taking classes with Colby Muse, who had figured out she possessed latent magic.
"Lido's brother was mentoring her," Lach said in surprise. "I didn't think it would be that random."
"The Coalition must have believed her magic was a threat," Elliot replied.
"Wait... Elliot, look at this," Lach said suddenly. He handed him a note.
"This is Eltarian," Elliot realized as he read it. He translated it aloud. "The one inspired by the Muse is a Child of Prophecy. She shall be the enemy of darkness. As she rises, the uprising shall fall."
"This is about the Coalition," Lach realized.
"But it's not about Megan," Elliot replied. "They killed the wrong person. I've seen this prophecy before, in another realm... And that child they're referring to is a legal adult."
"Who is it?"
"It's Roxy and Hannah's adopted daughter, Lia Selene... The same person Colby has been mentoring as a young professor."
"Lia's in danger... We have to warn her!"
"Come on." Elliot led the way toward the university. Unfortunately, they didn't make it that far.
Jezzeff and the Guild surrounded them out of nowhere. The Witch was missing, but they were still a threat.
"Alphas, we need backup!" Lachlan cried.
"The Guild's here with Jezzeff," Elliot added.
"Fear not, young Rangers! Remain valiant and strong! Your team is on the way!" Three promised.
Sure enough, the rest of the Celestial Force team rushed in to the rescue. "Celestial Force, it's that time!" Charleigh declared.
They started to morph. As they finished, the battle began. Elliot noticed immediately how weak Jezzeff was. He didn't attack, but seemed to be feeding on the energy of the battle.
"Jezzeff's hurt," Elliot told his teammates. "We can take him down."
"Sounds like a plan!" Lex replied as he trapped two of the newer Guild members in a labyrinth.
Patti stood on a nearby rooftop and took down three of the others, but Sezzon knocked her off her feet. She fell toward the ground rapidly, shrieking in surprise as she did. Cooper swooped in and caught her before she could get hurt.
"I've got you," he promised.
Patti sent a whip of light toward someone behind him, knocking the enemy backward before laughing and saying, "I guess we've got each other."
Stephanie began firing a weapon she'd produced out of nowhere toward several of the people in cloaks. They fell, one by one. Bourbon sent an attack at her that intentionally missed, but it came too close for Elliot's comfort. Charleigh pulled Stephanie out of harm's way before anyone else could attack.
Elliot saw Dora standing a few feet away. She was doing well, but he still joined her in focusing on the closest bad guys. "Some date, huh?" Dora joked.
"This is the pre-date," Elliot replied with a laugh. "I was supposed to pick you up at eight. It's only six."
"I can't wait to see how you top all of this," she teased him.
Elliot turned around to take down Bailey as he came up behind him. That was when he heard Dora curse and cry out in pain.
He spun back around and realized a knife had been plunged into her chest... The knife.
"Dora!" Elliot screamed. He tried to reach her, but a shield formed around her and Jezzeff as Jezzeff began stealing her life force. "No!" Elliot shouted, struggling to break down the shield.
"Oh shit!" Lex cried. He quickly swept as many people as he could into a labyrinth so he and the rest of the team could reach Elliot.
"Get away from her, you bastard!" Stephanie shouted.
Dozens of furious cats charged at the shield. They clawed at it, weakening it but not breaking it. Jezzeff paused for just a moment as this odd sight surprised him, but soon he refocused, too starved for power and energy to resist stealing Dora's life force.
"Elliot..." Dora said weakly. "I love you. I figured you should know."
"I love you, too," he said. "Don't leave me, Dora! I can't lose you again!"
She looked at him with sad eyes, her strength fading but her stubborn determination remaining until the very end. It was only when that faded and her eyes became vacant that Elliot knew she was dead.
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