AUTHOR'S NOTE: DJ belongs to Aura MacKenzie. I think her role will be minor, but you never know with these fics, LOL, so I'm giving credit where it's due. I forgot to mention in the first chapter that Lucy is also Aura's. (I told you guys I'd probably missed one or two of her characters, ha ha. Sorry Aura, and sorry, Lucy!) On a different note, it seems Blast to the Past (formerly titled Go, Go, Wildcats) is going to play a bigger part in this fic than it did in the last one, so if you're a fan of that story, expect to see it coming into play more shortly. Don't worry if you didn't read it. I'll fill in the blanks. Happy reading!
He was not looking forward to this. As Jason, Ollie, Luke, Vinny, and Robby got off of the airplane and entered the Florida airport, they were greeted by the Brents.
Jimmy, the only sibling who'd been older than Becky, offered Jason and the boys a smile immediately. No matter what happened, Jimmy always had a smile on his face. Jason genuinely loved his brother-in-law, but it wasn't easy to face him. His kids, Evie, Judy, and Claire, stood beside him. Evie was an adult and was a social worker. Judy was a brilliant med student. She planned to become a surgeon. Claire was a college freshman. The last Jason had heard, she'd joined a sorority because she loved to socialize, but she wasn't a ditzy girl.
Jackie Evans, the next child born after Becky, tried to put on a brave face, but she burst into tears as she pulled Robby into her arms. Jackie was exceptionally maternal, so it didn't surprise Jason she'd gone straight for the youngest of his sons. Jackie's son, Alex, glared at everyone as usual. Alex was Ollie's age and was teen angst incarnate. His little sister Vicky was Vinny's age and was a ball of sunshine, making her the complete opposite of her brother. She ran straight to Vinny, hugging him and refusing to let him go.
Finally, there was Petey. The youngest of Becky's siblings was usually a fun-loving goofball, but he looked serious now. He also seemed angry. Petey was an eternal bachelor and didn't have kids, but he was everyone's favorite uncle. Becky had adored him.
"Uncle Petey!" Luke cried, running straight to him. This made Petey smile and drop the exterior of rage.
"Hey, Kiddo. How are you doing?" He asked.
"I'm okay, all things considered," Luke replied.
Evie took Ollie aside. She hugged him tightly before saying, "If you need anything, I'm here." Ollie nodded silently. Jason appreciated that the young social worker had immediately realized Ollie might need her more than anyone else did.
"Uncle Jason, you need to visit us more often," Claire complained. "We miss you guys!"
"I miss you, too," Jason replied. "How's school?"
Claire started chatting his ear off. Jason welcomed the distraction. They followed the rest of the Brents back to Jimmy's house. His wife, Renee, met them at the door and led them straight toward more food than they'd ever be able to consume.
"So, it was a heart attack?" Jackie asked sadly as they started talking.
"Yeah," Jason replied, hating to lie. It was bad enough he'd had to claim a random psycho had shot Becky, although he supposed that was a fair description of Zell at the time... But lying about Martin's death really bothered him. Sage had healed his body to cover up the fact that he'd been shot by an arrow, and Tommy's contacts at the Coroner's Office had lied about the cause of death. It seemed better than trying to explain to Becky's family what was really going on.
"And poor Luke found him?"
"He did. It was pretty rough on him." Jason left out Lucy, because the Brents had no idea she hadn't been stillborn. Another lie, he thought. God, Becky must hate me.
"Oh, my poor nephew," Jackie said sympathetically, getting up to hug Luke.
"I don't understand," Judy said softly. "It doesn't make sense. Grandpa was in perfect health. He never got sick... And then his heart just stopped? Medically, it's very unlikely. I'd like to see the Coroner's report."
Shit, Jason thought. Judy's too smart to believe this lie. I should have realized she'd be suspicious. She's a lot like Billy.
"Oh, honestly, Judith..." Renee said, shaking her head. "This is hardly appropriate dinner conversation. People have heart attacks every day."
"Not people with Grandpa's medical history. He's always been almost unnaturally healthy. He liked to joke his birth parents must have given him good genes. His heart was perfect. This is wrong. The doctors missed something..."
"Judy... Enough," Jimmy said gently. "We're all upset, but sometimes, things like this just happen."
Petey looked angry again. He stood up and stormed out of the house. "What's with him today?" Jason asked.
"He's just upset," Jackie replied.
Jason had a feeling there was more to it. "I'm going to check on him," he said. He walked out of the house.
Petey stood outside at the edge of the property looking thoroughly pissed off. "What's going on, Petey?" Jason asked.
"I couldn't listen to any more lies," Petey replied coldly.
"What do you mean?"
"First Becky, now our father... Are you ever going to tell us the truth, Jason?"
Jason hesitated, not sure what to do. "You don't believe me?" He asked.
"My sister was murdered in front of you and the kids. You say it was random, but I know you, Jason. You never would have let a random guy with a gun escape after he shot your wife. There had to be more to it. I can feel it. And now my father goes to visit you and he ends up dead, too? From a heart attack? Come on, Jason. Judy's right. Dad wasn't sick a day in his life. He was in perfect shape. If you're going to lie, at least try to be more creative and believable."
"What do you think happened, Petey?"
"Honestly? I don't fucking know, Jason... But let's just say my life got... weird after Becky died."
"Weird how?"
"Well, for one, I started dreaming about a place where half the people have blue skin... At first, I thought I was eating too much junk food before bed, but it felt so real... Forget it. I shouldn't have told you any of this."
Suddenly, a spell shot toward them. Jason felt it a split second before it would have hit them. He tackled Petey to the ground.
"What the fuck, Jason?" Petey asked as a nearby tree exploded. That shut him up. Jason helped Petey to his feet as they looked for the threat.
Four people stood nearby. They were armed. They didn't wear cloaks. Instead, they wore black suits with blue masks.
"Rebels?" Jason asked aloud.
"Do you know these assholes?" Petey demanded. As one shot at them with a cannon, Petey put his hands out and the cannonball flew back at their attackers.
"You're telekinetic..." Jason realized.
"Like I said, my life has gotten weird in the last two years," Petey replied. "So who are these guys?"
"Short version? Aliens," Jason said as he decided it was time to start telling the truth. He grabbed his cell phone.
"Dad?" Ollie picked up in confusion.
"Ollie, get out here and have Luke keep everyone else inside," he said.
"What's wrong?" Ollie asked.
"There are Eltarian Rebels on the property."
Ollie hung up. Sixty seconds later, he joined them. He kicked one of the Rebels in the chest immediately as he got too close to Petey.
"Um... Uncle Petey..." Ollie began.
"I told him," Jason said. "Sort of."
"Great, that makes this easier. I don't get it, Dad... The Rebels are our allies, and also, the Rebellion's disbanded, so they don't wear the uniforms anymore," he said. "What's going on?"
"I have no idea, but these Rebels don't seem friendly," Jason replied.
"We don't want your kind here, Power Ranger," one said harshly.
"Or yours, Chosen," another added.
"We're not so crazy about you either," Ollie retorted.
"Did he just say Power Ranger?" Petey asked Jason.
"I'll explain after," Jason promised.
"Remo, can we destroy them now?" A woman asked.
"Certainly, Mayzee," the first one who'd spoken replied.
"Goody," Mayzee replied. She sent a spell straight at Jason.
"Dad!" Ollie cried in warning.
It stunned Jason when someone deflected the spell. He looked up in confusion. "Anise?" He asked.
"I had a feeling I needed to be here," Anise replied.
"I don't suppose you know a Remo or a Mayzee?"
"They're two of the only Rebels we haven't pardoned. They, along with Lezt and Zevah, made up the Florida Chapter of the Rebellion. Vitella said they refused to accept the Rebellion's disbandment and joined the Coalition."
"But not the Guild?"
"We would never lower ourselves to working for Jezzeff of Eltar," Remo said indignantly. "The Coalition is its own organization and we share their ideals."
"So you're losers. Got it," Ollie replied.
Mayzee tried to attack him. That was when someone else joined them. "Oh, look... Assholes to melt," Keilah said with a smirk.
"We do not fear you, Keilah Treygan," Remo said firmly.
"Then you're dumber than I thought," Anise said with a laugh.
"You have ten seconds to get off this property and leave this family alone. Then, I start executing you," Keilah said calmly.
"Remo... Perhaps we should retreat for now," another female said.
"Zevah's the smart one!" Anise said. "Not that it's a high bar with you four, but still..."
"Keilah is overconfident, and Anise spent more time on Earth than Eltar," the last one, who Jason assumed was Lezt, said. "I could easily kill them both."
Anise laughed so hard she had tears in her eyes. Keilah grinned. "Go ahead and try. I'd enjoy that," she said.
Petey stared at them. "My dreams..." He mumbled.
"Petey, what's wrong?" Jason asked.
"Keilah and Anise... I've heard those names before."
"Destroy the Yizak," Remo said. "That's our mission. Start with this one, then take out the ones in the house."
"Um, I hate to break it to you, but we're all Yizaks here except for my dad," Ollie pointed out. Jason was surprised to hear him admit that. Ollie usually refused to acknowledge the fact that he was related to Zell. None of the kids really wanted to think about that. Jason knew how he felt. After all, he was related to Rita Repulsa. That had been a hard fact to accept.
"And if you want to hurt Petey or the people in that house, you'll have to go through me," Anise said firmly.
"And me," Keilah added.
"And me," Ollie and Jason said in unison.
Lezt fired a gun at Ollie so fast, no one saw it coming. Jason barely had time to scream Ollie's name in warning.
The bullet suddenly froze in midair. It proceeded to drop harmlessly to the ground. Petey stood in front of it with his hands out.
"You have magic?!" Ollie asked in shock.
"We were misinformed," Remo said. "Retreat for now." He opened a portal and the Rebels vanished.
"Uncle Petey... You just saved my life!" Ollie said.
"You're my nephew, Kiddo. I'm not going to let some bully in a mask shoot you, alien or not," Petey replied. "Now, would someone please start explaining this to me?"
"Keilah... Can you protect the property?" Anise asked.
"Of course," Keilah replied. She immediately set to work.
"Petey... Do any of your siblings have powers?"
"Not that I know of. I didn't have any until we lost Becky. That was when mine unlocked. I was pretty freaked out by the telekinesis, so I didn't tell anyone. And I started having dreams of a planet with blue-skinned people," Petey began.
Anise dropped her glamour. Petey's eyes widened. "Like that," he said.
"You were dreaming about a planet called Eltar," Anise explained. "That's where Keilah and I are from."
"Why would my sister's death make me dream about all of you?"
Anise took a deep breath. "Because I'm your grandmother, Petey."
"Grandmother? You look like you're younger than me."
"Eltarians age slowly in general, and I'm immortal. I've been alive for millennia. One day, I fell in love with a human. I ended up pregnant, and I hid my child on Earth, cloaking his energy with my magic. It was supposed to keep him safe..."
"My father didn't have a heart attack, did he?"
"He was shot with an arrow. I think it killed him almost instantly. The woman who killed him is called the Huntress. She runs the Coalition, a group of terrorists from Eltar. They especially hate the Founding Families. I come from one of them... The Yizak family. And that means that you, your siblings, your nieces and nephews, and your father all do as well."
"That's why she killed him?"
"Yes. I'm so sorry, Petey. I thought he'd be safer away from me, not knowing he was half-Eltarian."
"And Becky? What really happened to my sister, Jason?"
Jason sighed. "The man who shot Becky did it because I didn't," he began.
"What?" Petey demanded.
"It's my fault," Ollie blurted out. "Dad was possessed by this lunatic ancestor of ours, and he was supposed to kill us all like the ancestor killed his family... But he outsmarted the bastard. He used the family sword to destroy him and almost killed himself in the process... And Mom was okay. We all were... But then... Then he came in. He shot Mom right in front of us and I couldn't stop him. All because I'm Chosen and it was my destiny to end up traumatized just like Dimitri was and I'm so sorry, Uncle Petey. Mom's dead because of me."
"Ollie..." Anise said softly. She looked incredibly sad as she pulled him into her arms. "It's not your fault. Not even slightly."
"It was my destiny that sealed hers... Just because she was my mom."
"Ollie, you can't blame yourself for Zell's actions," Jason said.
"Zell? Who's Zell?" Petey asked.
Anise sighed. "My father," she said. She was still holding Ollie and refusing to let him go.
"Wait... Your father murdered my sister?"
"Yes, but it's complicated. He was a monster being controlled by an even bigger monster then. He's changed, but that doesn't undo what he did."
"You're damn right it doesn't!" Petey declared. The ground began to shake.
"Uncle Petey..." Ollie began.
"My sister is dead because of this asshole!" Petey continued, his rage making the earthquake worse.
Ollie moved from Anise's arms and hugged Petey. "Breathe, Uncle Petey," he said. "You have to breathe through this."
Petey seemed to realize what was happening then. "Am... Am I doing this?" He asked.
"Emotions affect magic," Ollie replied. "You have to focus and try to calm yourself."
Petey took a couple of deep breaths. The earth stopped shaking.
"Alright," Petey said slowly. "I'm calm. Go ahead and tell me everything I need to know."
Jason knew they were in for a very long day.
The target sat watching the sun rise over Terrio Vas, which was perhaps Eltar's most famed and beloved village. Not only had it been the birthplace of Maegus and Terridian, but it had also been the home of the Brothers of Legend and the Veritez siblings, Serafine, Ash, and Daphne. In general, the village was considered a safe place. The name translated to Place of Tranquility. Zizi knew that, today, it would be anything but tranquil.
Forgive me, she thought before firing her weapon.
K'Maz Treygan fell to the ground dead. K'Maz had not been without his share of questionable behavior, but when the Coalition had knocked on his door and tried to recruit him, he'd made a decision. Although he joined and played his part, he secretly began trying to take them down from the inside. He was feeding Keilah information directly. Zizi had been assigned to work closely with him, and she'd come to view him as an ally and even a friend.
He was dead either way, Zizi, she reminded herself, trying to ignore the sense of guilt she was feeling. At least you killed him quickly.
"Well done, Delia," the Huntress said with approval. "I know he had become a friend of yours."
Zizi put on a big, sadistic smile as she faced her. "It was my pleasure, Huntress," she replied. "Traitors to our cause are not my friends."
"I knew the moment we met that you would serve us well. Come... Today, you have earned my trust."
The Huntress led Zizi to a portal. It delivered them to the last place Zizi had expected. "Are we in the Eighth District?" She asked.
"We are indeed, Delia. This way..." She led Zizi to an especially decrepit building. Zizi was positive it might collapse at any moment. The Huntress cut her palm and touched a hatch in the floor. It opened as the magic guarding it responded to her blood.
The ladder below led down at least six stories. When they finally reached the bottom, Zizi was stunned to see a very elaborately decorated, solidly built home. Dark magical objects filled the space as well as more weapons than Zizi could count.
"Is this a secret base?" Zizi asked.
"In a way. Only the most trusted of our allies are aware it exists. You see, this is the Eltarian residence of a very important person. She usually lives on Earth and graciously allows us to use it when we have need of it. No one can detect what happens here because of her enchantments. This structure was magically created with the blood of all four Founding Families. Most of that blood was Farmell blood, of course. They lost nearly a quarter of their family during the attack which destroyed the district. The home above us once belonged to Telzos Farmell and his wife and children. At the time of the attack, their youngest son, Rez, still lived with them. He was the only one who lived in this house that survived."
Telzos Farmell wasn't just any Farmell. He was Jinnifer's father. He was also one of the four young men who went in search of a sanctuary planet when Nozann and B'Deston were torn apart by war, along with Windzor Yizak, Rinton Treygan, and Moriazan Martenz Vretiz.
"Who would be strong enough to take over the home of one of Eltar's Founders?" Zizi asked.
The Huntress smiled. "Someone who is not from Eltar," she replied. "She pre-dates the founding of this planet and only made her way here later, undetected even by her descendants. She shares the Coalition's ideals and believes even many of her descendants are unworthy."
"Her descendants?"
Suddenly, Zizi felt power unlike any she'd felt before. She automatically drew strength from the talisman that helped keep her glamour up at all times unless she deactivated it. She'd created Delia of Eltar, a troubled girl whose family the Government had executed, six months earlier and had been living a double life ever since. Acting out in small ways and showing off her skills with various weapons had drawn the Huntress to her, as she'd hoped. The Huntress enjoyed recruiting powerful young women to her cause. No one knew Zizi had gone undercover and infiltrated the Coalition, but most probably wouldn't have been surprised. Zizi was Zydia's daughter. She had been trained her entire life to work undercover for the Rebellion. Once the Rebels were no longer in need of her services, she hadn't known what to do with herself. She'd been a spy in Zell's Alliance, but that had ended, and infiltrating the Coalition had simply been the next logical step for her.
My father would have heart failure, she thought. She had recently met her supposedly-dead father, Eltar's former Prime Minister, Rey. She was relieved to finally get to know him, but despite being the Prime Minister's Daughter, she'd been Zydia's daughter for far longer, and some habits were hard to break.
The powerful woman who approached now was unlike anyone Zizi had ever met. Her long, dark hair and strong, sharp features made her look both beautiful and deadly. The magic surrounding her felt like extremely old Sorcery, but she also seemed to use Warlock magic. It was not normal for the two to be blended together. The Circle did it, combining those forms of magic with the magic of Wizards as well, but almost no one else dared to combine even two of the forms of magic.
"Delia, meet our ally... T'Dania," the Huntress said.
"Hello, T'Dania," Zizi replied politely.
T'Dania studied her. "Delia, eh? Do you have a surname, Child?" She asked.
"Well, we hardly use them on Eltar, but my family name is-" Zizi began.
"Yizak," T'Dania said harshly.
The Huntress tensed, pulling out her bow and nocking an arrow immediately.
Zizi remained calm. "That's absurd," she replied. "My name is Delia Kazziel, of Eltar, Daughter of-"
"Hush!" T'Dania said sharply, blasting her with a spell that knocked her into a wall. "I would know Zekiah's tainted bloodline anywhere, Child. You are good at what you do, I will admit... But you cannot fool me."
T'Dania attacked Zizi again, and her blood was suddenly gushing from too many places for Zizi to keep track of.
"Who is she, T'Dania?" The Huntress asked. "Should I make it quick or draw out her torture?"
T'Dania ripped off Zizi's necklace before Zizi even realized she was moving. With her many injuries, her glamour dropped instantly. The Huntress glared at her before smiling sadistically.
"Hello, Zizanyah," she said. "Jezzeff's going to love this."
Shit, Zizi thought. She couldn't believe T'Dania had figured out the truth so easily. Who the hell was this bitch?
The Huntress came toward her. That was a bad sign. If she wasn't going to kill Zizi, she had something worse planned.
"I'm impressed, actually," the Huntress said. "No one's ever fooled me before. You have a gift, Zizanyah. It is a shame you are not on our side, Daughter of Rey."
"Alright, fine, I'm the Daughter of Rey," Zizi admitted as the Huntress got closer. "There's just one thing I want to say before I surrender."
An amused smirk appeared on the Huntress's face. "And what might that be?" She asked.
Zizi pulled out a dagger and slashed her throat in one swift motion. "I was Zydia's daughter first," she said as she dipped her hand in the Huntress's blood and fled to the exit, using some of that blood to cast a shield, blocking T'Dania's next attack.
Bax, if you're with me, I could really use an assist right about now, she thought as she reached the steep ladder.
A powerful gust of wind swept in and carried Zizi up much quicker than she could have climbed, especially in her current condition. Thanks, Bax, she thought. She still grieved his loss deeply, but it helped to know he was watching over her. She touched her hand, which was still covered in most of the Huntress's blood, to the hatch. It unsealed and allowed her to escape. Once she made it outside, Zizi tossed an emergency portal on the ground and fled through it.
She landed just outside of the Eighth District. From there, she was able to reach an active portal that took her to the first place she thought of.
Tedius looked up in alarm as Zizi crashed into the middle of the safe house. He rushed toward her as he realized she was injured.
"Oh my..." Kizzie said in concern as she joined them. "Zizi, Luv, what happened to you?"
"Zizanyah... Stay with me, Zizi... Tell me who did this to you," Tedius said as he tried to heal her.
"I messed up, Uncle Tedi," Zizi said weakly. She promptly blacked out in his arms.
It took him and Kizzie to heal Zizi. Tedius could feel two spirits lurking, concerned for her safety. One was Rupi, his lost beloved and Zizi's uncle. The powerful Air magic surrounding the other spirit told Tedius it was Bax. He didn't feel Zydia, but that didn't entirely surprise him. Even if she was lurking, she'd never reveal herself. That might imply she cared, and Zydia would never allow that.
"Who did this, Zizi?" Tedius asked again.
"I don't know who she is," Zizi began. "I sort of created a cover identity, lured the Huntress to me, and joined the Coalition."
"You did what?" Tedius demanded. The generally soft-spoken Eltarian was too horrified to keep his tone gentle.
"They were slaughtering people, Uncle Tedi. We needed someone on the inside."
"But why must that person always be you, Zizi? The Coalition is working with the Guild! Jezzeff could have gotten to you at any time!"
"Did you forget that I'm the one who hurt him so badly he had to run last time?" She asked. "I'm not Rosemary anymore, Tedius. I can handle Jezz."
"I know you are strong, Zizanyah, but you are not invincible. He wants to harm you more than nearly anyone else. Just as Zell believed Daphne, Ash, and Serafine belonged to him, Jezzeff views you as his property."
"Yeah, well, I'm incarnated as his great-granddaughter, so he's got zero chance of seducing me, and I'm a lot tougher than Rosemary was. Zutan sheltered her. I was raised by my mom. It shaped me into a very different person."
"Your father won't approve of this."
"Which is why I am hoping you won't tell him."
"Will you?"
Zizi sighed. "I guess I need to. I slit the Huntress's throat. She's definitely going to come after me... But it's T'Dania I'm worried about."
"T'Dania?" Kizzie repeated.
Tedius frowned. Something about that name bothered him, but he wasn't sure why.
"She comes from either Nozann or B'Deston. Given her affinity for Warlock magic in addition to Sorcery, I'm guessing B'Deston. She apparently migrated to Eltar some time after everyone else... And the Huntress basically told me she was behind the attack on the Eighth District. She is living in a hidden base beneath Telzos Farmell's former home," Zizi explained.
"Jinnifer won't be pleased to hear that," Kizzie replied.
"Tell Jinnifer to stand down. This bitch is insanely powerful. Her magic is different than what I've seen on Eltar. She's dangerous and currently, I'm not sure what she's capable of. I only got a taste of her power and I barely escaped with my life."
"We'll need to have Keilah investigate this woman," Tedius said. "She might be the only one who stands a chance of surviving, short of sending Laby."
"Laby vanished," Kizzie said. "His son said he was distraught and it appears he left their safe house of his own volition, but he left his communication stone behind."
"Oh my... We should check on him. I'm sure Captain Smith would prefer to know he's safe."
"I'll call his phone in a bit and see if that works. First, I'm making us tea. Stay, Zizi. You need to recover," Kizzie insisted before heading off to the kitchen.
Tedius gently stroked Zizi's hair. "I love you, Zizi... That's why I'm so worried," he said.
"I know, Uncle Tedi. I love you, too," she replied. "Try not to worry so much. I've had targets on my back before. I always find a way to beat the odds and survive."
B'Danna came into the room then. "Zizi... This is a surprise," she said. "You haven't come by in months."
"I may have successfully infiltrated the Coalition a few months ago," Zizi admitted. "Well, until today, anyway."
"Are you alright?" B'Danna asked.
"Mostly, thanks to Kizzie and Tedius."
"B'Danna, can you go find Captain Smith and ask him if he's ever heard of a B'Deston woman named T'Dania?" Tedius asked.
"You know the records of life before Eltar no longer exist, Tedius," B'Danna replied. "Why do you think he would know of a B'Deston woman?"
"I find he knows a great bit more than the average Eltarian. I am hoping this is one of those times. I'm going to ask Grayzee as well. The Circle know all sorts of things no one is supposed to." He paused. "Please, B'Danna. It's important."
She nodded stoically. "Of course." She walked out of the house.
As Kizzie returned with the tea, Tedius stepped away and called the twin he had only learned he had less than a year ago.
"Hey Tedi," Grayzee answered cheerfully. Tedius could hear the screams of a man in the background.
"Um... Is this a bad time?" Tedius asked. "It can wait a bit if you're busy..."
"I'm not doing anything important," Grayzee replied casually. "Oooh, Lad, that looks like it hurt!" He added as the man screamed again.
"Do I want to know?"
"Probably not."
"Alright then..." He trusted that Grayzee meant that. "I have a question."
"Hang on..." Grayzee set his communication stone down before Tedius heard him say, "Listen, Earzonn, I'm trying to have a conversation over here. Would you mind shutting up?" Tedius heard thunder and more screams as, he assumed, lightning followed. Then, everything went silent. "Didn't think so. Thanks, Lad! You're a pal." He picked the stone back up. "Sorry about all the noise, Tedi. What's your question?"
"Grayzee... Did you just kill Earzonn of Eltar?" Tedius asked.
"Nah, not yet, Lad. I still need to ask him a few things about our darling sister's activities. It's on my To Do List, though. That wasn't your question, was it?"
Tedius shook his head. He knew Grayzee was taking down Coalition members left and right, but it was a bit much to hear him torture a man, even if that man was a terrorist.
"Have you ever heard of a B'Deston woman named T'Dania?" Tedius asked.
Grayzee paused. "Maybe," he said. "I think I recall stories of her disappearance during the war... Yes, Hezzo's mentioned her. She's still a bit of a legend in the Warlock circles... The Sorceress who worked with Warlocks and adopted some of their magic... T'Dania Treygan."
Tedius paled. "Treygan?" He repeated.
"Yeah, she was Rinton and Rygano's grandmother... There were rumors she survived the war, but she never showed herself on Eltar."
"They aren't rumors... And she's on Eltar now."
"Tedi, what do you know?"
"Zizi's in trouble, Grayzee... Can you meet us?"
"Sure... This asshole won't wake up for a while. I'll leave him for Keilah if he regains consciousness before I return. Give me a few minutes to lock him up."
"Thanks, Grayzee..."
"There's no need to thank me, Brother. Zizi was Rupi's family, which makes her your family, which makes her mine. Besides, I love that sassy, feisty lass! I'll see you soon." He ended the call.
Tedius sat with Zizi and Kizzie and began to drink his tea. It relaxed him, but only slightly. He sighed, hoping he'd feel better after he knew more about this new enemy.
She healed the Huntress easily enough. "That little bitch!" Eris cursed. "I'll kill her!"
"All in good time, Eris," T'Dania said. "Don't be too hard on yourself. She's obviously very good at what she does."
"How did you see through her glamour? It was exceptionally powerful. I didn't even detect it."
"As I said, I know Yizak blood when I see it. I certainly spilled enough of it in my day. I despise Zekiah and his entire line... However, this girl is useful. Perhaps we can have Jezzeff turn her in the Flames. She'd make an excellent addition to our side."
"Jezzeff still wants to meet you."
"He is not yet worthy of being in my presence. Evianna is getting him there."
"If she hears you call her that, she'll kill you."
"She'll try."
"I know how powerful you are, T'Dania, but the Witch is an intangible. She's stronger."
"Perhaps... However, I am smarter."
"Spoken like a true Treygan."
"My line has many unworthy arrogant descendants, however, it happens to be true when I describe myself that way. Now... Let me see where this Daughter of Rey has wandered..."
T'Dania touched the trail of blood Zizi had left behind. She could tell which blood was hers and which was the Huntress's. She quickly found the so-called safe house she'd fled to. What caught her attention, however, was not Zizi. Instead, she saw two people standing at the edge of the property. The man was clearly former Military. The girl seemed to be as well. They spoke intensely.
Finally, the man said, "This is potentially quite dangerous. I will inform the others. I shall see you inside, B'Danna."
"Of course, Captain," the girl replied.
As he headed inside, B'Danna remained at the edge of the property. She looked around, her body tense, almost like she sensed T'Dania watching her. After doing a quick but thorough check of the property, she headed back into the house.
"What can you tell me of a child called B'Danna, Eris?" T'Dania asked.
"She's a hundred and fifty years old... And she is an extremely fierce warrior," Eris replied. "If she weren't so stubbornly loyal to Captain Smith, I'd have recruited her by now. Her father raised her to be a soldier. When she was fourteen, she slaughtered him and seven of his friends in the Guard."
"By herself?"
"Completely. Her father died rather brutally. The others met swift ends."
"Was she harmed?"
"She suffered some injuries, but legend has it she escaped with the virginity they attempted to steal from her. The girl still wears her virginity like a badge of honor. They say she is asexual. To each her own, I suppose."
T'Dania smiled. "She is wonderful," she said. "She is truly worthy."
"Worthy of what, T'Dania?"
"The Treygan blood in her veins."
Eris stared at her. "B'Danna is a Treygan? Her father never gave her a proper surname. She was simply B'Danna of Eltar. He was certainly not a Treygan."
"You are correct. Her blood comes from her mother."
"She died... Either in childbirth or soon after. I can't recall."
"Or so the records state."
Eris frowned. "What do you know that I do not, T'Dania?"
"Oh, much, I'm certain. In this case, however... B'Danna is my youngest and only surviving child."
Eris stared at her. "You're serious."
"Quite. Keep this between us, Eris. It is not yet time for my daughter to know the truth. Soon..." T'Dania smiled to herself peacefully. She'd abandoned several other children with equally horrible fathers to see how they handled themselves. Not one had proven worthy of the gift of life. Only B'Danna had the discipline, strength, and determination to survive to make her worthy of T'Dania's time.
I'm coming for you, Daughter, she thought. Let us see how prepared you are when we are finally reunited.
She could feel someone watching her. Instinct kicked in and she focused on her surroundings.
"Well, if it isn't Jada's little brat," a voice said.
Charleigh turned toward the sound. A man she recognized as being part of the Guild smirked at her. "Trust me, you don't want this fight," she told him, forcing herself not to react to the fact that he'd brought her deceased mother's name into things.
"Of course I do. You see, Charlotte, I like to finish what I start. Naturally, when Jezzeff expressed a desire to see you and your team eliminated, I volunteered to end your life. After all, I helped end your mother's."
Charleigh pulled out her sword and had it at his throat in seconds. He laughed. "You're one of the Greek Rebels," she said tonelessly.
The Greek Rebellion had lured her mother, Ember Jada Leigh Vretiz, into a trap when Charleigh was only five. The youngest and supposedly only surviving daughter of the former Prime Minister, Moriazan Moriarty Vretiz, had a colorful history Charleigh had only learned about recently. She'd spoken out against corruption in the Guard, which she was an active member of, and even called out the government on Eltar for their corruption. Naturally, they ordered her killed, but not in an official execution. Instead, they'd arranged an "accident" with her fighter jet. She had ironically be saved after Garron had a vision and sent Captain Smith and Lido to her rescue. That was how the former Prime Minister's Daughter had been recruited to the Rebellion of Eltar.
Lido, Captain Smith, and Raffitty had become close to her. Charleigh really only knew Captain Smith well. After her mother joined the United Stated Air Force, he had played an active part in Charleigh's life. She even called him Uncle Cap. After Garron betrayed her mother and ordered the Greeks to ambush and assassinate her, it was Captain Smith who took everyone's memories of the family Jada had left behind, allowing Charleigh to grow up safe from the Rebellion of Eltar. She hadn't even known she and her father were Eltarian until they'd moved to Angel Grove twelve years after her mother's death and ended up in the middle of everything.
"I was a Greek Rebel, back when the Chapter still existed," he clarified. "I am Kiddius, of Eltar, Tactical Expert in the Rebellion of Eltar, the Alliance, and now, the Guild." He managed to escape from sword point.
"So you're a professional lackey. Good to know," Charleigh replied as she got into a fighting stance. Whatever Kiddius was about to try, she was ready for a fight.
Call your team, she thought. He may not be here alone.
She shook her head. No, she decided. This isn't about the Guild... This is personal.
They began to fight. Kiddius seemed to be pulling weapons out of thin air, but Charleigh didn't need weapons to defend herself. Her Martial Arts training was strong and the grief she still felt for her mother kept her energy up as she faced one of the monsters who'd killed her.
Charleigh managed to hurt him pretty badly with a powerful kick to his head. Kiddius cried out in rage before drawing power from a bracelet he wore. His attacks suddenly became much stronger.
"Do you know what this is, Little Girl?" Kiddius asked as he pinned her to a tree with the arm that wore the bracelet.
"No, but I'm sure you're going to tell me," she replied dryly. "You villains just love to monologue."
"You're right... We do. So shut up and listen," Kiddius replied. "Shortly after we killed your mommy, Garron gave us our payment for that betrayal. It was the location of a tomb. Using the coffin it housed, my Chapter was able to trap one of the most powerful beings in the Universe. We continuously drained her, strengthening ourselves, especially Niko... May he rest in peace. Now, I would never betray Niko. We Greek Rebels were extremely loyal to each other. That said, once the Alchemist and the Warlock started slaughtering the whole group of us, I knew I had to flee if I wanted to escape with my life. I cannot be certain why they spared Phestian and Dezzanna... I assume they expressed remorse for killing Jada. Those two always regretted it... But I would not have been so lucky. I took our prisoner to the Guild, and Jezzeff welcomed me with open arms."
"Who is this prisoner? What's so special about them?" Charleigh asked.
"Her name is Dimitria, sister of the deceased space pirate, Divatox, and former mentor of the Turbo Power Rangers."
Holy shit, Charleigh realized. The Guild has Patti's mother! Dimitria had been missing for a long time. Patti had been reunited with her birth father, Bradley Drew, but she hadn't met her mother yet. They knew she was in trouble, but not where she might be. Her former Power Rangers, Cassie and Justin, had searched for her but found nothing. She'd simply vanished from existence.
"This bracelet belongs to her," Kiddius continued. "It stores some of her power for when I'm not close enough to drain her directly. The once revered Dimitria is now nothing more than a battery." He laughed.
As he distracted himself with gloating, Charleigh found an opening. She swept his legs out from under him, knocking him onto his back. Kiddius was clearly surprised, but he reacted quickly, firing a weapon at her.
Charleigh narrowly dodged the attack, but a second shot connected. The sharp point of the strange weapon pierced her flesh. Pain immediately filled every nerve in her body, but Charleigh kept fighting, knowing she had no choice.
Suddenly, just as she was certain Kiddius was going to kill her, he flew through the air. Power filled the area. Charleigh struggled to look around, ignoring her pain.
"Aunt Eva..." She said softly, spotting the woman who'd once been the terrifying and deeply feared Alchemist. Although she and her companion, Maizon, had freed themselves from the evil they'd once been forced to embrace, they still had incredible power.
"Alchemist?" Kiddius asked. "I never pictured you as a blonde. It suits you."
Eva pulled out a solid gold sword. "Make no mistake, Kiddius of Eltar," she said sharply. "I am no less deadly in this form."
He laughed. "You're one of the good guys now. The Alchemist is no more. You no longer have what it takes."
Eva's eyes were normally full of light these days, but the cold, calculating eyes of the Alchemist looked back at Kiddius now. "If you truly believe that, you are even less intelligent than I suspected," she replied. With that, she moved to shove her sword through him. Kiddius dodged the blow, rolling to the side just in time.
Eva pulled a solid gold chain from the pocket realm where she and Maizon had stored their weapons when they were still evil. She waved her hand and sent it flying through the air toward Kiddius. It wrapped around him instantly. He screamed in pain as the chains continued to tighten. Charleigh was positive his ribs were cracking.
"Aunt Eva!" Charleigh said in alarm as she finally got back on her feet.
"He killed your mother, Charleigh," Eva said.
"I know... And I know you loved her."
"As much as an evil being could, yes. I cared deeply about my little sister, even if I never told her who she was to me."
"Mom wouldn't want you to torture him, Aunt Eva."
Eva sighed. "Ember was far too merciful... She did not deserve what these traitors did to her."
"No, she didn't... But you killed the rest of them. They can't hurt anyone anymore. They deserved death, and so does he... End his suffering, Aunt Eva. Don't let your grief bring darkness back into your heart."
Eva looked Kiddius in the eye. "For murdering the daughter of a Prime Minister, a member of a Founding Family, you would be sentenced to death. For joining the Guild, you would face the same fate. I am quite confident I will be pardoned for this final crime I commit... And if I am not, it shall be worth it to ensure my sister finally has justice." With that, she released Kiddius from the chains, raised her golden sword, and swiftly severed his head.
Charleigh might have looked away, but this bastard had helped kill her mother. She owed it to her to watch the life leave his eyes.
Eva plunged her sword into the ground until the blood could no longer be seen. Then, she knelt beside it.
"Finally, my sweet Ember... I have kept my vow and made them pay," she said softly. "May you find your peace."
Eva had a few tears in her eyes. Charleigh hugged her. As she did, she realized that Kiddius began to burn. Soon, he was nothing but ash. The bracelet turned to ash in a flash of light, its power filling the air before it was absorbed by an invisible force. Charleigh had a feeling that wasn't a good thing.
Vines began to wrap around the sword. Roses bloomed from the vines, and other flowers began to grow around it. Charleigh and Eva looked up in surprise.
"For Jada," Maizon said softly as he showed himself.
"Thank you, Maizon," Eva replied sadly.
Maizon said nothing as he wrapped her in his arms, gently wiping away her tears.
The pile of ash that had once been Kiddius suddenly got swept away by a wave of water. Charleigh knew that could only mean one thing.
"Elgan..." Eva said, confirming Charleigh's suspicions. "I... I'm sorry. I know it was horrible of me... I know to take another's life is wrong, but he targeted my niece, and I promised my sister..." She refused to look at him.
Elgan gently tilted her chin up until she met his eyes. "My sweet Eva... There is no need to apologize," he said gently. "You did what needed to be done in order to stop him from harming our dear, sweet Charleigh. Kiddius of Eltar had not been pardoned for any of his past crimes, and the list continued to grow. I have no doubt in my mind that this was the only way to stop him from harming anyone else."
"I know you hate violence. I despise it, too. Violence and bloodshed defined me for millennia, purely so Maizon and I could one day stop your brother. I wanted to give all of that up, to never harm another, but the Coalition and the Guild will not be stopped with peaceful protests. The fight continues... If I sat back and allowed him to harm my niece-"
"You would not be you. You are not the innocent, gentle girl you were once, but this is not the world we lived in back then... Even I understand that. Eva, I am not here to judge you. I simply sensed your pain and wanted to comfort you." He kissed her forehead.
"You've done it, Eva... You stopped the last of the ones who slaughtered that sweet, innocent soul without any remorse. Ember Jada Leigh has finally found her peace, Eva," Maizon added softly. "I firmly believe she would want you to find yours now."
"He's right, Aunt Eva," Charleigh said. "You saved my life tonight. Kiddius would have killed me. You didn't kill him just to kill him. You did nothing wrong."
"Thank you, sweet girl," Eva replied, giving her a quick hug. "I appreciate all of you trying to soothe me... I killed so easily in the past... I slaughtered countless people, many of whom did nothing to deserve it, and I justified it by never wasting the shells they left behind... Murder was easy for me. No one mattered aside from Maizon and myself... At least not until my sister came along. Now, however... Well, it seems taking a life hits quite differently when one is no longer evil."
"That just proves you are good now," Elgan said, seeming to sense Eva needed to hear it.
"Aunt Eva... Kiddius said they betrayed my mom so Garron would give them the location of some sort of coffin... The Guild has it, and Dimitria's inside," Charleigh said. "They're draining her power so they can use it themselves."
Surprisingly, it was Maizon who responded. "Dimitria?" He repeated. "Oh dear... That's problematic."
"Why is that especially problematic, aside from the obvious?" Eva asked.
Maizon waved his hands. A scroll with blood red writing appeared in front of him. The others gathered around to read the scroll.
A Mistress of Riddles fuels the perfect storm. What once was destroyed shall then reform. Screams shall follow, yet make no sound. What once was hollow becomes unbound.
"Is that a prophecy?" Charleigh asked. She'd seen a few prophecies before, but most didn't rhyme... At least not the Eltarian ones.
"Yes," Maizon replied. "One which was recorded by Marilyn Cranston."
"Josh's mother?" Charleigh asked in confusion.
"She was a latent Prophetess. A vizu went to her to warn her of a great many things, which triggered her powers and sent them into overdrive. Had she not been a Prophetess, she would have gone mad from the exposure. We..." He sighed. "We murdered her when we were still the Alchemist and the Warlock. I infected her with an Eltarian illness. It killed her within two weeks. I took this prophecy from her possession the day I infected her."
"Dimitria spoke in riddles. It drove her Power Rangers mad," Eva said. "She's clearly the one the first line is about, but as for the rest... Maizon, do you have any idea what it means?"
"I was never certain, however, I feel great darkness and suffering attached to it," Maizon replied.
Elgan touched the scroll. He pulled out his sketch book and began drawing something, his eyes blank.
"Elgan?" Charleigh asked in concern.
"Leave him," Eva replied. "Zell has traditional visions and heard many prophecies over time, but Elgan's visions often took the form of art. He must have connected to this one."
Charleigh watched in fascination as the sketch came together. Only when she saw the end result did her eyes widen in confusion. A teenage girl stood in a ritual circle with a man and a very oddly dressed woman.
"Maizon..." Eva said softly.
"My God..." He replied.
"What is it?" Charleigh asked.
"That woman is almost certainly Divatox," Eva replied. "And the man, if you can call him that, is Jaybert."
"Jaybert?" Charleigh repeated.
"The head of the Tiger's Bluff Chapter of the Rebellion of Eltar. He went mad from vizu-induced psychosis and slaughtered them all, including his own daughter. B'Danna and Draze were left for dead. Only Laby escaped fairly uninjured, but the experience destroyed him emotionally. It's why he ran away from us all for thirty years."
"Jaybert cannot return," Maizon said. "Darcy ensured that when she had his vizu feast on his still-beating heart and Laby trapped it in an inescapable labyrinth."
Charleigh felt slightly sick at the visual. "Are we sure he can't get out?" She managed to ask.
"Positive. Laby is quite good at what he does. Only he could release the vizu, and he will not," Eva replied.
"It's the past," Elgan said softly. "The two of them trapped some sort of demon inside of this girl... It was the only way..."
"The only way to do what, Elgan?" Eva asked.
"The only way to protect Laby, and everyone else... But I sense it was especially about Laby."
"If this happened, it had to have been in 1989. Jaybert and Divatox were never together outside of that time," Eva said.
"We should call Laby," Charleigh said. "I can ask Lex to do it."
"Not yet, Child," Eva said gently. "I fear this may be a delicate subject for Laby. I'm not sure he even knows this happened. Jaybert was out of his mind and kept many secrets toward the end."
"Who's the girl?"
"I cannot be certain... Perhaps we should consult with Amareese. She was part of that Chapter."
"Let's go," Charleigh said.
"What's your rush?"
"I have a feeling this is really important... Like now that Kiddius is dead, this is all going to be set in motion."
"Then we have precious little time to waste," Elgan said. "Lead the way, Eva."
Together, they headed to the house Amareese lived in. Charleigh knew Lachlan's biological mother, but not very well. She hoped the visit would provide them with some answers.
Amareese greeted them warmly and invited them inside. She immediately began to make tea for them. Once they were all seated, Eva said, "Amareese... We need your help."
"Of course, Eva," she replied. "What can I do for you?"
Elgan showed her the picture. Amareese paused. "What an excellent likeness," she said softly. "You have a gift, Elgan."
"Thank you," he replied humbly. "Can you help us identify the young woman? Eva and Maizon already recognized Divatox and Jaybert. Do you know the girl?"
"Oh yes," she replied sadly. "I knew her rather well for a short time. That girl is Veronica Savers... Now Veronica Scott."
"The girl Divatox bewitched and forced into the Rebellion?" Eva asked in horror.
"Yes, and now, Lee Scott's wife."
"Is it possible they put a demon in the child?" Maizon asked.
"Oh, it's quite possible. I had no idea Jaybert had been gifted powerful magic as he worked with his vizu, but he could have easily done this. He often tried to get the girl alone. Laby usually intervened... When my poor, sweet Tiffani interfered instead, Jaybert nearly killed her for it... And in the end, he did kill her that same day. He was obsessed with poor Ronnie, and the girl had no memories of any of us when she was not with us."
"I believe this had something to do with Laby," Elgan said. "They were determined to protect him."
"Well, Jaybert was insane, but he did actually care for Laby. They were friends. Laby was one of the few brave enough to challenge his authority. They had a mutual respect for each other. If he was in danger, Jaybert would have done whatever he could to keep him safe. As for Divatox, as much as he irritated her, he came to care about her far more than most of the Chapter did. In the end, he was her biggest ally. He was furious Jaybert ordered us to abandon her the night she perished. Divatox was somewhat fond of him. I think she would have helped Jaybert if it was to protect Laby."
"Aunt Eva... I really think we should call him," Charleigh said.
Eva sighed. "I think you may be right," she admitted. "Amareese, could you contact him?"
Amareese pulled out a communication stone. She tapped it twice before saying, "Laby!" They waited in silence for over a minute. "How curious... He never ignores me," she finally said. She immediately grabbed a large scrying mirror. "Where are you, Laby?" She asked.
The image that formed was pure darkness. Nothing could be seen in the empty void. "Oh my... Is he in trouble?" Elgan asked.
"He's hiding," Amareese replied. "His labyrinths can block me from tracking him if he wants them to."
"Do you think he's drinking again?" Eva asked.
"I certainly hope not..." Amareese pulled out a cell phone and dialed a number. No one answered that call either. "Oh, my sweet boy, where have you run off to?" She asked sadly.
"Go to Trerry," Maizon said. "He may not be able to track him, but he can probably force his way into Laby's head to tell him we're concerned."
"You're brilliant, Maizon," Eva said with a smile. "I should have thought of that."
"I'll call Trerry," Amareese volunteered. "We can discuss it when he arrives."
Charleigh tried not to worry about Laby. He was Lex's father, but he was also the most immortal entity in existence. Sure, he wasn't answering Amareese's calls, but at least they knew he was still alive, wherever he might be.
Visiting London had been tough on him. Nigel and the rest of the former London Chapter welcomed Laby with open arms, but Laby only let himself stay for one night.
After everything that happened in 1912, Nigel and Andru had decided to defy Garron's order and Rebellion protocol. Instead of burning Ben and Jeanie's bodies, they'd buried them in a beautiful garden on Nigel's property. Laby knew the twins would have appreciated that. They'd also kept some of their belongings, which was why Laby had gone to London to begin with.
A birthstone ring that had belonged to Ben was now on Laby's left ring finger. It both comforted him and brought him extreme grief, but Ben had always worn it, and Laby needed it now. He also needed the coyote talisman Serafine had made for him when they were kids, so he'd put it around his neck, something he only did when he knew he needed to be strong.
Now, Laby stood in the last place he'd expected to be. It was New Orleans, but not his New Orleans. He'd traveled to another realm, one where a powerful witch he'd met lived. She had agreed to do two things for him. The first was to make him a ring to calm him whenever his emotions became too powerful for him to control. It didn't take his feelings away, but it soothed him and stopped his panic attacks. That was why he had needed Ben's ring. She required a ring with emotional significance to him for the spell to work.
Laby looked at his hand now and smiled sadly. "Considering that spell means the ring can't ever come off my hand, I guess it's a good thing I always liked this one," he said with a slight laugh. "I hope you don't mind, Ben." He didn't panic or have trouble breathing as he said Ben's name. He also didn't stutter. "Wow... DJ's damn good at what she does," he mumbled, genuinely impressed. He'd been pretty certain it wouldn't work. His pain ran too deep. He was an emotional mess. Yet here he was, grieving but relatively calm.
The second thing she'd promised to do scared him far more than an enchanted emotional support ring did.
Labyrinth! Where the hell are you? Trerry's voice suddenly demanded in his mind, drawing him out of his own thoughts. Trerry was yelling, but his voice sounded like a whisper, which told Laby how much trouble he'd had sending the message.
Laby lowered his labyrinths a bit. What's up, Trerry? He asked.
We've been trying to contact you. Lex has no idea where you went. You ignored Amareese's calls on your phone and your stone. What's going on?
Is Mama Ama okay?
She's fine. That's not the point. You never ignore Amareese.
Sorry, Trerry. My cell service is good, but it doesn't work across realms. I'm not in ours at the moment. As for the communication stone, I left it back at the safe house. Why is Amareese trying to reach me?
It's complicated. Why'd you leave the realm?
It's complicated.
Fair enough.
I remember London, Trerry. You were right. I screwed myself.
Trerry softened. I'm sorry, Laby. I know how much all of that hurt you.
It's okay. I'm in N'awlins.
Please tell me you're sober.
I'm sober... Tragically. I'm with a friend. She's helping me deal with this. I'll be back soon... Is it urgent?
This issue can't find you where you are... I think it can wait a little bit if it means you finding a way to deal with this. Just be careful coming back.
I will be. I promise I won't be gone long... I just need to do this.
I understand. Good luck.
Trerry severed the connection. Laby tried not to worry about whatever was going on in Angel Grove. He had to finish what he'd started. He had to face Ben. DJ was going to help Laby talk to him by sending him to the one place he shouldn't be able to go... The realm of the dead. To do this, Laby would have to wrap his heart in a labyrinth, blocking it from the rest of his body so it would be like he was dead. His heart couldn't stop beating thanks to Sera's spells, so extreme measures had to be taken to do what DJ needed. It wouldn't actually kill him, but it would allow him to leave his body just long enough to talk to Ben... Because Ben desperately wanted to tell him something, and he could feel that much.
I owe him that, he decided. No matter how much it hurt, he knew he had to face Ben and find out what he had to say. I love you, Ben... I guess I'll see you soon, he thought. He prayed the ring had enough power to get him through that meeting.
Something was wrong. Ronnie opened her eyes and realized she had no idea where she was. "Lee?" She called uncertainly into the darkness.
A voice laughed beside her. "He's back home," a woman said. "With the children."
It took Ronnie a minute to realize the woman had spoken in Eltarian. "Who are you?" She asked in the same language. As much as she'd wanted to forget the language, that bastard Jaybert had hardwired it into her mind thirty-one years earlier and it was still familiar to her.
Ronnie realized she was looking in a mirror as a little bit of light appeared in the room. "I am almost free..." She whispered in the woman's voice. Ronnie gasped as she saw her lips moving.
"What's going on?" She demanded.
"Say the word, Veronica..." A charming male voice said from behind her.
"What word?" Ronnie asked. She spun around and saw a man with a scar over his eye watching her.
"I don't know what that means, but I'm not repeating it."
"You can repeat it willingly and be free from the burden you carry, or I can make you say it."
Flames shot out of the floor. Cackling could be heard nearby. "You're Jezzeff," Ronnie realized.
"I am," he replied. "Jaybert did something terrible to you, Veronica. I am trying to help you."
He sounded sincere, but Ronnie knew better. "You really are a charming liar," she told him.
"Allow me to assist you, Veronica... Step into the flames."
"Alright, I know I was a complete airhead in high school, but I'm not anymore. I know an evil Eltarian when I see one, and I know what those flames do to people. I've done the mind controlled slave thing before. Thanks, but I think I'm going to pass on the sequel."
"She's feisty, Jezzy," the cackling woman said. "T! Handle her!"
Strong arms grabbed her and tried to throw her into the flames. That was when a burst of power filled the room. Everyone was knocked backward. The mirror shattered. Nearby objects fell into the flames. The fire went out as Jezzeff took a blow to his head from a shelf that collapsed.
Suddenly, Ronnie saw a full-on apparition standing in the center of the room. The teenage girl with blonde hair and a determined smile cried out, "Don't you dare touch her!"
"Tiffani..." Ronnie whispered in disbelief. Impossible as it seemed, she knew her dead friend... Her adopted little sister... The girl who'd died to protect her was standing there, trying to save her again.
"Ronnie, run! Get out of here! I can only hold them for so long before I lose control," Tiffani said.
"I can't leave you. Not again." Ronnie had tears in her eyes.
"I'm already dead, Ronnie. I mean, like, they can't do much more to me, right? Go!"
The choice was taken from her as T grabbed Ronnie again and restrained her. The Witch cackled as she turned toward Tiffani and said, "You must be Laby's little girlfriend! What a fun surprise." She waved her hands and Ronnie watched in horror as Tiffani cried out in pain and faded slightly. It was clear she was in distress.
"What did you do to her?" Ronnie demanded.
"I sealed her here, to our base," the Witch replied. "The little cheerleader's going to lead Laby right to us."
"Never!" Tiffani cried defiantly. She faded a little more as she struggled.
"Tiffani, stop," Ronnie said. "The more you fight, the weaker you become."
"Looks like one of the cheerleaders grew a brain!" The Witch cried in amusement. "I suppose Jaybert killed the other one before she could."
Ronnie forced herself not to give in to the rage that statement stirred inside of her. She had to stay calm or she was screwed. She searched for a way out of the situation, but she saw none.
"The more you fight, the sooner your spirit will be destroyed, Blondie," the Witch explained. "Something tells me even if you don't reach out to him, Laby will sense you're in danger and swoop in to the rescue."
Help will come, Ronnie told herself. Roxy and I have twin telepathy... She'll sense I'm in trouble and tell Lee and the others... Someone will find us. She was worried, however. She might be easy enough to rescue, but how the hell could a ghost be rescued? She refused to leave Tiffani trapped there. Ronnie had been under the Rebellion's control when Tiffani ordered her to run and find Laby. She hadn't wanted to leave her in her father's clutches, but she'd been powerless to resist the command. By the time she'd found Laby and sent him to her, it had been too late. Ronnie had never forgotten Tiffani's sacrifice, naming her first daughter after her and spending her adult life helping children who were in abusive homes get help.
I had to leave you then, Tiffani, she thought. I refuse to do it now.
Somehow, she'd find a way to save Tiffani this time. And I won't give in to them no matter what, she vowed silently. I'll never be anyone's mindless puppet ever again.
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