Chapter 2
I woke up on my couch. My laptop still open. I probably fell asleep after watching a few episodes of Glee.
I tapped the finger pad and the screen lit up.
I saw my screen saver, a photo of Kaitlyn, Cameron, and I on a roller coaster. Half of Kaitlyn's face was covered by her long and thick red hair.
I sat there thinking of all the memories us three have had, before I check the time.
I woke up early, as always.
I got up and changed into some workout clothes.
A black tank top and blue shorts.
I put my hair in a messy bun and walked to the other side of my room.
I opened a door and walked into my practice room.
It wasn't very big, it was a extra bed room that my parents put mats in for me to practice my tumbling during our dead month, June.
It was approximately 15 feet by 15 feet.
One wall was completely covered in mirrors. The rest were painted white.
The wall parallel to the wall with the door, had a small walk-in closet where I kept most of my cheer things such as, my uniforms, bows, poms, etc.
On the wall across from the mirror wall, had a window hidden behind gray and black chevron curtains. This wall also had some framed pictures with quotes on them, such as; "keep calm and flip on", "look in the mirror, that's your competition", and "fear the bow".
I walked over, (and into) the closet. I grabbed my cheer shoes.
I stepped out onto the blue mat floor, in my old pair. I didn't want to use my new ones quite yet.
I started some conditioning. Push-ups, v-ups, planks, sit-ups, jumping jacks, etc. I also put on my conditioning playlist.
I wiped the sweat off my four head and took a drink of water. Hydration is important.
Next I started stretching.
Then I practice my tumbling and some drill to get my full.
I turned the shower on. I felt the water with my hand.
Too hot!
I turned the handle.
I hooked my phone up to my Bluetooth speaker so I could listen to Les Més and I stepped into the shower.
I stepped out of the shower taking in how clean I felt.
With one wiped I cleared part of the fogged mirror.
I looked at my eyes. They wear milky white, but with one blink they returned to there normal color.
I was so confused. What just happened? I may never know the answer.
I bushed it off thinking it was just my imagination.
I changed into my blue and pink ombre short-sleeved shirt and my black Soffe shorts.
I put on some waterproof mascara after I curled my lashes.
The door nob was wet from the moisture in the room. I opened door as my phone went off.
I grabbed it. It was a text message from Cameron.
Cameron: Would you like to go to my grandpa's cabin in Cascade, Idaho for the total solar eclipse?
The solar eclipse I totally forgot.
Cameron: Kaitlyn's coming.
Ryan: I'd love to! When tho?
I used to live in Idaho before we moved to the Oregon coast (Cannon Beach to be exact), I was even born in Boise.
Cameron: in two weeks Tuesday-Friday. We will probably get back early Saturday.
Ryan: I'll go ask my mom. One sec...
My mom was at work so I had to text her.
Ryan: Cameron was wondering if I could come to Cascade with him for the eclipse. Kaitlyn's going.
Mom: Sure but when and how will you get their? And can you bring Max? I'm afraid he needs to have an "adventure".
Max is my black lab, German Shepard mix.
Ryan: Tuesday through Friday in two weeks. I'll ask how.
I texted Cameron the question.
Ryan: how will we get their?
Cameron: My grandpa lives in Boise so he'll take us their, on Friday he'll take us to Boise and we'll ride a buss back.
Ryan: so my mom said I can go! Also can I bring Max?
Cameron: Great! And of course!
After that, I did exactly what you think I did.
Ryan: Cameron's grandpa will take us but we'll take a buss back from Boise. And Max can come.
Mom: okay! Love you sweetie! Bye!
Ryan: love you too mom! Bye!
"Hey Ryan! Do you want to go to the dock with me and some of my friends?" Aaron said barging into my room.
"Sure," I replied.
"Get ready we're leaving in a few minutes."
I put on my black and white Ivory Ella jacket and went upstairs.
Story for the short chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed!!! Please leave a like if you did!! If you ever need a cover or a prompt for a story just message me. Thanks for reading!
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