Sophie's POV
"I'm going to kill them,"She says, glaring at me with her emotionless eyes as I stare at her in horror. I've known that she has despised the twins, but I didn't know she was ready to rid of them.
"When?" I ask, trying to keep my voice even and innocent. I put on a big smile outside but on the inside I'm screaming. She's going to kill them, and even if she doesn't answer me, I know it's going to be soon.
"None of your concern," She growls, then whips around and stalks off to some unknown place. Crap. Now I have to be the hero, and save the boys butts. Yay.
Clarity's POV
"What if we don't win, what then?" I turn to Rin, who is staring at the sky as it becomes pink. We've been sitting on the rooftop under the stars for an hour, just talking as we stare at the stars. I guess we were both anxious about the coming battle or just wanting to get out, but either way we both ended up here.
"I suppose we all die along with the world," I say plainly, trying to divert the conversation from that happy topic, "So anyways, earlier you said you wanted to ask me something?"
He nods, and turns to face me, his ocean blue eyes staring into mine, "What were you and Luke-doing- in there?" He asks, eyes full of worry. Oh, crap. Does he think we did -that? Rin you dirty minded freak.
"NO!!!" I gush, whipping my face away from him in shock, my dirty blonde hair flying everywhere, "ITS CALLED TALKING!!!!!!!"
He sweat drops, only making the situation more awkward. "Sorry, I- I don't mean to be overprotective..." He mumbles, blushing, but stops when I engulf him in a hug.
"It's fine," I sigh, still cuddled next to him, but then like the guy he is, he ruins the moment.
"Oh, by the way I liked your swimsuit," he mutters so softly that I barely pick it up. My jaw drops and my cheeks Flare(more puns!) red.
"OH CRAP YOU SAW THAT?!?!?" I scream, and he nods sheepishly.
"But anyways," he says, interrupting my heart attack(how rude), "What were you talking about in there?"
I sigh and look off into the distance before answering him, "What our last names would be if we had one," I pause, "I choose Vermillion."
He gives me a confused look before saying, "Why Vermillion?" I shrug and look at the city lights, hoping that they'll still be here tomorrow.
"It's my favorite color," I say simply, and look towards him, and notice his cheeks are still red. "What?"
"This is kind of odd, but what are you going to name our baby?" I stare down at the lump on my stomach, having completely forgotten about it. I had also noticed how he had called it 'our' baby, which made me smile. He'd be a good father. But I also saw how he said 'going to', not 'would'. A few tears form in my eyes, because I know that the baby has a slim chance of survival. If the world doesn't end or I die, the odds are high that it will get lost during all the action.
I shake my head, clearing my thoughts. "Mavis," I reply, "For the Mages I've known all my life," I glance over and see Rin smile at me, his canines prominent.
"Mavis Vermillion Okumura," he gins, whispering the name to his self, "I like it," I smile back. He loves me, that one sentence told it all.
He drew me into a hug, and I feel my mouth curving up. As the sun rose I knew that if I had to choose a last memory, this would be it.
Katy's POV
I stride through the dark halls, my footsteps echoing. I have to kill them. And I have to do it now. But I saw something in Sophie's eyes that worries me. I saw worry. Normally that would be a good thing, but it was worry for the victims. Something I can't afford in an apprentice.
I finally reach me & Sebastian's room at the end of the longest hall. I don't want to open the door. I only married the demon in the room for Mika. I'll never love Sebastian, no matter how much he claims to love me. There will never be an 'us'. Never.
I growl and open the doors to see Sebastian staring out the window, the room entirely dark except for a small candle in his hand. I creep into the room, my shadow flickering against the wall.
"I know you have emotion, no matter how much you hide it," I hear him growl suddenly, and I stop in my tracks. Crap. He whirls around, his shoulders rigid and eyes filled with fury. "I CANT AFFORD THIS S*** AT A TIME LIKE THIS!!!" He snarls and lashes out, catching my cheek.
It hits me with such force I crumple to the ground, blood splattering the carpet below me. "Y-you B****!!!" I scream in pain as I struggle to get up, but he slams his foot on my back, letting off an awful 'CRACK!'
He leans down towards my ear and whispers, "I thought I once loved you, but I now see that you are nothing but a f****** human with demonic power. Now all you are good for is your power." I scream bloody heck, but nothing helps. His foot remains planted on my back.
"Sweet dreams," he snarls before placing his hand on my spine. Oh, heck no. I feel a dark tingle in my bones, and my vision starts fading. (Stop that you dirty minded people)
"When I'm done, you will be nothing but a slave to me," he chuckles coldly as the darkness takes over my vision. I know that I'm dying. My body itself will still be here, but that will be it. No soul, no mind. Just a emotionless shell.
"I'm s-sorry Mika..." I whisper before it all goes dark.
Luke's POV
I heard her scream. I never knew she could. I had just been reading manga with Kyle on our bunk when the sound had ripped through the silence.
Now we're both huddling in the corner of our room, because the little common sense in me says that anything Katy screams at in terror is pretty bad. Then the door bursts open, displaying a large figure cloaked in full black. I yelp and dive under the bed, while Kyle attempts to hide behind the bookshelf in dog form.
The figure steps in and it's- Katy? My view isn't great from under the bunk, but it's definitely her. But something seems, well... Off. That's because I feel nothing. She used to at least feel warm like the flames she uses. Now she's as cold as ice. Her eyes that used to be a dark brown are now pure onyx. That's when it hits me.
She's a true demon. And she won't hesitate to kill.
She begins to stalk towards us, snarling swear words under her breath when the wall explodes in blue flames. I glance up through the rubble to see a familiar redhead running through the dust. I grin to myself as she opens her arms to hug me... Or not. Instead she just scooped me up and kept running.
"CHANGE INTO YOUR DANG DOG FORM!!!" She hollers, making me feel like an idiot. I switch into the small white wolf(probably making me easier to carry) as she picks up my twin.
And with that we rush outside.
Sophie's POV
We're not going to make it. I know in my heart we're not. My little fiery explosion won't confuse her for long, in fact she's probably trailing us already. I can't keep this up, either. Even as dogs, they still weigh at LEAST 30 pounds each. I stop running and set them down gently.
"Go," I whisper, tears forming in my eyes. They both just look at me confused.
Luke trots up to me and puts his paws on my knees, whimpering, "Why won't you come with us?" A few tears streak down my cheeks, and I wipe them away.
"Because I can't run as fast or long as you two," I sob, and hug his tiny body. Then I sprint off into the fog, knowing I'll never come back.
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