I stare at the bench, unsure of what to do. It's a free day, thank the lord, so I don't have to attend school. I don't think I could, in this state. I'd been crying in my bed for the last two hours, with Atlantis trying to help me but at last giving up. I hate to do it, but if I don't get DNA for Mr. Big Hat, he'll kill us all. I sigh, defeated and place a small tack next to me. I have a plan. I dial my phone and wait for him to answer.
"Hello, Rin speaking," he says business like.
"Hey Rin, it's Clarity, could you come to the park, there's something I want to show you," I say, and there is something I want to show him.
"Sure, I'll be there in ten," then he hangs up. I create a small trinket on my fingers, then wait for his arrival.🔶
🔷I almost wish he didn't come. But I see him slowly striding towards me, right on time. The sun is setting behind him, giving it an almost romantic look. I wave at him, and I feel my heartbeat speeding up. I will myself to stop it, but that doesn't work. I already feel heat rising on my cheeks. He comes closer and I notice he's slightly blushing, too.
"So what's the occasion?" He asks, sitting & leaning back in the bench. He gives me that signature smile and my stomach drops.
"Um, I just, uh, wanted to give you this," I hold out a miniature crystal sculpture of us on the butterfly. He smiles even wider, displaying his canines. I can't help but smile myself. He's charming in that way. He stares at the intricate detail on our figures. "Is this us?" He asks, pointing to the riders. I nod, and lean against his shoulder. "Wow, Clarity, how'd you do this?"
"Magic," I replied. He gave me a mock glare. "Well, it's true!"
"I guess you're right... Ow! What the heck?" He had put his hand on the tack, and it was now bleeding red all over him. I flicked the tack away, pretending to be surprised.
"Here, let me get you a tissue to put on that," I said calmly, and pulled one out to stop the blood flow. I grabbed his hand and dabbed it gently. I now had the blood sample on this tissue, and no harm was done, except a minor cut on Rin. I looked up from his hands and saw him staring at me.
"What?" I asked, curious why he was looking at me like that.
His eyes turned as wide as saucers, and his smile turned nervous. "Um... Gotta go, bye!" And he sprinted off. I stared after him, wondering what made him like that.
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