Chapter 16
When we got back to the cafeteria, I saw that the room was crowded with booths set up for each of the various clubs. Professor Rhodes greeted us at the door. "Go ahead and explore all of the various clubs. There are representatives from each to explain the clubs to you. You can spend the rest of the week trying out the various clubs to see which one appeals most to you," she waved us inside. I hung to the back of the group, hoping that would keep some of the attention from me.
There were clubs for everything, each language the school offered as well as each sport, and just about every profession and cause I could think of. I meandered among the booths, picking up pamphlets and looking over each of the clubs. It seemed like once you picked a club you were expected to stay in it for the entire four years, so I wanted to make sure I picked the right one.
I lost track of my friends. They all needed to choose clubs for themselves too. Everyone at the club tables were extremely energetic. They were all recruiting really hard. I wandered through the booths, wondering which clubs I should consider. I picked up the pamphlet from the karate club. "You should join," Yamada told me with a grin when I came up to his booth. "You're already a black belt. I'm sure Kinoshita-sensei would love having you as an addition to her club. She also hosts the Japanese club," he pointed to the other side of the cafeteria. "It takes some work, but Kinoshita-sensei will let you join both clubs. Most of the blackbelts are in both," he smiled at me. I gave him a smile in return.
"Thanks. I'll definitely consider it," I told him and wandered toward the Japanese table. It seemed like Yamada had a good idea, so I might as well consider it. Unfortunately, Dawn was standing at the French table, which was inconveniently placed right next to the Japanese table. I hoped she would just ignore me.
"What are you doing here, mutt?" she asked me loudly when I came over. I fought back a snarl, feeling the bloodlust rise again. I needed to eat something before I attacked her. People turned to stare at us. I tried ignoring her and went to the Japanese club table, trying to mind my own business. Which I felt was very mature of me. I smiled at the girl there, she was another one of the blackbelts.
"Did Yamada send you over?" she asked me with an overly bright smile. I nodded a bit shyly. I didn't like all of the attention from obviously hostile people. "You're the Blackbelt Apprentice, right? I'm Shannon," I glanced at her necklace. She was a Journeymaid. I relaxed a little, Dawn really shouldn't cause trouble in front of the fourth-years. It was bound to get back to the teachers. There were teachers around, I saw at them around the edge of the room.
"Yes, Yamada mentioned something about being able to join both clubs," I told her nervously. She handed me the pamphlet.
"Hey, mutt, are you too stupid to even know when someone's talking to you? I asked you why you're here," Dawn spoke even more loudly. She moved closer to me, intending to shove me. I stepped to the side, with the reflexes I'd gained in karate and as a Shifter. Shannon came out from behind her booth in the same movement and stepped in front of Dawn, blocking her path to me. I turned to face the two of them, nervous as to what would happen. I forced myself to breathe, to reign in my wolf. My temper and control were fraying.
"Apprentice!" Shannon stood at her full height, and somehow managed to look menacing, despite her pixie size. Dawn hesitated. "Apprentices are not meant to pick fights with other Apprentices," she scolded. Dawn seemed to cower away from her. I wondered how Shannon was managing that. "What is your name, Apprentice?" Shannon demanded. People were openly staring. At least the Apprentices were. The older students didn't seem concerned with Shannon's actions. She was acting like proper nobility. She wasn't acting like she deserved the respect just from her previous life, like Dawn was.
"Dawn Chase," Dawn replied, she seemed offended, like Shannon should have known her.
"I will inform the Masters of your actions, Apprentice Chase. Learn to get along with your classmates, no matter their background. The other students here are your family now, and let me say, you are not making a good impression to your new older brothers and sisters," Shannon's eyes unfocused for a second. "Report to the Headmistress' office," Dawn sputtered and looked to complain, when Professor Rhodes appeared behind Dawn.
"This way, Apprentice," she ordered sternly. Dawn continued sputtering, upset, but had no choice except to follow Professor Rhodes. Shannon smiled and went back to her booth. The room slowly went back to its previous noise level as the students went back to picking clubs.
"So where were we? Oh yeah! You can join both clubs as long as you get permission from Kinoshita-sensei. I've never seen her turn down a blackbelt," she went over with me what the Japanese club was about. It sounded like a lot of fun. Shannon looked me over more closely. "Do you have a mentor yet?" she asked. I shook my head. No one had approached me yet. "It's traditionally someone only a year above you, but you're already breaking all the traditions. I also know you barely know me, but I like you already. Would you like me to be your mentor?" she asked, with a genuine smile. I thought about it for a fraction of a second before I answered.
"Yes, of course!" Shannon seemed like a great Journeymaid. She seemed like the epitome of what a vampire-in-training should be, and she was interested in at least some of the same things I was interested in. She grinned.
"Great! Come to my room after study hall. I'm in 125. If you need help on your Japanese homework, see me during study hall!" she told me. I knew my dismissal as she turned to help the next person interested in the Japanese club.
I dug my phone out of my pocket to send mom an email about my classes, and my mentor. I hoped she would be proud of me and get my dad to stop worrying. I also hoped I'd be able to get something to eat soon. I was ravenous. I should've eaten earlier. The humans around me were smelling like food, and that was dangerous. Especially when I noticed that my canines had elongated.
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