My eyes are unusually heavy. My body aches all over, and I hold back a groan as I realize that I've technically been kidnapped by Batman. Great. Blinking my eyes open to the light, that's just a bit too bright for me, I take a glance at my surroundings. I appear to be in some sort of medical area. I try and sit up but I am prevented from doing so by something pulling back on my wrists. Restraints. I'm also being restrained by Batman in an unknown location. So technically he has kidnapped me and is holding me hostage. This is going to be a great day, isn't it? I sigh and lean back. I'm not going to be able to force myself out of the restraints and Batsy is smart enough to check pockets so I probably don't have anything to help break them. They look like the restraints they use on psych patients, the sort of padded ones. The door across the room opens and, well, I didn't expect that. Instead of Batsy in walks Black Canary. I eye her warily, she seems to be sizing me up too.
"You fell pretty hard", she tells me, as if I didn't already know this, "you might have a concussion".
"I'm aware," I answer drily. "I do believe it was caused by Batman attempting, successfully apparently, to kidnap me". She raises a brow at me.
"You tried to avoid detainment and tripped," she replies.
"Technically, Batman does not have the legal right to detain anyone and therefore I was running for personal safety against unlawful detainment by a stranger in a batsuit that may or may not have wanted to do terrible things to me. I mean, it is Gotham after all, never know what strangers want with you". She sighs and rubs her temple before leaning back on a counter.
"Look, it's us or juvie kid, and frankly, we both know that there's not a juvie in this country that can successfully detain you for long. Am I right?"
"You're not wrong."
"We have actually talked to various systems and people about this and the league has been given custody of you," she informs me. My eyes narrow.
"First of all, how the hell can they give you guys custody of a minor you know nothing about? Second of all, for how long are they planning on you guys having me? And finally, you think that I am going to stay here? Really? I can figure a way out of these restraints or a fucking cell eventually you know?" I rant more than ask.
"Your name is Charity Blake Nigma. You're thirteen years old. You live in a very bad part of Gotham. Your mother died when you were young, but she was a doctor. Your father is Riddler and has you do very illegal and dangerous things for him. You stopped going to school shortly after your mother died, negligence on your father's and child services part. You are, however, extremely intelligent with an IQ, while unknown, is undoubtedly much higher than normal," at my glare she smirks. "We've done our research on you Charity, and we also know that you were the one wh planned how to capture the team."
"Don't call me Charity," I growl out. Her gaze softens slightly, why?
"Ok," she agrees, "what do you like to be called then," she asks.
"I go by Blake".
"Here's the deal Blake, we do have custody of you. For how long is unknown but I do know it's going to be awhile. You're not going to be kept in these restraints or a cell. You will be joining the team we have for the younger heroes, the league's sidekicks. That way you'll be around people around your own age, be exposed to positive interactions with society, and you'll be monitored 24/7. To ensure that you don't try and cause harm to the team, at this point I doubt you will but others are unsure, and to ensure that any attempt at trying to escape will be cut short you will be fitted with an inhibitor collar," Canary explains.
"I don't have any powers," I tell her, "what's the collar gonna do?"
"It has controls that multiple members will have access to so that if needed, someone can activate the electric countermeasures to keep you detained."
"It's a fucking shock collar," I demand.
"In simpler terms yes but nonlethal amounts will always be used, no permanent damage will come from it even if it used," she tells me. I huff, honestly pissed and frustrated with the situation. "Batman is going to come in and put it on in a few minutes. I just want you to be aware of what's happening because I think that's only fair. You should also know that Batman, Red Tornado, and I will be the ones most involved with you besides the members of the team. Once you've been fitted with the Inhibitor we're going to do another medical check and then take you to the team and the cave where you will be staying". I say nothing too frustrated and angry and try and argue, I know it would be pointless anyway. At least they aren't sending me to Arkham.
The door opens once again and Batman walks in holding the damned shock collar. I do and say nothing. I don't know what will set him off so I guess physically complying while being verbally silent might be a good strategy with him. Canary seems to actually care about my feelings though, and care about my wellbeing which is odd considering she knows basically little about who I actually am besides a villain's kid that was involved in a plot to destroy the league, precious team. Why is she talking to me like she cares? Is it a plot to gain my trust and get me to betray my father? I feel the collar snap around my neck and shiver involuntarily.
"Blake, we're going to talk medical stuff now alright," she sort of asks, technically I don't have a damn choice in what the topic of my kidnapper's conversation is. I glance up and notice Batsy never left.
"Why is he still here," I demand.
"He is also a handler and needs to know this information as well," she answers.
"Well how come Red Tornado isn't here then," is my snarky reply.
"He is currently the team's den mother," she informs me. I blink.
"Your team of teenage superpowered children needs a babysitter?"
"That's not what he is," she sighs.
"Technically it is," I mumble. She just sighs in response before looking from Batman to me.
"Let's talk about medical history. When's the last time you saw a doctor?"
"What? Didn't research that too," I tease.
"Just answer the question and stop with the sarcasm, it's impolite," Batman growls. Sounds like a mom or teacher scolding a toddler. I have to resist the urge to poke my tongue at him, the last thing I need them to think is that I'm childish.
"I don't remember, it was a while ago I guess," I shrug.
"How long is a while ago," Canary prods.
"I don't know. Long enough that I don't remember going to a doctor," I admit. Canary nods.
"Are you aware of the fact that you are underweight," she asks me.
"I'm underweight," I question.
"Yes, and shorter than I think you should be. You also seem to have some malnourishment. Do you ever just feel really tired or irritable? Unable to concentrate on stuff," she probes.
"Besides being really irritable right now no. I'm able to concentrate on stuff. Look I wasn't starved or anything. I just never feel, like eating or I forget to but I'm fine," I tell her. Canary sighs and shakes her head.
"Ok, we're done with questions for now. Are you ready to meet the team," she asks.
"Not really but I don't have a choice so whatever." I'm guided through the facility and to say I'm surprised is an understatement.
"We're in space," I breathe, an observation, not a question.
"For now, we're going to use the zeta tubes to bring you to the team. You will be able to use them but only when a member of the team or league authorizes it and travels with you," Batman states. I was prepared for the tubes to feel weird or hurt but they didn't and upon walking through the other end I am greeted with the sight of the teenagers that a few weeks ago Spades almost got to gut.
"Team," Batman greets, "meet your new member."
"You seriously want us to work with her? She tried to kill us," Kid flash demands, glaring at me.
"Technically I did not physically harm any one of you," I retort.
"Kidflash we talked about this. There are precautions in place to ensure she doesn't harm anyone," Canary soothes. Meanwhile, Batman walks to Aqualad and Robin and hands them both something small, I'm guessing the remote to my shock collar.
"Well, welcome to the team Charity," Miss Martian greets, in a hesitantly sweet way. My eye twitches.
"My name is Blake, no one calls me Charity," I grumble.
"Oh, Okay. Well maybe it's not the best of beginnings but I think you'll make a great addition to the team," Miss Martain bubbles. "My name Is M'gann," she informs me, "and that's Conner," she gestures to Superboy.
"My name is Kaldur'am but you can call me Kaldur," Aquald comes closer and extends his hand toward me. I hesitate to take but eventually do as I feel Batman staring at the back of my head. "I know this is probably not what you wanted," he starts.
"Oh I don't want this at all," I interrupt, "technically I was kidnapped by Batsy and now I'm being held against my will. No hard feelings against you and your team though. I can tell that you guys didn't exactly have a choice in this matter either." Kaldur gives me a slight smile.
"No, but perhaps it is the best for all of us. You will get to see and experience life in a new way and perhaps we will learn not to judge someone before we really know them. You are a member of the team now and that's what matters," he stats like some old wise guy.
"I can have M'gann take you to your room now. We can start your training tomorrow after seeing what all of your skills are, ao just be prepared for that," Canary advises. M'gann happily leads me around the...facility? I'm guessing. I still don't know where I am. She is babbling on and on about something but I'm not really listening. Something about doing girl things together I think, and not being the only girl on the team anymore. I am a little preoccupied with what Canary said. Training and finding out my skills? I will be the first to admit that I have zero brawn. I am all brain. Don't get me wrong. I can certainly handle the common thug or thief on the streets of Gotham but fighting someone like Robin or Spades would be a different story, let alone the people they tend to fight. Unless all of the tests have to do with intellect I am going to horribly fail in front of everyone. I'm good at seeing patterns and can duck and dodge out of a fight and get away but if they actually want me to fight someone there's going to be a huge problem.
I sigh and plop down on the bed in my room as soon as M'gann leaves me alone. I have a feeling the door is going to lock automatically at a certain time but I don't know when that will be exactly. I need to figure a way out. I did not think that Batman would choose to go after me over my dad, that goes against every behavioral pattern I have seen with him. I also really don't want the league to figure out that I know who some of them are. I mean, some of them are incredibly easy to figure out, like Superman and Wonder Woman. I will forever be amazed at the stupidity of the human population overall, seeing as no one can put two and two together when it should be very obvious. I can't fight on this team, I can't help this team. That would be betraying my father and my team. But I don't have a choice. I groan and roll over to shove my face into a pillow. What am I going to do?
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