Tristian(Part 2)
I find myself playing there for hours unmoving. Tears leak out of my eyes blurring my vision while my body feels like a big bruise. I'm not sure if these are my feelings or Anna's but I don't think it matters. I feel empty and disgusting like discarded trash.
Eventually, I push myself off the bed and stand up. I wince at the pain deep in my core but I put on a robe and go to the door. "... Riley?" I call out but then blink seeing a dark figure in front of me two blood-red eyes following in the darkness. I flinch back and start to close the door quickly when I hear a familiar voice. "My queen?"
The fear in my body is replaced with relief. "S-sir Phoenix..." He steps forward into the light his eyes still red. "... I smell your blood." He reaches out a hand and places it on my forehead. "You're warm... have you been crying?" For once he's frowning. "What happened? Are you alright? I saw... your husband leave some time ago."
Phoenix is not only Anna's guard but also her personal guard. He hangs in the shadows and makes sure she's safe from harm. "Y-yes... I'm fine..." I stammer out in a weak tone. His eyes darken a bit but I continue in a rush. "This is just what married couples do! Girls... always bleed a little during our first time..." he watches me closely and I can't meet his eyes. I know I'm lying to him but about what? That I'm fine? Or something else?
Phoenix then nods and pulls away his hand. "Riley is sleeping right now. But if there's anything I can help you with, let me know." Does he ever sleep? He's always mentioned being on duty but maybe vampires don't need much sleep in this world? "I-I'm fine... I just... want a bath..." his eyes flicker a bit and he takes his hand back. "O-oh... forgive me, my queen. Should I go and wake her then?"
He sounds flustered but it doesn't show on his face. "Yes please... thank you, Phoenix," I murmur and watch him walk off. I shut the door again and lean against it. I feel hot tears run down my face. "... h-ha..." I still can't control my mouth. "W-why... does it always seem like... h-he can see right through me...?" I whisper. What is Anna feeling right now? As tears fall, I feel a rush of despair and my knees grow weak.
"S-such... such a strange fellow..." I close my eyes and stifle sobs. I hold myself and do my best to stay quiet. I can't read her thoughts at all. I feel like a helpless onlooker unable to do a thing and it's so frustrating. Why am I so restricted in what I can do?
I go over to the bed and sit down just as I hear a knock on the door. "Your high... no your majesty?" I hear Riley call out. "C-come in!" I call out. When Riley opens the door, she gasps out and hurries to my side. "Oh, you poor thing!" She checks me over after seeing the blood on the sheets, way too much for a simple first time. I feel eyes on me from the door so I look up and meet those blood-red eyes.
I can't read the expression on Phoenix's face at all. Is he horrified? Angry? Sad? The darkness in his eyes doesn't look to be for me. I'm angry with Tristian myself so that's probably it. "Phoenix! Come and help me with making the bath." He blinks and finally moves his gaze away from me. "... Got it." He comes in and shuts the door before following Riley into the bathroom.
I sit there and wipe my face. I managed to stop crying once Riley knocked on the door but I'm sure they noticed I had been crying. All my excitement is gone now. After what happened unless Tristian begs for forgiveness... I'll never trust him again. As I clench my fists with burning eyes, I think Anna feels the same way.
~The Next Day~
Riley helps me get dressed and looks at me sadly. I'm wearing a dress that covers the bruises on me though most of them are on my hips. I walk out of my room and take Phoenix's arm like normal as he leads me to the dining room for breakfast. We still have one day of marriage celebrations so it's going to be a long day.
"Entering now Queen Anna and her guard, sir Phoenix." As we walk into the dining room, I feel all eyes on me but the eyes I meet are Tristian's. His expression looks dark and grim as he watches the two of us. As we walk over to my seat, he stands up and yanks me away. My body stiffens immediately and my skin crawls underneath his touch.
"Paws off, commoner." Tristian narrows his eyes at Phoenix. My guard only bows. "I am only doing my duty. I am my queen's personal guard." His voice is the same as always, calm and blank. He stands up again and goes to his post while Tristian growls and tightens his grip on my arm. I wince and gently place a hand on his. "P-please calm down..."
Tristian snatches his hand away and sits back down using a napkin to wipe it. "Sit." He says gruffly. I sit down and feel my eyes start to burn again. I hear sympathetic whispers all around me but I just stare at the table.
Tristian clears his throat a few times which makes everyone fall silent. "Thank you all for celebrating this wonderful time with us." He smiles. It starts to play out like it normally would but I don't feel joyful at all. Instead of smiling and holding Tristian's hand, I feel like a battered wife.
The next thing we do together is go for a walk in the back garden. To keep up appearances this time, Tristian has me hold onto his arm. He glares back to Phoenix who continues to be a good shadow. He's not doing anything wrong, but at some point Tristian mutters. "I already know you weren't clean when I was with you. But I wish you wouldn't make it so obvious who you're screwing around with."
I tense at his word and internally am enraged. What is that supposed to mean?! Tristian continues though. "For someone to like your disgusting body though... I don't think that is possible. I guess it's a good thing you have full control and command over him." I feel sick to my stomach. I yank my hand away and glare at him. "I am not sleeping with Phoenix. He's only doing his job as my personal guard! What's wrong with you?!"
Tristian smirks down at me. "Oh please you make it so obvious. You look at him longingly. But just know that I won't allow you to have any side lovers. You're loose enough as it is and just as filthy." He laughs at my rage. "And what are you going to do about it? I'm your husband. And you know what a little wife like you should do?" He lowered his voice.
"You should just sit back, shut up, and spread your legs. That's how women in my kingdom are taught and they're way cleaner than someone like you. Real women don't have your disgusting body." I feel like I'm seeing red. This man is acting just like my bastard uncle back in my world.
The world starts to slow down around me.
Warning! Quick-time event has begun! Your husband is insulting you! What will you do now?
Seeing the options only one makes sense to me and I click it without hesitation. Time starts again and my fists tremble. "I told you I wasn't a virgin beforehand so there were no secrets between us. I even told you what happened! But the way you treated me last night? How you are treating me right now?! You're nothing but a brainless pig!" I slap him as hard as I can before running off with tears falling down my face.
"Heh... you'll pay for that, bitch." I hear Tristian hiss but I continue. I manage to get over to the foundation on my own and sink to my knees. I try to hold back tears but I don't think I can. The hurt I feel makes it hard to breathe.
"... een..." I faintly hear a voice close by. "... Anna..." I look up and see Phoenix knelt to my level. His look of concern is so unlike him and it makes my tears fall. "H-how could he...?" I choke out. He frowns a bit. "Pardon me..." he murmurs and pulls me into his strong arms. I start to sob as he pats my back. I hide my face and whimper as I start to have bad thoughts. I see the glow and spot a blue screen from the system
Warning! Memory fragment found! The player will be taken to a moment in the past!
Wait... what? My vision goes white and before I know it I'm in another time altogether.
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