(TW: suicide)
How many days has it been? How many times has Tristian shown me off to his friends only for them to take turns with me? After coming to with a bad taste in my mouth and both my core and bottom hurting, I get the picture of what all happened. I don't recall any of it luckily but I can tell it's breaking Anna down more and more as it happens.
And now as I'm getting sick every so often, it's only getting worse for my mental state. With how much Tristian sleeps with me plus all those men, it's only a matter of time before an unwanted guest starts to grow deep within me. When will this route end? How much more must I suffer?
I've gotten choices where I can put an end to it myself. I can tell it's something Anna would do too but each time, I'd fail and get chained up leading to a bad end. Once I get the notice, I'm taken right back to the choice that led to that ending to try again. Unless I get a complete ending, I'm trapped in this hell. Trapped in this damned tower starving and getting sick all while getting abused, assaulted, and violated.
I'm more than ready for this to end. Why was I reborn in this game? In this hard mode version? Now that I've gone through this, I would never want to go back to easy mode. This must be Tristian's true nature. I can't deal with this anymore.
The moment I get sick again, I hear the door open. My body freezes but I still empty what's left in my stomach. Whoever it is just stands there unmoving for a long time. Once I finish I pant and keep my back to the door. It must be Tristian. The maids always ignore me when I get sick and won't give me any more food for the rest of the day.
"... Heh..." a dark chuckle echoes through the room. He walks towards me. "Looks like your bony body can still produce life. Why am I not surprised? You are a slutty cat fairy after all." My body shakes as he gets closer. Is this fear or rage? Or maybe I'm just cold and numb? "Say something! I'm talking to you, bitch." He grabs me by my hair and makes me look at him. His face then stiffens as he looks me in the eye.
Reflected in his eyes are my dull, dead-looking eyes. Any light or life is destroyed. I guess I'm just really cold at this point. "..." he clicks his tongue and shoves me away. "Who knows whose child you're bearing." He turns away. "How boring." He mutters and walks over to the door. He pauses and looks back at me.
"... By the way. I figured out who's leading the rebels. It's Phoenix." My body tensed hearing that name. How long has it been since I've seen him? "I'm going to bring you his head." I look up at Tristian slowly. A smirk forms on his face. "Finally... a reaction from you. It looks like I was right. He must have been an amazing lover to you if you kept him all those years. What other reason would you need?" He chuckles and leaves me alone.
As I stay where I am, I feel tears run down my face and watch them drip onto the floor. How broken does he want me to be? He must be some sort of sadist! "... I don't want to be alone anymore..." I whisper and my body spasms as I try to hold back sobs. I wish I could hug Anna but all I can do is watch through her eyes.
No one else comes for the rest of the day. It's not until the next day when I feel hands on me. I start to panic and squirm around weakly. Please just leave me alone! "Oh stop struggling! You reek and need a bath!" It's one of the maids talking... before my body can relax, I'm thrown into a tub of cold water. I gasp out and then flinch when they start to scrub me.
They're still so harsh and rough. I stay still and don't complain. My body is skin and bones at this point. How I managed to get pregnant is a mystery... or maybe not. This world has plenty of different creatures and fairies are known for their high fertility even going through a heat cycle every other month. I don't think it will last though. When Tristian isn't playing with me, he's yelling at and hitting me. Soon enough I'm certain I'll lose it.
Once the bath is done they dry me off and put me in my usual clothes. They seem annoyed that my underwear doesn't fit anymore but don't bother getting me a smaller size. I'm then left alone as they clean the room. I barely take up any space yet they start to complain about my presence and snickering as they steal glances at me. When they don't get a reaction, they get bored with it and just continue to clean.
"Did you hear? The rebels have been getting bolder by the day!"
"It's only a matter of time before they storm the palace. I can't believe they're winning so many battles!"
"I heard the leader is its former guard. He must be trying to save her."
"Oh please! It doesn't deserve to be saved."
Because I'm a herm, they've started calling me it. No one here respects or cares if every word is a stab to my heart. This information does make me perk up. They're winning battles? Phoenix is trying to save me? I know he's loyal but to go this far? Who am I to him? I do know for a fact Anna and he aren't lovers but more like good friends. To put himself at risk... I have to be important to him.
I stay still and watch as they open up the one window this tower has to shake off a rug. When they leave, the window remains open. "..." I get up slowly and make my way over to it. It's been so long since I've felt a warm breeze. I look out quietly and feel tired and numb. "... I'm tired... I'm sorry, Phoenix... I don't think... I can hold on much longer..." My voice cracks as I speak. "I miss you, my silly boy... I want to join you..."
As my body trembles from sobs, I feel a pang of sadness. So her childhood friend is dead? Did she see it or assume it? Poor Anna... how much more does she have to go through before she can get a happy ending? "What the hell are you doing over there?!" I tense hearing Tristian's voice. I turn to face him and see an odd look on his face. "Why is the window opened? Get over here right now!" Does he look... panicked? Why?
Then time starts to slow. Warning! Quick-time event has begun! You have a way to escape this endless imprisonment! What will you do?
A way... to escape? Does this mean... I can be free? I suddenly realize why Tristian looks panicked. As I look at my choices, I reach out and pick the one that makes sense to me. Why do I have to stay here and suffer? Now I have a way to get away from him. My body moves on its own as adrenaline gives me one last push of energy. "NO!!!" I jump out of the window ... then I'm falling. Slow at first then faster and faster. Tristian had reached out to grab me but he was too late. Seeing the look of horror... how satisfying. A smile forms on my face.
Then I hit the ground. Pain makes my vision turn white... then I feel nothing. I realize I'm still alive... but I'm dying still. This reminds me of how I died in my previous life. Fully aware yet I feel no pain now. My body isn't healing either which means I can escape.
Another thing about fairies is that they are powerful healers. It's to the point that they can heal themselves but Tristian put on an enchanted neck on me that makes it so I can't use my powers. I can't even make my fairy wings appear either because of it. Because of this necklace, I can't heal myself... so I'm going to die.
I close my eyes feeling myself fade away. " ty..." I hear a faint and familiar voice. When I open my eyes again, they lock with tear-filled teal ones. Phoenix? What's he doing here? He holds my broken body close and has a hand on my cheek. I open my mouth but no words come out, only a small choking sound. He shakes his head and speaks but I can't hear him anymore.
He's in an odd uniform that's patched together... but it honestly suits him. I think anything would look good on him. He rubs my cheek as tears start to run down his face. This is the first time he's had such vivid and raw emotions on his face. I just wish it wasn't now when I'm dying. He keeps talking to me and stays as my vision blurs and my consciousness fades. Even in my final moments... he remains by my side.
The last thing I see when I drift off is Phoenix shooting his gaze up and his eyes turning red. The whites of his eyes even turn black and after he places me down again he rushes off towards the tower. I bet he's going after Tristian for revenge... yes... go kill that bastard. Break him apart. Make him suffer for a long time... just like I did.
I also see a blue screen from the system appear. Warning! Memory fragment found! The player will be taken to a moment in the past!
Huh... a memory fragment now huh...? After this... where will I go? Back to the start? Back to choosing which route I want to follow? If they're all going to be horrible like this... I feel like it would have been better if I just stayed dead. The world starts to turn white as I'm taken to view an event in Anna's past.
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