chapter 8
Kimberly's POV
Well this is the strangest thing that has happened to me in my whole life, i was thinking to myself. how will I face my friends am a freak, no one must know about this, I finally concluded, I woke up the next morning, eating breakfast in the kitchen
"Know about what huh" I suddenly heard jacob voice from behind with a strange smirk on his face, his footsteps making the wooden floor of the kitchen creak.
"Jacob really, I told you to stop sneaking up on me, and yeah are you okay yesterday was rough" I walked up to me, checking if he's fine
"Yeah I am cool so, how about you anything crazy happened lately anything?" He raised an eyebrow at me suspiciously
"No am good but, I guess you've heard my parents they passed" I suddenly remembered that actually happened
"oh Kim so sorry to hear that, are you okay?" He came close to my face,staring at me, with my eyes shining under the golden lights in the middle of the kitchen
"Am fine let's just go to school, I can't wait" I said unenthusiastic
(Why is she hiding it, I know already. why won't she tell me maybe later) I thought
We arrived minutes later to the school's parking lot, where we met sash already waiting for us.
"Hey guys!" She greeted happily "am starting to suspect you two, always coming to school together huh. Is there something you wanna tell me'' she was trying to tease, but I was deep in my head,before I decided to say something
"Haha very funny sash, this is the second time and, probably cause Jacob keeps stalking me'' I added finally looking up
"No no no you mean you stalking me" he came at me
"Okay guys, just messing with y'all let's go" she made a weird face, before we headed inside
I was in math class trying to comprehend what happened yesterday, and the sudden lost of my parents, I knew everything was not going to be normal anymore, I needed to decide what I was going to do now, I should probably move right, or suddenly i heard my name, snapping me out of my thinking coma.
"Kim! Kim!" I turned with my eyes red hot at the person
"What! what! what!" I said angrily
"Sorry didn't mean to bug you, why so grumpy today anyway" sash said looking slightly offended, Leaning back to her chairs
"Sorry sash, didn't mean to am just not my self today" I apologised when I noticed it was my best friend
"You want to talk about it" she asked leaning in
"Am good I guess" I said rubbing the side of my shoulder anxiously
"Jacob told me about you know, sorry to hear that, am sure they're in a happy place" she grabbed my hands in a fist comforting me
"I hope so, it just happened so fast" I said looking teary already, before the teacher finally cuts in
"Hey you two, what's so important than this class, that got you too distracted" she pointed at us, bringing her eyeglasses down a bit
"Sorry miss Avery" sash apologised
"I hope so now concentrate" she pointed at the board, as we both pretended to look at the board.
Class ended and i went for lunch, I didn't want anymore confrontation so, I sat alone by the table everyone hated, I spotted Sasha coming so I quickly bent my head so she wouldn't see me. Phew that was close! I let out noticing my plan worked.
"You know you can't keep doing this" jacob came up from behind me
Shit why does he keep doing that.
"Ah Jacob! God stop that, how do you even do it, you're always everywhere I go" I turned to meet him
"Cause am worried maybe and, cause I wanna talk" he took the sit next to me Patting me on the shoulder
"About what anyway" I let out
"Yesterday" he looked directly at me
"I already said sorry so what else" I faced him
"Not that, the you know let's go, we can't talk here" he said making wings with his hands before standing up for me to follow him
"Am not leaving, just say what you gotta say" I tried playing dumb
"Fine, your house lighting up and, the furniture's floating and all explain that" he suddenly sounded angry
'Look I don't know either and, why the questions" I started rubbing off my hair with my nails
"Cause I know what you are and, I can't believe even after you found out you still didn't tell" he blurted out, before bringing my hands with his
"Look I can't believe it too but, wait how did you know?" I looked down at our hands which kept glowing a blue light, strange I quickly let go of his hands
"Smith told me, guess he has been a better friend than you anyway" he scoffed he must be angry
"What are you talking about" I faced him to explain
"Never mind you don't even care either way" he stood up to go, while I reached for his hands, when it suddenly sparked and I let go immediately
What is happening
"Jacob talk to me'' I said looking sad, before he turned like he was being controlled he started talking
"Well you see" he suddenly stopped before adding "wait a minute, you did it again, you know you just can't go around controlling people I'm not telling so you figure it out" he sounded really angry this time
"God you are so impossible" I sat there defeated
I started feeling uneasy, my wings wanted to pop out, I wanted to keep it but, my eyes became red fury lighting up, I suddenly knew I had to leave immediately
"Am leaving" jacob added, who was still standing there and That's, the last thing I heard Jacob say, and boom everything went blank black out.
"What happened Bruce" maya asked
"Its the wizard, he's getting stronger and that's upsetting the fairy inside kim, she needs to be strong or else its gonna cause a division" I assured the fairy maya
"What do you mean"
"I can't explain it now okay, but she needs to meet Kaitlyn now or it's never so, they can combine their powers if not"
"Are you sure she's ready"
"Who Care's it has to be done"
"Bruce don't put our kids in danger please"
"Kim are you okay?" I woke up to voices, my eyes a little bit blurry
"Uhmn yeah what happened" I hiccouged
"You fainted, tell me what's going on with you" sash finally asked curiously, looking around, I realised I was in the nurses room
"Am fine okay I gotta go" I tried pushing her off to stand up" Where is Jacob? I have to find him, am so mad at him" I said while putting on my shoes on. Not even waiting for her reply I ran out into the hallway, I spotted a black haired girl so I walked up to her.
"Hey! have you seen?" I suddenly paused before adding "Omg Whaaaaaaaaaaaat!?" I was left with my mouth hanging open
Kaitlyn POV
"Poppy I had another strange dream again with my parents God" I was telling her, but i doubt she was listening
"Well wish me luck, second day at new school" I added before heading to the door. And off I went feeling very confident, I got to first period it was okay. Even though kept Calling me Kim and what so ever, she must be really popular around here, hope I don't get under her toes. I was in the restroom when something strange happened, i heard noises so i decided to check it out, I peep and what I saw was just too creepy.
It was my parents again but, this time they're weren't talking to me instead, they were arguing about something I couldn't hear them clearly so, I came out to hear them, but they just turned around and looked at me as if they could see me, they ignored and continued with their argument.
strange, I moved closer to talk to them but, they didn't even answer me I tried touching them but my hands just went right through them, okay am I going crazy or is this town just different, what could this mean and, I still couldn't hear what they were arguing about. I stood there still in shock, after some minutes, I got so freaked out, I decided to go when they spoke to me, as if they could read me.
"Leave here child now, you will meet her, we repeat leave, you will meet her today" my dad smiled at me
I was even more scared, I ran out leaving my backpack in there.
Lunch was crazy too, it was meatloaf day, and let's just say the meat isn't meat, it was hard to eat, I didn't get anything when I was about leaving I meet the cute guy I saw yesterday who mistook me for Kim again, so i decided to say hi
"Hey am Kaitlyn" I twirled my hair around, Get it together kait let him do the talking I said to my inner self, But its like he didn't hear me or maybe he's pretending not to, but he looked at me, before he left in a rush, guess he was looking for someone. I went for my next class and I was right, no one saw me it was as if I was invisible, I tried talking to people but it was like I wasn't there what the fuck!
I was freaking out, so I went back to the restroom just to check if i was just dreaming but, my parents weren't there, then what! I came out scared tryna run home when someone tapped me, still shaking in my bits, but glad someone can finally see me so scared. what again? I wasn't even concentrating, she was asking if I've seen someone when, suddenly she stopped talking when i finally turned around. I looked at her and, I was also shocked am I still dreaming?
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