chapter 7
Kimberly's POV
"Well it was fun guys,see you at school" I was seeing jacob and sash off
"Don't miss me much" jacob teased me
"Go away Jacob" I hit him gently
"You know I can be anywhere right" he said bluffing
"Leave" I whined at him
"You're so cute when you're mad" he winked at me
"Bye" I closed my door
"Later" he said echoing
Well they are gone, where's mom and dad its 3 I said, looking at the time, Just then the door bell rang
"Am coming" I said before heading to the door
"Hello, are you Mr Fred's daughter" a man looking buff appeared, he had busy beards and uni brows, wearing a blue suit, he looked like a cartoon character though, I simply ignored before answering
"Yes I am" I suddenly became tense, what does he want
"We are sorry to inform you but, your parents, were involved in a car accident and, didn't make it
"My world just went blank" as I heard those words, I couldn't believe it
"Ma'am are you okay" he said, which kept echoing in my head, I burst into tears
"Am sorry for your lost but" I cut him off immediately
"Just leave, leave I say" getting annoyed
"You're a Monster Bruce she's you're daughter why do you love seeing her tears" maya came at bruce
"Its a good, didn't you see how she controlled him, she's getting her powers day by day so, just wait and see and, Kaitlyn too is getting there" he covered up
"Maya speak to him, his not playing this smart, a sad fairy is a" fred added at the background
"Please no don't say anything, you know Bruce, once he's made up his mind that's it" maya stared at him
Kimberly's home
"Fuck! o.m.g how dare they how could no this is not true"
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh" I screamed, going in circles
No no no no, daddy, mum no don't leave me like this I no this can't be, I sat down crying when I heard a voice
"Am back, Kimberly is that you
Why is her room so dark"
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I hate this" I yelled again
"Oh no what's wrong with her" jacob came running towards me
"Hey Kim"
"Jacob" I immediately ran to him and hugged him but a spark occur and he got zapped
"Jacob, no. not him too is he" I moved back, scared of what I might have done, He then disappeared into thin air.
What's going on, I ran up stairs but everything was getting worse the whole house lit up the whole furniture's and everything were floating, Oh my I am scared,Somebody help me, HELP I yelled walking up and down
"Just remember my child remember" a voice echo in the building
"Who's there help someone" I cried our
"Bruce this has to stop end it now she's scared we'll try another" maya said to bruce, who were now in the house
"No am sending kait there" he pushed me off
"No don't do it you know what might happen" I begged him
"Is anyone there, say something think Kim, what to do my phone I'll call someone, what low battery am sure I charged this"
"Maya its not stopping what next" bruce looked at me
"What next, I told you now it won't until she wants it to, this is her emotions right now. We just Have to see"
Jacob's house
'What happened, Kim she's in trouble her house dark I like it though" a panicked jacob appeared at home" Hugged me and thunder or was it lighting and am here, I have to go and save her"
"No you don't, she has to do this on her own you might die stay away" Smith warned
"Smith what do you mean and how did you get here" I looked at him confused
"That's an answer for later but, right now you can't go to Kim's, she needs to know who she is"
"Who she is what do you mean" confused I asked
"She's a fairy and, right now this is a test, she has to pass using her fairy sense so stay away" he warned me
"But she's my friend, I can't let her go through this alone" looking sad I walked around nervously
"Just let her go she has too" he said calmly
"But" I whined
"But nothing seat here I'll be right back" he walked away
"Oh Kim please be safe" I said silently
Kimberly's home
"Hello, what's next Kaitlyn help"
"What did I just say, who is Kaitlyn what is going on" I started seeing images, so blurry my crystal suddenly glowed, I was floating what! it lit up so bright even brighter than fire, am flying in my house I have wings ooh no, Fairy it was, still glowing wait yes I believe, yes am a fairy yes I am! I suddenly said.
Just then something like an explosion occurred and, I fell everything is back to normal my house, my phone its full wow, but still I had wings what am I gonna do, Am flying make it stop, maybe there's something I have to do okay wings disappeared nope, hmmm. I believe just go and it did, that was easy am going to bed I miss them already wish they where here, Will be fun to tell them this
"Good night Mom and dad, wherever you are" I let out before trying to sleep, still thinking about what happened
Kaitlyn's POV
"Well poppy school was crazy today, everyone kept calling me Kim, funny right? that's what I thought too so how was your day"
"It was fine kait, so did you make friends"
"Not yet but working on it, I saw some crazy things today" I confessed to poppy, sometimes I get lonely, I needed to talk to a real person, but I never told poppy About this
"Tell me more" she chattered excitedly
"A mermaid" I let out shocked
"How's that crazy" she said to me, unimpressed
"Well sure, you are a pixie so no surprise, so have you ever seen one" I said
"Yeah, many too, you know they are so pretty" she smiled at me
"I love them too and, fairies and pixies I just love mystical beings" I rolled around
"Yeah they are nice huh" she looked at me before saying
"Yeah so what to do"
"Let's play a game" I suggested ignoring her attitude
"What kinda game" she asked
"Uhmm hide and seek"
"Really no you'll never win" she added laughing
"You'll be hard to catch, I forgot that" suddenly we heard a noise
Crack.........Glass breaking
"Who's there" I went downstairs
''Am scared kait hold me" poppy said with her little hands
"Who's there show your self" I commanded
"Sorry about your plate" a man appeared
"Smith! what are you doing here? how did you get here?, how did you find me?" Looking confused
"Sorry I've been stalking you" he said
"Well yeah, no doubt so what do you want" I asked
"I came to say hi"
"Just leave okay" I said rudely
''Bye then"
"Who is that kait" poppy asked me after he left
"He was my parents old driver but, he got fired so you see" I confessed
"That's sad what did he do"
"Nothing really, my parents just love authority that's it" I said shakily, we never got along with him
Wrong fairy's house god, I hate this job sometimes, good thing she didn't ask much questions
"Poppy did you hear that"
"Hear what"
"Someone just called my name"
"Must be you imagining its nothing"
"Are you sure"
"Yes'' she said " let's get some sleep okay
Bruce well you did it in your weird way, but it worked so what bout kait
Don't worry about her, soon I don't even have to do anything
Hope so
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