chapter 21
Kimberly's POV
"Thanks for the everything miss lilly but I have to get going see you in school tomorrow Jacob" lunch was really good, but I needed to home now
"Come on Kimberly just stay, it won't hurt would it just call kait and tell her you're staying for the day" jacob turned smiling at me, what's up with him today
"Yes Kimberly we'll love for you to stay" his mom chirped in, now I have to, I can't say no that face, she's so nice
"Okay I guess it won't hurt, I'll call kait and ask her if she's okay with me staying over uhmm escuse me I'll be by the porch, using your phone jacob" I added, I should really get another already
Hello Kaitlyn am gonna be sleeping at Jacobs, will you fine if I stay there
Sure I'm okay only me again yeah am fine
Alone where's Lisa? isn't she at home and you don't seem fine by it
She went out but, she'll be back and yeah am fine by it okay just stay I'll be fine
Okay see you tomorrow!
She really sound suspicious, wonder what happened to her.
"Hii so I spoke with Kaitlyn and, she's fine by it so guess am staying over" I announced coming back in but jacob wasn't here anymore
"Great I'll go set the guest room or do you wanna stay with Jacob in his room" his mom asked smiling, seriously
"No just set the guest room thanks uhmm where can I shower" I turned over
"Jacobs room, you'll see the bathroom I'll go get you a bathrobe and soap" she answered for him, this going to be a long day
"Thanks I'll be here" I stand by the living room
I was deep in thoughts already I wonder where Lisa went to anyway, Jacob has a nice house though maybe we should
"I got it you can go shower now" his mom came in breaking my thoughts
I went by the hall, going to his room, I was looking at the wall, a lot of Jacobs baby pictures on the wall he was really cute, how didn't I notice this earlier. I entered his room and went straight to the bathroom, the water was really hot but I used the cold water, really cold I just needed to freshen up.
I came out looking for what to wear, when I suddenly wondered where did Jacob go, he left immediately after we ate, going downstairs, still in the bathrobe I noticed the house was empty, where's everyone plus I need what to wear, I got tired from shouting their names so, I went back up to Jacob's room, I was lying down on the bed when I heard a voice.
"What are you doing here, lying on my bed I thought you left already" jacob came in pissed, who did he fight with
"oh hey yeah I did but, Kaitlyn agreed so that's why and where did you go to?" I stood up fixing myself, I went over to him
"I went for a stroll and all. Anyway seriously she did what but, you're not staying in my room right" he looked puzzled, so much for wanting me to stay over
'Well obviously I just need something to wear okay so, where's your mom I didn't see her too" I folded my hands
"Check her room okay am sure she's there bye, you can leave my room now" can he be anymore rude
"Jeez am leaving you don't have to be rude" I left mumbling.
"Kimberly Jacob are you two ready for school, am going out so your lunch is by the kitchen table okay am leaving" his mom called out to us.
I spent the remaining of my days yesterday, hanging with jacob and his mom, we later played monopoly which his mom kept beating us on, we spent our money anyhow, so we lost I got to get my game on next time we play, in the evening, jacob took me to a store to shop for a brand new phone, I can't believe he went without me yesterday though, I had fun at least, plus we ate a lot.
"Jacob! Jacob OMG where did he go now, its early in the morning where could he be now" I was mumbling to myself when I couldn't find him
That's it I've heard enough am leaving, I took my backpack and left
Kaitlyn's POV
I woke this morning on the wrong side of the bed, I was so mad for some unknown reason, Lisa never came back, And also Kimberly said she's staying over in Jacobs house, they think its cool leaving me alone all alone and to think I thought I'll have fun now that I know people.
I even tried Calling Lisa but no answer, I quickly showered and got dressed I picked a white jumpsuit with red polka dots and, a red Snickers I put my hair in a ponytail still half red, half black god. I was eating my cereal and making lunch when someone came in, There goes my peaceful morning.
I went to get the door, when I just saw Kimberly I was still mad at her so I just left the door opened and went back into the kitchen.
"Kait I know you're mad at me but sorry for leaving you" she came at me apologising, so she knew and still left me
"I can't hear you" I shouted so she could hear me well, blocking my ears
"Am sorry Come on and, didn't Lisa come back home his mom wanted me to stay over okay" she tried explaining
Lisa never came back okay, so I spent the whole night alone but am fine I forgive you am just a bit mad" I smiled a little
"Wait you mean Lisa never came back aren't you suspecting anything"
"Not really" I went back to my cereal
"Well I gotta go change, I didn't get to dress at Jacobs house, he bailed on Me as usual that guy though, am so over him no more nice ness he's just so rude and he doesn't know that " she was hurting, I could tell
"Am sure he has a reason Kim don't take it too personal hurry up, we just have thirty minutes to go" I reminded
"Yeah I'll be fast okay" she quickly made her way to the room
I was in parlour waiting for Kimberly when Lisa came in.
"Where have you been young lady? you bailed yesterday I called you and you didn't pick either got anything to say for yourself" I was acting like the parent, some may say
"Sorry okay, I got carried away I was walking when I saw a building full with things cloths, shoes and so much more, I was told I could get anything I want to, so I spend my whole day there I got locked but they opened this morning so I rush to get home" she sounded and also hyper i couldn't stay mad
"its called a mall and really haven't you ever seen one?" I asked
"Noo" she squealed at me
"Wow so, well where's the stuffs you got?" I asked smiling
"I had no money so, I just kept trying things so I rushed this morning to come get money so I'll be on my way plus you look fire" she smiled back
"Thanks' I said still laughing so hard how can she forget herself in a mall and money also
"Kimberly hurry up" I call out, lisa was busy moving around
"A? here okay, let's go hey Lisa when did you get here"
"Long story okay I'll tell you on the way let's go" I dragged her by the arm
"Hey where's my lunch"
"I only made for me cause I thought you'll get yours at Jacobs but don't worry we'll share"
"Thanks let's go okay and yeah I have a brilliant idea tell you when we're in school" she winked at me, we walked together to school, while I told her what lisa did. Before we met jacob in the hallway of school.
"Hey twin stars'' we met jacob the moment we were in
"Hey Jacob" I greeted
"Hey Kim I said hi" he turned to her, its funny when she tries to ignore him though
"Don't talk to me jerk face" she frowned
"You forgot your lunch at my house so I got it for you" he gave me a bag of lunch, seriously he should just apologise
"Don't mind Kim she's mad at you cause, she said you kept bailing on her so did you?" I hit him on the shoulders jokingly
"that's why she's getting an attitude, here's your lunch though I'll see you at your house today" he gave her a peck before going, she must be boiling right now
"Well I see it now he's so rude" I tried to cheer her up
"No he's not, that's just Jacob Come on gimmie my lunch, I'll see you later I have music class getting ready to get my voice on" she smiled
"I also have music class so let's go alright" I drag her arm
Miss arlook please report to the principal office now: they announced
"Am in trouble Kimberly what did I do" I faced her
"Am sure its nothing see you later bye"
am in so much trouble
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