Dump and disaster
Ok I forgot to say this earlier, I only wrote about the main 4 sides and in no order purely to avoid spoilers (and also because if you make certain choices others may not appear in the story, but those four definitely will)
Although hiding on a train had its advantages, he would be to easily seen.
Perhaps that's why he slunk behind a dumpster and began to attempt to catch his breath and gather his thoughts.
Miss Umbra was a super. Her power was probably speed or something similar.
If that didn't make his head spin...
He wondered if he would have ever found out if he hadn't been in danger. He hoped he wasn't the reason she was in danger.
Virgil was also destrested by the lack of explanation about what was happening.
He had a number to call for awnsers but he had to wait till he was safe, and he still didn't know for sure if he was- for a terrible moment he contemplated if he ever would be safe again. No. He couldn't afford to think like that...
Just as Virgil was about the despair a voice above him said
"Hello Virgil"
Later Virgil would deny screaming, but he screamed.
The man above him wore a green suit and tie ... but the formality ended their. He had greyish skin and dreadlocks, he smelled worse then the bin he hid behind, which was a lot to achieve and he had greasy dreadlocks. For want of kinder words, he looked like a homeless man had raided a suit store.
The man laughed, and extended a hand, which Virgil (reluctantly) took, and allowed himself to be pulled to his feet.
"I am the duke, your caretaker miss umbra sent me"
the man explained
Virgil asked a little confused
"Did your family hate you or something?"
The duke laughed and shook his head.
"They did hate me yes, but that's not why I go by duke, it's a codename"
That makes more sense. Virgil nodded.
"How did you know to find me here?"
He didn't trust this man, not really, but he claimed to know miss Umbra...
"Please, I've been following you for a while, I know you Virgil and frankly your very predictable. Finding scared little boys is what I do."
"Listen Virgil, as much as I enjoy standing next to a dumpster, we gotta move."
He was right... it was unwise to stay to long in one place.
They left the alleyway and walked for about five minutes till they reached a truck, and the duke gestured for Virgil to climb in. They drove for hours, their conversations consisting of titbits of information but mostly just the duke saying random things, with Virgil desperately trying to get a straight Lmao unlikely awnser to his questions. Wether on purpose or not the duke managed to avoid any questions about who he worked for and what was happening.
Eventually they pulled into a... hotel, (Although the act of calling it a hotel is an insult to hotels). The walls had mold growing up them, and Virgil was fairly sure the curtains were rotting, and it smelled like their was a family of dead rats underneath the beds (in reality the dead rats were in a cupboard underneath some blankets). Dispite this, the duke fell asleep within seconds of laying down.
Well... this was the safest he was going to be for a while...
He pulled out the phone, checked once more that the duke was sleeping and dialed the number.
???: Salutations.
Virgil:uhh hi?
???: please state your name and reason for calling
Virgil: my names, virgil, Virgil Umbra and —
???: ahh yes I am familiar with your situation. I am a member of the resistance, codename logic. *gasps in its logan* whats your status? Are you safe?
Virgil: ummm, yeah I am with this guy, he says his codename is duke and that he knew miss Umbra...
Logic: Listen to me, your life is in grave danger. That man is not who he claims he is a madman, handed his own brother over to ISSPT and a known murder... Virgil you have to run. Please remain alert but not alarmed, I am tracking your call and... excellent. We have a safe home 1 kilometre away from your location, or you could cut through a forest and travel 10 kilometres to our base, it's your choice. If you go to the safe house you will be safer but it will be a while till we can transfer you to hq and give you awnsers. However going directly to hq is risky and yields faster results. What is your decision? Please hurry, as every second you wait your life is in danger
direct to hq
Safe house
As I mentioned previously, you have two chances to make someone a 'main' part of the story.
If you had voted for train, you would have meet someone else. This is your second chance to discover them, and it won't come again. The story will include them, but to a lesser extent... should I tell you who you could meet?
Ask if you need to know. But choose fast, before Remus can wake up.
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