Chapter 7. Baseball
Hey guys! It's time for Jyushimatsu! He's such a sweetie I love him 😍 He may or may not be my favourite Matsu...
Mia's pov
I woke up, coughing slightly at the dry feeling in the back of my throat. I grabbed my water bottle from my bedside table and took a few gulps, sitting up fully. I put my glasses on and spotted my clothes from last night discarded on my bedroom floor. I better get ready.
Today was a Saturday and I had promised Jyushimatsu that I would play some Baseball with him. I'm certainly not the most athletic person but I don't mind a bit of exercise every now and then. I pushed myself out of bed and started doing my usual morning things. I downed my coffee and ate some toast, not really in the mood for anything else. The flat still smelled of the incense we had burned yesterday and a few cans of coke and empty food wrappers were still on the coffee table.
I chose to ignore them and instead walked back into my room, grabbing the clothes from the floor and taking them over to the washing machine. I put them in the wash along with some other dirty clothes before going to take a quick shower. After I dried my hair I brushed my teeth and took my glasses off so I could put my contacts in.
I slipped on some leggings along with a sports bra before pulling on a baggy shirt. On my way out I grabbed my black hoodie and phone. The park with the courts wasn't too far from my flat so I decided to have a nice walk down. As I strolled I thought about the past few months. I haven't had this much fun in a long time and I think it's because of the sextuplets.
They'd brought so much happiness into my life at a time where I thought everything was going to get worse. My mind drifted to Jyushimatsu and I felt myself automatically smile. That's just the effect he had on me. He was such an interesting person, as all the Matsu's were. He was always smiling and so full of positivity. I'd never met someone with such energy.
I spotted the courts and saw a figure dressed in yellow already there. I began to run over and called out to him. "Jyushimatsu!!" He looked over and somehow his smile became wider as he waved back to me. "MIA! MIA!" He jumped up and down playfully as I stopped in front of him and looked at his outfit. "Nice baseball get up." He let out a bashful laugh before picking up a baseball glove. "Do you want to bat first and show me how it's done?" I say, nudging him with a wink. He nods quickly and points to where I would be pitching. I walk over and stand next to a large basket of balls. Just how many is he planning to hit?
"Ready?" I yell over to him. "BRING IT ON!" He yells back, making me smile. I started throwing balls and was shocked to see how far they would go each time. He said he was good but holy shit I didn't realise he was this good! All the balls he hit seemed to disappear into the distance and part of me worried about where they would land, hoping no one got hit by one.
After a long while, he stopped and we took a break. I went and grabbed us two drinks from the vending machine nearby and we sat down to drink them. "How are you not tired? You were swinging that bat for ages!" I said, noticing he wasn't even out of breath. Fucking hell just throwing the ball made me tired.
He grinned and stood up, doing a swinging motion once again. "I could go for hours!" I laughed at his positivity. Part of me wished I could have such a positive outlook. He continued to talk about how amazing baseball was until we got back up and Jyushimatsu handed me the bat. "I'm unsure if I'll be able to match you Jyushi."
"You don't need to match me! Just have fun!" He says in his usual loud voice. "I'm already having fun though." I say before getting into position. He started to throw balls at me and I swung as best as I could. He was surprisingly gentle and didn't throw them as quick as I imagined he would. Yet it seemed no matter how hard I tried, I could never hit the ball far like Jyushimatsu had done.
I am pretty weak so it didn't shock me that I couldn't match him. Jyushimatsu didn't look very strong but looks are deceiving and he was in fact incredibly powerful. It doesn't surprise me considering how much he works out.
It was getting into the late afternoon and we'd have to leave soon. Before I could hit one of the final balls, Jyushimatsu ran over to me. "COME ON MIA! YOU CAN DO IT! HUSTLE HUSTLE MUSCLE MUSCLE!" He yelled the encouraging words at me, somehow reinvigorating my resolve before he took off his cap and placed it on my head backwards.
"Here! For good luck!" He went slightly red before running back to the pitching area. I felt my face flush slightly as I looked back at him. He threw the ball and I swung the bat, watching with astonishment as the ball flew out. "Jyushimatsu I did it!" I yelled with excitement and ran towards him with full force before jumping at him with open arms. The force of my hug sent me and him onto the ground, with me on top of him.
Third-person pov
Jyushimatsu looked up with shock as the dust cleared from him hitting the ground. He blushed crimson red as he saw Mia sat on top of him, a large smile on her face. "Did you see how far it went!?" She exclaimed, clearly not thinking about the situation they were in. "Y-Y-YEAH!!" Jyushimatsu almost squealed as he went bright red. SHE'S ON ME. SHE'S ON ME. SHE'S SO PRETTY. SHE'S SO SOFT.
"Jyushimatsu are you oka--OH CRAP I'M ON YOU!" Mia screamed out as she rolled off him and onto the floor next to him. Both were red and slightly embarrassed. They slowly looked at each other which set themselves off giggling at the ridiculousness of what just occurred.
"That was brilliant!" Mia said, holding her sides. Even after they'd both calmed down they just stayed on the floor next to each other for a few minutes, looking up at the clouds in the sky. Jyushimatsu for the first time that day found himself staying still and just enjoying this peaceful moment with Mia. He caught a quick glimpse of her face and felt his heartbeat loudly in his chest.
"We should get up Jyushimatsu." She eventually said, sitting up. "Aww, do we have to?" He groaned with a sad face, his body still planted on the ground. "I may have short hair now but I still don't want to get dirt in it." As Mia looked away she noticed two people who were walking past the courts stop and stare at them. She squinted her eye's and quickly realised who it was.
Oh no...
"Jyushimatsu come on let's leave quickly." Mia said with a shaky voice. He instantly noticed the change in her tone and looked up at her confused. "Mia are you okay?" He said as jumped up onto his feet, his usual smile turning worried. "I'm fine I just think we should be getting home!" She tried to keep a smile as she stood up, grabbing her things off the ground. She quickly grabbed Jyushimatsu's hand and began to run in the direction of his house, dragging him along. Jyushimatsu failed to notice the people across the court and instead was infatuated by the girl holding his hand.
They eventually slowed down when Mia thought they were far enough away and walked the rest of the way back. "Why were we running?" Jyushimatsu said as they reached his home. "A-Ah I just thought it would be fun to see how fast we could go! Especially since you have incredible stamina." She awkwardly laughed, her face red and breathing heavily from all the running. Jyushimatsu rubbed his hand on her back until her breathing became steady once again.
"I better be getting home. It's my turn to cook dinner." Jyushimatsu nodded before pulling Mia into a tight hug. "T-Thanks for today!" He stuttered. She nodded with a bright smile before walking away, waving as she left.
She returned home not long after and opened the door. "Hey! I'm back!" She yelled as she kicked her shoes off. "Damn you're muddy. What's that on your head?" Mia looked confused before she realised she was still wearing Jyushimatsu's cap. "A good luck charm."
Jyushimatsu went in and changed into his usual hoodie and shorts. He walked into the living room and joined his brothers who were all sat around doing pretty much nothing. Osomatsu was peering over Choromatsu's shoulder as he read some manga, much to the annoyance of the younger brother. Karamatsu was sat on the other side of the table, looking into his hand mirror and making different faces whilst Ichimatsu was sat in the corner of the room glaring at him. Todomatsu was laying on his stomach scrolling through his phone. He looked up from his phone and greeted Jyushimatsu.
"How was our darling Mia?" Karamatsu asked as Jyushimatsu took a seat next to him. "She was great! She hit a homerun and tackled me!" He smiled wide and his brothers glanced over at him with jealousy. "Though she made us run away from the court super fast! I don't know why..." This perked the other brother's attention. They all stopped what they were doing and gathered around the table to ask more.
"We were on the ground and then suddenly she was saying we had to leave! She grabbed me and we ran. She gave an excuse but I think...she was lying." Jyushimatsu said in a serious tone he hardly used. He may look innocent but Jyushimatsu wasn't stupid. "Why didn't you bring her in here?" Osomatsu asked, disappointed he didn't get to see her. "She said it was her turn to make dinner so she had to get home." They were all quiet for a minute before Choromatsu piped up. "Her turn? I thought Mia-chan lived alone?" They all had blank faces before realisation set in.
Wait... Mia doesn't live alone?
I hope you all enjoyed that chapter!
Until next time Bye!- Jude
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