Chapter 17. Karaoke
Third-person pov
The last half an hour had gone in a flash for the Matsuno sextuplets. Ever since that revelation on who Mia's Ex was, they were all on autopilot, just watching things happen around them. Hanae was only visiting for a week and so suggested they all hang out together. They had decided on Karaoke and Jax was heading over to join them.
They all sat in silence in the karaoke room, Hanae and Mia still catching up with each other. The brothers just stared, all thinking the same thing.
What if they still like each other? WHAT IF THEY GET BACK TOGETHER?
Choromatsu was sat there thinking about how similar this seemed to the plot of a manga he had read. I don't get it...she kissed me? Was she just messing with me? I'm so confused.
At this moment Jax called Mia's phone. "Hey I think I'm outside. Come get meee." He whined before hanging up. Mia was about to stand up when Hanae stopped her. "I'll go grab him." She laughed and left the room, leaving the boys alone with their crush. Mia looked over at them nervously. They had been so quiet ever since Hanae told them about their past relationship and she was fearing the worst. Do they not like that I'm bi?
"Guys are you okay?" Mia's voice was quiet and nervous as she spoke and the boys noticed that.
"Y-Yeah we're fine Mia!" Todomatsu spoke in a cutesy voice and the others nodded vigorously. "Guys I'm not stupid." They all jumped at the girl's low voice and saw her eyes were becoming glossy. "Do you have a problem with me being bisexual? You've all said nothing since Hanae showed up."
The boys began to panic and all stood up waving their arms.
"N-No Mia-chan!" Choromatsu was stuttering, not wanting to see her cry. He didn't mean to seem like he had a problem! Of course he didn't!
"MIA DON'T CRY!" Jyushimatsu said, his arms flailing about and his smile holding a sad undertone. He couldn't understand why it would matter who she was with before. He didn't care as long as she was with him from now on.
"N-Non non my sweet Karamatsu girl! We don't have a problem!" Karamatsu said, his voice going weirdly high pitched and losing all its usual gusto.
"Mia don't cry! You look cuter when you're smiling!" Todomatsu panicked, unsure what to do in this situation.
Ichimatsu couldn't even formulate a sentence and instead just violently shook his head whilst sputtering out noises.
"Mia why would we have a problem with it? I mean two girls dating...It's super hot." Osomatsu smirked and Mia looked up at him with a blank face. The room went silent and his brothers looked at him with glares that could kill. How could he say something so utterly STUPID?!
They were about to attack him when a small laugh escaped Mia's lips. They looked at her with shock whilst the eldest just looked at them smugly. "I feel so stupid for worrying. Of course you guys wouldn't care." She wiped away a tear from her eye and the boys let out a sigh of relief. "We were just shocked Mia-chan." Choromatsu said in a reassuring voice and she nodded back. "I was turned on-" Osomatsu couldn't even finish his sentence as he received a punch from Choromatsu.
"Me and Hanae were together for about a year when we were 16. We only broke up cause she moved across Japan. We stayed in touch as friends." Choromatsu looked over at Osomatsu, both thinking the same thing. I know where I recognised her from now! She was the other girl in the photo album! Mia let out a bitter laugh as she looked down. "We were given plenty of shit for our relationship. That's why I was worried to tell you all." The door at that moment opened and Jax walked in with Hanae.
Mia's melancholic expression turned to one of happiness as she saw her best friend enter the room. He was wearing a baggy long-sleeved black shirt along with some jeans of the same colour. "Hey lads!" He gave a nod to the sextuplets who smiled back, greeting him in unison. "I'll never get used to that." He chuckled and sat down next to Mia who gave him a nod. Any awkwardness in the room seemingly melted away as the night began.
They all ordered some drinks, most of the boys ordering a beer whilst the girls opted for some Gin and tonic. "Sooo who wants to go first?" Hanae asked, holding the tablet that held all the music. Mia and Jax looked over at the sextuplets, interested to see how they would respond. Karamatsu of course was the first to jump up, a confident smirk and his sunglasses somehow appearing on his face.
"I'd love to grace you all with my beautiful singing to start the show!" He laughed whilst posing. His brothers groaned in despair, not wanting to really hear the most painful brother sing. "Yay! Me and Karamatsu have sung together before he's super good!" Mia said with excitement to the two sat next to her. "Oh yeah I remember that I interrupted you both didn't I?" Jax smirked, putting an emphasis on the word interrupted. Both Mia and the second eldest blushed bright red and looked away from each other. "Y-Yeah."
Karamatsu rushed over to the front of the room, grabbing the tablet and microphone. "I've been practising this one ever since I heard it!" He gave a wink before pushing the play button on the tablet. Everyone sat in complete silence as the song began to load, wondering what it could be. Most of his brothers looked pretty unimpressed and he hadn't even started singing!
The first few seconds of the song began and everyone instantly got what the song was, which caused a little shock in his brothers. They hadn't expected this though part of them felt like they should've. I mean Shape of you is popular in Japan. And he does like trying to sing in English... They thought as they started to pay attention, wondering how well he'd do. They never really heard him sing anything popular like this, it was usually some terrible songs he'd made up himself.
He began singing the first verse and Mia felt her face become hot. She couldn't help but love how his voice sounded singing in English. His voice was so husky and deep, it sounded so good! I don't even like Ed Sheeran's music but the way he sings it is too good!
"Yeah Karamatsu!!" She let out a cheer of support, followed by one from Hanae and eventually even his brothers were cheering him on. Karamatsu felt a proud feeling in his stomach as he continued. He knew this song was popular here but when he heard it was by a British artist, he thought learning it would impress Mia. My plan is a success!
Mia felt herself nearly die every time he sang the chorus. Karamatsu was always so sweet and kind, always blushing when something even remotely sexual occurred so hearing him sing about the idea of hookups and sex was making Mia light up bright red. She found herself having to shake away the indecent thoughts in her head.
When Karamatsu's song finished, he took a big swig of beer and bowed dramatically. "Nice one man! You're pretty good ya know?" Jax grinned patting Karamatsu on the back causing Karamatsu's face to light up like a child at the compliment. THAT INNOCENT FACE CANNOT BELONG TO THE MAN WHO JUST SUNG IN THAT VOICE NO WAY. Mia screamed in her head, hiding her red face in her hands.
The night went on and they ordered more drinks and some food. Of course, everyone but the Matsuno sextuplets were watching how much they drank. Todomatsu had sung Under the Sea in Japanese which had surprisingly been really good. His cutesy voice fit well with the song and Mia couldn't help but find it adorable. Jyushimatsu had decided he wanted to fucking scream out Let it go in Japanese. He wasn't a master vocalist but he still put his everything into singing the song, his smile as wide as ever. His brothers were becoming a little tipsy by now and so were cheering him on loudly. He was having fun that's all that mattered.
Then there was poor Choromatsu who decided it would be a good idea to sing a Nyaa-chan song much to the enjoyment of his brothers who thought it was fucking hilarious. Even Jax ended up joining in with their laughter. By the end of his song, he had a bright red face from all the embarrassment. "You sounded brilliant Choromatsu don't listen to them." Mia glared at the other brothers as she and Hanae patted his back in comfort. "Little shits." She muttered jokingly before leaning back, focusing her attention on the other girl in the room.
"Hanae you haven't sung anything yet! Come on refresh my memory of your voice. I mean haven't heard it since high school." She chuckled, causing the raven-haired girl to laugh as well. "But I haven't heard YOU sing. And I think these guys would prefer to hear you sing!" She giggled, pointing to the sextuplets who were staring intently, small blushes dusting their faces. It was so obvious to Hanae that the boys liked Mia and she found it hilarious.
"When was the last thing we sung together?" Hanae muttered and Mia gave a short but pained laugh, her hand coming up to her chest as if she'd been shot. " don't even remember. How mean. It was your last day remember? Our song?"
"Oh my god yeah! You were crying halfway through it though. It sounded awful you trying to blubber out the lyrics." Mia at these words crossed her arms defensively, smushing her face up in mock anger. "I've got an idea! Wanna sing it one last time? Make up for that poor last performance we gave?" Hanae smiled and the boys looked over at Mia, awaiting her response. They have a song...I guess that's the sort of thing couples do... Ichimatsu thought, somehow managing to sigh in his thoughts. Hey, they're not a couple anymore Ichimatsu-niisan! Todomatsu responded back somehow, giving a glare to the fourth eldest.
Mia looked a bit hesitant. "You sure Miwa won't care?" Hanae asked in a low voice, the sextuplets missing her words as they mentally bickered with each other. "She doesn't mind! I messaged her earlier about bumping into you. She said Hi by the way." Mia smiled and nodding with more confidence than before, catching the attention of the sextuplets. "You better remember your parts." She smirked as she picked up two mics. Hanae tapped the song into the tablet and took one of the mics from Mia. "I'll have you know I've been improving my English! I kinda have to for my students."
"Heh this'll be good." Jax muttered from his space on the couch as he finished off his drink of beer. The girls got into positions at the front and the brothers watched eagerly. Apart from Karamatsu, none of them had heard her properly sing a song. A soft melody began to play accompanied by the sound of raindrops in the background. None of the sextuplets recognised the song and patiently listened to the long opening, waiting for one of the girls to open their mouth and sing.
"Who cares for the life we've earned? Someone sold all the truth you yearned. Remember when you used to shine. And had no fear or sense of time...when it creeps up on you." Mia's voice was soft and melancholic as she sang and at that moment the brothers were glad a Japanese translation was showing up on the TV in the room so they could understand what she was saying.
"You can't cry now there's nothing to feel. No one's noticed our loneliness. Remember when you used to tease. And made us scream eternal joy." This time it was Hanae singing, her voice very soft and her words spoken in English yet coated in a Japanese accent as she sang. She wasn't wrong, her english was incredible!
"I believed that you'd always be here. Cause once you promised a life with no fear." Both girls gave each other a look before singing the last part of the song together in perfect harmony. The sextuplets couldn't help but marvel at how well they sang together. It felt almost sad in a way, the way they looked at each other, the way their voices sounded. Jax had sat up, a wave of nostalgia hitting that took him back to the days they would sit on the school rooftop singing songs together. Though this time would be the final time. The final performance he'd hear of this song.
"Please don't break my ideals. And say what's fake was always real. Hope was the one, now I'm gone. Take me back again." The song slowed with that same melancholic melody, fading until only the sound of raindrops remained until the room went silent. Both Mia and Hanae gave each other gentle smiles before Mia placed the microphone down.
"That was really good..." Everyone looked over at Ichimatsu, surprised he was the first to speak. "Thanks Ichimatsu-Kun!" Hanae smiled and Mia nodded in agreement, letting out a long breath she didn't know she was holding in. "What made you pick that as... your song?" Todomatsu asked, awkwardly muttering out the word 'your.' He didn't really care for those types of songs, those depressing slow types, but the way Mia sang it made him want to hear it again and again. "Yeah, the lyrics are quite depressing." Choromatsu added before realising how harsh that sounded. He actually found the song quite beautiful even if he spent half the time not understanding the words. He saw most of the lyrics on the screen but found himself wanting to focus on Mia's face instead.
"It was the song we were listening to when Mia confessed." Hanae said with a nostalgic look on her face before turning to her ex. "Yeah we used to always listen to music on the rooftop cause not many people went up there. The song was on, the mood felt right so I grew a pair and asked her out!" Mia turned to Jax, asking him if he remembered that day, unaware of the jealousy emanating off the brothers. Jax looked over at them and let out the loudest sigh known to man. Fucking hell they're so obviously jealous. That's hilarious. He internally laughed before standing up, causing the group to turn to him.
"I'm going out for a ciggie. Anyone joining me?" He took out his box of cigarettes. "I will." Osomatsu stood up, quickly finishing off the rest of his drink before following the black-haired guy outside.
They stepped out, feeling the cool air hit their faces. Jax placed a cigarette in his mouth and offered one to Osomatsu, which he gladly accepted. They both lit them and breathed in the smoke, letting it out with a satisfied sigh. "I could practically hear the jealously from you guys back there." Jax muttered after a minute of silent smoking. Osomatsu nearly coughed his cigarette out of his mouth as he turned to look at Jax. "Are we that obvious?"
"No shit man of course! You all had a face like a slapped arse." Jax laughed as Osomatsu grimaced at the crude description. Osomatsu took another toke and let it out in a shaky breath.
"Look you guys need to calm it. Any feeling between Mia and Hanae ended years ago they're just friends now. In fact, Hanae has a girlfriend back home!" Jax took a long drag of his cig and looked over at Osomatsu to see his face had gone a bright pink. We were worrying over nothing!
After the two had left to smoke, everyone went back to talking. "So the only ones who haven't sung is Jax, Osomatsu-niisan and Ichimatsu-niisan." Todomatsu said in a tipsy tone and everyone turned towards the forth-eldest. He began to sweat as everyone stared intently at him. Osomatsu and Jax were automatically out of the running considering they weren't here, leaving only the dark Matsu. Ichimatsu looked down at his drink, his hands in his hoodie pocket clutching the plushie from earlier in the day. Fuck that not in front of them! In fact not in front of ANYONE!
Mia stood up and sat down next to Ichimatsu, putting her hand on his arm to alert him of her presence. "You don't have to sing if you don't want to Ichimatsu." He looked over at her with a nervous look on his face and nodded shyly, feeling a bit better with her hand on his own. "T-Thanks Mia. Trash like me wouldn't want to ruin everyone's night with my terrible singing."
Mia gave him a look of sadness before turning him to face her. The other brothers were fairly drunk at this point and had forgotten about Ichimatsu in favour of talking to the other girl in the room, pestering her about her life. "Ichimatsu you're not trash. Your singing wouldn't ruin the night! In fact, judging by your low husky voice I bet your singing voice would be kinda hot." Ichimatsu's eyes widened as he looked at Mia who realised what she just said. "A-AH Y-You know what I mean!" She looked down with embarrassment, trying to laugh off the awkward moment.
"Maybe one day I could try to sing...alone...just for you..." A hand landed on his and he looked up at Mia's face which was bright red with a blush. "I-Id like that." That face mixed with those words were like a shot into Ichimatsu.
"Ohh...You would?" His voice was low and his face held a smirk, a complete reversal to how shy he was five seconds before. Mia had flipped some sort of switch in Ichimatsu and now all he wanted to do now was tease her, along with other things...
Mia felt like her heart was going to jump out of her chest with how Ichimtasu was looking at her. She'd never seen him look so confident and she liked it. The sound of the door opening brought them back to reality as Osomatsu walked over to them, squeezing himself between the two.
"Ichimacchan what are you doinggg?"
So I wanna go over my music choices.
So apparently Shape of you is really popular in Japanese karaoke places according to a few things I read online? I mean I don't really care for Ed Sheeran's music but let's be honest Karamatsu would totally sing it he's that kinda bitch.
For anyone who hasn't seen it, there's an Osomatsu Karaoke audio you can find easily on youtube and so I used those songs for Jyushimatsu and Todomatsu. And Choromatsu sings a Nyaa-chan song cause it's feckin Choromatsu.
Now Shine (Acoustic) by Muse. Why'd I choose that you may ask? It's a very simple answer. Cause it's FUCKIN BEAUTIFUL and it deserves MORE APPRECIATION! Honestly, I've listened to Muse from a very young age thanks to my older sister who is a decade older than me and yet I still sometimes get emotional from that song. Don't judge me.
Next chapter will feature more songs I like. Thanks for putting up with your resident trash bag
Until next time bye- Jude
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