Chapter 16. Hanae
Hey guys! Finally a drawing with all the boys in! Actually quite proud of it!
Third-person pov
They all arrived at the long wall of vending machines and grabbed some drinks. "Thought of what your command will be yet Osomatsu-niisan?" Todomatsu asked, causing Mia to groan from the corner. "Don't remind me of that Totty."
Osomatsu smirked and puffed out his chest. "Not yet! But I'm sure I'll think of something good." His smile was not giving Mia hope. "Don't worry about him my Karamatsu girl! I'll make sure he doesn't ask you to do something unsightly! I mean how could he ask such an angel anything of the sort!" Karamatsu said before quickly being kicked in the back of the legs by Ichimatsu. "Painful..."
Ichimatsu noticed at that moment everyone seemed occupied with something else. Osomatsu was talking with Todomatsu, Choromatsu and Jyushimatsu had gone to the toilet and Karamatsu was sitting on the floor, rubbing his now hurting leg. Mia was stood in the corner, checking her phone when she noticed Ichimatsu moving closer to her. She put her phone away and smiled at the shy boy. "Feeling better now you've drank something?" She asked, giving him a small pat on the back. He nodded with a slight blush on his face before grabbing her hand. "C-Come with me..."
He dragged her off, luckily not being noticed by any of the others. These guys seriously love grabbing my hand and randomly dragging me off to places don't they?! Mia thought as she followed the purple hooded Matsu. They stopped and he pointed at one of the smaller machines. It had small little cat plushies and seemed to not be a difficult win.
"I t-thought I could win you one...if you wanted me too..." Ichimatsu said in an awkward voice, looking everywhere but the girl in front of him. Mia smiled gently and rested a hand on his arm. "I'd love that Ichimatsu." He looked back up with a calm smile and nodded.
Ichimatsu stepped forward and spotted a small purple cat close to the chute. He put his money in and moved the claw over the small little plush, sticking a tongue out in concentration as he did so. Mia watched with a smile on her face, just happy that Ichimatsu seemed to be having fun.
The cat was picked up easily by the claw and they both watched as it floated towards the chute. However the grip began to loosen and both Ichimatsu and Mia panicked as it fell from the claw, only for it to bounce into the chute, knocking another plush down in the process. "Ichimatsu you got a double win!" Mia beamed as she looked at the two cat plushies in his hands. One was the one he originally picked up whilst the other was a mixture of black and white. He pushed both of them into her hands without saying a word, only to feel her hand grip his own. He looked down in shock and watched as she placed the black and white cat plush into his hand.
"Now we both have one!" Her smile nearly melted his heart as he tried with all his might not to smash his head into the machine. "M-Mia I l-love..." Ichimatsu held his breath, realising he'd nearly just made a bad mistake. Meanwhile, Mia was waiting patiently for the next word, unaware of what he actually wanted to say.
"I l-love t-the c-choker..." Ichimatsu said the first thing that came to his mind and quickly realised as he was saying it how weird it sounded. She's must think I'm trash...
"Oh my bodysuit?" Mia blushed and looked down at herself. "I'm glad you like it. Love a choker." She smirked slightly and Ichimatsu once again felt the urge to smash his face into the glass of the machine.
"Mia! Come on we need to play Wani Wani Panic!" Jyushimatsu suddenly came jumping over and picked Mia up before running off with her. "T-thanks Ichimatsu!" She yelled back, causing Ichimatsu to smile. He looked down at the tiny plush in his hand and hugged it close before stashing it in his pocket. This is mine...from her.
Jyushimatsu finally placed Mia down on her feet in front of the Wani Wani Panic machines. "Wow you're strong Jyushimatsu."
"Jyushimatsu-niisan you didn't need to carry her!" Todomatsu said in an annoyed voice. "But she's super soft and light!" Jyushimatsu laughed, failing to notice the blush spreading across Mia's face. "I-I'm not light! Not in the slightest!" Mia protested. She knew she was not a particularly thin girl. It seemed none of them heard her protests though. Osomatsu and Choromatsu were just finishing on the machines, the eldest gloating about how he won. Jyushimatsu shooed them out of the way and grabbed the foam hammer on the machine, Mia doing the same on the machine next to him. He grinned widely, ignoring his brother's warnings to not break the machine. One thought was running through his head.
I want to impress Mia!
Both games started and the crocodiles came out of their holes, only to be whacked by Jyushimatsu instantly. Mia was really going for it but found herself stopping to stare at the machine that was Jyushimatsu. No crocodile was safe from his attacks as he hit each and everyone one with such velocity the group could swear they heard the arcade machine cry out.
"Jyushimatsu you beat the high score!" Mia shouted gleefully, pointing at his high score. His brothers stood behind them with a sigh. Of course he did. He nearly murdered the machine.
"I DID! I DID!" Jyushimatsu chanted gleefully as he looked over at Mia's machine. "Ehh you hardly got any points Mia?!" Mia laughed in response. "I was too busy watching you Jyushimatsu!" The second youngest sextuplet felt his face turn bright red and he covered his mouth, hiding how happy that sentence made him feel.
He couldn't contain his happiness and before any of them could stop him, Jyushimatsu had picked up the blue-haired girl once again and was now spinning around with her in his arms. Mia didn't even know how to react. On one hand, it was super fun being twirled around but on the other hand, she was a blushing mess being picked up by this literal ray of sunshine. He's too good for this universe...
Eventually, Jyushimatu let Mia back down on her feet and she nearly fell over from how dizzy she felt. "Woah are you okay?" Todomatsu stepped forward, allowing her to lean on him. She nodded yes and stayed in that position until she felt okay again. "Thanks Totty." She smiled sweetly, causing said Matsu to blush. "You can always rely on me."
"Come on let's play some more games!"
The group continued to play more games for the next hour until they decided it was time to leave. They all started walking to the front of the building, Osomatsu, Karamatsu and Choromatsu leading the way whilst Ichimatsu and Jyushimatsu talked slightly behind them. They failed to notice their youngest brother and Mia lagging behind them, chatting away.
As they made it close to the exit, Mia noticed the photo booth and was reminded of what the youngest brother had asked for at the start of the day. "Hey Todomatsu. You wanted to take a picture didn't you?" Mia said to Todomatsu, pointing over to the machine. He nodded and as Mia was about to call out to the rest of the brothers, he gave a sly grin and pulled her into the photo booth as they were going past.
"Totty?" She looked at him confused. "I wanted to get one of just the two of us without those gremlins in." He smiled sweetly, his facial expression opposing his choice of words. Mia let out a quiet giggle as to not alert the sextuplets who had now noticed that two were missing from their group. "Okay but we take one with them after!"
Todomatsu reluctantly agreed and he put the money into the machine. He gently placed his arm around Mia and hugged her close. Mia smiled in response, a faint blush on her face. He leaned forward and pressed the button and a short countdown began. "You look really pretty today you know?" Todomatsu said out of nowhere, her blush going from faint to obvious.
"Eh?" She was about to respond when the machine alerted them that the picture would be taken in a few seconds. They both turned to the camera and smiled wide as the light flashed, signalling the picture had been taken. They printed off two copies and they popped out of the machine not long after. "We look perfect! Do we have to take one with the others?" Todomatsu muttered, giving Mia a begging look.
"THERE THEY ARE!" Osomatsu's voice was heard and both Todomatsu and Mia put their picture's away just as the curtain to the large photo booth was thrown open. "Hey guys! We still need to take pictures together!" The brothers looked at her and then Todomatu who had an 'innocent' smile on his face.
Now the photobooths in Japan are quite big but trying to fit six guys and a girl in was quite the challenge. The boys piled around Mia, all silently fighting over who got to be next to her until eventually, they settled down with Ichimatsu on her left, Karamatsu on her right and the rest of the brothers stood behind them. They made sure everyone was visible and pressed the button.
"I'm lucky to have you guys." Mia said as she looked over the picture. They each had gotten a copy of the picture and had never felt happier. All the guys were discussing what to do next as they walked down the bustling street, so Mia's words went unheard. "What do you want to do Mia-chan?" Choromatsu asked, causing the boys to stop talking and focus their attention on the girl.
"Oh I don't mind! Whatever makes you guys happ--"
"Mia is that you?" A soft voice came from behind them and they all turned to see a petite girl around Mia's age, a tote bag over her shoulder and a smile on her face. She had mid-length black hair that contrasted her bright blue eyes and pale skin. She was wearing a long-sleeved wine red turtleneck tucked into a flowy black skirt that reached down to near her ankles where a stylish pair of ankle boots completed the look. She looked oddly familiar to the eldest and third eldest Matsuno brothers but they couldn't put their fingers on why.
"Hanae?!" Mia's face lit up as she pulled the girl into a tight hug. The girl reciprocated and began jumping up and down. "I knew it was you! Even with short hair, I'll always recognise that blue!" They pulled apart and smiled at each other. "How is the family? Your mum doing okay?" They began talking about this girls family and the brothers felt quite left out as they stared at the two.
"You're living with Jax now aren't you? How is he?" She asked and the boys perked up, finally hearing about someone familiar in the conversation. "He's doing brilliantly! Way better than when you last saw him." The girl gave a relieved smile before finally noticing the boys behind Mia. She took a double take before turning back to her friend.
"Mia am I going crazy or is there really six of them?"
"No you're not going crazy. These are the Matsuno Sextuplets." The brothers jumped, realising they were finally involved in the conversation and introduced themselves in order. "How do you know Mia?" Jyushimatsu asked in his usual loud voice, causing the girl to laugh slightly.
"Let me introduce myself! My name is Hanae Tatsuta. Mia and I used to date back in high school."
A long silence followed before all the boys mentally screamed. SHE'S THE EX!
Our Mia is Bi! ❤
Until next time bye- Jude
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