Chapter 12. Oden
Mia's pov
I looked down at my bed, looking over the clothes I had laid out. "What would be better?"
I had gotten a text from Osomatsu when I was at work asking me to meet him at the park later on for a 'surprise'. I was curious about what surprise he would have but also weirdly excited to the point of being concerned about what to wear.
I knew this feeling. The feeling of being excited to see someone and wanting to impress them. Wanting to look good for them. I had been feeling it around each of the sextuplets for a while now and part of me was scared of it. I thought back to the conversation I'd had with Jax a week ago as I paced around my room.
"All six of them?" I nodded, slightly embarrassed about the whole situation. Jax looked blankly for a second before a low laugh escaped from him. "That's something." He patted the couch and I flopped down onto it, glaring at him in the process. "It ain't funny! What do I do?"
"Well you could just ignore the feelings until they go but we both know that won't fucking happen. I'd say just see how it goes."
I stopped moving, my thoughts making me look down with a guilty look. This stupid heart of mine...These stupid feelings. I looked down at my phone, my background being a picture I took with all the boys last time I saw them. Those stupid NEETs, it's their fault they're all so amazing...
I sighed and finally picked up one of the outfits. It was a simple black keyhole shirt with a pair of ripped jeans. Nothing too flashy but still a bit different from the t-shirts I usually wore. I got changed and grabbed my things. "Jax I'm going out!" I yelled, waiting for a response.
"Fuck you!!"
It was later on in the evening as I made my way down to the park. The sky was that beautiful mix of blue with slight patches of dark orange, showing the night was on its way. As I approached the park I saw more and more people, a lot of them being happy couples holding each other's hands. Why is the world taunting me? I thought as I looked down with a blush.
I wonder what it would be like to do that with the sextuplets... My mind began to fill with images of myself in the positions the couples around me were in. But instead, it was me and a different Matsuno brother. Holding their hand, clinging to their arm, hugging each other, kissi--
"Mia!!" I was dragged away from my impure thoughts and looked up at the sound of my name to see Osomatsu stood near the fountain. He was wearing his red jacket and had his signature grin on his face.
Third-person pov
Osomatsu waved as Mia ran towards him. He looked her up and down and felt his face turn red as she stopped in front of him. Fuck! What's with that outfit? It's hot...
"Osomatsu?" She shook him and he looked to the side. "You look fuckin hot." He chuckled, his eyes eating up her appearance. Her clothes clung to her body in all the right places and he loved it. "Thanks Osomatsu. You don't look half bad yourself." Before he could even react a voice interrupted their moment.
"Osomatsu? Who is she?" They both looked over to see Totoko. She looked confused to how a virgin NEET like Osomatsu could be within such a short distance of a girl. "Ah! Totoko-chan this is M-Mia!" Osomatsu felt nervous as he watched Mia walk up to the girl and hold out her hand. "Nice to meet you!" Totoko looked hesitant as she accepted the handshake. Osomatsu knew what Totoko could be like when it came to other girls from the Kin-chan incident. "You're really pretty." Mia let the words slip from her mouth before she looked up with a mixture of shock and slight dread. "I m-mean you know if you're okay with me s-saying that!"
Totoko gave a fake laugh, accepting the compliment. She had always loved being complimented, even if it was by an ugly commoner. Osomatsu watched nervously as Totoko laughed for an uncomfortable amount of time before stopping suddenly. She started to take over the conversation completely, mostly talking about herself which cause the boy to feel annoyed. He just wanted to spend some time with Mia. Eventually, Totoko left feeling a bit shocked at the lack of attention she got from the eldest sextuplet. Usually they fawn over me...
"She seemed...nice?" Mia looked over at him with an awkward smile. "Yeah." Osomatsu let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding in. That could've gone MUCH worse...
"So what's your big surprise?" Mia turned her attention to the male who gave a grin. "You're gonna try the best Oden in the world!" He smirked, rubbing underneath his nose before they set off walking to their destination.
"So you called me out here to get dinner?" Mia asked with a smirk, earning a nod from Osomatsu. "Just the two of us?" She continued and he once again nodded. She hummed as they continued to walk, not being able to suppress the smile on her face. "What are you disappointed my little brothers aren't here?" He asked in a fake sad tone as the oden stand came into view.
"Oh shut up you know I'm happy to spend time with you on your own." She fake punched his arm and he let out a laugh as they sat down. "Osomatsu and...a girl?!" Chibita looked at him, then back at Mia with visible shock. "Missy has he kidnapped you?"
"OI! I haven't kidnapped her! She came here willingly!" Osomatsu yelled back, causing Mia to giggle. "I'm friends with the lads. And I've been told I'm apparently trying the best oden." Chibita's eyes lit up and he gave a bashful look. "Well of course idjit! Sit down and try some!"
Chibita got on with making the oden and gave both his customers a cold beer. Mia took a large swig, gulping down the cold bitter liquid and placed the glass down with a large thud. "Kyah! That's so good!!" Osomatsu nodded in agreement, drinking his own beer. They were served their food and Chibita stirred his Oden as he listened to the two talk. He never thought he'd see the day a girl could put up with the sextuplets, especially Osomatsu, but there she was laughing along to his jokes. Part of him began to wonder if she was, in reality, a realistic robot made by Dekapan because in his mind that was more likely than an actual girl liking the sextuplets.
The girl inspected her food, the smell was divine and made her stomach growl angrily. She hadn't got the chance to eat lunch at work and was starving. She picked up the chopsticks with shakey hands and picked up some of the food, watching as it glistened under the lights in his cart. She opened her mouth and took her first mouthful of Oden, her face turning to what could only be described as bliss. "Chibita this is really good! You weren't wrong it really is the best!" The short cook grinned widely and thanked her for the praise as she started shovelling more and more of the meal into her mouth. Osomatsu grinned, expressing that he knew she would like it and that he was the best.
The night went on and the drinks began to pile up. They changed from beer to sake and Mia was well on her way to being fully pissed. Osomatsu not as much as he was better with his alcohol considering he drank it so often.
"Mia-chaannnn..." Osomatsu hummed, feeling the alcohol buzz around his system. "Who's your favourite? I bet it's me! I am the oldest after all." He beamed, crossing his arms confidently. A mischievous idea popped into Mia's drunk mind. In any normal circumstance, she never would've even considered it but the alcohol made it seem like a hilarious idea. She turned and with a cheeky smirk spoke in her most seductive voice. "Of course it's you silly~"
Osomatsu felt himself about to die from her words. She can't say something in that voice whilst dressed all sexy like that! I'll go crazy...
"BWAHAH Look at how red your face is!" Mia burst into a fit of laughter, pointing at his crimson red face whilst slamming her hand on the table. "I guess anything can get a virgin NEET all flushed." He felt slightly disappointed that she wasn't being serious and downed his drink, enjoying the slight burning feeling it gave his throat. "Mia you don't have to pretend I'm not your favourite. My brothers aren't here don't worrrryyyy."
"Who said I was pretendingggg? Or maybe I'm being serious you don't knowww." She cooed, the alcohol taking over her actions. Chibita nearly fainted at what he was hearing. WHAT IS GOING ON? HOW IS THIS HAPPENING? Osomatsu didn't even know how to respond as he stared at his crush. He had no quip or joke to respond with. Is she being serious? Or is it the alcohol?
Mia lay her head on the boy's shoulder, snuggling into the warmth he provided. "Osoooooo." She moaned, letting out a small hiccup before giggling to herself. Osomatsu physically jolted and looked down at the girl. A small amount of blood fell from his nose as he saw a perfect view down the girl's keyhole shirt. NO! I must go against all my virgin NEET instincts! I don't want her to think I'm just trying to sleep with her...I'll win her normally! Though with the amount of alcohol she's had she probably won't remember anyway ... Wait she won't remember tomorrow... Osomatsu considered the devious idea he had in his head for a second, his face as red as his jacket. Just this once...I'll call her it!
"Mia...b-babe?" Chibita raised an eyebrow as Mia looked up at Osomatsu and smiled lazily. "Hmmmm?"
Osomatsu's heart nearly jumped out of his chest. Is this bad? Am I allowed to do this?! "You're really drunk. I'll take you home!" He stood up carefully, keeping a hold on Mia to make sure she didn't fall over. She grumbled something about being fine as she stood up with a wobble. "Here Chibita." Osomatsu stuffed his hand into his pocket and pulled out some notes, placing them down on the table with a thud. The shorter guy looked up with silent shock. Osomatsu NEVER paid his tab. "W-W-What?" Chibita stared down at the money with wide eyes, unsure if he just imagined it into existence.
"For the food and drinks." Osomatsu looked back over at Mia, rubbing under his nose sheepishly as he watched her wobble about, mumbling some song lyrics. It clicked in Chibita's head what was going on and he smiled, grabbing the money quickly. "Oi. Idjit." Chibita yelled over to the drunk girl, who looked over at him with a flushed face. "Yeaaahhhhh??"
"Osomatsu. He hardly ever pays for his food." Chibita ignored the angry noise that came from the sextuplet. "He must really care about you" Osomatsu blushed, walked over to Mia without another word and held her steady. "Come on babe...I'm taking you home." His heart felt warm every time he called her that.
I may never get the chance to call her it properly...
The boy had never been happier as he walked with Mia under the dark blue night sky. The mixture of their bodies pressed together as well as the alcohol bubbling in their system was keeping them warm. They were surprisingly silent as they stumbled along but Osomatsu wouldn't have it any other way. Just the feeling of his arm around her was enough for him.
The walk felt so short to the two of them and Osomatsu wished it had been a little longer as they climbed the steps of that building he was so familiar with now. "Is Jax in?" He asked and Mia nodded sleepily.
"Did you enjoy our date baby?" He smiled softly at her flushed face. She looked so perfect, her hair mirroring her face just right, her chestnut eyes shining brightly and her cheeks were flushed a beautiful shade of red. I wanna kiss her so bad...
"I enjoyed it a lot." Mia smiled brightly before leaning up, placing a kiss on Osomatsu's cheek. The boy froze and the door opened in front of them, Jax staring at them both with a mixture of confusion and fatigue on his face. As Mia pulled away from the now frozen Osomatsu, Jax's mouth pointed up into a smug grin.
"I thought I heard voices out here. Fucking hell she's bladdered." He laughed as Mia turned to him. "Jaaxxx! I had a good date!" She stumbled through the door and past the black-haired boy, leaving both the guys alone. "A date hmmmm?" It was as if his grin was getting wider with every second. Osomatsu expected him to hit him or something but instead, the guy placed a hand on his shoulder. "Maybe next time just tell her you wanna go on a date." He gave a wink and shut the door, leaving Osomatsu to wonder what he meant by that.
That was a long one! Osomatsu may be a pervert but I imagine he'd love all the nicknames and cute stuff in a relationship
Until next time bye- Jude
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