Chapter 11. Morning
Hey guys! A note about the drawing. I actually have that red Yellow Submarine shirt and use it as a pyjama shirt ❤ The proportions of the body are slightly out on the drawing. Mia is thiccer than I've drawn here. Fully my fault, got my proportions mixed up 😅
Mia's pov
I woke up fairly early and quietly exited my room to see all the NEETs still sleeping. They all look so cute... The thought entered my head without my realising, causing me to shake my head. What am I thinking?!
I walked over to the kitchen as I would any morning and put the coffee machine on before yawning quite loudly. I grabbed some stuff I needed from the fridge and pulled my mug out of the cupboard. As I did so I heard some shuffling behind me. "Morning." Ichimatsu said in his usual low voice. "Ah morning Ichimatsu. I was wondering what you and your brothers would prefer for breakfast?"
"You want to make food...for trash like us?" He muttered and I laughed. "Ichimatsu you're not trash at all! I was thinking of going all out and making a classic British breakfast. Ya know sausages, bacon, mushrooms, eggs? OH and hashbrowns! But I was unsure if you'd all like that? I have rice and miso soup if that's better for you?" I questioned as I made sure I had all the ingredients needed. He looked at me with thought, rubbing his chin with his finger. "I guess it's my dad's side of me that makes me love a good old full English in the morning."
"Oh you're half British aren't you?" Ichimatsu mumbled and I nodded. I was thankful that when I was growing up my Dad made sure I was exposed to my British half, taking me to see his half of the family in England practically every year, exposing me to the shows and music and making sure I knew English fluently as well as Japanese. My home was Japan of course but I'd always be half British.
I placed a pan on the hob and started with the bacon and sausages. I also put the hashbrowns in the oven as Ichimatsu watched in silence until I looked over. Does he want to help?
"Could you please cut those mushrooms over there Ichimatsu?" He nodded slowly, his eye's lightening up a bit as made his way over. As we cooked I saw the other boys begin to stir and wake up. "Mmmm. That smells good." Osomatsu yawned and looked over. "You look good wearing red Miaaaa." He smirked, referring to my red pyjama top.
"Morning Mia!" Jyushimatsu said, his voice slightly less intense than it usually was and his hair messier. It seems all the boys had bedhead. They all were getting up and wandering over to the small kitchen space which made me wonder where we'd all eat considering I don't have seven chairs.
"Morning Mia-chan. Did you sleep well?" Choromatsu asked. I was about to reply when my eyes met Todomatsu's and I remembered last nights incident. "I slept fine!" I squeaked, focusing my eyes on the food sizzling in the pan. This didn't go unnoticed as he looked at Todomatsu and back at me before seemingly letting it go.
"My darling, what are you making?" Karamatsu asked as he looked over the kitchen counter. I repeated what I had said to Ichimatsu and he hummed. "I'll eat anything as long as it's made by you my darling! Your cooking will give me the power to survive all day because your cooking is made with love!" He smirked at me, his hand pointed out in my direction. I laughed and booped the end of his extended finger. "I wish my cooking was that good Kara."
Karamatsu's face went slightly red though paled quickly. I looked at him with confusion until I heard a small hum next to me and found Ichimatsu stood with a chopping board full of mushrooms in one hand and the knife in the other. I thanked him, my heart fluttering a little when I saw him smile at my praises.
I finished off the cooking by frying some eggs and the mushrooms before plating everything up. We only have three chairs so it ended with me, Osomatsu and Jyushimatsu sat around the table whilst the rest ate their food carefully whilst sat on the couch. According to the rest of the boys, the eldest and fifth son were the messiest eaters so I thought seating them at the table would make it easier for me to clean up their mess after.
"Mmm! This is good!" Osomatsu grinned as he shovelled down his food. "My darling cooked me a meal..." I heard Karamatsu cry with happiness over on the couch. I felt incredibly happy watching them all enjoy the food I made them. "I don't think I've ever made so much food! Thanks for helping me cut the mushrooms Ichimatsu." He nodded, looking down at his food with a blush.
"Morning." I looked up and saw Jax stumble out of his room and over to the kitchen. He was wearing a scruffy pair of pyjama bottoms and a random shirt with a few holes in from cigarette ash. "There's coffee." I said nonchalantly and continued to eat my food as if it were any morning. The sextuplets all at once said good morning, causing Jax to jump slightly. "Morning guys." He let out a tired laugh as he grabbed his mug from the cupboard and poured his coffee out.
"I'll be on the balcony." And with that, he was out the balcony door.
"Is he okay?" Todomatsu asked and I nodded, standing up and grabbing everyone's now empty plates. "Yeah he's just gone out for his morning cig. Get's a bit cranky if he doesn't get it." I masterfully balanced all the plates in my hands and took them over to the kitchen sink.
I began washing their plates when Karamatsu ran over and offered to help me. "It's okay Kara. You guy's can just relax." I gestured to the couch but he persisted with his brothers joining in. How am I supposed to win six against one? I sighed and gave in, allowing them to help me clear up. Karamatsu dried the plates when I handed them to him whilst Choromatsu put them away in the kitchen cupboards. Osomatsu was cleaning the table much to the surprise of his brothers who just assumed he didn't have the ability to clean up after himself. The rest of them were rolling up the futons and placing them back in the corner of the room for Jax to deal with in a bit.
Once we were done, Jax came back in and began helping me put the futons away whilst the brothers tried to pile themselves into our small bathroom space to brush their teeth. I couldn't help but laugh watching them all fight to get in there until they eventually decided to just take turns. Unsurprisingly our two-bedroom flat was not made for six extra people.
I went into my room and got changed whilst the boys did the same in the living room. As I was pulling my clothes on I thought about how fun the night before had been as well as the morning just gone. I'm so lucky to know those NEETs... My eyes widened as I realised.
Wait...this feeling. Holy fuck.
I waved the sextuplets goodbye and watched as they walked away from the flat, all seeming pretty happy. I closed the door and instantly called Jax's name. He looked over from the couch and questioned what was wrong.
"Jax. I think I'm starting to develop feelings for them."
Third-person pov
The sextuplets were halfway home and each still had smiles on their faces. Even Ichimatsu had a small smile on his face. "We stayed at a girls house..." Osomatsu said with an exhalation of breath. They all hummed in agreement, almost unable to believe it. "Totty." Choromatsu said, catching the youngest's attention.
"What was up with Mia-chan and you this morning? When she saw you she went super high pitched!" The other brothers also realising this turned to the youngest who gave a blank look, sweat dripping down his forehead. "Nothing."
"What's with that reaction? Did something happen?!" Osomatsu yelled, the whole group stopping.
"It was nothing." Todomatsu reiterated but the others weren't convinced. He was about to run off when Jyushimatsu placed a hand on his shoulder, his smile somehow making him look intimidating. Todomatsu knew at that moment if he didn't tell them he would die a painful death.
"It was late and...her light was on...You were all asleep! I just opened the door and...I saw..." His face went bright pink as he shoved his hands into his face. They were all silent with anticipation waiting for him to finish his sentence.
" her bra..." The brothers all held blank faces before a face of anger replaced it and they all screamed out. Todomatsu, realising he was about to be murdered anyway, ran ahead of his brothers, them quickly pursuing with jealously evident on their faces.
Totty saw a titty
Until next time bye- Jude
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