Chapter 10. Memories
Hey guys! Another day, another chapter!
Third-person pov
The boys found themselves walking back to Mia's, each with a bag of their things for the night. They were going to stay over at Mia's flat. Their mother could hardly believe them when they said they were going to stay over at a girls house but was quick to pack all their stuff into bags and send them on their way. "I can't believe this is happening! We're staying at a girls place!" Osomatsu cheered, still a bit tipsy from the drinking before. He'd been dreaming of this moment for years practically, though had never imagined his brothers being there. "It can't be real..." Ichimatsu muttered staring at his hands before pinching Karamastu's arm. "OWWW! Why brother?!"
"To see if this is real."
"I wonder where we'll sleep..." Todomatsu muttered and all the brother's stopped their bickering as thoughts began flooding their heads, most of them being indecent. "N-N-no! We need to respect M-Mia-chan!" Choromatsu stuttered though he was thinking the same way as his brothers. "I'm sure Jax wouldn't let anything happen to Mia." Todomatsu said and they all smiled. "He's so cool! He works in a music shop apparently. A true man of taste!" Karamatsu sang out and they all hummed in admiration. "Do we even compare?" Ichimatsu grumbled as they climbed the stairs.
They all thought about that comment as they entered the home. They got back inside and saw a few futons rolled up in the corner, not set out yet. "Sorry but we only have four futons. Who's okay on the couch?" Jax asked, leaning against the wall. "Why do you have four futons in the first place? I mean you both must have your own beds?" Ichimatsu asked as he took a seat on the couch, pulling his knees up to his face. "The families come to stay every now and then." He responded simply.
It was not long before the group returned to their drinking. "No no Mia no drinking for you!" Jax said as he pulled the beer away from her causing her to whine. "You're drinking!" She argued back with a pout on her face. "Yeah but my tolerance is miles better than yours. Remember last time you drank whilst high?" He said and Mia lent back. "Fair point."
"Why what happened?" Todomatsu asked and Mia groaned, memories of that dreaded incident flashing in her mind. "I have pictures." Jax said holding up his phone. "You dare..." She glared but he was already getting it up. "NOOO Please that's one of the low points of my life!" She squealed and he looked up with a grin. "Okayyy I won't show them but let's just say she was leaning over the toilet all night."
"That was Karamatsu-niisan when he first drank!" Jyushimatsu yelled out, causing the second eldest to blush. "T-That was a long time ago! My beautiful flower, I have a better tolerance now I swear!" The brothers all laughed whilst Todomatsu got his phone to go on social media. He wanted to see the pictures and he was determined to find them. They got onto the topic of the past and Mia listened with interest as they talked about how they were in high school.
"Jyushimatsu there's no way you could act like that!" Mia giggled at the thought of an angry Jyushimatsu. There's no way that ray of sunshine could be like that! Jyushimatsu rubbed the back of his head, his face a slight shade of red. "I'm embarrassed."
"Osomatsu didn't change..." Choromatsu said with a sigh as he looked at the eldest. "He was a pervert even back then." Osomatsu turned to his younger brother with an angry look. "Sorry TENTEI." He smirked as Choromatsu flinched, a vein popping on his head. "You have any picturesss?" Mia asked, really wanting to see how they looked before she knew them. It was a part of them she had yet to see but wanted to know more about. "Not on us no. Sorry..." Todomatsu muttered, not even looking up from his phone and Ichimatsu sighed with relief. He really hated how he was back then.
"Hey wanna see what we were like when we were younger?" Jax said and Mia looked at him with slight shock. "Really Jax? You sure?" Jax turned with a confident smile. "Yeah Mia I'm good." She slowly nodded as he got up to grab the photo album from the shelf.
He sat back down and passed the album to Mia sat in the middle surrounded by the boys, who were excited to see the pictures. The book was red with the word 'Memories' on the front. There were two stickers on the front which Mia quickly explained were from concerts they had attended in the past. She gave Jax one final look and he gave her a reassuring nod. The boys were confused by the interactions between the two as Mia flipped to the first page. The picture was of two young girls holding hands and it had a small note on the side of the page. 'AGE 10'
One was clearly a young Mia with pigtails. She was wearing square glasses along with a simple pink t-shirt and shorts. The other girl had messy shoulder-length black hair and was wearing dungarees. Mia looks so cute! The sextuplets thought as they studied the image. "Who's that girl?" Osomatsu questioned and Mia could see Jax take a long sip of his beer.
Mia flipped through a few pages of pictures before stopping once again. This picture showed the same two girls, now with the note 'AGE 13'.
They were both wearing blue middle school uniforms and Mia's hair had changed from pigtails to a single side ponytail. She had a similar pair of glasses though they were thicker and her face had become chubbier with some acne. The other girl had slightly shorter hair than before but this time instead of a smile, she was looking down at herself with a disdained look. Mia looked at the brothers and noticed that Todomatsu and Karamastu were looking at Jax and then back at the picture.
She flipped through more pages again and smiled softly looking at the picture she stopped on with half-lidded eyes. The note said 'AGE 15' and it showed Mia holding hands with a boy, both in high school uniforms.
The boy had the same guitar pick necklace Jax was wearing. A hum of realisation came from the Sextuplets and they all looked up at Jax. "I'm trans." He said, nervous but his voice filled with pride.
Their eyes widened slightly and it was silent for a few seconds which sent a feeling of worry into Jax and Mia. Suddenly they all began to barrage him with words of encouragement. Ichimatsu instead of saying words came up next to him and gave him slow pats on the back which made Jax chuckle slightly.
Mia felt her smile widen, her worries of a bad reaction now fading. She had never felt happier as she watched them accept her best friend for who he was. "How come you told us? I mean I feel honoured that you trust us my Karamatsu boy but I was just wondering?" Karamatsu asked.
"I've always been proudly open with my past and transition to people. Besides if you reacted badly it means I could kick you out now." He laughed slightly, taking another swig of his beer. "Yeah, it's in his Instagram bio." Todomatsu held up his phone, showing said account which he had searched up earlier. He smiled and Mia stood up, pushing past all the boys to give him a hug. All the boys felt a smile appear on their faces as they joined in.
They all cheered as clinking their drinks together, though they had made sure Mia was only drinking water. "Well I'm gonna go out for a ciggie. Anyone wanna join?" Jax said and Karamatsu nodded, causing some confused looks from his brothers. They both went towards the balcony, with Jax saying they could look through the rest of the album if they wanted to. As they closed the balcony door, Mia turned to the boys. "Thanks guys." She said in a floaty voice. Jyushimatsu and Todomatsu decided to play on one of the consoles hooked up the TV, Ichimatsu waiting beside them to tag in when one of them died.
Mia slumped down onto the couch and picked up the photo album again. "Can we join you?" Osomatsu and Choromatsu said in unison. She gave a tired nod and they both sat next to her, one on each side. She opened the book back to where they were and flipped through some pictures. There were plenty more after that, most of them just being Mia and Jax. Every now and then another girl their age would appear in the pictures but at some point, she disappeared completely.
"Who's that?" Osomatsu asked pointing at a picture of Mia and Jax with an older guy and a younger girl. "Jax's siblings. They may as well be my own though cause they're like a second family to me. Jax's brother is actually the guy we first smoked with." She giggled, reminiscing on the times she'd spend with Jax and his older brother in their parents back garden. They continued on with this for some time, Osomatsu and Choromatsu always asking about the pictures. It's sweet how interested they are...
Outside Jax and Karamatsu were sat on the chairs, looking at the night sky. "You sure you don't want one?" Jax asked, gesturing to the cigarette in his mouth causing Karamatsu to hold his hand up. "Non non. I didn't wanna smoke with you. I wanted to talk to you about music as I was told by the universe you also had a taste for the art of sound. Also cause you work in a music shop..." Jax perked up.
"Yeah. Do you play any instruments? I can play guitar, bass, drums and some piano." Karamatsu looked at him with sparkles in his eyes before he explained his love for playing the guitar and singing his heart out. "We should hang out and practice together sometime." Jax said with a grin as Karamatsu nodded eagerly. I get to practice guitar with a friend and maybe even see my darling Mia more!
Mia flipped another page of the book and stopped with a lazy smile. "That was after Jax's top surgery." The picture depicted Jax in a hospital bed, bandages on his chest and tears in his eyes. Mia was sat next to him on the bed, also crying. "That was one of the best days..." Mia said sleepily. "What other days are the best? Any day with me I'm guessing." Osomatsu joked. Both him and Choromatsu were shocked when she lazily snuggled into both of them, enjoying the warmth they provided before saying in a quiet voice. "The day I met you guys was also the best."
All the sextuplets turned towards her with silence and red faces. Did she just say that?!
Within a second she was breathing softly, her eyes closed and her body resting up against the eldest and third eldest. They looked up at their brothers, prominent blushes on their faces. It was a few minutes of the brothers just looking back and forth with looks questioning what they should do until Jax and Karamatsu came back in. Karamatsu, even if he didn't show it, found himself feeling jealous of his brothers and the predicament they were in.
"Ah, she fell asleep. Want me to carry her out to her bed?" Jax asked. "Or are you enjoying her next to you like that?" He grinned as the two brothers in question flinched, looking down.
They both slowly stood up, trying not to disturb the girl as she slept. Mia let out a whine in her sleep at the loss of warmth. "I was going to ask before but...what's with the bruise on her arm?" Todomatsu whispered and Jax sighed. "She knocked it at work today apparently. Dunce." He laughed quietly before picking the girl up. "Someone get her bedroom door for me." He said and Karamatsu already being stood up quickly walked over and opened the door wide. All the boys looked into the room as Jax went in to lay her on her bed. It was the same size as Jax's room. There was a double bed up against the wall with black and white bed covers. Her desk was fairly clean, with only a few pens and a book on top of it. A few band posters and pictures were on the walls and in the corner was an acoustic guitar laid neatly on its stand. Jyushimatsu looked over at the bed pole and his smile widened as he noticed his baseball cap was on there.
Jax took her glasses off her face and placed them on the bedside table before tucking her in and walking out of the room. "I guess that's our signal to go to bed as well." All the boys nodded and Jax went into his room so they could change. When they were done he helped them set out the futons before saying goodnight. The boys being fairly tipsy and tired feel asleep quite easily.
Halfway through the night, Mia woke up feeling groggy but less high than before. "I must have fallen asleep..." She muttered. She stayed still for a second before her face exploded red. DID I FALL ASLEEP IN BETWEEN OSOMATSU AND CHOROMATSU?
"I'll have to apologise to them..." She muttered with a flushed face before turning her bedside lamp on, hissing slightly at the light. She grabbed her glasses and placed them on her face. "I better get changed into my pyjamas." She groaned before grabbing her oversized pyjama shirt and shorts. She slipped her bottoms off and changed into her shorts. She pulled her shirt over her head and was about to slip off her bra when the door creaked open. "Mia...are you awake? I saw the light....on..." Todomatsu stood at the door, his face blank before a small amount of blood dripped from his nose.
"T-Todomatsu!" Mia whispered harshly, picking up her discarded shirt and holding it up to cover her body. "S-Sorry!" He squealed as he quickly shut the door. He turned quickly to make sure non of his brothers were awake. I just...I just... The blood continued to spew from his nose until Mia opened her bedroom door and closed it slowly. She shoved a tissue into his face and whispered. "Todomatsu why are you awake?!"
He looked at her, slightly embarrassed before answering in a sad tone. "I needed the toilet but I was scared of going in the dark." He expected Mia to laugh at him but instead, her face softened and she grabbed his hand. "It's okay I'm here. I'll come with you and wait for you." The youngest blushed before nodding and walking slowly through the dark living room with her. She noticed that Ichimatsu and Karamatsu had ended up taking the couch whilst the rest slept in futons.
She led Todomatsu to the toilet and waited outside. Once he was done he shyly thanked her. She led him back to his bed and before she could go back to her own room, he grabbed her. "I-I'm sorry about before. I didn't mean to see that." Mia felt her face heat up. "No no it's fine. Just learn how to knock okay?" He nodded before wishing her goodnight. She returned to her room with a bright red face and jumped into bed, falling asleep not long after.
What a long day.
That was a long one! Jax is actually based on my best friend who I love very much. He came out to me a few years ago as trans and I'll always be forever proud of him.
Until next time bye- Jude
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