Chapter Nine
Chapter Nine
I woke up after twelve o'clock. I could not sleep last night worth anything. All of this stuff about Chloe was on my mind. I was trying to piece everything together. Starting from the beginning. Which was the adoption. But I am thinking we start from what Chloe found out about the Governor of Nevada. Only one way to do that. And that is talking to her little brother Bryan. I got her laptop from her place yesterday. I may find Bryan's number or email in here. Hopefully something that will let me talk to him. I unlocked her laptop and browsed through her contacts. Nothing that says Bryan. I looked through her pictures and still found nothing. This thing is clean. Nothing on here at all. I pushed the laptop aside and walked over to my window seat. I sat in the seat and looked out the window. I need to find a way to get ahold of her brother. I got it. What if I go to her house? I would be able to see her brother then. I changed my clothes and rushed downstairs.
"Where you going?" Mom asked. I stopped and turned around.
"I am going to spend the day with Coral and Liam." I lied.
"Your father has been trying to get ahold of you. Why have you been ignoring his calls?" She asked. My father left two years ago. I never forgave him. I don't know why he left. I don't know if it was the fact that he was tired of my mom or whatever. I just never want to hear his explanation.
"I am not really in the mood to talk to him at all mom." I said and walked into the kitchen.
"It's been a year since you've talked to him. You need to forgive him and talk to him at least." She begged.
"He is not really the type that I want to forgive." I said and slipped on my shoes. "Well, I guess I will see you later then. Love you baby." She sighs.
"Love you too mom." I said and walked out. I got into my car and drove off. I called Liam to see if he wanted to come with.
"Hey love." He answered the phone.
"Hey, so do you want to come with me today?" I asked.
"Where too?" He asked. I could hear giggles on the other line.
"You know what never mind." I said and hung up. He is so cheating on Elijah again. He told me he was done with Colton a long time ago. He just lied to me! He always told me everything. I texted Coral to see what she was doing.
I am shopping with Rachel. You want to join us? – Coral
No, I'm good. I was just seeing what you was up too. And did Liam mention to you about Colton? – Me
Ya like a long time ago. He said he was done with him because he didn't want to be a secret anymore. Y? – Coral
Bc I just called Liam and Colton was there. – Me
WHAT?! I am going over there later. I will see you later. He better hope that Colton and him r not fooling around again. Xoxo. – Coral
I guess I am going to Las Vegas by myself then. This is going to be the longest Four hour road trip of my life.
I arrived in front of the governor's house. Well this place is huge as shit. I got out and ringed the doorbell. A guy in a black suit came to the door. I am guessing a security guard or something.
"Hi, my name is Abby White and I am looking for my friend Bryan." I smiled. "Against the wall and spread your legs and arms apart." He demanded. He patted me down and took a metal detector over me.
"You may come in." He nodded.
"Bryan is up in his room. You may go see him now." He said and led the way. I walked into the room and he shut the door.
"When you said Abby White, I knew you had to be one of the three my sister trusted." He said and walked from the bathroom. He looked about twelve.
"I'm Emily." I smiled.
"Where is Liam and Coral?" He asked.
"They had other things to do. I kind of didn't tell them where I was or where I was going." I informed.
"So what are you doing here?" "I need to know the things that Chloe found out when she confronted your father."
"Chloe didn't even tell me everything. She only told me a few things."
"That's ok. Just tell me those things."
"Ok... But not here. Let's take a walk." He said and we got up, walking downstairs and out back. We walked through a garden path and through the bushes. We sat down in the middle of the path.
"We should be good here." He said and looked around.
"My father is a terrible guy. Obviously. Chloe found out from my dad's best friend that he killed people to get into office. Well, he did not kill anyone. He had people do his dirty work for him. Like just two days ago, Vanessa found out something and told Chloe. He had someone kill Vanessa. The other thing that Chloe found out about my father was that he finds people off the street and haves sex with him. Then he kills them if they tell who they had sex with." He informed. I looked at him in shock. Holy shit. I had no idea that her father was this bad.
"Is your dad here?" I asked.
"No, he is at a meeting." He responded.
"Then why did we come here?" I asked confusedly.
"Because my father has people that works for him. They will tell him anything and everything they hear." He informed. I nodded.
"Have you talked to her?" I asked.
"Not since she left Phoenix yesterday. She only told me that she had to leave again. And she does not know when she will be able to call again. But soon she will call. She always does." He smiled.
"Your sister is brave and strong. She can get through anything. She can kick ass. I witnessed that." I laughed and so did he. I heard footsteps to the side. I looked over and a girl came walking up to us.
"What is it Rania?" Bryan asked. That is Chloe's older sister. The one that thinks she is guilty. Why would she think she is guilty? It's her own sister for crying out loud.
"Dad said that he will be here in a few and said that he wants you to tell the chef to cook up dinner and make a place for the Mayor." Rania said while looking at her phone.
"Why can't you do it? I have company?" He asked. She snapped her head up and looked at me.
"Who are you?" She asked and crossed her arms.
"Who are you?" I mocked her. Bryan started chuckling. She gave me the death stare.
"If you don't tell me who you are, I will have you escorted off the premises." She demanded.
"My name is Abby White." I smiled sarcastically.
"Oh that's who ugly car is outside." She smiled at me. I do not have an ugly car. It's a Toyota Camry. I am perfectly happy with it.
"Look, I don't care who you are. If you back talk me or my baby out there, I will take you down faster than your thumbs can text 'Help me daddy'. Understand me?" I raised my eyebrow. She started laughing.
"You remind me a lot of my sister Chloe. Until she murdered someone and ran away. Bitch don't know how to face her problems." She flipped her hair back. Now I am starting to get pissed. How can she say that?!
"At least she wasn't a snobby wanna be like you." I snapped. She grunted and stomped back to the house. I rolled my eyes and turned back to Bryan.
"No one has ever said that to my sister. Chloe taught you well." Bryan nodded in agreement.
"I should be going. I have school tomorrow." I smiled. We walked back to the house and once I opened the front door the Governor looked up and down at me. "Who are you and why are you in my house?" He asked.
"This is my friend Abby dad." Bryan said from behind me.
"Well nice to meet you, Abby." He said and hugged me. I patted his back. "Would you like to stay for dinner?" He added.
"I really should be going. My mother is waiting for me." I smiled and pushed passed him.
"Come back anytime sweetie." He smiled viciously at me.
"Oh I plan on it sir." I said sarcastically and drove off. He is one creepy man. Why is he even Governor of Nevada?
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